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How the fuck is Remedy not bankrupt.

I liked Alan Wake but I thought Control was crap. The throwing random shit gimmick got boring after a few hours.

Because billion dollar conglomerates keep funding Sam and his code monkeys?

I liked it but not enough to finish it because yea it got dry after the third or fourth DONT STAND IN THE DARK gauntlet

But why?

I thought Remedy was is M$' pocket? With all their focus on physics engines and simulation shit you'd think they'd gravitate to the console that spews all that teraflops horseshit around.

Didn't Alan Wake already have a second game?

Yes but it was only released on the Xbox Live Arcade and was short.

It's buffles me as well. It's not like their games making huge profits. I just wish Sami returned back to his roots and made ultimate Lynch kino game.

american nightmare? its just a short mini story and challenge gamemodes. mr scratch is great though

Kane and Lynch sucked.

hey i just started playing alan wake for the first time, its pretty good shame about all the graphical quirks even with everything maxed out

It is sucked. Wrong developer though.

David Lynch, you brainlet.

>that fucking article
Seriously, what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to go through to make that shit up?

Thanks for the (you)s.

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Actually Remedy is indeed working on a Xbox exclusive(timed?) right now, it's called Crossfire X.

>I was only pretending to be retarded
You sure showed me.


Must be true.

what a shit article, lots of shit talk with the ending "haha just a theory bro"
what kinds of idiots reads these shits?

>At the end of the day, we are just theorizing. Both companies haven’t released any official statement regarding a partnership between the two. Though don’t be surprised that it comes to fruition as evidence of their collaboration does hold some solid ground.

It's called clickbait, think of it like bait you'd find here like

>buys back license from microshit
>sells it off to snoy

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great, another snoring third-person , console shooter.

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Snoy niggers lije Alan Wake now

Here's an archive link so you don't have to give free clicks.

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they went public with their stocks. it's basically imposslble to go bankrupt in that case, you'll have to do MULTIPLE gigantic fuckups in a row.