

Attached: ssbxfo.jpg (1920x867, 93K)

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If it did happen, I'll be honest, I wouldn't want it to be Vault Boy, but I really can't imagine who else it would be.


Main character from Fallout 4 or 1


Why not have Todd himself become a fighter

I think it would be funny to see vault boy in smash but it's never happening. Steverfags have a better chance of getting in than anything from fallout

Frank Horrigan or Legate Lanius

The Master, dude

I could see them doing vault boy as a mii fighter costume, similar to Cuphead
But Fallout will never be in Smash so who cares

If so, what track should they add with him

Acolytes of the New God

I prefer Big Iron

>smash bros X fallout

Cringiest idea i've seen in awhile. If any bethesda character is getting into smash, it'd be an elder scrolls rep

Attached: Dragonborn.jpg (340x510, 34K)

fuck off todd

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Vivec for smash

it's gonna be the lone wanderer or the sole survivor, so no, thanks.
Maybe it'll be a BoS soldier, but the most likely is Vault Boy. Mmh, maybe a vault boy brawler costume would be cool

Yes, I want to experience CHIM on fags online

Frank Horrigan

Attached: Frank_Horrigan_death_stage_1.gif (240x220, 802K)

Shady Sands

>that sprite animation
Distilled soul.

Sad the head popping isn't in this gif


After the Fallout 76 fiasco? Not a chance.

Out of Fallout's canon protagonists, half of them are defined, and both of those defined seem pretty boring. Nate's just a less interesting Snake with lasers, while the Vault Dweller's loadout is like Doom Guy, but less rewarding.

I dunno, maybe if it was 2D similar to G&W, where each move changes his appearance to perks, I could see it work
>Forward Smash
Big Leagues
>Down Smash
>Up Smash

Fallout used to be my favorite franchise before FO4 and Bethesda's cringeworthy merchandising of it kind of killed my interest in it. I don't really think it deserves a rep anymore

It's like Kingdom Hearts, there hasn't been a good game in a long time and there are more deserving recent reps/older games that would be more fun to revive. If there's going to be a rep from the Zenimax Umbrella, make it Doomguy. Good games, more on the way, significance to games history, western rep, etc.

literally the worst case scenario. IMAGINE our western rep being from the biggest meme game of all time

just dogmeat

>Bethesda's cringeworthy merchandising of it
It's almost funny that Fallout has become the thing it once satirized

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A moveset with the Pip Boy and the workshop from fallout 4 would be very original

>Building Settlement mechanic
At that point why not just add Fortnite Jonesy?

Because he don't have a Pip Boy

>fallout rep works in the workshop
I honestly can't think of anything that would be more of a slap in the face.

>*ominous guitar rift*

Attached: 7FA45A03-DE97-48D0-A51C-B4143F775FA1.jpg (750x750, 87K)

>Fallout 3
Unwelcomed Guest
Metal on Metal
Chance to Hit

>Fallout: New Vegas
Wasteland Justice
Battle for the City
The Viper's Sting

>Fallout 4
Combat Ready
Time to Die
V.A.T.S or Die
Nuka-World Theme (Remix)

Skeeter Davis - The End Of The World

Fallout is honestly lacking in original music.

It's known for the licensed soundtrack of '40s-60s era classic music. Not to say that I don't love tracks like youtu.be/3jxn1sqAQ-c , but they're more like sinister ambience than a memorable score you could make some peppy remixes out of.

If it happens, it'll be Mii Enclave armor. Don't listen to Vaultboy memers.