*Steals the spotlight of the game*
*Steals the spotlight of the game*
Other urls found in this thread:
what game?
Tekken 7.
Unironically better than goblina Jill
RE3 Remake
jill's fine, homo
If you like trannies, Yes
I bet you're a vothfag, user
>unrealistic steroid arms
>yet they are afraid of giving Jill big tits
Shit double standards woke game.
Those are normal arms for a man. You just might be malnourished.
*steals my heart*
Post body retard. Those kind of arms would require you to either train for 5+ years and have good genetics, or take steroids. You have unrealistic perception of reality thanks to media putting roiding Hollywood actors everywhere. It's the first step in becoming a tranny, because you can't reach those standards and lie to yourself. What's next? You are going to tell me that Schwarzenegger, Zyzz and Rich Piana are all natties?
>unrealistic steroid arms
Kek, stop eating shit and do some exercise fatass
He's a fucking mercenary, of course he's going to be buff.
Youre fucking retarded holy shit trannies are litterally the least fit of all people. I only do mild cardio and i have arms like that (not that other user)
What the fuck, Piano isn't natty ??
>yeah totally realistic bro!
>dies of heart failure at 21 from steroid use
Literally the same arms as op pic
>everybody's the exact same!
Go outside.
Trannies become trannies because they think they are failed men thanks to body dysmorphia. This happens because they see roiders all their life in the media and get brainwashed into hating their own body.
I've seen way bigger gains without steroids stop projecting your lanklet image onto others
All memeing aside Jomon Carlos is a vast improvement over the Antonio Banderas clone they were going for in the 90s
Zyzz was a minmaxing faggot. At somepoint you cant gain more muscle. Its just another high
Good. Fuck trannies lol they should just accept their bodies and get fit
>Not liking trannies is being a Vothfag
Can't wait for the mod that switches Jill with Carlos.
Nemesis seems so lame in the remake that it wasn't hard for him to steal the spotlight.
How do you know that someone is not roiding? Fucking drone idiot.
his arms are fine. I can't believe you think those are too big after chris from 5. I couldn't unsee his penis arms the entire time playing that game.
haha oh wow.
Really like his redesign
It is realistic. Get to it user
I'm just waiting for his porn mods
He looks like Chris from re5 in game
S: Nicholai , Carlos, Mikhail , Ada
A: Marvin, Brad, Leon, Mr X
B: Dario, Sherry, Irons
C: Chris, Nemesis, Jill
D: Claire
Cause this guy's dick goes up my ass every other day or so and we live under the same roof
I'm a Vothfag and I think she's alright.
Leon should be S tier tbf, his cop outfit in R2MAKE was a great balance between the old one and one that looks believable and modern
Retard faggot
How do you know someone is roiding? Fucking drone idiot.
And that’s a good thing!
He looks like he smells like armpits
i hope
>*Steals the spotlight of the game*
How else am I going to get a tan?
Are you an ethiopian? That isn't RE5 Chris
Human Habitation of Wickedness
to be fair she looks alot different in game, that shot was probably from a earlier build.
>Ada in S
>Claire in D
All is right in the world.
Got your tan right here, bro
>Press S on Ada
>Claire gets the D
Chris, fuck off
Not showering in 3 days tends to give you that, Jill will still lick on those, though
I'm also a vothfag, and I think that she's fine. Stop blaming us all for someone's retardation
Never thought I would say this, but I would rather play as Carlos than nu-Jill.
SSSex : Katherine Warren
S: Nicholai , Carlos, Mikhail , Ada
A: Marvin, Brad, Leon, Mr X
B: Dario, Sherry, Irons
C: Chris, Nemesis, Jill
D: Claire
Lmao you must be a manlet. His arms are alright. Though I do agree this game is woke garbage
I'd rather play with Carlos than Jill too if you know what I mean.
i wish hair actually worked like that in real life and not in videogames and anime
Literally start lifting for a year and your arms will look like that, DYEL.
>Chris looks better than Claire
>unrealistic steroid arms
user, my arms look like that and I don't even lift. Do some exercise.
>woke garbage
what made you come that conclusion?
never seen a girl without makeup on?
fucking retard, go drink bleach immediately
Dilate and 41% yourself
Ironically based. I wish Jill looked better, though
Dare I say it, but does Leon's sperm have...competition?
He needs to steal a goddamn comb instead. Muppet lookin mop head.
No, Leon is still the best. This Carlos is great tho I'll admit
His old hairuct would look great on this new face and body of his, imho
He could though.
Even Latino coomers got Jill done right, Just saying
fucking lmao
Yeah ok paco, but that's just a good edit, in that Jill looks like pic related, so I think same artist and not some Mexibud
the gameplay video looked like trash. this time this is literally a demake. they even dumbed down the gore from 2 which was one of the only few good things that had going for.
nemesis jumping around like retarded superman is going to cause a lot of frustrating moments too because of the jank telegrabs and narrow spaces then nemesis crowding up the space with its own shit scripted QTE grabs or whatever.
are you trying to say that i can't be skeptical about the game and that i must just blindly consoom it and join the praising circle jerk like a good boy?
Pinche pelote que tiene el vato.
>special ops guy
>that much hair
I keep forgetting Japan is forbidden having a military and thusly have no idea how to design spec op guys.
I just can't take it seriously when someone says "literally a demake"
Why the FUCK does he remind me of critikal
based obsessed schizo
it's a simple phrase to convey how a remake of a game is less of an product than the original piece. or in this case when we know they can do better but has decided to cut corners instead delivering vastly inferior product.
hope this clears it for you, so you wont have to resort to brainless michael boogeyman posting, which isn't that easy to take seriously either.
>Carlos is Japanese militia
Are you retarded?
Mejor pinche pelote que pinche palote, hermano
Do all Spaniards have halfros?
It’s called having strong hair genetics and yes most latins have thick curly hair of the gods
No, but curly hair is a common thing in them
Nemesis will sure play with him, alright
Just post more Jill lewds, user
Not lewd but hot damn user
Sienna was pure sex
Goblina Jill never stood a chance.
Always will be user
Wooow she looks nothing like her
>Zero mention of DMC5
he's hot, can't wait for the inevitable SFM porn
Haha, Imagine if Nemesis tentacle choked her on screen, hahaha
>SSSex : Katherine Warren
my negro
Holy fuck, she staring at them tentacles
>on steroids
Dude, roid use is fucking rife in the military, especially in special forces. It’s probably the only way they can pass fitness tests, since they’re all alcoholic degenerates.
>Actual trannies in waiting in this thread think Carlos' arms aren't achievable natty after doing curls or chin up for like two weeks
Did you just woke up?
There's nothing wrong about sexualizing both of them, anyway
wtf, almost none of her features are alike. are we sure that isn't Emma's model?
>SSSex : Katherine Warren
>Has literal Down Syndrome face
I mean... I would but I would feel very uncomfortable
more gameplay tomorrow, likely a playthrough of the demo we're getting.
i dunno how i was able to resist watching as much as i did in the leadup to REmake 2 because i've been spoiling everything for myself with this and am probably gonna' watch tomorrow.
Resident Evil characters are all fucking terrible cardboard cut-outs and the reason why people obsess over their designs so much is literally because that's the only tangible thing you can even care about.
The only reason people care more about Carlos now is because they gave him some fucking long surfer dude hair so people think he's hotter.
Dude needs a haircut
Call of Oldboy
i was going to say that i was listing RE characters, but i noticed i didn't specify it. You're totally right. NOW IN ADDITION
SSS: Dante, Nero, Vergil
S: Nicholai , Carlos, Mikhail , Ada
A: Marvin, Brad, Leon, Mr X
B: Dario, Sherry, Irons
C: Chris, Nemesis, Jill
D: Claire
They don't need to be quirky anime characters stuck in a zombie apocalypse, like 6 made them. In the old ones they were cautious, realistic and cool characters. Granted, in the new ones they kinda took it into an extreme again. Way too much swearing and badass oneliners, imo
>*casually destroys the classic formula with its shittiness*
guess I'm waking up early
I hope they do it right if it ever gets a remake
you're thinking of 4
The classic formula, you dumb zoomie. And 4 is still the best/second best game in the series, no matter how much you try to cope.
4, 5 and 6 were trash, get over it tranny.
user, those are pretty normal arms for anyone who goes to the gym regularly and he's a fucking mercenary
>r2make babby opinions
discarded. 4 is still da best, 5 is a straight downgrade but decent, and nobody talks about 6.
My first re was 3, it's quite clear yours was 4 since only nimrods that say 4 is the best are the ones who were introduced to the series with it.
Lying doesn't makes it true, faggot. Seethe harder
He's cute, CUTE!
>no counter
How long time do you anons think will pass since the release until there's porn mods of him?
Funny. All the complaints people seem to take with this game can be directly pointed towards the Trilogy. So why is this the game that the RE fans despise?
You do realize this is the franchise with Chris "Boulder Man" Redfield
V should also be SSS tier
Try and figure out which character is which from RE1-RE3
>Johnny bravo
>a prostitute
>an idiot
>a mullet
>a 9 year old boy
>a brick shit house
>a prostitute
Don't call Jill like that ever again
I am none of those and I have bigger arms than that by just existing and having a job.
Correct. That’s 1/7. Good job.
I take it back. The 9yo boy is definitely Rebecca.
the mods will
Yes I too have watched Zero Punctuation
Wesker, Jill, Leon, Forest, Rebecca, Barry, Carlo
Uh... Barry?
Sigue asi y te acabaran matando
Then you’re the only winner here.
I want Jill to sandwich my dick between her tits.
i like his hair. its an improvement though playstation did have its limitations
>I want Chris to sandwich my dick between his tits
Why are you posting that non-canon Christian Bluegrass
It's funny listening to this. He still had his edginess about him at that time, a shame that has more or less evaporated
S0i B0i
They change a lot of things and are pretty incompetent when modeling the game's characters. Claire is a good example. She looks so much worse in the game than in real life.
How much bigger are her tits supposed to be?
Who are bigger between her and claire?
Jill's are canonically bigger
Those are good, but they should be bigger, desu
>unrealistic steroid arms
Skelly mode, huh? Try lifting, m8.
>yet they are afraid of giving Jill big tits
She is a solid D.
>steroid arms
lel, skellyfag
can you even dodge the tentacles?
looks like theres gonna be a looot of dodging going on here. especially when you expect him to jump ahead of you and he immediately goes for a haymaker.
that boss fight though looks incredibly easy giving how much delay there is when he prepares the flamethrower, and you just target his gastank backpack