Comrade proletariat Yea Forums...

Comrade proletariat Yea Forums, how do we stop the takeover of the video game medium by the fat bourgeois pigs who insist on making everything a pay-2-win, DLC-filled mess that requires expensive gadgetry and equipment just to play? We can’t let a humble medium like gaming be coopted for an exclusive few. We must band together and keep video games a human right for all workers across the world!

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the first thing to do is vote bernie in the democratic primaries

pirate the game you stupid commie

Cringe LARP

National Socialism.

Commies barely had any vidya and what little vidya they had was thanks to capitalism so just don't play vidya, problem solved

Seething daddy’s money leeches

The left literally can't meme, it's like they're phsysically incapable of it, its mind-boggling. All they do so parroting existing memes (the right can't meme, this is you (unflattering pic)) and acting retarded/smug about.

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Commies had the first and best video game in the world: Tetris

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Video games are an inherently bourgeois hobby with no practical use.

I was preparing for this dumbass response so just know that Tetris only succeeded thanks to the West. Tetris existed in spite of communism, not thanks to it.

lmao commies are fags

Wrong. Backgammon and Dice and games in general were always associated with workers and proles. The bourgeois merely adopted them.

Soviet Union died in 1990 video games were just getting off the ground in those days, plus it's not as if there arent tons of capitalist countries which make little to no videogames.

lol seething piggie

The other guy is right. Look up the story behind tetris. Soviet bureaucrats thought it was a waste of time and the dev had to sell the idea to western investors to even get it properly published.

With gommunim there wouldn't be any games

My dude video games have been around since the 70s.

Yeah the average Soviet citizen could have totally afforded video games if the USSR was given just a few more years when ownership of cars per 1000 people was abysmal and even goods that should be common like shoes were so hard to get that they were passed from father to son.

Its funny because most of the companies who push that would laud their brain dead consumers for being commies. I wonder why

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Interactive computer games are socialist because workers played board games on their breaks? What?

fuck off retard

Home video game systems have been around since the 1970s, you retarded revisionist faggot.

So what you’re saying is that the glorious Soviet Union produces a masterpiece freeware game and then the capitalist west decided to repackage it and make money off it? Sounds about right.

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Even Burgers couldn't afford videogames that's why the 80s crash happened.

50s actually, and the idea of video games started in the 40s going by US patents.

Where were you in 2006? It's a little late now. I'll never forgive the fanboys on message boards insisting that horse armor wasn't a slippery slope.

By not buying games from AAA studios?

you don't. you re-play old games.

>Soviet Union produces a masterpiece
One guy who wasn’t even a communist produced it and Soviet bureaucrats refused to mass produce it. Cope, leftykike.

Commies Mad

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>going by US parents
lmao don’t make me laugh you dumb mutt

The French were playing duck hunt style target practice games on cathode ray tubes since the 1800s using stickers as targets on the glass and electrons as the shot

And yet a few years later Nintendo was able to explode in popularity in spite of its price gouging practices and games that costed between 60-80 dollars (which was more than what the average person living in the Eastern Bloc made in a month). I want retarded LARPers to leave.

>work in AI development for the Soviet Academy of Sciences at the Computer Center in Moscow
>not a communist

Seething jelly mutt

Way to be a fag about it.

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It’s funny how polcel mutts got so triggered by this lighthearted thread

>sold his idea to the west for profit
>”b-b-but he studied in the place he was born!”

>still seething

Twisting words is all you commie date can do. You sound like those days who say the Eastern Bloc was better off back in the day simply because people weren't emigrating in droves to the West (conveniently leaving out the fact that the average citizen COULDN'T leave).

NES was cheaper, had better games/graphics than previous consoles that's why it exploded, plus literally no competition after the American game market had imploded.

>Not a Communist means not having a future in commieland.
>He did everything he could just so he could get around his countries glorious financial wall to profit off of Tetris.
What a great system.

look at these jelly mutts absolutely foaming

>Yea Forums
I bet the majority of this board is students, NEETS living off their parents and other petty-bourgeois types

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The slippery slope fallacy is itself a fallacy.

Make games worth buying.

So commies in everything but name?

Speak for yourself I’m a library hobo

Hi samefag

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Because they are a meme.
It's like watching a 2D character trying to draw the 3rd dimension.

Jelly of what?

Pay for gender reassignment and student loan dlc

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>commies doesn't even try anymore

Communist public school.
Reading comprehension is not on the list for their followers.

- Don't buy consoles
- Pirate everything except niche indie games with NO DLC
- Use Cheat Engine to get over bloated repetitive process of leveling up
- ???
- Excremento petrol!

It doesn’t work like that when it’s part of one conversation, dummy. Also one of those posts wasn’t mine.

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>cheating software
Bourgeois crutches

I agree with pirating and not buying consoles though.

I'd buy doc for indies if the DLC was how they made DLC back in the 2000 where it was a legit expansion adding another 2-3 hours of content.

>This much salt
I wonder how you would've felt when their silly little wall fell.

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What salt? I’m just letting you know you’re not using the term samefag properly.

That's why he is taking about DLC, and not an expansion.

>Reading comprehension is not on the list for their followers.
You'd be surprised. Two things socialist countries kinda nailed were health care and base-level of education. Post-socialist countries were beating the SHIT out of western countries in terms of literacy and ementary school level education in general right after the fall of the Iron curtain.

VR is the next bourgeois gimmick. Do not buy into it if you want to save the gaming medium!

My Little Socialist Butthurt is Magic.

the opposite really, usually commies only in name. you're right though 90% of communist parties are filled with this type of person.

They have no understanding of the proletariat because they've never had to work a real job, and they usually support petty-bourgeois hacks like Sanders who work actively against the communist movement, and work only to protect their cosy middle class life.

This lol. I actually laugh whenever I compare a Eastern European’s 7th grade school curriculum vs a westerner’s 7th grade curriculum. While the west is still teaching kids basic arithmetic and BEDMAS in Eastern Europe kids are already doing calculus and linear algebra and vectors at 7th grade. By the time they’re in university they’re already doing quantum physics and electrodynamics.

Stop being conumerist faggots and help those who are making free and open source video games and engines.

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Then why does the Eastern european suck shit at science and tech as evidenced by the fact that there's a 100x nore nobel prize winner in the west more than the east?

Sounds like 99% of Americans really. Yang was truly the one true hope, just like Ron Paul in days gone. Instead mutts decided to clap for the bourgeois again and get fucked in the ass some more.

>muh Nobel Prize
You are a hopeless lemming with no understanding of the world. There’s a reason the west needs to use Russian crafts to get to the ISS these days.

A man of culture.

Commies are still making based games to this day

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Anyways. My point was that the game for tetris would have been lost to Russia if it wasnt for western free market choosing to value a simple game over the collective's values of not valuing said game.

Besides that. I understand some value to having taxes pay for public luxuries like libraries, schools, etc. Its a balancing act because we know how our taxes are often abused when given to beuracrates. Anyone advocating for communism should see that.

When the free market can, it should kill any old system of operation. Be it libraries, or even public health care. Only issue I have with public health care is the mass amounts of immigrants the democrates decided to import. Now I'm voting against what I would have otherwise wanted. I digress.

They all suck which is hardly surprising, poltiician pretty much all come from wealthy bourgeois or petty-bourgeois backgrounds and both parties reflect it.

At least Yang didn't pretend that neet bucks were some sort of working class "socialist" principle like Bernie supporters do, even looking at sanders site he talks about how m4a will save business's money & make workers more productive, it's very clear that its not exclusively in the interest of workers and is just as much about increasing profits for the capitalist class that he pretends to oppose.

Yang was pure at heart. He genuinely just wanted to distribute riches to people and protect us from automation. We didn’t listen.

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If Americans voted for Yang literally every US citizen would have enough money to buy a VR headset and play HL:Alyx when it releases.

Or you can be an ancom and fucking pirate it you inbred statist.

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Good communist education only backfired. Any Eastern Bloc citizen was pissed off as soon as they found out that an impoverished welfare queen in the West had a better life than PhDs.

>There’s a reason the west needs to use Russian crafts to get to the ISS these days.
And there's a reason why the USSR had to steal german scientist to make rockets to go to space in the first place. Your retarded rocket tech have already been surpassed by a fucking private company.

But that anger quickly subsided once they also realized they’re not faggots like the west.

Or maybe Sanders is a legitimately left reformist who's using the capitalist argument for m4a

>And there's a reason why the USSR had to steal german scientist to make rockets to go to space in the first place.
That’s literally what the US did, you dumb mutt. Russians had been revolutionizing rocketry since the 1800s (such as Konstantin Tsiolkovsky).

Uwotm8? They're literally more of a faggot than the west.
>2x the hiv rate
>2x the drug use
>5x the muslim population
>are literally mutts

>welfare queen myth presented unironically
>implication that welfare queens were making more than PhDs
>implication that American welfare was stronger than Sovia's
Yeah... I'm thinking cringe.

lol seething tranny westerner

>make more money
Didn't say shit about making more money. People under communism had plenty of money... but nothing to buy with it. Cars that were sub-poverty level were on 15 year waiting lists and used cars costed more than new ones for that reason. Enjoy eating meat once a month, comrade.

>are literally mutts
Did you forget the part where anglos and germanics are literal mongol and turk mutts? Try taking a genetic test Nigel. There’s a reason you have 20% of 5 different ethnicities in there.

>Did you forget the part where anglos and germanics are literal mongol and turk mutts?
I've seen some serious projections in my loife but this one takes the cake

Spoken like a true nordicist larper mutt in denial. Hope that one day you learn to read so you can read some books.

>practical utility
How bourgeois of you

Well one of them is still around and the other isn't. Guess we know who was stronger eh comrade?

slav here, you guys do understand that communism doesn't work except for being the vehicle uswd to line the pockets of tyrants?

Russian Federation still exists. That’s like saying America doesn’t exist every tine a new party wins the election.

>Cars that were sub-poverty level were on 15 year waiting lists and used cars costed more than new ones for that reason. Enjoy eating meat once a month, comrade.
Lmao, literal Red Scare propaganda.

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Stop speaking like a dumbass American with your dichotomies and nonsense words. What you’re describing is politics. Politics doesn’t benefit the common man. Therefore one must gain their rights through different mediums: I.e. unions and force.

I'm just a succ dem but communism and ancom sound kinda based, i'm not gonna actually join in on the revolution but i'll gladly participate if it succeeds

>shift to capitalism destroyed Russian economy and put millions out of work and onto welfare
>America is getting ready for its third financial crash as tens of millions die every year from preventable illness
>entire third world hates us because we've singlehandedly destroyed half the world's economy

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>Conveniently ignores the fact that a entire system of Government fucking collapsed on itself.
Pesky History amirite comrade?