This game is 14 years old
But it gets worse...
The time between when Sonic ‘06 came out and now is the same amount of time between the first Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis and Sonic ‘06
This game is 14 years old
But it gets worse...
The time between when Sonic ‘06 came out and now is the same amount of time between the first Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis and Sonic ‘06
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That's funny. You're old.
God, playing this dumbass game is still a fucking riot
>The time between when Sonic ‘06 came out and now is the same amount of time between the first Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis and Sonic ‘06
Guess what?
I don't give a heck
That can’t be fucking right.
>The time between when Sonic ‘06 came out and now is the same amount of time between the first Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis and Sonic ‘06
And yet anything barely changed, technologically or culturally except for the whole postmodern irony shtick that's already wearing out its welcome.
While the 1991-2006 period seems like a gaping hole. What happened?
>it's been long enough that we're starting to see kids who grew up with Sonic 06 and defend it
I hate this world
Please send me back
What’s weirder is that there probably are 14 year olds browsing Yea Forums right now.
The worst part is... Sonic '06 is the true Sonic Adventure 3 and if you say otherwise you are in severe denial. It literally ticks every single check box you could use to describe the Adventure series with the sole exception of Chao Garden... which they have confirmed was originally part of the game. Accept the truth.
What if I think Sonic 06 is entertaining in how shit it is?
That's acceptable
Acceptably gay lol got you
Fucking destroyed
lol sorry mate just a bit of banter you’re alright
Even as a kid who didn't understand the concept of venerable studios putting out bad games I had a sense that Sonic 06 was simply not very good. That said I'm still nostalgic for it, it was a clunky broken piece of shit but it had a certain charm both in spite and because of that. It was an age of sincerity.
>even being a kid by the time Sonic '06 released
imagine being an aging boomer
I'm proud to be a boomer, where at least I know I'm not a fag
okay gramps dont forget to take your meds
He's right you know. It's the sole reason why we're not getting SA3.
imagine validating your identity around not being young
I just know that people are retards whose minds haven't fully developed until they're like 23. God I hate children.
More like around 25.
So what age was yours stunted at?
You could maybe make that case. I think 23 is enough to start assuming the person you're talking to isn't a braindead child, but 25 would be a safer bet.
Not necessarily my opinion, just seems to be the current consensus from what research I've read. I understand your point, though.
I would be fine if they finished 06 and rereleased it.
>Rushed to meet a deadline
>Cut corners everywhere
>Graphics looked mediocre even at launch
>Story is nonsense even for the franchise
>Bad combat
>Overall lacking quantity and quality of content
Why did critics savage this but praise Sword and Shield, which have many of the same problems?
Difference is functionality and difficulty. If you can make it so your average retard can bumble the game without much hassle, they're more likely to overlook any problems. They'd sooner seethe over difficulty than complain about poor design
Sonic was already on a downward slope when this came out and as much as I hate Sword and Shield they aren't as fundamentally broken or unsalvagable (I hate people saying this could have been a good game, if it had good gameplay it'd still be Forces-tier at best) as 06 so it's the world's easiest punching bag.
As for why SwSh gets a free pass I honestly think it's not even some retarded "nintendo can do no wrong" mindset, but rather that game journos these days only exist to be grifters and when they saw the laypeople rightfully shitting on it for being a slapdash mess they felt the need to own "the gamers" and when you combine that with actual just pure nintendo fanboyism it makes for an ugly sight.
Games launched under different circumstances. Because of culture war retardation, journos/critics were quick to defend Sw/Sh simply because fans were vocal about the poor quality and lack of content.
Still a better game than forces
>7 years
God I can’t fucking wait for boomers to die off
What is Toilet Town?
Only because it at least tried to be something. Forces didn't try at all.
This game pretty much cemented Shun Nakamura as the Tommy Wiseau of gaming. After all, he was the director, lead game designer and writer.
Anyone else played the PS3 version ? It's even worse in terms of performance, loading times and graphics. Sadly, that's the version that Game Grumps played.
At least Forces doesn't suffer from cheap difficulty, plus it's a game that can be finished theorically. Not everyone is able to make it to Solaris, you know ?
Pokemon actually worked. Nice to know it lives rent free in your head tho ONEFALUL
We are further away from Heart Gold and Soul Silver than they were from the original games release
I would play through Forces 10 times over before playing through one storyline in 06
Gotta go fast!
So what you're saying is we should be asking for a good SA4 instead.
Good and Sonic Adventure is an oxymoron
only for now
>sonic adventure 2 adds BLACK HEDGEHOG! :))
>sonic adventure 3 adds WHITE HEDGEHOG! :))
What would SA4 add?
Yea Forums died in 2006. Thank Facebook and news reports on “anonymous”. Normies found out about Yea Forums through the media, thought it was some secret hacker club, came and tried their hardest to fit in and never left.
You had normalfag devolve into normie and it never recovered.
Based. I don't remember Forces having awful town missions, broken mechanics, shitty fights like Iblis Worm and Silver, or a laughably dated saving system.