Reimu is in this touhou thread!

Reimu is in this touhou thread!

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how old is she?

I fucking hate smash and I fucking hate you nintentoddlers

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>smash ruins all discussion about the fighter's games
>ruins all discussion about non-fighter's games
>ruins all discussion about character's games that aren't in the game whatsoever
where does if fucking end

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reisenfag, what happened to your sunny optimism?

reimu for smash


Do you guys actually want her in smash? i feel like it would draw too much "western" attention.

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>Using explicit Smash and Touhou references as the OP on Yea Forums...

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this is true

I hope that Reimu gets into Smash Bros so I can laugh at you and watch you all melt down.

We don't actually know
Other characters age in real time so she should be around 25 years old, but we don't have an exact age.

Reimu's husband is here.

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Enjoy waiting two years for a mii costume then.

How did you know I was here?

A mii costume is the most likely scenario, I'd be absolutely shocked if Reimu was even considered. The thing is that there would be more people whining about the impending fandom apocalypse than actual people getting into Touhou because of it. So it'd be extra funny to watch the insecurity and jumping at shadows.

...why did you give this to me as a present, user?

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I love Reisen!

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too old

Where did you get a comouter, Sanae?


I got them for cheap from marisa

She was a child in the PC98 games, I like to think she is in her early twenties in the Windows games. As said. We just don't know.

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Marisa is in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

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Rebuttal: Nobody loves Reisen.

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How can that be if I love Reisen?

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Simple. You're a nobody.

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Where's the Magus Night arrange, then?

Please don't make me question my existence at this time

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You exist. Despite the universe repeatedly attempting to correct the problem. Stop resisting.

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I love the dream cow.

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That's a tapir retard

The SP kill quests in Shanghai.exe are brutal. What the fuck were they thinking with the double JunksSP fight and their combined healthpool of 2600HP. Can you even deal that much damage without running out of cards

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You'll disappear if I look away.

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I gave up right after realizing that JunksSP was actually a double boss, fuck that shit

their attack isn't even that bad with one or two area grabs but I won't even bother till later where I have way more firepower in my deck because screw plinking at health with the buster


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I love Reisen!

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>gaijin zoomers would be mad
>retarded secondaries would also be mad
Can't wait to main her