Was she right?

Was she right?

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patricia hernandez strikes again

she is right. orc can mean anything and look like anything.

>Orcs are fantasy-niggers controlled by an evil white dude
Here's your (You) for making me chuckle

Isn't that a dude?

Stop spamming retarded mutt shit.

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Yes, black people do look grotesque.

Well, what *should* Orcs be?

Why is this full on gorilla nigger thinking Orcs are supposed to be niggers, when they're clearly British people? At least in Shadow of War's depiction, they're just a diluted Warhammer Orc/football hooligans.

in fact they behave like nigger, so yeah its racist, and i dont care.

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Despite being only 13% of Middle Earths population...

Not everything has to depict something. Also, what an asshole the author of the article is to assume Orcs are unintelligent.

TFW pic related is happening

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>they are unintelligent, brute and have a grotesque appearance
>clearly these are niggers
>t. Patricia

Nice edit.

I think it's weird how varied niggers look. You got some really hot Nigerians, Ethiopians, Somali girls etc, yet the ugliest brutes in general, like botswanian, DRC, anglos and Sudanese men. Then some parts get handsome guys (for blacks) like Kenyans and Rwandans

isn't her assuming they're suppose to be black people racist itself?

>devolved from the superior race, elf/nordic
>become dumb violent ugly savages

originally orcs WERE based on blacks. retarded zoomers. They aren't exactly today, and this article and author are braindead retarded, but some of you zoomies are also pretty retarded.

yes but they lack self awareness like more SJWs

>this stupid and ugly race must be depicting black people because I think they are stupid and ugly
>that means YOU are the racist one

Mutts have no self-awareness hence why they all suffer from a collective identity crisis.

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Tolkien was kind of racist by today's standards, but he was also an upper class Englishman in the early 20th century who lived through World War 1.

Anything problematic about his work can be attested to ignorance due to the times he lived in, not actual malice, and Tolkien himself preached tolerance and mercy for those weaker/different than oneself

>so we got these monsters in video games and movies
>they're clearly not white people because white people aren't unintelligent, brutish and grotesque

Is this a made up article?

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And fairies were based on fruits like you. What's your point?

>originally orcs WERE based on blacks. retarded zoomers
Can you post proof for that claim, or do you take speculations as fact?

There's nothing "problematic" about his works you retarded double nigger.
Fucking hang yourself.

Oh all because black people are different that makes them weak?
Maybe you and Tolkien have more in common then you know

Only if she is being racist by comparing orcs to niggers in the first place instead of them just being orcs.

>authors just try to make the most vile, disgusting and horrific possible fantasy version of humans

>"anti-racists" claim it resembles black people too much

they played themselves

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Wow, that's one racist beaner.

>the question is raised "Who are Orcs supposed to depict?"
Any other questions?

>If we look at our grim history and the way People of Color were depicted in media it is clear what the orcs are supposed to symbolize.
>They are unintelligent, brute and have a grotesque appearance, it is clear that the orcs the way they are in fantasy are no longer okay
If you hear "unintelligent, brute and grotesque" and jump to "oh they're talking about PoC", then that's you being racist, not the depiction of a fictional being.

It sounds to me like she's the one making the nigger connection. All I see is a proud, green warrior man.

How is that surprising? It's a gigantic landmass.

There's no "niggers" in the books. They're mentioned off hand as a bestial almost trollkin (but varied) though, but none of them went further north than the harad region.


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Who's really racist? Us for depicting orcs as unintelligent, violent brutes, as per Tolkien's adaptation of traditional Anglo-Saxon monsters? Or her, for assuming that because they're unintelligent, violent brutes, they must be representing black people?

So is America yet us whites all look the same more or less compared to Africans.

I don't think lotr orcs were capable of feeling pride. Just bloodlust and hatred

and hunger

maybe fear

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what year is this article from?

I think it is from a week after the release of Shadows of War.

>orcs and stupid, violent and gross!
>just like black people and thats racist
what the absolute fuck? this is a satire "article" isnt it?

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Imagine talking like this and thinking it's normal

Post proof, nigger.

so 2017? great job, OP.

What is it with mutts and thinking everything is about politics?

lol Ahmed I told you to go back to /int/

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It's amazing how clickbait works so well. Not only do you stroke the ego of the ones agreeing, you also get fivefold the views from outrage clicks


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But Warhammer Fantasy has Black Orcs who are bigger, stronger and smarter than normal Orcs, so what are they supposed to depict?

but there are actual literal black people in middle earth

Completely false. Orcs since Tolkien have always been based on Turk and Mongol hordes / Huns, who are the corruptions and replacements of the previous Aryans/Alans, Scythians and Sarmatians (who were just being discovered archaeologically and in newspapers in Tolkien’s time and are who Elves are based off)

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>he's seething in multiple threads now

Aren't orcs made up by Tolkien? They are the offspring of elves according to LOTR lore. They have nothing to do with your American racial politics.

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They’re clearly representing /pol/turds

They're also explicitly stated to be alien mushrooms with no relation to man, unlike say, araby and southlanders

>No! I've been found out /int/bros! Time to get reinforcements from Discord! Inshallah!
Stop raping white kids, Ahmed.

Yeah but who cares

Are you serious?
Retard, there are no "americans" or "whites". You are all mostly western central europeans from a relatively small landmass that were in constant contact with others thru non stop wars and conquests.

Don't bother. These types think old Norse mythology is actually about racial politics between whites and everyone else.

I could watch you go on all day

Actually, the political correct term is Uruk-hai you massive right-winged, racist piece of shit bigot cis scum

people get weird about fantasy racism.

>mutt IQ so low they can't do anything but copy their betters 1:1

She's right to make up bullshit for attention, clicks and (you)'s, that's for sure. You think the writers really believe the shit they write?

I dont think you understand, racial outrage has become a pretty lucrative business in the states

Literally Snoop Dogg.

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No. I'm 100% purely Greek and yet I look exactly like a person who is 100% nordic despite our two people never having interacted.

>they are unintelligent, brute and have a grotesque appearance
>convinced they depict black people
If this is real this is pretty funny, its just pointing out she's the racist

orcs talk like chavs, and chavs are british
orcs are usually freakishly ugly and stinky

so what does that tell you about the british

>I'm 100% purely Greek
>this is what TURKED mutts actually believe

>buttmad Europistanis

I don't think that's a real article.

>These evil fantasy monsters remind ME of the blacks

Orcs? Oh, she must've meant the shoehorned nigger that ended up with the WHITE BLONDE chick whose father was A HUGE KEK

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It's true, though. You literally can't have a thread on Yea Forums anymore without some faggot(s) complaining about Americans. It's really embarrassing, I miss the days when Yea Forums wasn't infested with ESL retards.

People need to stop giving stupid shit like this the time of day, its how people like Anita Sarkeesian makes a living and this shouldnt be granted.

Maybe americans should stop being such embarrassing and obnoxious faggots then?
You remind me of femoids who enter threads declaring their sex and then act surprised when everyone shits on them for it or asks for tit pics.

Tolken is shitting in his grave right now


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Technically that pic is true.

why should i care about some mutt tranny

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