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Just damage control, i mean not much you can do but every little bit helps i guess. They know they utterly fucked up but they cant just outright admit it.

me on the left

Is it still that "you need to consent to getting shot at" bullshit?

I thought they were banning PvPers for "griefing" and "exploiting" or something. Wouldn't that be the case why people lost interest in PvP?

Why is Bethesda exclusively staffed with retards these days? Why the fuck did they think Fallout fans would give a shit about their janky PvP multiplayer shooter ideas? And the fucking idiots even thought their battle royale mode was gonna be a big hit.

>Make the absolute worst pvp system known to man
>Feel surprised that nobody uses it
You can't make this shit up...

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*teleports behind you*
*steals every item you own leaving you butt naked*
Bethesda can't be fucked to make a non-glitchy single player game let alone a multi player game

>make random PvP that fits with the world basically impossible with the nerfed damage unless you consent to a duel, due to pressure from retards who wanted to play an MMO as if it was single player
>actively punish people who try to do PvP anyway
>no rewards for doing PvP, just a waste of resources


are these naggers serious?

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I really wish one of these survival games would focus on the survival against the world rather than relying entirely on pvp for any actual long term gameplay. Conan Exiles touches on it, where there is actual NPCs in the world, you are even head hunting them to take back to your settlement to run things, but most of them are fucking static. Like if you took Kenshi where there are factions and relations etc it would feel alot better, the completely static world that relies on PvP is fucking boring.

I want to do quests and shit as well as build my own fortress with other people, not just build a fort that gets brought down by another player within seconds and then start a loop of just killing eachother for the next 30 minutes with no real purpose other than they just killed me or I killed them, Id play an actual pvp game for that. If I wanted to play a Fallout game I would 100% want to play it as a coop game, not a fucking survival crafting game as they are right now. I wish to high heaven devs get over the fucking survival crafting shite and make an actual game instead of just a massive pvp map with nothing in it besides some wildlife you come to ignore.

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There are too many live service games nowadays. Of course a game that wasn't well received isn't capturing a reasonable amount of market share.

>a game that was never designed for pvp or multiplayer and it showed
>wonder why nobody wanted it

I just tried PvP in my copy

>stole someone's items from a drone to trigger pvp
>dude with electric gun gunning for me
>shoot him like 10 times with my regular gun
>he finally hits me and one shots me
I had level 50 gear before I stopped playing mind you.

Zenimax is controlled by a bunch of money hungry boomers who happened to at some point notice video games making money for whatever reason so of course they woulnt intervene with this shitstorm until people stop giving them money.
Skyrim selling for nearly a decade as well as it has probably made everyone at Bethesda either think they can do no wrong or realize that the average player is a disgusting mongoloid who doesnt think about what they put their money torwards.
Whatever the reason they got comfortable and felt 76 was going to sell no matter what.

I understand this whole "trying to salvage your failing product to rebuild faith in your company" deal but at this point I think they should just cut their losses and focus on making their next games functional and finished.

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But Zenimax made the online elder scrolls game which i hear is a very solid and honest product

Games with levelling/levels and PvP dont work. If the game just requires you pick up a gun and that gun will do the same damage as someone who has played for 999 hours or 9 minutes that is the only way these games would work. I dont know why it never happens like this and it is insisted upon that there be a levelling system that ensures that people simply avoid combat as they dont stand a chance against someone with better level/level equipment. That high player has no reason to even attack the low player and can win in an instant and that low player cant attack that high player without eating shit. Whats the fucking point, make a coop game where that doesnt matter.

Black fallout guys gives me the same feeling as asians in the simpsons
It just doesn't look right

So what do you think the rating will be in April when the game comes to steam? Overwhelmingly negative in the first week? or do you think ittle scrape by with a mostly negative?

the system in Souls games works pretty well since it only lets you do PvP against people who are roughly the same level. Of course people can still twink really hard but that's only an issue in the very first zone

Why would they do that? dumbfucks are still whaling for this game

probably mixed after all the meme reviews are filtered out

because he has a nose, hair, and facial structure that looks like a white guy, just painted black. Especially the nose just doesn't work for a black guy, no black guy has a nose that pointy

Meaning that its not glitching out or open for exploitation by hackers?Because thats the only thing I see as a possitive about what is essentially Skyrim multiplayer with some new models and effects.

admitting they fucked up is like kicking the chair out from beneath them of their own volition
bethesda will continue to swindle, lie, cheat and scam to nickle and dime any consumer with little effort as possible
they've grown complacent with their own success and likely any talent they had has been drowned out in some form or another
they've been shit a long time now and their butchering of the Fallout IP has opened seasoned RPG fans' eyes since they bought the rights to it

They could easily just make another Fallout 4 and say "Look guys, we totally listened. Now enjoy Fallout in the way it was always meant to be played."

I've written off TES6 as a lost cause so at this point its just fascinating to watch
Maybe they've been infiltrated by bodysnatchers, retarded ones

because he's wearing a lab coat instead of raider gear you fuckin rayciss

>I've written off TES6
Iw heard people say how they would buy Skyrim again if they just made it with better graphics.
TES6 will be a success unless they fuck up even worse than 76.

sure looks good for tes6 . "we dont know why people didnt like part of our game even though our forums are flooded/were flooded with comments and complaints.

well try the same thing with the next game and hope it reaches a bigger audience and thus proves our suspicions that our game while predatory and shitty, still appealed to normies.

Haha if you think a stale formula is why TES6 will be bad you have no clue what Bethesda is like these days

>mfw some big brain genius at Bethesda decided to launch the Wastelanders update in April where it will be competing for attention with RE3 Remake and FF7 Remake

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>admitting they fucked up is like kicking the chair out from beneath them of their own volition

This is also something no corporation of significant size can ever do because it would open them to a barrage from shareholders.

>too big to fail
Is Bethesdas dogma. Sadly, it actually seems to pay off.

Thats not what Im saying at all, what I meant is that people probably dont have much expectations for TES6 beyond looking better.

I'm interested to see what ELSE Bethesda can axe from RPGs. It's amusing that for being such a trend setter in other ways no one has copied the whole "let's remove character stats" approach.

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the only thing that is most astonishing is the fact that Bethesda hasn’t given Pete Hines the boot yet. That guy is literally the exact opposite of what he should be

How is TES6 being bad an indicator of potential success? Bethesda hasn't made a good game since morrowind and that probably was a fluke

I want to say armor pieces are next, but that would interfere with dollhouse dress up aspect

just like irl

Game sold millions and threre are still retards that play it.
Sure it damaged the company and brand image, but money is money


what makes your dream game different from simple tweaks to minecraft

I bet the higher ups think their customers are fucking morons and will forgive them when they release todd's new game

A good chunk of people at Bethesda are former modders.

Have you played your own fucking game? The PVP system sucks dick.

>Why is Bethesda exclusively staffed with retards these days?
no one gets fired from bethesda. there's a joke their lead animator is todd's friend from college and that's why their animation have consistently looked like ass.

Do devs even play their own games?

It shows how out of touch with their non-whales clients are. But, in a way, it's normal. Fallout 4 was a success after all so you can blame him for believing that people will keep eating excrement as usual.

I mean, have you seen the average bethesdatard? /fog/ is filled with Fallout 76 apologists, the suits aren't exactly wrong

Maybe indie devs or smaller studios, most tripple A studios pay game testers to run against a wall for 5 hours for any bugs, but looking at Bethesda games it looks like they don’t invest in it at all

Pretty sure they lost money on the game.

>Shoot someone to start pvp
>Do little damage because other player hasn't fired back
>Other person comes close to you and obliterates you with full damage

well they are so what's your point?

I'm not one of them

>janky barely working fallout shooting
>in multiplayer

wow i wonder why nobody wanted to do it

Wasn't pvp completely retarded in this game? Like, you shooting someone did close to no damage and you had to get "shot back" to initiate pvp mode or something like that?

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this is exactly what will happen

That’s an amazing so good it’s bad game ideia : think Demon’s souls unforgiving but added asshole fun

>Having to consent to being shot to start pvp
> people are not interested in that

damn, this really makes me think.

And they are right. The meme video about fallout 76 has a sticky comment from the uploader about how he will pre-order starfield. Bethesda knows its audience.

Todd should just have made more Skyrim DLC all these years.

You did like 99% less damage to someone unless they shot you first. Not only did it mean you basically couldn't actually PvP except in duels it also means you were at a disadvantage if you tried to initiate a duel because you were giving your opponent the first shot

Sea of Thieves

Don't worry, goy. Just pay $100 a year for private servers!

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Sea of thieves is like that where everyone does the same damage, fully pvp and open world. If you were looking for a better game

Well the PvP is fucking awful, so no surprise there.

Gonna buy Fallout 76 just to spite retards ITT

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Factions that interact with eachother? Npc interactions that have dialogue choices that affect what happens next? Managing a squad? Combat that isnt swinging at an ill defined hitbox? Character customization actually having an effect on how your character plays? Have you played Kenshi or did you miss that part.

My problem with survival games like Fallout and Minecraft now that you say it, is that the worlds are completely static and devoid of all life outside of what the player is doing, nothing else is going on that the player can participate in and nothing happens without the players input, the AI are just bobble heads that run at the player to attack and thats it, there is nothing else going on in the entire world. As mentioned before, Conan TOUCHES on making the world more alive by adding characters around the game and AI that acts certain ways, but its no more than a glance, Fallout 76 has a monotonous gameplay loop and its combat is not anywhere near good enough to be the only thing the game offers. Look at regular Fallout games, there are factions and NPC interactions with choices and shit, this is part of what makes those games good, 76 essentially strips away everything that makes those games enjoyable.

I can't believe they unironically used a mascot about corporate greed for this

I am absolutely seething

This, entirely

like rockstar with their shark cards, the irony started to get lost somewhere along the way

>game has PvP
>one guy tries to kill the other one
>does no damage because for PvP to work the other player needs "to consent" and fire back
>just don't fire back and watch the retard shooting at you wasting all his ammo and after that fire back
>unless the other dude lures you onto a structure and once you are at the top he removes the floor under you so you fall to your death

Bethesda: "Wow, people really do not like Fallout PvP our playerbase is so friendly!"

Cool but don't say we didn't warn you

TES6 will be dumbed down even further than Skyrim and fans will complain about it being made for console babies and retards. It happened to Morrowind, it happened to Oblivion, it happened to Skyrim and it will happen again.

How the fuck could you dumb down the franchise further than fucking Skyrim?

>Sure it damaged the company and brand image
no, the shitstorm passed, tomorrow todd could be able to go on scene, make a fo76 joke and everyone would laugh, now they just need to rack in microtransactions with holiday themed skins

Bethesda will find a way, they always do. Remember FO4's dialogue system?

The problem with that game is the actual gameplay loop, not the core gameplay. You do one loot mission and youve played the entirety of the game, and seen the entirety of the map, which is pretty much just ocean and small desert islands. I dain to say the way combat works is bad, because it really isnt, if some new player can out smart someone who has been playing for 999 hours and actually win based on their own personal skill rather than stats, I think thats anything but bad.

heres the thing, if you give people the feeling that theyre going to lose something if they get into PVP they’ll try their best to avoid it or on the other hand, try get other people so they lose their shit so you can btfo them and who doesnt love a little bit of seething.
you come from a series of games where YOU ARE TEH CHOSEN ONE that can abuse save scumming to win 100% of the time, then put them in a game where theyre another joe shmoe its going to rub the wrong way. it creates this kind of narcisism that im fully guilty of too.
look at GTA Online and how people abused the connectivity to try get an empty lobby so they can grind money in peace.
yeah nah, not gonna let timmy with his nigger tactics get one up on me. this is my game and you’re just a backdrop so fuck off.

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Can they do ANYTHING right?

>$100 for "private servers"
>turns out they're just re-purposed instances
>weren't even reset which lead to already looted containers and missing triggers


>fans will complain
No they wont, the fans of the franchise now consist of drones who will either remain ignorant of all the shit Bethesda has been up to or just outright could not give a single shit even if they got constant phone calls from Todd mocking them for being gullibe retards for buying these games.

Fallout 76. Strip away all quests, character choices and interactions and have it be a multiplayer "sandbox". You think you want it, but you dont.

>it damaged the company and brand image
With who? It can be even beneficial for them. Next presentation "we learnt from Fallout 76!" and that's it. Eatshiters are gonna clap like madmen and eat shit again.

I want another Fallout 76, the shitstorm surrounding it was hilarious.

There is nothing wrong with eating shit.

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A reminder that is still up

I just want a good game user. I am actual rather saddened that these series are in the hands of a woefully incompetent development team. Its actually incredible the complexity of how bad they are.

Honestly ? You're right. It would have been the best course of action, it would have made bank each time, and all of that with the same team that did Skyrim, no need to hire another studio.
Why didn't they do it ?

Easier to have modders make stuff for them so they can sell it on the creation club instead.

>what will the shareholders think?
You retards only need to view this through their lens when you try to figure out what Todd is trying to spin here.

A shame the guy sold out though

i mean, just by that darkie in that image, you just know this game is played by weak cucks who can't ever get into any sort of competition. it's weird because there is a whole different side of weirdos who DO engage in competition online through games

The joke about Bethesda is what happens when you get staffed by the same group of people who have been working on the same type of game for decades without ever needing to improve because their games sell gangbusters. Nobody at Bethesda have moved onto other companies or to make their own projects because they're incompetent enough that they cant survive anywhere else.


Bethesda must be at least as bad as Blizzard in order for your fuckups to matter. Bethesda is kind of bad, but they aren't Blizzard bad. They would have to release games as bad as FO76 for the next 10 years before fanboys started to notice the trend.

if todd howard came into your house and pissed in your mouth i bet you would be saying that bethesda are worse

Is that true that their engine does not support ladders?
I heard some jokes about them not updating their engine since Morrowind and that is a reason why there are no ladder climbing in Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

The technology for ladders doesn't exist for games yet, and you can't name ONE game that has functional ladders in it.

Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 3 uses quasi-ladders, not real ladders.

probably because people want coop and not some online different game bullshit.

They're real ladders.

Halo-era Bungie sure did

Chutes and Ladders.

>making their next games functional and finished
It'd be a fucking first for them to accomplish that

>make a PVP where the the victim of an attack has to give his consent to be damaged
>no reward for dedicated PVPers
>entire game designed around a shitty looting, shooting and crafting loop
>wtf why does nobody want to PVP
Fuck off Todd. And no, your terribly designed halfassed Battle Royale mode you slapped on later was too late too little.

Bethesda has never in the entire lifetime of the company made a single functional and finished Game user.

Fallout New Vegas would like a word with you.

Obsidian would like a word with you

Nice falseflag but even the dumbest Obsididrone freely admits NV has plenty of bugs and cut content.

Fine, then Fallout 2 would like a word with you.

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THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE PLAYING THE GAME. The numbers have to be Anthem bad for them to abandon it.

I thought you couldn't do pvp unless someone accepted it? Maybe mother fuckers just didn't want to even bother.

Fine, then RuneScape would like a word with you.

>build up a community over 20 years + of singleplayer games players
>suddenly decide to do an online-only multiplayer game with a terrible multiplayer system
>surprised their community doesn't give a shit about it
Corporate Autism.

You could still damage players even if they didn't accept, albeit the damage from your weapons is significantly reduced and you have to consistently stay on the fucker and put out constant damage for a while in order to kill them.

and reddit would like a word with you because they miss their gayest poster of all time

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Why are you conflating gayness with somebody being bad? There is nothing wrong with gayness.

>only the first zone
First half of the game, buddy. You will run into twinks consistently all the way until level 80. Fromsoft fucked up hard by releasing all the +3 (except life) rings on a fucking base new game. In fact it’s so bad I would say you can complete entire builds 20-40 levels lower than expected because the +3 are piss easy to get which over powers your character way too early, and you can just freely trade them to a level fucking 10 deprived? Poor game design choice.

People wanted to explore a chunk of the fallout world with another player, not get blasted by other players.

They would of made bank just fucking jurry-rigging the coop for fallout 4 and skyrim as some mini "expansion", with out having to make another "game", just make work arounds for the having another player in the world.

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It's a sin in the eyes of God. That's as wrong as it can possibly get.

>makes stupid shitpost talking about reddit
>starts posting anime
Like clockwork.

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

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woops, haha! meant to say rake!!!!!

You have no idea how hard you're about to play yourself just to meme.

Sounds like a ton of fun

What about anal prolapse?

I'm actually a bit surprised they did not just rip off borderlands to make their own le wacky wasteland shooty bang bang co-op experience. They could have even strapped some battle royale mode on top of it.
It would have at least been financially successful creative bankruptcy.

>With who?

Anyone with a brain. Bethesda clearly doesn't have as talented a staff on board as they did when they produced Skyrim.

Expectations for them have to be lowered to mediocrity until they prove otherwise.

Fuck anime.

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>pay 10 dollars once to permanently get NCR armor, scrapbox for all of your crafting stuff, and 1200 atoms to buy a few skins/Robots since literally everything's price has been lowered in the atom shop. Then cancel before it renews

Granted you can't put anything in the scrapbox once you cancel your sub, but you still get to keep it and use it to hold all of your scrap.

Private servers are pointless since you don't really see anyone else in game unless you actively try to. The only time I ever see other players is when I go to their Camps, and the camps usually have a theme to them.

I know I'm gonna get shit on for this, but I have a shitload of hours in the game. It's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.

The PvP stealth build needs to be balanced though, my fucking god. They shouldnt be able to one shot you because off bullshit stats

>Inb4 TODD

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>No man's sky quiets down and provides free updates delivering on what's promised and more, still giving free updates to this day
>Galaxy Brain Bethesda creates pay to win content, and ruins the game further trying to get as much money off it as possible instead of providing as good an experience as possible for the ammount they already asked
They have no excuse, they have no ground to stand on, and they have done nothing but dig the hole deeper.
>They can't
No THEY WON'T, that's the problem and on top of it they also won't do the right thing and give the cusomers what they want after they supported them.

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Same, feels like most survival games are just glorified deathmatch games with some survival elements tacked on. Even worse, unlike actual (team)deathmatch games that try to balance the game around the idea that everyone is either alone or in equal sized teams, these games usually end up in a shitshow where some big group of autists ends up dominating the server so hard, that there’s nothing others can do about it.

>inb4 you can join a guild/party too
Sure, but at that point the game starts requiring far more time and coordination than I’m willing to invest.

Wow people didn't want pvp where the initiator was at a massive disadvantage

I actually almost considered trying the battle royale, pretty sure they had a free weekend but i never ended up doing so
Probably dodged a bullet, they should just focus on getting starfield out faster, or at least give us some fucking information on it


>If the game just requires you pick up a gun and that gun will do the same damage as someone who has played for 999 hours or 9 minutes that is the only way these games would work.
Fortnight, basically. Bethesda was leaning hard into that market, and got utterly cunt punched because they don't get it.

Is this your first day here? People, especially mutts, make mistakes way worse than that

Bethesda have always been shit at making games.
This only dawned on me when I saw the fallout 4 reveal trailer, because, I mean it didn't even look like the fallout they established with 3...

Fallout 76 is what the 'fanbase' deserve for idolising Todd. You can all just wait though, the nanosecond Bethesda releases a decent enough game again people will go back to cooming all over them. Exclaiming how much they've changed since the Fallout76 days.

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Does Todd lives in some delusion that he is a popular figure and majority of people like him? Something like Miyamoto?

No Man's Sky is still a resource-hog of a game that looks (and I say this unironically) worse than PS1 games

How can someone not like Todd?

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Buy my fucking games.



Tood likes game and he's very tall, of course im a popular figure

>no argument
ok retard, your game looks like trash

did someone say Todd?

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Because PvP tacked on to a game that isn't 100% PvP will always suck. No exceptions. Also PvP sucks in general, people are too stupid these days because they're NPC's. There is also no challenge in fighting against retards and having to carry a team of retards.
PvP was only good when the handful of talented neckbeards were the only ones who played games and were on the internet.

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Right and fallout 76 is a flawless marvel of engineering by comparison, huh?

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atleast I played a PS1 before you underaged retard

The original CTR looks way more pleasing to the eye than NMS, kill yourself

and we have ourselves another retard

>Bethesda clearly doesn't have as talented a staff on board as they did when they produced Skyrim.
>Expectations for them have to be lowered to mediocrity

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nobody here outside of braindead boomers played on the original PS1, it's just a saying nowadays. get a grip you old fuck.

I'm 22 and I played a ton of PS1, fuck off

Remember Todd's announcement years ago? About how this will be all new to them and they know jackshit about online gaming? Guess why people avoid 76 like the plague when it comes to pvp.

lmao, imagine outing yourself as an old fuck. this website is for the young bucks.

Underage spotted?

i'm 18, grandpa

You know, the dumb memes aren't meant to laugh with him, but at him.

>Not liking Todd-senpai

I'm glad I grew up without smartphones, I couldn't imagine having as low IQ as you

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>It's strawmanning even if it's real and they were compared for being in similar situations
Are you okay user? They both failed the public on launch one rose above the failure and made up for the mistakes, the other dug deeper in to that pit. In what way is that strawmanning? Do you know what that word means? Yes it might be a bit of a resource hog but when they are copared which is what was originally being done here, it's pretty clear who's doing a better job and has a bigger, no sorry, has any moral highground to sit on.

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Making that game basically costed them nothing, 90% of it's content are Fallout 4 reused assets. Bethesda made and is still making money with this piece of shit game, and let's be honest, normies will goble up the next TES no matter what, it's sad but that's the truth

Didn't all those changes happened because people were complaining about the PvPing? I mean, truth be told, it sounds like your usual case of vocal minority/memers that wouldn't stop talking about how they were purging X in the name of Y that made Bethesda think everyone loves being assholes and killing everyone they saw.

>I literally never said anything good about fallout 76
Are you okay psycho?

Yes. For your time.

Next Fallout and Elder scrolls will sell millions, most people forgive and forget too easily.

Not an argument, prick.

Right you just complained about the game being compared to it in the fallout 76 thread and I added to it on topic. Any of this making sense ?

Explain how "no man's sky looks like absolute garbage" is praising fallout 76

Because omitting mentioning that Fallout 76 is absolute garbage is defending it.

Fuck user, r u even trying?

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>kys image
Found the LeafyIsHere fan.

So then the entire planet is defending that shit game?
fucking take your meds schizo

Kojima managed it.

Didn't Bethesda intentionally gimp PvP?

I have tried it for few hours. I might have played it but
>online; almost every action registers split second later, like killing an enemy, picking up items, picking terminal options
>atom store; gets pushed in your face every other menu. Every crafting menu has atom store shortcut, sometimes you open a map and atom store ad comes up, saying there that there are new items in store, which you have to click away and repair mechanic makes you paranoid thinking your items break down faster to encourage you to buy repair kits form atom store
>no mods and no NPCs; I would just rather play Fallout 4

It was not a pleasant game to play and I wanted to quit within first 30 minutes when quests made me listen to tapes and pick terminal options


>The technology for ladders doesn't exist for games yet
Wow. I've never seen this level of stupid before. You're a colour person, ain't you?

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>Just damage control
Exactly. Total fucking bullshit. The thing they put out wasn't fit for any style of gameplay, let alone competitive.

I bet fallout 76 could have worked if it was set on the west coast in the interim between fallout and fallout 2, or even better fallout 2 to fallout new Vegas. So it’s working to bring back to the point where the west coast is more or less stabilized and productive. Thr height of the NCR period if you will. It’s a shame Bethesda won’t ackknowlwedge that part of the lore and has the audacity to think they have a better idea of how to handle he property.

>Anons in this thread are defending pedophilia by not mentioning how messed up it is.
Okay pedo.

This is your brain on being a Bethesda shill.

Is pale orangeish-red not a color also tho?

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>It’s a shame Bethesda won’t acknowledge that part of the lore
But they did? You forgot Kellogg's memory sequence where he's in his NCR apartment?

Found the nigger

It's just the no man's buy mong who ran out of arguments and is now seething

i actually would have liked a rust clone in the fallout universe. The problem is they were trying to cater to the PvE manchildren while adding PvP to their game. I buy a lot of these cut-throat survival games and enjoy them for the most part. I got fallout 4 and actually enjoyed it as well. I skipped 76 because it seemed like a weird mix between the 2 that missed the point of either type of game.

you're an African-American teenager, right?

In a meaningful way outside of a 10 minute segment.

I'd rather they stick to whatever they're doing to the east coast and leave the west alone. It's been through enough

You mean (((zenimax))), not bethesda.

This is such bullshit.
They were not surprised. They were pissed that they got caught trying to scam their fanbase.
Honestly, FAllout 76 was so surreal, so bad in every sense, that it felt as if you father came into your room at night when you were a kid, and instead of kissing you goodnight, or just saying goodnight, he start putting his hands down your pants and asking you to stay quiet.
It was such an abuse, such a breach of the trust the fanbase had on bethesda, that I can't have any faith for anything they do in the future. No matter how good whatever game they make is, we all know it's just bait to try to sell us shit through some microtransaction shitfest.
They keep fucking up mods for Fallout 4 with every update and their own take on mods, but for money, was another example of how idiotic their thought process is.
Imagine you are the guy on charge of the Creation Club, and you need to convince players that the content you are now selling to them is worth their money and isn't just a moneygrab. Wouldn't you look for your best writter, designers and voice actors, and make some real "small DLC", just to try to hide the real intent behing the creation club? Maybe you can do a few new quests, add some mobs, some weapons, whatever, just make it good enough for people to be able to mentally justify their purchase.
Before I actually bought Fallout 4 and all the DLC, I just pirated it, so I got all the DLC straight up.
When I came across the mechanist quest, I thought, shit, this is a beefy quest, and you get a costume, and new weapons. I really enjoyed it. Up until the point where I realized that Bethesda charges 10 dollars for people to access what, in my head, was a cool quest. They made a DLC and sold it to people for 10 dollars just to give you a new questline. That's their mindset. It's sickening.
Fuck Bethesda, Fuck Todd Howard and his selfpity party, He is cool with whatever the owners of Bethesda have in mind, which makes him as guilty as them.



>pvp meant to be the main focus of a game when it's given zero attention and is at best the worst possible side activity
I'm tired of this fucking meme.

>This is such bullshit.
>They were not surprised.
Everybody knows that but a company can't just say "turns out we're incompetent at this kind of thing and we can't be trusted with projects"

user, Bethesda is the company that invented cosmetic DLCs.

Bethesda’s crimes are ones of incompetence and complacency. Actitvision blizzards crimes is its utter contempt for the hardcore audience it’s wrung for loose change and blood and will continue to do because wow players will keep playing until the heat death of the universe.

Games with levels do work with PVP. The people who participate have to accept it's a meme though like Dark Souls 1. Obviously you're never going to get the same thing now though because if PVP is unbalanced it also has to be unfun.


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>no black guy has a nose that pointy
Some people in the Horn of Africa have thin facial features like that.

It's a live service game. It will only die off when they go to make another one.

What do they expect to happen when you can simply walk away from a fight?
They messed up pvp so bad that there's no reason to start a fight.
It should have been more like RDR2, I love fucking people up in that game, people get so pissed, but they refuse to press the button that makes them not have to face me.

>how come people don't care about PvP in a series that has always been PvE?????

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Sorry todd I guess you'll just have to do it

Zenimax is literally Bethesda, which predates the existence of Zenimax. No one "noticed" anything, Bethesda has always been staffed by complete fucking retards and this carried over to Zenimax.

you cant, the shareholders would fucking freak out

That would be valve.

Wait, is it not f2p yet?

No, you thinking about lootboxes. The horse armor was years before.

there are stealth archers in 76?

>playing the beta
>at a friends shitshack, we're prepping to take a photo
>accidentally flub the grenade key
>friend takes 5 damage from a frag grenade
>little do I know, all of the map is flagged that I have a bounty on me now, for 1 cap
>get shot in the face as we're taking a picture

I'd post the picture, but it seems all of your screenshots are deleted when you uninstall the game

From the very first announcement I was completely uninterested in F76. Zero hype. Not only is the idea of a multiplayer fallout terrible in the first place but bethesda clearly was not capable of pulling that idea off. The only value this game has is laughing at how terrible todd is handing this complete disaster of a video game.

farewell, baka


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It’ll all just blends together really the scummery. I love it when failures end up still succeeding
>everyone rightfully mocks horse armour
>people Nowdays readily give into the “ItS jUsT CoSmEtIc” excuse from freemiums to full priced games.
>people grilled everything from Diablo to Xbox for being online all the time
>everything’s online all the time
gamers losing ground like the fucking native Americans. We’ve come so far from publishers and devs offering free demos and shareware to outright demanding you give 80-100$ on an newly announced but not even showcased game or else you don’t get the content that was probably gouged out or simply made up.

I honestly blame dayz for the whole dickbags team up and hunt down people that can never fight back mentalilty.

I hate Bethesda so much

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You do realize Bethesda has 4 different studios and just because one of them is still supporting F76 doesn't mean the other 3 can't be focusing on making their next games functional and finished, right?


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It's a lost cause at this point. Short of an industry crash or big gubbment getting involved it'll be around forever.

Dayz didnt create that, it's just a natural human thing to do.

I'm sorry todd, but... the game was rigged from the start

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They keep making pepe uglier and uglier :(

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Bro, have you seen what they did to feels guy. It's awful!

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I assume you're imagining a gear parity as well in that scenario. How then are you supposed to have retention for your long-term players to sustain your playerbase, what's the angle? Cosmetics alone?

Merging stamina and magicka, for one. Reduce the amount of playable races.

Name a game by Bethesda that’s ever been functional or finished

>talented staff

I like to shit on Bethesda as much as the next guy but they outright stated during F3's development that they didn't plan to touch the west coast at all because they didn't want to mess up and ruin it for series veterans.
Which is PR speak for "we're too lazy to actually play the old games so we're just going to set it a world away as an excuse to do whatever we want" but still

Tuxedo pepe is a cutie though.

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That's exactly how it's going to be, assuming the next game won't be another shitshow.

their customers are fucking morons so they aren't wrong

Exiles also has that wave system where stuff is supposed to come attack your base, although I never played long enough for that to happen.

Bethesda needs to stop trying to make their games either singleplayer or MMOs and settle into a more localized multiplayer model if they want to implement it. I would play the fuck out of an ES or FO where it was just me and like 6-8 other players in a world instance and they just let us do whatever the fuck we want with mod support and shit. Infinitely more fun then ESO or 76, but not live service so they cant monetize the living hell out of it the way they want to.

dark souls is one of the worst examples of pvp

Maybe you have to build and sustain a settlement or something, so you are out there looking for shit and doing "quests" and can get into fights with other players and take their stuff that would sustain their settlement. Im approaching this from a "survival" game with PvP not just PvP in general mind. Give players factions and/or their own base to build that requires resources, this is what keeps players going.

Im thinking more along the lines of STALKER combat, I loathe picking up a gun and seeing a level icon beside it in a shooting game, and that upon levelling it means pumping skills in to something means X weapon does more damage, not only does this fuck up actual gunplay because it by virtue means there will be bulletsponges that you need to level to get around that come in the form of both players and NPCs, it just feels lame as fuck and makes weapons feel bad. If I shoot something at point blank range with a shotgun I expect to knock said thing into the next dimension in a haze of red mist, not start back peddling and emptying entire magazine of shells into it only to find that shotguns arent meta as ARs have higher capacity magazines meaning less downtime for emptying into enemies and you are just expected to spend a whole 30 seconds of continuous firing to beat the level 10 human with your level 5 LMG. This also means that when you die you can just grab another weapon and go places, losing that m16 doesnt mean you are completely fucked, get good with a pistol, or just find another m16 as it does the same damage as the one you lost.

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Merge stamina and magicka
Remove inventory limits
merge lockpicking and pickpocketing with stealth
merge restoration and alteration
merge all weapon skills into just "melee" and "marksman"
merge armor and just make the light/heavy dichotomy different perk trees
racial bonuses all removed, greater powers removed. All racial bonuses are now just a power that can be used at will that consumes stamagicka
enchanting merged with smithing

Purge? Yea its a neat mechanic, it comes based on your settlements power. I just wish the world and it wasnt entirely reliant on PvP for the gameplay. I honestly wouldnt mind just a straight up coop game just like this but with factions and settlements who attack you based on where you are like in Kenshi, and you just try to keep what you own and stay alive.

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Hopefully the crpg revival will make bethesda realise the masses can handle complexity

they're not looking to sell 10,000 units

hell they could just merge all the schools and not even talk about them anymore and just say "damage spells" "defense spells" "utility spells"

Why not just play a different game user

> I'm going to spite retards by doing something retarded

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Reminder that the function of these types of games is to bait some whales into being their eternal paypigs AND THEY GOT IT. Fo76 accomplished the objective it set out to do. The economy of live service games is a whale-based economy. Nothing else fucking matters.
You're just confusing Bethesda the developer and Bethesda/Zenimax the publisher. The developer (aka Todd) is only there to divert heat and do damage control for the publisher. He's even doing so well that you fucktards are already excited for their next game.

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>nerfed damage unless you consent to a duel
the absolute state of video games

What if the game had full loot? That could be fun.


All the real passionate talent left after Oblivion

games with leveling and pvp do work but you have to hit some specific requirements

>game has to be built with number crunch in mind, FPS games usually don't feel very good with RPG combat because people become bullet sponges easily
>engagement ranges are short enough that you can see people and run away from them before they can engage you
>you need to be able to appraise enemies from afar so you can tell if they will fuck your shit up if you try to kill them
>leveling/gear disparity can't be obnoxious enough that two level 25s can't kill a level 50 or something like that, and that a level 25 still has a chance to kill a level 50 if that level 50 guy royally fucks up

gamers are frens

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We should storm Todd's office and demand mountains