Whats the tried and true way to get good at fighting games?

Whats the tried and true way to get good at fighting games?

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play them


Dedication. Gotta play the game for hundreds of hours just to get good.

he's holding on that controller like he stole it

you're not gonna like this

playing them with friends

Stop jumping in.

Do what you should, not what you want. Pulling off a flashy combo means dick if you lose any way.

If you have any sort of local scene, support it. Online will never be as good as RL with fighting games.

Know your character's normals, spacing, pokes, anti-airs, etc. Fundamentals are essential.

Losing sucks, but the good thing is there's always something to be learned from a loss. Always.

Practice, practice, practice.

learn your pokes, learn you spacing. Essentially start with one or a few goto buttons and mastering those first, it'll be boring but you'll get better, you just have to learn to trust certain methods work for certain scenarios, much like life, your like in particular, Josh.

Actually is "quality" practice and grinding. You can grind and play for monts and you're not going to get far if you don't know what to look for.

Don't blame the game or the other player for your losses and analyze what went wrong in replays.

Don't play.
In the time it takes to become slightly competent at one character you could have gone through a college course and learned a new skill.

what good is college unless you're working a job that directly used the knowledge? If its about the paper then you can just forge that.

you need a minimum of 1000 hours to be "decent" at fighting games

Have you tried playing the game?

Step 1: (Very important)
Play game

No follow up steps.

Play against humans, and for hundreds of hours.

Playing it and watching yourself lose and understanding why. You will get more from a reviewed loss than a perfect victory.


By playing a fuck ton like an asian bugman.

Seriously, some of the best fighting game players are good because they played/play those games for like 5 hours minimum every day. There is no reason to go into practice mode unless you're practicing execution/reactions or there is some sort of scenario you want to figure out but there is no info on it online.

Watch pros play and watch your own footage to compare and see what you did wrong to help improve i.e. "wow I got anti-aired 5 times in that match, I should probably stop jumping as much", watch pros and try to analyze and understand why they do certain things they do. You shouldn't watch footage until you're like 50+ hours into a game desu. Part of the learning process is purely you figuring stuff out. If you have less than 50 hours in a fighting game and you're trying to look up tutorials on how to play or get good or whatever then you're doing it wrong. You have to carve out your playstyle first before you can start improving.

The best advice I can give for someone learning an FG is to be weary of spamming certain stuff or resorting to tactics that you know wouldn't work on a better player. It will hinder you later on and you don't want to get into a flowchart mindset and build bad habits that will be harder to break when you try to genuinely improve

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start smoking weed and make sure you do nothing but play fightan when you do

Controller wise, whatever you find comfortable. Sure there's a lot of player who use fight sticks but honestly, if you find performing moves better with a controller then stick with it.

Gameplay wise, dedication. Take time to analyze how the game works and get a feel with each characters, mastering those you like either you like how they play or they're high tier.

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playing better players. most players hate playing shit players unlike most games today. because it makes them worse. but playing a clever fighter using new strategies allows you to learn. its a skill based and teaching game. but its celing is high.

Move to Japan and spend your life playing in the arcade til you get gud

A while ago I read something called the "sajam" way. I know he has a vid on it somewhere. Was pretty obvious advice but seemed very good. Something like practice mode one combo for few hours until can consistently do it then try to land it online? Was much more detailed than that, forgot to save it

>practice mode one combo for few hours until can consistently do it then try to land it online
worst advice ever. to land a combo you need good neutral, so i suggest you work on your neutral first before you try learning any combos beside the most basic bitch bread-and-butter ones like "LP > MP > HP > special move N that can connect after HP > super move X that can connect after special move N" or something similar for the game you play

haha funny black man joke

Practice and practice to form muscle memory.
Study and memorize frame data.
Study pro gameplay or in-depth breakdowns of the mechanics.

My policy is 10 consecutive times on each side, if you fuck up once start the whole thing over again.

You have to feel yourself.

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depends on your level
at high level it's all luck based because both players will press safe buttons randomly and unpredictably
in essence, fuck SFV

This. Theres no magic trick to get good. You gotta practice a lot.

is there any fighting games with good ai? I don't wanna jump online and get my ass kicked before getting somewhat decent. most fighting games ive tried have shitty cheeze-able ai that i can sweep all day.

this. Don't play to win, play to learn.

Since it's pure muscle memory all you really have to do is just keep playing and you'll get about as good as your reflexes allow.