This one character is responsible for the downfall of the Sonic series

This one character is responsible for the downfall of the Sonic series.

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That's not Silver.

thats not tails



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Thats not Sonic himself.

No. SA2 is great

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Sort of. Heavily derailed original plans and story for Sonic Heroes (along with other setbacks and cuts) but Shadow the Hedgehog was cool.

His popularity was definitely a factor in introducing yet ANOTHER hedgehog in '06 and the shitty fucking awful villain was also clearly Shadow inspired.

Anyone want to play Sonic games together

More correlation than causation, though I don't think he should have left SA2.
What actually caused the downfall was just Sega. Sega is a mess and they've never been able to clean themselves up.

Yes and no. Shadow was one of the core reasons why people loved SA2 so much, getting so popular he had to come back. That wasn't the part they fucked up on. The part they fucked up on was giving him his own game, with poor design decisions across the board. The game arguably started the dark ages (there's Heroes, too). Shadow himself, however, hasn't been in a whole lot since '06, and he was the strongest part of that game.

Me, I think Sonic Team's utter incompetence and mismanagement is what's responsible for putting Sonic into the rut he's found himself in for so long.

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he shouldve stayed dead ?i dont have a problem with heroes and his own game

his characterization didnt
his portrayal by both sega and the fanbase post-heroes showed it as a part of the problem

this. In the end sega proved they can make shitty games with sonics friends like 06 and shitty games without them like sonic4 and lost world. The characters were never a problem, sonic team is.

I agree.

Exactly. Sonic had good games with sincere storytelling (SA2) and good games without it (Generations). Sonic Team is just far too inconsistent with their games. They should be more like RGG Studio, where they don't change much with the next few titles, and just introduce a new mechanic or two to freshen up the gameplay.

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Just have the RGG studio make a Sonic game.

>make another Adventure game with hub worlds
>some of NPC's are JAV stars

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>Metal sonic thrown in the closet and forgotten so this fuck ass can be Sonic's rival

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Shadow in SA2 was fine. He was sort of a goofy anti hero that said shit like “I’m the coolest”

When his own game came out and they turned him into a total edgelord that’s what ruined him and the rest of the games he was in.

Shadow should’ve either stayed dead or never had his own game made.

I never understood why they simply couldn't coexist. The last time Metal was even relevant was in Heroes, where he proved to be just as much as a threat to Sonic as he was to Shadow. Every game since either has shelved him or made him a lame ass boss. Why do Mechs in the Sonic series just keep getting cucked. I just want to see more Metal and Gamma, robots are cool.

I don't think Shadow has much to do with it. Personally I would cut all of Sonic's non-OG friends besides Shadow, Rouge and Omega, as they are pretty fitting additions.

Plus, Dark Story was considerably better written than Hero Story in SA2. Heroes just randomly find Eggman going into a Pyramid, whatever. Meanwhile in Dark Story the three characters are executing a relatively sensible plan.

Takashi Iizuka is the reason Sonic is going downhill. He's still doing a better job than Miyamoto with Star Fox though.

I think Sonic has a future if they build mechanically on what they had with Adventure 1/2 and the day stages of Unleashed, but I think Sonic Team needs new leadership.

Sonic Forces is where I noticed games stopped being bad due to straight up incompetence and mismanagement and started being bad because it was a lazy no effort cash grab.

That's not SEGA

this unironically

I don’t even belittle people for thinking this and I like Silver

That’s not Ken Penders.

Shadow was unironically at his best in SA2 and '06.

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>Sonic Adventure happens and E-102, Chaos and Tikal never appear again
>Sonic Adventure 2 happens and Shadow appears in every single following game