Games that are actually scary

I'll start

Attached: Alien-Isolation02.jpg (1920x1080, 103K)

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The first TRUE survival horror game

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>alien isolation
scarily unfun

Zoom zoom!

Do you have ADHD?

God I hate those dogs

go buzz somewhere else

Fear & Hunger kind of scares me. Combination of fundamentally wrong imagery and gameplay which is compelling but also stupidly cruel hard punishing. It's disgusting and awful but I want to know more.

What's this about? looks interesting.

some indie unfun bullshit

SOMA wasn't scary but gave good food for terrifying thoughts, kinda Lovecraft-esque 'it's so incomprehencible i'm going INSAAAANE NIGGERMAN HELP ME'
Still my favourite 'horror' game, for the record I hate horrors, especially Amnesia

Don’t starve run from ghosts by god you’re right

Living in eastern europe.

Really though a forest has gone crazy and there are ghosts.

Never found horror games scary, but I've been scared by normal games making me feel suddenly much more vulnerable. Best example Thief 3: Shalebridge Cradle level.

This game single-handedly outed zoomer vidya journos gracefully

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An area of eastern Europe (probably Poland, the devs are from there) is being encircled and engulfed by a supernaturally expanding forest and fucked up shit is happening inside it. You get stuck inside, and have to survive while trying to find a way out.
I know this is gonna come out like shilling, but it's unironically the absolute best horror game I've ever played. The sound design is fantastic and it was made by a bunch of dudes who are total pussies when it comes to horror themselves, so they actually know how to make shit scary without just making loud noises and throwing spooks at your face.

They released a torrent of it rather than let key-selling leeches cuck them, too, so you don't have an excuse to not try it either.

Attached: cursed_thomas.png (789x404, 265K)

Literally the only horror game I've played that actually qualifies as horror

the heavy, dark atmosphere when you're down in the cellars and prison is amazing. genuinely fantastic game, it got so much shit after being exploited by youtubers

>pic not related

This game and Dota 2 are the only games that have ever given me nightmares

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It's amazing. It's top-down sprite game, but it's horror done right. There are no jump scares, just an inescapable feeling of true fucking dread. I legit had nightmares after playing that game and I'm still too much of a pussy to finish it.
best area, genuinely unnerving

Beware, I live

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I can still hear those bows scraping against the violins' strings. They cry out to me like the souls of the damned.

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jesus christ that entire sequence still sticks with me

And apparently cockroaches that go "tssss... tssss..."

>mfw the first time someone knocks on the door

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