Outside of Vivec and Talos are there any confirmed or possible cases of CHIM being attained in the Elder Scrolls?

Outside of Vivec and Talos are there any confirmed or possible cases of CHIM being attained in the Elder Scrolls?

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Tf is CHIM?

When you do console commands in a TES game.

Ok think of the TES universe as a dream dreamt by an entity known as the Godhead, if you became aware that you were part of the dream but either through arrogance, ego or something else still believed you were an individual and retained your personality then that is achieving CHIM and lets you act like a lucid dreamer within the dream shaping it how you see fit.

Talos did this by turning the lands of Cyrodiil from a Jungle into Grasslands, I'm not entirely sure which of the many things Vivec did is attributed strictly to his attainment CHIM and which are simply just the immense power he possessed afterwards.

I still don't understand how such a rich lore can generate games so shit.

Obviously the Lore writers in TES are not the programmers (or maybe they are and that's why the gameplay is so shit), also it really depends on who the Loremaster at the time is, I haven't been keeping up with ESO but I heard that people weren't too fond of the new guy because he retconned all the events the events to take place in a single year as opposed to several.

Fargoth achieved CHIM

>still believed you were an individual and retained your personality then that is achieving CHIM
Don't forgot to mention that failing to retain yourself you basically disappear from existence.

the lore writers are not in the company any more

Quds confirm

Didn't want to bring up Zero-Summing or Amaranth since they're not relevant to the question. Although since we are now bringing it up, is there actually any evidence of Zero-Summing occurring or is it only inferred because if someone zero-summed there would be no evidence of their existence?

Oh please it's just hinduism with funny names and kirkbride's autistic HAH PENIS SHIT

Dwemer as whole race, they wanted to turn into a god and did it.

that's actually a significant part of hinduism, kirkbride didn't invent much

The “rich lore” comes 70% from one game and its writer’s ramblings outside the video games and 20% from an MMO.

Same goes for Fallout honestly

>rich lore

>is there actually any evidence of Zero-Summing occurring
Kagrenac's fuckaroo with the Heart and the entire race of dwemers

I thought that was due to a Dragon Break?

Yes, the player themselves has achieved CHIM.


dragon breaks occur when immense fuckery is afoot, they're not the cause of immense fuckery

What most people agree on is that every living dwemer on Nirn got erased from the existence the moment Kagrenac used the tools on the Heart and thus every living dwemer on Nirn including Kagrenac recieved revelation about their whole existence being just a dream of some sleepy fuck so they all (presumably) zero-summed. Some dwemers like Yagrum were travelling the outer space. Maybe there were also dwemers that achieved CHIM but who knows

Fucking with the heart of Lorkhan seems like it would lead to immense fuckery, also there was definitely a Dragon Break at that time because of how all the shit around the Tribunal and the death of Nerevar and Dagoth went down as well as the Nords involvement in the whole conflict.

Is Skyrim 2 going to take place centuries later or will they retcon in a warp in the north?

There are two ways I see about them going about it;
1) TES6 takes place so soon after TES5 that the ramifications of the Civil War haven't really echoed across the rest of Tamriel yet

2) TES6 takes place so far after TES5 that regardless of the outcome events that follow would make the outcome irrelevant as either;
A) The Aldmeri curbstomp the Imperials and take over Cyrodiil leaving Skyrim on its own (or allies itself with High Rock)
B) The Imperial Legion succeeds against the Aldmeri Dominion and Skyrim either due to the Civil War or subsequent pressure returns to the fold of the Legion.

The Empire always wins stormtards

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The Nerevarine (player character), of course.

the aldmeri dominion would likely be waging war with a new power in order to destroy the rest of the towers, and the history of skyrim would likely be brought up in which they point out that White Tower was similarly targeted by the knife eared faggots
that is if the lore master actually remembers their world's own fucking lore

Retards headcanoning the console command into the lore.


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iirc the only tower left is the Ada-Mantia, so I guess if they're wrapping up the collapse of the Towers in TES6 we're going back to High Rock.

Also as an aside I find it interesting that each of the towers in essence corresponds to a different Elven race (even though Ada-Mantia and Red Mountain weren't made by Elves).

Ada-Mantia is to Aldmer
Red Mountain is to Chimer/Dunmer
Crystal-like-Law is to Altmer
White Gold is to Ayleid
Orichalc is to Sinistral
Numidium is to Dwemer
Green-Sap is to Bosmer
Snow Throat is to Falmer

Maormer lack a tower (unless Coral Tower is meant to correspond to them somehow) and whether Doomcrag is a tower or not isn't entirely clear, although it could in turn correspond to the Bretons. Also poor Orsimer ain't got shit.

Nah, he just mantled Nerevar who wasn't special anyway other than being the Founder of the Kingdom

That dude preaching about love in Whiterun might Achieve CHIM

Quads of truth.

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Nigga he's preaching about T A L O S

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Heimskr achieves CHIM in the process forging Talos as the core of the divines making it impossible for the Thalmor to ever remove him from the pantheon without destroying the entire thing in the process.

One of the lines he says in his sermon is taken from Talos and eludes to CHIM, "I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you".
> CHIM is Ehlnofex for Royalty
> "...reshape this land..." is referring to turning the Jungles of Cyrodiil into grasslands
> Referring to love which seems to be an important element of CHIM and the Godhead

Do you think Divayth has also learned how to switch consciousness with his clone-daugher wifes to learn what it's like to be dicked? Purely for research purposes ofc

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WTF Kirkbride is genius!!!

It's kinda crazy to think that old fucker's still alive, all the chaos happening across Tamriel and he's just secluded away banging his own clones.


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I wonder what happened to his space aids zoo

Then how could he always reload the last save-point, even after dying?

Is there any in-game mentions of the godhead other than this one?

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Probably weaponized Corpus into benefitting him in some regard, also gotta wonder if Yagrum's still hanging around.

What irl religion this idea taken from?

What a second. I thought they had deactivated the even numbers (dubs, trips, etc.).

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I'm not ok with this.

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only works for zeroes

That's the only one I'm aware of, Amaranth has mentions in Sermon 37 and ESO.

That Tribe on soltheim "might" be referring to the godhead when they mention the allmaker

All-Maker could however simply be the Skaal Nords interpretation Anui-El, Akatosh and Alduin as the singular Anu.

Was the fucking ape Marukh also right when he founded the Alessian Order knowing that all the aedra are in fact nothing compared to godhead

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>What irl religion this idea taken from?
It's not, Kirkbride just said "Hey, lucid dreaming and dreams in general are pretty cool. What if a whole fictional universe is ACTUALLY someone else's dream, but you can become lucid in it? :O"

every time you reload a save to retry something thats chim

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Only Nerevar, really far in the future.
Alessian god was Akatosh

Maybe, there is no adversary to the godhead that would fit the stop of the greedyman

WAS HE though?

Did Vivec actually achieve CHIM? I thought that was just Kirkbride fanfiction

Quads reveal the truth

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Dude did a lot of things that either suggest an unmatched magical power even by the Aedra and Daedra, he banished Azura from the world by using Muatra and halted the crash of Baar Dau sent by Sheogorath. In addition iirc he flooded Morrowind to rid it of invaders. The knowledge imparted by the 36 Lessons of Vivec may also be a use of the power attained by CHIM.

If the All-Maker is Anu then one could reason that the Greedy Man is Padomay.


His fourth-wall-awareness is a dead giveaway


Dagoth Ur mantled the Godhead, that is all

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>kirkbride fanfiction
>regarding a concept kirkbride introduced into the series in its entirety

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That's exactly what marukhati selectives wants you to believe

If Enderal counts, then the player when they drink the unpurified dreamflower elixir.

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it's exactly what the lore wants you to believe.

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Fargoth Ur fucked Asura in the ass and that's why the Red Mountain did kabloom

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I would agree but doing so would also mean I'd have to agree that C0DA is canon

Only in C0DA with moon-famous Salt Farmer Jubal.

Fourgoth speaks

> Fagoth learned from Vivec that fucking a Daedra would help achieve CHIM

There's a handful of instances in the more obscure texts, namely one where a dude reads an elder scroll and starts spewing information untill he vanishes.
Any and all Dwemer within range of a miter became the Skin (Oversoul) of the Numidium, they didn't zero sum.
Coral Tower isn't a real tower, since it has no equivalent in the Staff of Towers.
Hiemskr is a PADOMAIC/CONSTRUCTIVE Entity, a biobroadcaster. He's not truly existent and acts as more of a voice for the universe

I'm pretty sure the powers of the player character are a different thing than achieving CHIM

Correct. The Prisoner is the outsider looking in, rather than the CHIMster perspective of the inside looking out.

Tiber Septim

Hey which sermon did Vivec bite Molag Bal's dick off, was it 14 with the whole spear metaphor?

The dwemer zero summed and became one with the dreamer. The only one to become a new god/dreamer is Vivec.

There's also the Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes in Oblivion, Camoran was a lunatic who didn't really know what the fuck he was doing but you can see the little hints of truth in his ramblings

You forgot the most obvious outcome of all.

>The empire collapses under the weak mede dynasty

They soulstacked and became their brass god Numidium.
Vivec didn't turn into the godhead until c0da.

sermon 37 is fucking stupid

Vivec doesn't have CHIM he's a bullshit artist, disregard Vivecfags

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ever character made in TES3MP achieved CHIM

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Nice quads, checked


Hey, who's ring is this?