It's so fucking good. Thank you, based Square Enix!
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
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Only pussy-starved NEETs care about that.
All FF7Rfags should be hanged.
inb4 schizo autist
too late
the gameplay was so clunky, no i-frames, no canceling, holy shit why didnt they just contract the the combat system out to Platinum Games?
i wanted to slice people up like in Metal Gear R
>in an rpg
there's so much shilling that it's sick.
The gameplay is terrible and any retard can see it
Sonyfags always do this with any third party exclusive, wait till it critically flops like Tranny stranding
it's very pretty. shame about the battle system. if even the tutorial boss was this tedious, i can't imagine what the rest of the game will be like
nier automata's battle system would be more fitting
>t. didn't read the tutorial about how to easily stagger mechs
it kind of worked but i had a real hard time trying to get it to play smoothly.
>items and skills cost ATB
>barrets damage is abysmal, using his special move puts a CD on it, if you want to use it again more quickly you have to stand there and charge it manually and getting shot in the face in the meantime
>rolls, blocks.. they do nothing
>play with one character, the other one is dumb and doesn't do shit
>want to tell him to use a skill or magic, but I can't because his model is locked in an animation
>have to switch to the char, queue the skill there, switch back to the other char and continue
it's all so fucking tiresome, what were they thinking
wait are people really having trouble with the boss fight?
FF13 amazing
FF13-2 amazing
FF13-3 amazing
FF15 amazing
FF7R amazing
People are gonna call you retarded for liking FFXV but I agree in that I really like that game.
it's not a fucking action game, stop expecting it to be one
You can charge Barret's overcharge faster by charging at the end of normal burst.
well it's not an rpg
Beat it once and uninstalled. I expected a nostalgia overload and didn't get that. I did enjoy it though and still maintain an interest in the final release. Dunno how anyone could have had trouble with the boss as long as they were switching to Barret sometimes and keeping their hp up. I personally never let either character dip below 700. Fire and Thunder are both useful.
can i at least play this shit mostly turn based?
Should have stayed with traditional ATB battle system then. Or go full platinum. This hybrid is just not fun at all
I can't really get the combat. Nothing felt right and the hud was too small and in the corner that I couldn't keep track of damage taken or mana remaining while still attempting to dodge attacks.
it is a retarded system. but the system from ff7 is not popular anymore so they needed to change it for the target audience.
>target audience
>fans of OG FFVII and self proclaimed experts can't understand combat and die in the demo despite playing it for the 3rd time and on classic aka very easy
The combat and camera both suck, and those are huge parts of the gameplay. If they add a turn-based mode with normal difficulty then it might work.
The demo felt very lifeless and empty compared to the RE2 remake demo we got last year. That game was just oozing with soul and passion, but this demo just feels very empty in comparison.
I think that modern Final Fantasy is all style and no substance. All anyone can talk about is how great everything looks and how great the production values are. No one's mentioning how much of a chore it is to go down linear FF13-tier hallways with FF15 combat.
Right. Becuase OG FF7 wasn't linear.
Admit it, You people want open world game with countless fetch quests.
Played the demo, it was pretty bad. Will buy it when all of the parts are released in one collection and it goes on sale for 30 bux.
Combat is garbage.
Voice acting garbage
Didn't know whether they wanted to make an action game or a real jrpg so they tried mixing them together and the action and jrpg parts both come out lackluster and underdeveloped.
Damn near fucking XV-tier.
Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what I want, you dumb little faggot bitch.
>no i-frames
>a bad thing
please reconsider your life decisions
no you won't. you'll buy it day one like everyone else.
don't tell me you're one of those people who joins in discussions of games they've never played. that would be ridiculous.
linear =/= lifeless, which is what modern Final Fantasy is.
The original FF7 had tons of soul and personality. This game does not. The world feels empty. The original FF7 proves you can have a liner world that feels alive. The RE2 remake proves the same thing. Your argument is invalid, and you have down syndrome.
Content locked behind butterfingers
It's so bad and worse than XV
I don't get why this is always a point of contention. It's like, the original had pitiful gameplay, and now this is a decent action game. No, it's not a cuhrayzee platinum style game, but it was never going for that. But then again those type games are all style and no substance and all about racking up points as opposed to strategizing.
>7 remake
they turned it into an action one, they should gone all the way instead of shitting out these retarded hybrid systems once again
doesn't look drastically different than the original. what were you expecting, sekiro?
What is that behind her ass supppsed to represent. This is a horrible image btw
this shit has more invisible walls than automata, jesus
>you'll buy it day one like everyone else
What does "all the way" mean? And why can't action games have rpg elements?
Look pretty big to me desu
Why can't Square do anything right...
It's astounding that the best game that came out of Square this generation was a fucking Yoko Taro game.
As mentioned above. Cancelling inputs, i-frames, being able to jump. Nothing wrong with rpg elements, but this feels clunky as fuck.
I know. It's..... not great.
DQ11 was very good too.
You can't jump? Pre-order canceled.
literally the first thing you see that looks like a veering path headed to a chest is an invisible wall.
This seems to be nothing more than a low effort polished turd
game play
why didn't you tell me that the scorpion boss is literally impossible?
This is why "classic" mode was implemented. So literal retards get the illusion that they are playing a video game while the game actually plays itself.
Imagine being filtered by the tutorial boss. Fucking kek, beat him first try with like 3 potions used.
guy is kotaku staff btw
Imagine being this bad
Yeah that explains it.
The game is more than just Tifa to the game, user. We already know you don't want the new Tifa. She isn't even the most interesting character.
>game play
I wish XV had that.
Learn how to draw better fag lmfao
>It was the best game ever!
>It was the worst game ever!
I'm gonna break the mold; it was meh/10. I'll get it when it's down to $15 on sale.
Must've attacked while tail was up
demo honestly has me reconsidering day 1 purchase
This is EXACTLY my gripe with the demo, thank god I finally see someone who actually gets it. The world feels like a Unity tech demo, with hardly any actual unique direction or character.
The UI as well is painfully uninspired and bland, microsoft office 2003 has more personality than the FF7r UI.
>can i at least play this shit mostly turn based?
kinda, there is Classic Mode
Then turn off classic mode.
I wish 7R required buttons
Normal has no gameplay
The webum you posted was in classic user. If you don't like the lack of gameplay in classic then turn it off.
You don't have to play that mode though.
I always wonder the mindset up people who love to post things like this to trick others. Why do it? Are you that bored?
It's how ff7r plays
Yes I do
its how you play 7R
what trick?
>open world game with countless fetch quests
So, a final fantasy game?
yes, if you picked the retarded classic mode that plays the game for you
why did you pick the retard mode user
why user, are you retarded
why user
why retarded
On classic. If you felt you had a good argument you would have mentioned that at any point.
this piece of garbage deserves to flop. If you buy it you are a fake gamer
classic mode is the way to play
It's for the true ff fans it's why it's called classic
that's the only way to play
why play on a mode that doesn't win the game for me?
>someone even considered picking auto-battle
Just finished the demo
I gave up all hope for this game back when I heard it was going to be an action game and I was still disappointed
I hope Nomura finally gets fired for this
I mean, you have yourself to blame. Or do you pick the easiest mode in every game you play?
>Open world
most of them are on rails as shit though
Why is everyone having trouble with that boss? Mashing auto attack is generally enough, just remember to use thunder/braver/overcharge when they are available
Can't imagine how the first boss worked out for him in the original.
everyone? he's literally the first i've read that sucks so much he has issues with it
Why does Jessie want to fuck Cloud so badly. She's drooling over him every five seconds in the demo.
Using healing by myself kinda fucked me over the first time. Because up until the boss I stomped through and didn't had to heal and the first time I needed some health I had to figure it out on the fly.
That's the only little step stone I had with the game.
Look at this thread and the people hating on the battle system and that'll tell you why people can't pass it.
she's probably not getting much action since Biggs and Wedge are already a gay couple and Barret only gives his BBC to Marlene.
>It's so fucking good. Thank you, based Square Enix!
but neir automata's gameplay isn't good
not every game is a hitless run sort if deal. Being forced to take damage whilst being able to minimise it is a mechanic
is there any reason NOT to be in punisher mode?
if you take away the turn based combat but keep the fundamentals it will be retarded. Why give it the illusion that your imputs will matter at all?
>invisible walls everywhere
>worse combat then XV
we lost, bros, we fucking lost
There are other buttons, user.
The game is much longer than the demo, so there will probably be times where you shouldn't. You can't block or dodge in that move for one so if you have to fight a fast reacting enemy, it is useless.
Your inputs reduce some of the damage, do nothing and you take more.
When you have standards so low that if they look up they see hell, its kind hard to not keep doing it.
how can peple praise 1/3 of a game so much
>countless fetch quests.
That's what you're getting
Same reason how people can talk shit about 1/3 of the game.
You just can.
The gameplay sucks but it’s gonna sell millions and there’s nothing we can do about it.
This isn't from the demo is it? Does it take place after the reactor explodes?
>You can't block or dodge
of course you wouldn't know shit
Being pretty generous there considering Midgar was supposed to be 3-5 hours of a 40 hours game.
QoL version of the original where you tapped o through two menus to do the same shit
FFVII is about 20 hours, Midgar about 3.
The general opinion is that it is at least 30 hrs+. And that's without side quests.
>FFVII is about 20 hours
Not my fault that you retards are so slow.
It's not that we are slow. We're reading what's happening.
Literally NEVER accurate. It's either the times for people who have beaten a game 100 times or leave it running idle for hours.
Reading slowly.
No one is believing you user unless you prove it somehow. The world record of ff7 is a little bit over 7 hours which includes skipping scenes, not doing random fights, spamming through dialogue without reading etc. I have a hard time you beat it in 20 hours your first time.
sounds about right, my first time with ff7 with main extras took me about 60 hours i think
Fine you got me, might have been 21 hours.
I refer you back to my previous post
If you look more closely, you'll see that I replied to that exact post. Starting to understand why you took so long getting through the text in FFVII.
I was never a huge fan of 7 as a kid but I liked it enough, but just the fact we're basically playing a game that looks like Advent Children blows my fucking mind, I remember being blown away by how cool It looked when I was younger.
Yes, and you used another bullshit number without proof. I refer you back to that post again
Classic mode should be called "game journalist mode"
Too bad we don't see his boy pussy being fucked.
man i remember as a kid poring over EGM being blown away how awesome FF7 graphics were. damn i got a hard on looking at those Midgard building wire mesh and being so hype about the game.
and just look at FF7 now, its literally a CG movie getting played.
oh my god no I'm having PTSD flashbacks to FFXV
Mobility and trash mobs, but it is definitely my primary mode
or RDR2 and the whicher 3 ?
What if in the remake Cloud actually has sex with Corneo haha
Just as a joke, haha
A-and what if he jokingly let him cum inside his bussy?
>aeris' ass
good lord. if fucking only this was canon.
can't remember the name of the city
Just drop the last d.
because you just have to hold down shoot and turn around to win, but it remains the best game of the gen for me
Witcher 3 has actual side quests.
I hope tifa’s gimmick is as enjoyable as cloud’s
You know they won't let Reno take all of the heat for dropping the plate now that he's a fan favorite. How are they gonna absolve him of responsibility?
I need the game to be sure but probably the best game ever released. I cried five times when playing it.
Thanks square enix
played the demo a second time, combat is so much better when you get used to it. Timing character actions and exploiting weaknesses can just demolish shit. So satisfying to get things right. A lot of the people complaining really need to git gud and stop treating this like it's Devil May Cry, or buying into the "mash square" meme.
anons how can I undo being born in 1997 and not growing up playing ff7
yes after loading the ATB with punischer mode dodge and return to defense and then use a skill or magic and pass with Barret shoot with triangle and use bolt , then change to Clude etc.
If you are surrounded by monsters with claws use the counterattack and be able to defend if one or more enemies attack you together or shoot from afar
>Gobbling down remake of the second worst FF game.
Well, it's not FFVIII
You can kill Guard Scorpion in about 3-4 minutes if you know what to do. Which is signs of a pretty good combat system.
Phase 1 - Just cast Thunder and hit Braver
Phase 2 - Cast Fire to instantly destroy the barrier orb, then cast Thunder and use Focused Shot to stagger.
Phase 3 - When the laser goes off, as Barrett go hog wild. More thunder and Focused Shot, use Cloud's stinger which has a name but fuck you it's a Stinger.
Phase 4. Destroying a leg instantly generates around 80% stagger. Pop a leg, then hit like one Thunder.
It is shit
8 is actually fine since the draw and the card game is awesome, worst would be 13 though
there are 4 beautiful side quests and the main story sucks, the gamplay is really shit, the only positive thing is the DLC
Worst is 2.
>field generator is weak against fire
I love how if you think a phase is going too slow there probably is in fact an exploit you're missing
>8 is actually fine...
I think they made her bigger.
This is obviously geared towards individuals with physical disabilities who still want to play the game.
I cant wait to finally see Tifa's feet.
Yeah nothing says "Oh fire will basically one shot it." But it does, and Cloud comes with it. Even that fight is slow, because Guard Scorp focuses the laser on the dude your currently playing as, so if you're cloud on the approach, it'll the focus the laser on him and you can have Barret stand in the open and just light him up with no down time.
People refuse to use their ATB so much, that shit is a resource to be SPENT.
git gud faget
The only way is to get raped and get so traumatized that you revert to an early stage of your childhood in which you were clearly raped as well you fucking faggot.
Kill yourself, OP.
Give it a week after the game will launch. This board will be full of buyer's remorse like with KH3 and FF15.
I honestly like what I'm seeing.
>field generator is weak against fire
What video games and especially FF7 has taught me is that you use thunder on electronic things to do big damage. If that doesn't work, nothing will. Fire never even crossed my mind.
only took him 6 seconds to get cringy as fuck
>a week goes
>people praise it
Oh man I didn't know they'd already speed killed it faster. That's basically the speed of normal Guard Scorpion.
Who got the better feet?
I don't think it's necessarily WEAK to fire, more that Fire does enough damage to destroy it in 2 casts. And Cloud ain't using his MP for anything else.
DELETE THIS, it doesn't fit our narrative!!
I thought it was surprisingly good
What is wrong with Yea Forums
It's a selective few people whining. Others seems to have fun with the demo.
yeah it's not actually weak to fire, just it has low magic defense and fire does better damage than braver to it
looks like a VR idol standing next to one of his unfuckable cosplayed fans
punisher mode cant block damage and you walk slowly
ive already said this ong ago, scorpion battle is really short and easy for whoever knows what they are doing
read the goddamn skills for fuck sake
you can also use a grenade. Really there are many options and e3 demonstration showed you the worst: just attack
thunder into pressured, into focused thrust and focused shot, stagger, braver and overcharge and more thunder.
The key is change to barret, hes pretty much the most important character, easily.
looks even closer to a ff13 fight
can't wait for mobs that can cast death!
Basically, and people are pussy-footing around regarding ATB. That shit is there for a reason, to be USED, not to look pretty and saved for emergency. Basically what we're seeing is babbys first JRPG combat tactics. "Use attack and cure/potions when hurt."
Where as you can see if you just... fucking slaughter the scorpion you never NEED to heal.
goddamit squeenix i really need to see my wife meeting cloud already fuck
im literally cooming
Okay, contrarian.
Does Cloud get different weapons in FF7 or do you use Buster Sword for the entire game with different materia?
>rolls, blocks.. they do nothing
stopped reading there, you’re full of shit.
Non believers BTFO
>summons are still random
You’re a fucking zoom zoom
>>barrets damage is abysmal, using his special move puts a CD on it, if you want to use it again more quickly you have to stand there and charge it manually and getting shot in the face in the meantime
Thats not true.
try to use the charge after a normal burst, its faster. Also barret damage is mostly in the end of the burst, not during.
what the fuck is that spine
Needs more belts.
>want to tell him to use a skill or magic, but I can't because his model is locked in an animation
>have to switch to the char, queue the skill there, switch back to the other char and continue
That isnt true at all, what the fuck
Everytime i told cloud or barret to do something they did it
Why would you even want to use a different sword? I would literally felate the buster sword if I could (I probably can).
are you baiting
I've only ever played FFX and XIII. I'm not baiting.
They aren't RNG.
Summon Materia is that, Materia. Depenidng on who casts the summon, determines the summon. So if Cloud has Leviathan, Tifa has Shiva and Aerith has Ifrit, then Cloud'll summon Leviathan etc. etc.
Can you stop samefagging?
Needs to be bigger still.
so youve probably not followed any news.
Yes you have like 7 different weapoms for all, all upgradable, will show materia on the edge and all
You do. There's a lot of different w3apons and it's not only about attack.
There's materia slots and speed of materia growth too. So sometimes it's better tl pick a weaker weapon with more slots
bigger would look retarded
her tits are perfect and firm on her body
>The original had terrible gameplay
I do not understand how this revisionary bullshit is played up as marketing when so many people played FF7. You can pull this 1984 bullshit on the kids, but only on the kids that never bothered to play it on an emulator or buy the PC port or whatever.
yeah the radius on the grenades is insane, does great aoe damage, didn't try it on the scorpion but I assume that 200 is fixed and would destroy the generator in one hit right?
how did they manage to make the graphics look so good? i was certain all of the footage we had seen was running on a pc or ps5 but the demo legitimately looks incredible. better than most pc games even.
>no i-frames
Thank God
>It's like, the original had pitiful gameplay,
Nowadays standards of course it is, and not because of turn based, its just that its just outdated as fuck. Nowadays you have way better turn based games.
As i said since day 1, action or expanded better turn based would have worked good enough, but the same would have been shit as fuck.
And we got a mix of both, not just pure action like god of war. We still got all the RPG elements we love.
>What is wrong with Yea Forums
a LOT of samefagging.
>i-frames are bad
What is this new meme?
30 fps fixed, thankfully.
i think its fixed, not entirely sure tho
>badger voicing the fat guy
yep it's a masterpiece
ff12 was the most graphically impressive ps2 game
ff7r is the most graphically impressive ps4 game
how square stay wildin?
Call this guy a faggot, but the point of a tutorial is to gradually introduce you to game concepts so you know how to deal with them naturally. If the boss battle is the first fight that makes notable use of cover, stagger, barriers, and so on, it's doing too much shit at once.
Your tutorial boss should be defeated by only using cover or only breaking a barrier. If that sounds easy, no shit, it's the tutorial.
Literally git gud. Being invincible is not dodging, souls games are meme games.
>just remember to use thunder/braver/overcharge when they are available
that's too much work for them user
You mean adult Tifa's feet.
Loli Tifa (green dress) has that area covered.
the problem is that square has focused on graphics way too much
for once they actually did a nice enjoyable gameplay
>Aerith and Tifa have more than one Wall Market get-up
>Nomura hasn't specified if they're a complete set or if it's modular
Purple dress is just asking for those pups to come out and play.
To be fair, classic mode is just pure trash and not turn based at all, but normal mode is just pretty good
That guy is a retard, being a fan of turn based shouldnt make you focus on turn based and not try anything else.
I think you are blind.
It's already filtering journos.
>never learned about machines being weak to molotovs
I see we play different vidja gayems
12 is the best 3d final fantasy gameplaywise until this
oh baby this is gonna be a good one
But that only applies in real life against badly built russian tanks
It applies to anything combustion engine with an air intake or a crew.
A deposit was made in your bank account, square enix is proud of his hardworking pr team , good luck and keep up the good work
Is it established anywhere prior to the boss battle that enemies can create barriers and that the barriers have weaknesses that are different than the monster's weaknesses? Because if not, no fucking wonder nobody thought to try fire on the barrier. It wasn't established that the barrier is a separate entity.
XII is a slog of a story
You have all this pretty world with races and shit and explorable as fuck, but the story is way too boring, also not enough humor
It actually stops me from playing, i really dont care what happens
Her tits are the perfect size.
Again, failing to establish those basic game mechanics individually before throwing them at the player all at once IS considered abysmal game design. It's the kind of shit you'd see in some teenager's RPG Maker game.
You're a fucking retard.
The only thig they don’t tell you about is the shotcut menu, which I’m sure is a demo only problem.
>characters literally telling the player what to do
>retards keep attacking with cloud and get AoE damage then complain when they should be using Barret from a distance as the fucking game says
nah people like you are fucking stupid
it is now, idiot
square fucked up mixing action and turn based, battle system is terrible
Everytime I press X I head dio in my head shouting za warudo.
what does the scorpion throw at you?
my fucking kid nephew had no problems
you're literally defending a brainless journo
I understand there's a help menu or whatever. I'm asking if they establish all the mechanics the boss requires except ONE before they throw it at you. If there's an many as two new unrelated mechanics then they fucked up and it's not a suitable tutorial boss.
Requiring homework reading is not acceptable. It hasn't to happen in game.
there aren't any tutorials during the boss what the fuck are you even babbling about
there is when you're bound but I wouldn't really consider that because it's basic common sense
>dark souls invented i-frame dodging
Based casual
the characters literally tell you what to do
>oh shit a shield
>oh attack it's butthole
>oh it has AoE and tail attacks
>cloud tell Barret to shoot it from a distance
>people still mashing square at it with cloud and complaining the AoE is too OP
Oh, so you’re just a retard then.
yes everything is established by then
the only tutorial is when you're grabbed
the guy in the tweet is just a fucking imbecile
I have seen some dumb fucking playing this demo and I hope it's not dumbed down for them
Who said it did? It's just the biggest i-frame rolling simulator there is
From what I'm reading it sounds like the boss battle attempts to establish cover, barriers, unique weaknesses in barriers, counter-attacks, instances where ranged attacks are mandatory, and a bunch of other shit. Apparently the game instructs you to do this stuff as it comes up but since it's the... erm, "modernized" system you're being pelted with distractions at the same time.
I dunno. Sounds like really awful design to me, journalists not knowing how to play games aside. A lot of my friends played FF7 when they were small kids, so you've got to remember that's part of the demo.
Anyone else going to go buy some Butterfingers in an hour?
It's not awful design, people are just fucking stupid.
Except the only truly "new" concept introduced in the fight is going behind cover, breaking the barrier just requires you to switch "targets" which was already taught to you. I truly don't understand how a supposed "game journalist" could be overwhelmed by this shit
This. My first runthrough of the Guard Scorpion took about 15 minutes with a shitload of potions being used. Just finished my first sub 5-minute run of it and only used Cure once. This is a fun battle system to learn and we haven't even seen the Materia system yet.
have you even fucking played the demo you retard
Hope Don Corneo plays with them
So this is the average Yea Forums poster huh.
repeating yourself ad nauseam doesn’t make it true.
Is taking cover a big think for you? It's not even what I'd call a mechanic. It's padding, just like it jumping on the wall.
I'm sorry the game didn't tell you to attack it's butthole. I forgot a game has to tell you everything.
>Jessie will never say I have balls
Just kill me bros
Yet other anons are saying the barrier is weak to fire while the scorpion itself isn't. That's not merely unique to kids, that's arguably unique to the game because you don't often see that.
You can't say "the player learned to target ergo they know all they need to go". Evidently not because "retards" do it wrong and don't enjoy the game. What do we call it when the game fails to establish its mechanics and players quit before learning? Bad game design.
shock trooper was harder than the boss
Video games have been around for over 40 years.
3d games for over 20.
We don't need to meticulously explain and introduce mechanics one at a time.
anyone who agrees with this person should neck themselves
taking cover and dealing with the shield on the fly is what makes the boss fun
the only new mechanic presented is command grabs
then again majority of Yea Forums admitted to dying to the scorpion so this place is basically overrun with retards nonetheless
He was annoying but he gets fucked hard if you counter with the aggressive stance block
this is Yea Forums
>Go blow her mind
he gets dicked hard by punisher counterattacks, just hold block and wait for him to fuck himself
>literally just parry it in punisher mode
wow that was hard
>radiation is not the same as us, but more looking like a galaxy
What went so right?
boob plate armor on casual clothing needs to be more popular
Only complaint is the lack of jumping during combat. Cloud jumps all the time in cutscenes I need my fucking air combos. Feels like they were trying to stick to the crisis core style of combat.
magic or just parry punisher
No, I call those people fucking idiots, and I'm willing to be you're the moron from the tweet because journalists love using "ergo".
>complain about the intro
Is this nigger braindead or something? Its literally the same fucking intro as the original
that's going to be the big new feature in part 2 that makes it the kh2fm of the remake trilogy bro
Everything you need to know is established by then. Why are you defending this retarded journo so hard?
(((Journalists))) really are a cancer.
Mako Poisoning, user.
>Yeah, the remake is going to be great
>The majority of Yea Forums admits not picking up on key game mechanics, so the game is going to filter out kids and casuals right off the bat. It'll filter people with its other drawbacks too. But the fewer people that play it the better it is!
Squeenix better hope everybody is dumb enough to just buy the brand.
Is this Evan_Forever from GameFAQs?
Is he right Yea Forumsros?
I have never seen someone nitpick so hard
You are a fucking nigger wearing a naruto headband with a bunch of dolls in the background.
Seek help smelly subhuman trash
>video game journalists can't beat basic tutorials
colour me surprised
look at his other videos. it's bait you retards. literally drinking from the niggers hands.
If everything I need to know is already established, tell me why the characters verbally explain what needs to be done step by step as it happens. Obviously someone at Squeenix realized people weren't going to intuitively grasp all that shit.
If you ask me, it's yet another instance of Squeenix doing the technology before knowing how they want to use it, and they don't want to scrap all the work they did programming all those mechanics.
would explain why he's defending him so hard
why are you critiquing a game you've only heard about you fucking retard
kill yourself
>complaining about banter that are basically tips if people are being unfathomably stupid
I think it's a neat considering some of the playthroughs I've seen. Call it what you want, but there are some stupid fucks out there.
Is that you user? Nice headband.
>From what I'm reading it sounds like
You haven't even played the demo so just shut the fuck up.
I enjoyed the demo, had a bit of difficulty with the battle system during the boss fight but I enjoy it. When those shock troopers showed up during the escape sequence I noticed they only attack physically so I made good use of counter attacks. The only thing that disappointed me was the lack of secret potions behind the train.
you mean on the knocked out guard?
>If you ask me
Nobody asked you, dumbfuck.
You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
Gameplay feel so unsatisfied, I'll wait for the inevitable game of the year edition.
I shouldn't have to play it. You should be able to tell me when, before the boss, you see a barrier with a weakness the monster doesn't have.
You can't fall back to "Well people are just retarded" as an excuse for inelegance.
She actually has chemistry with Cloud. She isn't vague and clingy like Tifa and isn't just using him as a replacement like Aeris. Too bad she dies.
>tell me why the characters verbally explain what needs to be done step by step as it happens.
kill yourself
go be retarded somewhere else
>heavily inspired by ff15
>only 1/10th of the game completed after 5 years
>it took square 10 years to make ff15
So how long until FF7 remake is finished? 30? 40 years?
Has anyone seen barrets limit in the demo?
Seems the game has potential to be challenging considering all the cryingover a tutorial boss.
Hopefully they release a bonus hard mode or something
Combat is tedious
Has splitting one game into multiple ever worked? It sucked with Starcraft and Monkey Island, and looks kind of shit with FF too.
I can, and I will. I'll even call you retarded.
I don't get it
just use punisher mode, i dont even see the point of using normal attacks
It's literally quicker than the original, how is it tedious?
Yeah. Tried to kill the boss woth it but ended up doing it with Cloud's
I assume the only way to force his limit bar to max would be to chug potions while making the fight take as long as you need to fill his bar up.
I swear this guy is literally the journalist damage controlling.
yep during the boss
The Cloud she's crushing on is his phony persona though.
Not really? It's very one sided. Jessie has an obvious crush on Cloud but Cloud doesn't respond at all
>i dont even see the point of using normal attacks
mobility I guess
rolling takes you out of punisher mode
It was okay, better than XV so far but I'm still not thrilled about the combat system. Just felt compelled to spam attacks. Though, it works better with the ATB gauge and staggering etc. I'll have to see it works in the game with harder bosses and stuff.
That journalist that was infamous for the cuphead video did a level one playthrough of Mass effect 1 and complained that he wasnt doing any damage. Those kind of games even come with an auto level option for brainlets and he still didnt use it. You cant stop stupidity no matter how hard you baby the retards.
you cant block in punisher and you move slower
well, what is it?
just a strong charge shot?
Yeah. Looks vey similar to his atb charge shot but it's a red ball just like in the original.
The scorpion counter attack was its one new mwchanic. And that mechanic appeared elsewhere in a few places. Be honest and count how many unique mechanics appear in the remake of the same fight. Don't try to cheekily lump every mechanic or "attacking" either. If you haven't seen it in a prior battle, it's new.
you can block in punisher, that's how you counterattack, I dont think you can block ranged attacks but I didn't test
it's big shot
really big
No you cant block, you just counterattack on melee. But no block. Block is reduce damage and stay that way.
>finds a lever
>starts crying
>play retard mode
>complain it proves you retarded
>talks about corona virus at the end
>I know how to beat it IF it is real
What the fuck is this person?
considering how much he projects about mental illness I'd say he's mentally ill
Its Yea Forums
He's like a black cwc never seen that before. The rest of his channel is hilarious.
I only played on "normal" mode and I'm too lazy to start the demo another time: Is "classic" turn based?
Its my first FF game so I dunno if this was like this in the original but I was under the impression that the original was turn based.
With this real time battle I found it kinda wasted to try to dodge (and it seemed useless anyway for enemies like the laser turrets).
Ok and?
>fast forward 40 minutes
>this retard is actually unironically crying
What in the actual fuck.
its funny how the bring trannies at the end out of nowhere
its like, hes sperging about people thinking that "what i think its fine and i think remake is great" and he says something like "just like i think im a woman when im a man" and starts laughing psychotically
>they should make them all the same instead of making different games differently
Too many particle effects, so that's the trade off for not getting 60 fps eh?
Ferrari was one of the best hirings Square made in recent years.
>complains about guards at the start dying too easily
>guards die in one hit in the original
>can make it though the entirity of the first reactor just holding attack in the original
nostslgiafags are cancer
Classic is the journalist mode.
Game plays itself except for the ATB stuff and outside of battle.
Blocking, evading and normal hits are done automatically.
Ok boomer
No the game just autoplays and you only get to pick atb moves.
It's probably more braindead than easy mode.
and learn what words mean
Your point?
In the original, every action requires your input so you're engaging with the game.
In the remake, many battles require next to no input so you feel bored and complain the game is too easy.
Fucking simple to understand.
>chooses 30 minutes
Do you have to keep track of relationship points or whatever the fuck they were called between Tifa and Aerith?
I care about the fact they made changes to the character, not that I prefer one for sexual reasons over the other.
It's also really cringy that Japanese people can't survive without cultural anchors. It's like they're all severely autistic. With Yuffie Kisaragi no longer in the game, they had to turn Tifa Lockhart Japanese. Her name is fucking Tifa Lockhart.
>I'm gonna buy it all eight years from now and play it in one go for two hundred hours
That's the reality of what you're taking about since each chapter is slated to be length of a full game and they're gonna take years to finish. It's not like the old Telltale Walking Dead games where each chapter only took a few months to come out and were only a couple hours each. Waiting on that was reasonable. Besides there's no guarantee the entire saga will ever be released in one bundle. People are still waiting for the XIII trilogy to be rereleased as one set.
so you literally havent played, ok
>that rage
Is this our Michael?
>every action requires your input
>can literally a button down to spam attack your way through the reactor
whoa so deep
Honestly this guy isn't too far off. I was able to beat the boss but it took me like 10 potions and 8 ethers and it was a pain in the ass. I mean you have to use Thunder a bunch so you need to use ethers and then you got to keep switching it up to stagger, requiring you to use even more magic like Fire, that's more MP and ethers used, then you need to heal too which takes a ton of time and then to fill your ATB gauge again you're stuck with shitty attacks that do little damage.
I dunno. Didn't really click for me in that boss fight.
How do I play the demo in different language?
I set my system language to Japanese but that did nothing.
>choose autoplay easy mode
>complain the game is too easy
>Makes some good points
>It's so fucking good!
switch language to wapanese, create wapanese account, download wapanese demo
please be ironic
>makes some good points
like fucking what
Annoying, I'll just watch a Japanese playthrough then.
>I was able to beat the boss but it took me like 10 potions and 8 ethers and it was a pain in the ass
of course a brainlet would agree with a brainlet
Nah classic is terrible
It has potential though with mods, im pretty sure people will tweak it to make it better. Its literally the only purpose.
get fucking good
I haven't watched the video yet faggots
I pray they are, but there are some really dumb fucks on this board.
it's basically star wars even down to the main protagonist (Vaan/C3PO) being fucking useless until he meets who's actually useful to the story and the hero of it (Ashe/Luke)
Lol its gonna get 87+ and your gonna be seething
changing the system to jap does change it retards
Fuck off, you cunt. I explained my posts with clear concise thoughts. Sure, I'm not great at the game, I get it. I don't care, I don't need to prove anything. But the system felt like a pain in the ass.
How did you do? You didn't need any potions or cures for the boss fight? No Ethers? You killed him with just 5 Thunder uses even though it only did like 1/50th damage?
CWC in LTG's body
Why are people on Yea Forums suck faggoty cunts?
Seriously you think you're superior or "smarter" than someone for being a faggot?
Nice, thanks for the vid man. See, this is a response from a normal human being, not a giant gaping faggoty cunt who needs to die yesterday like
imagine watching playthroughs instead of playing like a wealthy chad. Yikes.
I used maybe 3 potions, no ethers, and used lightning about 3 times. I used Barret when it was shielded up, and Cloud every other time. He's easy as fuck to stagger.
you can do both, you do realize this
shut the fuck up you imbecile
I don't know then, my game was just different than yours. I used Lightning when the barrier was up and then fucking hacked away at him with Cloud, didn't work. Dude barely took damage from Clouds sword. Idk, our games must have been different.
I chose 20 mins for the bomb instead of 30, idk if that changes the difficulty. But no, 3 Thunders was not at all enough for my file.
But all the menus and the pause screen were still English for me.
I didn't check beyond that.
i don't and won't ever.
go be retarded somewhere else
Lol itll get 87+ and a GOTY nomination and you'll be seething
You need to kill yourself for getting angry at someone for admitting they had trouble with a video game.
Seriously. No one loves you. You contribute nothing. Just die, already. You fucking faggot.
No, our games were the same. You're just fucking slow.
Deal with it.
You talking about inside the reactor? The other path is the one you take on your way out. I tried to go that way early and was forced back as well.
cry harder you literal brainlet
You need to kill yourself for getting angry at someone for admitting they had trouble with a video game.
Seriously. No one loves you. You contribute nothing. Just die, already. You fucking faggot.
cry harder bitch nigga
You need to kill yourself for being such a butthurt low IQ faggot.
Hi there!
You need to kill yourself for getting angry at someone for admitting they had trouble with a video game.
Seriously. No one loves you. You contribute nothing. Just die, already. You fucking faggot.
This is what FFVIIR fans are like? Yeah, this game fucking sucks and you guys need to form a suicide pact
This still has English text.
Yeah I'll continue watching the fully Japanese playthrough on youtube.
Not him but he's right and you should kill yourself you fucking journalist tier brainlet.
Like holy shit just give up on video games you're fucking horrible.
Hi there!
You need to kill yourself for getting angry at someone for admitting they had trouble with a video game.
>Seriously. No one loves you. You contribute nothing. Just die, already. You fucking faggot.
This is what FFVIIR fans are like? Yeah, this game fucking sucks and you guys need to form a suicide pact
Wow! Absolutely fucking pathetic.
I'm going to go out on a date now with a hot blonde. You all continue to rage on the internet because someone had trouble their first time on a boss fight. Fucking lmao. Fat fucking faggoty cunty retards = FFVIIR fans
I will never get tired of that character transition
>timed exclusive on a dying console
>unnecessary changes that will probably make it almost as bad as crises core
I'll wait to pirate the PC version, thanks.
just stop
>accusing someone of cringe.
>make the cringiest post of all.
>"That's gay!" said the cum covered man with 6 dicks in him
How humiliating for you to make a post like that, user.
what teh fuck is going on
Ok boomer.
tick tock only 20 more years until you're dead :)
>gets called a retard
>goes full retard
fuck is wrong with this board
Dean Takahashi was the Cuphead idiot, he recently done it again with nu-DOOM. Turns out he's not into games, just studied basic journalism.
I used most of my potions, was I supposed to not? Even used a Phoenix Down, although didn't use the other stuff. Will I no longer qualify for your coveted Redbull™ MLG Gamer Of The Year Award?
I thought it was fun. Looks a bit jagged on PS4 Slim, and don't like the button mapping, but overall it seems worth getting.
you don't know japanese
>I'm going to go out on a date now with a hot blonde.
Now I know for a fact that you're either 14 years old or just a shitposter.
Hi there!
You need to kill yourself for getting angry at someone for admitting they had trouble with a video game.
>Seriously. No one loves you. You contribute nothing. Just die, already. You fucking faggot.
This is what FFVIIR fans are like? Yeah, this game fucking sucks and you guys need to form a suicide pact
Wow! Absolutely fucking pathetic.
I'm going to go out on a date now with a hot blonde. You all continue to rage on the internet because someone had trouble their first time on a boss fight. Fucking lmao. Fat fucking faggoty cunty retards = FFVIIR fans
Huh? Lmao the meme doesnt work here. God, you're fucking braindead. Jesus christ.
Meanwhile I'm a software engineer who gets paid $150K a year and also I had no trouble with any video game I've ever played, yet you faggots are jumping on someone for not daring to excel in a new game immediately.
Seriously, why so angry?
Thank you guys
sperg sperging out
Hi there!
You need to kill yourself for getting angry at someone for admitting they had trouble with a video game.
>Seriously. No one loves you. You contribute nothing. Just die, already. You fucking faggot.
This is what FFVIIR fans are like? Yeah, this game fucking sucks and you guys need to form a suicide pact
Wow! Absolutely fucking pathetic.
I'm going to go out on a date now with a hot blonde. You all continue to rage on the internet because someone had trouble their first time on a boss fight. Fucking lmao. Fat fucking faggoty cunty retards = FFVIIR fans
Meanwhile I'm a software engineer who gets paid $150K a year and also I had no trouble with any video game I've ever played, yet you faggots are jumping on someone for not daring to excel in a new game immediately.
Seriously, why so angry? You're so mad that you're game isn't going to get a 100/100? Lmao. Pathetic.
Nah, it'll be flop of the year 2020 and be GOTY contender in 2021 when the PS4 exclusivity is up. You know how it is with these people.
>Even used a Phoenix Down
>You don't have to play that mode though.
don't worry about that guy. He's a FFXV fanboy that is trying to force the idea that Classic mode is the ONLY way to play VIIR, which is a lie
that's what Barry does, cherrypick to try and make VIIR look bad because his game is a Hold O casual pandering shitshow
If you block you take reduced damage. If you block melee attacks while in punisher mode you will counter attack.
it's also possible to evade some attacks.
point is: you WILL take some damage. it's ok.
>Barry going full sperg mode
I don't buy the 3 episode thing. How are they gonna cover everything up to north crater in 1 episode?
>t. gayming journo
Hi there!
I straight up completed this game (+Emerald and Ruby) in 30 hours last year.
They never said it was going to be 3 episode
I'm not Barry, you guys ITT are just fucking faggots. I didn't say the game was bad in any way, just said I had trouble with the systems. And you all jumped on me like I fucked your grandmother's corpse.
No, I'm not fucking stupid for having a little trouble with a fucking video game for a few minutes. Get your heads out of your asses dipshits. I hope you get fucking raped.
they should've been able to cover the whole game in one go but didn't do so because it would be a financial liability
Fuck off, I don't want any gay flowers you whore.
Damn you're a fucking badass dude!
>No, I'm not fucking stupid
Your posts suggest otherwise.
go outside
lmao you're fucking garbage
You didn't get blasted for that, you got blasted for giving the dumbfuck journalist an inch of credibility.
Last time posting as I need to shower for my hot date!
Hi there!
You need to kill yourself for getting angry at someone for admitting they had trouble with a video game.
>Seriously. No one loves you. You contribute nothing. Just die, already. You fucking faggot.
This is what FFVIIR fans are like? Yeah, this game fucking sucks and you guys need to form a suicide pact
Wow! Absolutely fucking pathetic.
I'm going to go out on a date now with a hot blonde. You all continue to rage on the internet because someone had trouble their first time on a boss fight. Fucking lmao. Fat fucking faggoty cunty retards = FFVIIR fans
Meanwhile I'm a software engineer who gets paid $150K a year and also I had no trouble with any video game I've ever played, yet you faggots are jumping on someone for not daring to excel in a new game immediately.
Seriously, why so angry? You're so mad that you're game isn't going to get a 100/100? Lmao. Pathetic.
The hilarious thing is no one will have anything good to say to this. Sure they can reply saying "No you're just dumb for not excelling at a video game", in which case, Scholars and Women will fucking laugh in their faces as video games are not fucking important or a mark of ALL, actually.
considering the whole game used to be one episode i dont see the hurdle theyre facing
you are embarrassing yourself
Jesus. This is seriously pathetic now.
That's why easy and classic mode exist. People complain about Souls games not having an easy mode, and now an action game comes along with an easy mode and you choose not to utilize and and still complain. Astounding.
I forgot how scrawny cloud was for the first reveal.
Eh idk that specific journalist was just airing my specific grievances. As I said I got the system and beat the boss, just took me a few moments. Then, the faggots came for my blood!!!
Lmao see my last post...bye then!
yes because this is obviously this guy's first time
Reminder that Final Fantasy 7 is an anti-capitalist anti-industrial conservationist game that fundamentally argues human consumption severs us from our natural place on the planet and the earth would be right to render us extinct for its own safety
>Last time posting as I need to shower for my hot date!
>Hi there!
>You need to kill yourself for getting angry at someone for admitting they had trouble with a video game.
>Seriously. No one loves you. You contribute nothing. Just die, already. You fucking faggot.
>This is what FFVIIR fans are like? Yeah, this game fucking sucks and you guys need to form a suicide pact
>Wow! Absolutely fucking pathetic.
>I'm going to go out on a date now with a hot blonde. You all continue to rage on the internet because someone had trouble their first time on a boss fight. Fucking lmao. Fat fucking faggoty cunty retards = FFVIIR fans
>Meanwhile I'm a software engineer who gets paid $150K a year and also I had no trouble with any video game I've ever played, yet you faggots are jumping on someone for not daring to excel in a new game immediately.
>Seriously, why so angry? You're so mad that you're game isn't going to get a 100/100? Lmao. Pathetic.
>The hilarious thing is no one will have anything good to say to this. Sure they can reply saying "No you're just dumb for not excelling at a video game", in which case, Scholars and Women will fucking laugh in their faces as video games are not fucking important or a mark of ALL, actually.
I'm a shitter who ate fucking ass and used heaps of potions, but didn't need a phoenix down.
What's pathetic? Me defending myself against idiocy? Okay. Stop being an idiot and I'll stop having to do so.
I didn't "complain" nor do I want to play Easy mode. I did the boss just fine, it was a quick first time play through, you fucking sped. I'll improve, quick too. I just said the guy had points about the tutorial. This guy is correct too ITT
that poster is probably a woman IRL
it's his first try doing to speed kill you idiot, not his first try with the boss itself
>wah wah stop being meanies to me!!!11
Keep replying to everyone because some shitposters made fun of you, you pathetic dumb fuck.
I thought you were leaving.
Reminder no one gives a shit.
Guys it’s not about skill, it’s literally a multiple choice test
>you will never seethe this hard
get good scrub kek
How do I get Mako gainz?
It’s literally what makes the game great and to say ‘nobody gives a shit’ is to deny the contents of the game due to political insecurity
how is his cloud AI so good
mine just fucking stands their guarding against nothing the whole time
Mine did the same thing too
Which is probably why i needed more potions than the others ITT (and then called a dumbass for it even tho its because our AI acted differently lmao)
I literally cant believe how badly FUCKING GUARD SCORPION is filtering people. This is the most hilarious thing about this demo.
They did a good job with Cloud at least.He looked like he escaped from Auschwitz on the left. Right he looks healthy and has decent muscles to make the fact that he can swing around that slab of iron he calls a sword slightly more believable.
The Dark Souls of Final Fantasy.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen somebody seethe this hard before. Just walk away from your screen if you’re this triggered nigger, jesus christ.
maybe because he swaps characters frequently
>why can't the game give me all these bandaids for playing poorly waaaaah
can't wait for the sfm porn mostly
I think just the difficulty curve went from 'literally mindless' to okay now you have to actually think about everything you learned for the first time and use all of them together.
I'm not triggered just replying with solid retorts that face people to see themselves. but ty for the concern
To be fair I think he's supposed to look sickly after what happened. Granted he didn't look sickly in the original, but still.
you know what that's probably it
>no i-frames
goddamn casuals I swear
I'd like to see these people play the original.
the game teaches you stagger the first time it throws the dog enemies at you, and it teaches you how to swap targets iirc in the first fight.
The only new mechanic is "stand behind cover" which the characters shout at you
ok boomer
Why are western "game journalists" so utterly inept at their supposed jobs? This seems especially true for JRPGs.
>mfw 2 minutes in
>It wasn't established that the barrier is a separate entity
other than the second target appearing on the boss with the name "Shield Generator"?
You figured out to attack the legs when it was healing itself, didn't you?
Why does the escape timer freeze during cutscenes?
Immersion fucking broken.
You easily have enough time, there's no need to freeze it.
>he's supposed to look sickly after what happened
let's not start this shit again
he's been in tifa's care long enough not to be sickly anymore and the jenova cells would've roided him up plenty by then - a sickly person wouldnt do a flip off a train
How do you stagger exactly? The game only really says 'use different types of attacks' but that doesn't always work.
What does this game's gameplay have to do with the original?
Because getting a degree in journalism is basically the same thing as getting a degree in political science.
so I can appreciate the look of the destroyed environment
Wasnt paying attention to my teammate, and he kept getting picked up. It's my first run damnit, give me a break. Haven't played a FF game since 13.
>dat guitar
my hair is standing holy fuck I'm so happy
The people ITT are fucking pathetic and will attack people for daring to not fucking excel their first boss fight.
Yeah. They're pathetic virgins, I'm 100% with you.
Stop taking bait, my dude. Just enjoy the game.
Why wouldn't you? So by your logic you don't need to hold in XV then?
Cloud was pretty strong even before the Mako infusion too. Like throwing Sephi into the reactor while stabbed.
It's perfectly okay to be bad at a game
just don't be dsp and blame the game
can you go back to trannyera please
your stupidity is ruining the good vibes
or put on a trip so i can filter you
that was purely adrenaline and retard strength
Everything except cover and the shield is dealt with in regular fights earlier in the demo and Cloud/Barret are literally yelling about what to do throughout the fight.
Ah, the classic refuge of the ARPG faggot
"I hate this button-mashing bullshit, this isn't the FF7 I remember"
>durr it's not supposed to be ATB anymore it's an action game now, git gud
"This is a bullshit action game, none of the mechanics make sense or feel good to use and the combat is clunky and shallow"
>durr it's not supposed to be an action game, it's an RPG, stop pretending it's an action game
You don't get bonus points for combining the worst elements of two genres into a bastard fusion of excuses and sloppy gameplay. If you can't nail the action game combat feel properly, don't make a fucking ARPG. Nobody was asking for one anyway. I'm not gonna stop complaining about shitty clunky combat if a developer decides to "modernize" their combat system with action game shit.
Lmao triggered
Move here instead of making yet another thread.
Was Barret always this much of an angry sperg? He was harsh on Cloud at the start in the original but not to the extent he is in this demo.
This lol
It is an action game with action combat
Punisher will probably be bad for blocking multi-hit attacks unless you're sure the counterattack will make the enemy flinch
so like xv
Part 1 of 3 I bet. Game wont be complete till 2029.
That shitty CC2 model is on Mobius FF. The gacha game.
yes he was because Cloud is a dick
barry pls
>draws the best character art
>always creates the best combat systems
>has literally never made a bad game
>still dresses like a 16 year old emo boy in his mid 40s
nomurachads literally always win
>begins by shooting off screen
why did this make me laugh
Ah, I'm not. Think I'm being mixed in with the other guy, don't mind a bit of trolling just wish people were on topic and giving tips.
Dunno if anyone has noticed but Carbunkle Summon is only in Digital Deluxe edition. GAME UK is missing the dynamic theme but has patches. No idea how the Butterfinger thing will work outside US, seems like some unusual items.