I guess after over a decade of waiting for another chapter in the Half-Life franchise, this isn't what the fans were expecting. A short vr-only spinoff...
I guess after over a decade of waiting for another chapter in the Half-Life franchise...
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The irony is after complaining for more than a decade that consoles are holding back the media, what we got? A brand new game gimped by a $1k gimmick
what a gross thumbnail
god I hate youtube faggots
Why Yea Forums seethe so much over youtube thumbnails?
Pool's closed niggers, Half-Life has been permanently commandeered by us VRChads
Just go find a different pulpy sci fi shooter to obsess over, and stop licking the windows
maybe it's just a prequel to the real HL3, I really don't get all this hype but I'm glad people who have spent all this money are able to enjoy a decent experience built around the device
because it efficiently sums up everything we hate about youtube and youtubers.
they look loud
unnecesary loud noises make my head ouchy
>valve was founded on the base of making innovative new titles
>make new titles for years
>no way to continue the series without making it seem stale, especially after a long time of waiting after pursuing other new projects like portal, counter-strike, and TF2
>search out work on VR to make a new experience that wows fans now like it did when the orange box came out
>use a brand new technology with unique mediums of movement and gameplay to convey a new experience
>valve and other companies are searching for ways to make VR cheaper so that everyone can see firsthand what it's capable of
>still not good enough for Valve's assblasted fanbase
Kiddo, just ask your dad to get you a headset for your birthday.
its 2020
and there are still valve drones
>innovative new titles
Sorry to wake you but there is not just one vr only game which is not held back (design-wise) by its peripheral
This is the most low effort fake-surprise-face-for-a clickbait-thumbnail I've ever seen
post that one shadman comic
>oh hey that prototype gravity gun in HL2?
>Nah actually Alyx could have given you her telekinetic gloves but get fucked
>oh what RE7 allows free movement?
>lmaooo you're on rails or teleporting for no reason kiddo
>be happy it's a new Half Life that'll be $999.99 please
they've been desperate for new anything since like 2009.
One of the gameplay videos clearly shows free movement, you have to be willfully blinding yourself to miss that.
>there is not just one vr only game which is not held back
I think you need to revise that
Mouse and keyboard would be more limiting for Half Life. 2D input from a mouse can't match with 3D tracking and would require removing features and limiting player input.
Why does anyone even cares about it as "franchise"? Man who designed and wrote Half-Life universe cut any ties with Valve many years ago, because he wanted to continue making games and Gaben told him to fuck off. If you care about story it may as well be dead completely, because IIRC Gaben got some pozzed progressives from California to write it instead.
fair enough, hopefully it will have a great replay value
Its not fair why are Valve making a Half-Life game I can't play!
it isn't even canon if you care about the story, just wait some week after the release if you aren't sure
>t. zoomer
>What have you done Valve?
The game.