He's "politically minded"

>he's "politically minded"

Attached: 1580780446502.jpg (880x989, 131K)

we'll have to run out of letters eventually

Trees are infinite

I think he meant letters to put in front of 'oomer' and then make a wojak edit and twitter template meme alongside it

I don't think there is anyone in this world so delusional as to think their vote alone could change the world.
That's why political parties exist.

This isn't even -oomer, it's -ooter.


did ya forget what board you were on, champ?


Attached: coder.jpg (617x479, 42K)

Remember to report all wojaks.

Attached: 1535062096662.gif (500x281, 537K)

I don't vote...mainly because the whole system is a corrupted broken mess. Your vote never counts and they do whatever the fuck they want anyways. Waste of my time have fun voting in morons who not only lie about everything but clearly do not give a fuck about you. Fuck the system fuck society.


that's referring to the "EVERY VOTE MATTERS" cucks.

Where is the Corooner?


Attached: Ry_Cooder_playing.jpg (863x1280, 119K)

What do you have against coroners, user? It's an important profession.

Attached: 1583126393348.png (1064x712, 173K)

>no clue what a coroner is
>look it up


-oomer shit needs to go the fuck away asap.

>Don't vote
>"OMG that way your vote goes to someone wrong"
>"OMG how can you vote for that one?"
>Ironically vote for anything stupid
>"You have to take your vote seriously!"
You fucking assholes leave me alone


Attached: oomer.png (600x450, 82K)