Granblue Fantasy Versus

She's in

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm from Cygames. She's in

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Remove floof

Do we know the fucking price for the character pass yet?

Your staff rep. She's in

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25 Hong Kong Dillery Doos
High execution naru corner combo with Genji to Kagura stance

Why did the other one got 404'd? People were talking about the game.

How ready are you for the remixes of these?

Whats this in real money

>Martial Artist
>Pervert old man
>Voiced by Koyama Rikiya (Takamura Mamoru)
>"Otoko Uta" theme song:

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I wish I could just buy all the fucking weapon skins. I can't even fucking get to Narmaya's hard mode fight to get her crafting materials without playing through a bunch of other bullshit.

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I'm afraid they may cut the vocal parts. Soriz theme is already confirmed to not having SOIYA vocal.

He's in.

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Why doesn't this fucking asshole have inputs turned on so I can see what he's doing?

You forgot

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>meme song people only ironically like
>tons of other martial artists, boxers, and fist fighters to choose from
>using being old or perverted as though it is a plus
>caring about voice actor
There's a reason no one cares about that character. I'll take Aliza any day for the kungfu moveset

When does the Playstation Store update? Holy shit.

NA gets Narmaya and Beelze on release right?

This. Also why does NA have to wait a month to play? Did they change the game or something?


Because Xseed ruined everything.
Yeah we do.
About twelve hours from now.

Yes they confirmed that.

I'm too much of a brainlet and bad at fighting games to play new characters I need somebody to write a guide or make a video telling me exactly what to do and combos and shit

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Soriz is fucking based. Fuck waifu and fujo faggots. ASW was given free reign.

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at noon because xseed is a shit company that never should have gotten the publishing rights. They literally could have just had arcsys do it.

Just ignore the waifufags. I'll take my pervy old man with the hopes that he at least give me Slayer's undertow, or his FB Pilebunker. I need a strong punch on my punch man.

we aren't getting a release user. XSEED fucked up, it's not coming out at all now.

sorry lads she's taken

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>she need to button her jacket after her super
Based Arcsys

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>ASW was given free reign.
that seems like a bad thing for a fanservice game. you'd think something like choosing character reps should be done by people with the data on who's actually popular.


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>only ironically like

They are still following popular character choices. But they for sure still want to do their own thing and add whoever fits the 'function' they want at the moment. They literally had Cygames create Beelzebub for this game alone.

So the pass only actually has four characters right? Since Beelzebub can be unlocked in game without it. This better be a twenty dollar pass then.

They did say season 2 would have more focus on fan favourites

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Not gonna even buy the game anymore. Fuck xsneed

>data on who's actually popular.

They refuse to base character picks on popularity because this is what the season pass would look like if they did.

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>4 twinks and one gaychad

I just wanna play the game you nip fags

Add Vira, Silva and Jeanne if we talk about the girls. They might put Bea as well.

homos doesnt count as human beings tho

Fuck fujos. Actually, don't fuck fujos. Don't let your friends fuck them either.

Sandalphon is 99% guaranteed though, being the most popular male, unless they make a third pack right now


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what did she mean by this

This is exactly what I was talking about. I don't know the full list of top tier popular characters but from input alone the game would be full of waifu coomer bait and fujoboys. No one familiar with fighting games would be too shocked if that happened but it would for sure cut down outside appeal because of the stigma that shit causes. DOA gets core valued from too much boobies alone.

So let me get this straight, you have to pay 60 dollars for the base game with only 11 characters in it and then spend 20 dollars to get another 5 that should've been in the game to begin with? What kind of bullshit is this?

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At least it was incredibly obvious she was gonna be it since she was the only character in the story that wasn't already playable, confirmed for playable in the future, or part of the main story crew to begin with.

Yes. But the codes you can sell and just get the game for "free"

Bros, can I get Belial's aesthetics natty?

You can sell the gacha code to pay for the game. This has been a nonissue when people realize they can recoup 50-60 bucks off the codes

>waifu coomer bait
>implying it wouldn't just be the fujoboys

How can the code be worth so much?

cuz the codes are tied to a gacha game, and the codes are HIGH value for said game

One code is a limited character skin with unique animations. One code is a material needed to unlock timegated characters whose grind is so ridiculous you wish you could just throw money and get it.

because you can get a heavely timegated and limited item that's needed to unlock a character(s) in the game. They are pretty new so some nips are having a dickwaving contest on who's gonna get all 10 of them first

Beelzebub will probably take awhile

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you get 5000 crystals for finishing the story, thats almost 2 ten rolls that costs 25e for one
On top of that you also get a gold brick, evolite or sunlight stone which are all rare materials and usually if you want a extra gold brick you have to pay even more for some DVD than what the game costs

and to top that off a nice skin too

And how do you sell the codes off without getting scammed?

>no censorship for DLC characters

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Where do you sell the codes?

the 300 yen bubs DLC can net you atleast $30 as highest price on JP market because of the astral weapon

Don't give the codes before the money is in your account.

E-Bay, Twitter mostly. I sold mine in epicnpc the other day.

you sell it via amazon jp

>first balance patch is in april

Almost time for Gran to get his foot amputated

bruh, you are the one with code. If anything, you'll be the scammer

Like hell, it's just a powercreeping EX weapon. Japs aren't gonna fall for it now.

Explain. Thought the uncensored was just a costume you unlocked for beating the story.

>April 1 patch
>Kat and Gran gets buffed
Its just a joke bro

I suppose that you can obtain the uncensored version by finishing her Story Mode Quests.

what do you expect on those collectorfags like the gislafags

Can't wait for Vas to get nerfed because Arcsys hates big bodies.

It’s actually a universal option that can only be available by finishing Story Mode. Basically it censors and uncensors everyone

They're all future grindable weapons user, the DLC codes isn't where you profit. It's the main 5000+ crystals and Evolite because the nips who want every fucking Eternal are desperate enough to pay the full price of a game for you.

I can’t play charge characters but watching videos he does seem honest. Having to struggle neutral just to make that one combo starter

Thank God for lifeless nips who do nothing but grind I can get a fighting game for freeee

What's with the league of legends cooldown bullshit? You can't spam specials even if you do the inputs traditionally?

>I've never used ebay or Paypal before
setting up an account to sell this shit is going to be annoying isn't it?

I wonder if you have to finish Narmaya DLC story quest to get the option or if the option is already unlocked when you get the DLC if your story mode is already done.

>DLC codes isn't where you profit
You now that a skin in the game cost a fucking lot, right?

You can spam as much as you'd like. EX moves are the only ones that force cooldown even if you do the proper motion.

>LoL invented cooldowns
and you're mistaken. Specials have normal fighting game limitations if you use the proper input. basically normal stuff like "no more than one fireball on screen at a time" but nothing like "can't fireball repeatedly to zone". You can still spam your shoto moves to your hearts content if you are capable of doing a 236 or 623 motion.

If you do specials traditionally, the cooldown is faster by a significsnt margin. Some characters like Cahrlotta have combos that require traditional inputd to be used. Nothing wrong with using the shortcut in a pinch though, like DPs.

>caring about voice actor
GBF *is* a core seiyuufag game

Naru unironically saved GBVS. And you people kept saying draphs weren't popular.

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Depends on the abiliry and the version you do. Ex's have longer cds. In general you can spam L/M versions with effectively no cooldown as long as you do the input.

Moni moni when?

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lmao the "leaker" blown the fuck out again
gets soriz wrong
gets djeeta wrong
gets final character wrong and said it was vira

Are the early access weapons for the gacha game now available? Which one is the best?

>league of legends
I don't even want to answer your question after that.
But let's be gentle here.
You have 4 free EX moves at the start of the round, after using one, you get a cooldown.
It's basically cooldown management of free EX moves.

We don't need jobbers here.

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They arent. Only Narmaya was the popular one.

Anyone who didn't guess Zoi after RPG Mode is a literal retard.

>saved GBVS

Don't compliment them just yet. People actually think she'll be a weapon switching mode switching gunner, lancer, and sword and shield fighter.

>draphs weren't popular.
Nigga I fapped to draph doujins before I even knew what granblue was

>Bubs over the rest
Looks retarded.

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I like the OL past her prime but still has to take care of a shithead like Lecia dynamic.

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In that picture Narmaya is literally the only one that is even remotely popular

boss character privilege

>weapon switching mode
Not gonna happen.

I've been trying to tell them that, but they don't listen.

>Narmaya's armpit and sideboob

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Who's the ky kiske of gbfv?

Chad privilege.

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I'm pretty sure the top line is going to be used for villains. Soriz is going to go under Narm, then Djeeta and Zoi next to them.
If pack 2 has Belial up top then they'll add 4 more on the bottom.

Katalina. Gran is Sol

More like "looks based" - gigachad looks down on all these fags and gay angels like Sandal.

I’m too used to faster pace fighters so after trying bubs in practice I thought he wasn’t going to be super great in an actual game, but he actually does pretty well. Considering I don’t have any characters I personally love in the game yet, I’m glad the characters all have some fun simple stuff to offer while having more to dig into if you really want to. Can’t wait for my actual favorites to come in and be dog shit

Bubs has the same fuck you energy in his playstyle that Lowain has. But he's way better at it.

>no Sarasa
It's always funny to see this picture when the only other potential female draph is not in it.

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Did they cancel the Western digital version or something? The game still isn't up on the playstation store.

I fucking love zoners that can also go unga in melee, like GG's Venom.
Buff when

Xsneed will put it tomorrow based on their tweet

It'll either be midnight pacific, or tomorrow when the store updates.

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>buff when
>currently one of the most made eternals due to her being one of the best before 5*
She and Song are destined to stay the same forever because KMR looks at the numbers and go "well, people keep making them, so clearly they don't need to be changed!" despite both of them being made for extremely niche uses these days.

Nah Kat is straight up from another game altogether. She’s a SF4 shoto because of her unique

That bastard is calling Gran "Singularity" and all the other characters get a "whatever" for his System Voice

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Astral weapon is better than xeno. 33% EX mod

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Looks like a long asf delay between the animation and the spikes to hit.

Almost all the characters are an SF character plus an Arcsys character.

No shit. Gran is the singularity in GBF. Him and Djeeta, depending on who you play, are basically going to decide which Bahamut to side with. Lyria and Vyrn were never supposed to meet.

It doesn't help that the numbers of players with 4* Sarasa and Song will spike up during anniversary stream statistics due to current jew freebie event. At least Quatre's seiyuu will be there during stream, so maybe he can at least mention his character being fucking useless outside of Luci HL.

Does the gacha code come in the physical and digital or only physical copies

are you fucking shitting me? it's an ex modifier?

Why does this series have so much gay porn and also child porn

It's on par for the rest of the super skybound arts, it's easily combo'd into so no big deal

Duh, Bubs is Singularity of Crimson Horizon while Gran is Singularity of Sky Realm. He's basically his only real rival outside of Lucifaa.

Its inside the game itself through amenu, so all should have it


great more borings characters

Okto and Funf unironically have a better chance of getting a rebalance than the characters that actually need them, since their numbers last stream were very low. Uno and Quatre, too, but at least they fucking need it.

Guys, him calling Gran "Singularity" wasn't the funny part, it's how he don't fucking care to call anyone by their names in the select screen.

>okto rebalance
There is nothing to rebalance unless they’re going to fucking kill him on stage. Nigga is the most core eternal out there

the option isn't on a character basis, it's for everyone. you can't have one character with the versus costume and another with the original

The only rework that Funf needs is a vocal one.

Ok, I understand now!


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Who will be the first Eternal in Versus?
Siete or Six?

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This isn't a matter of whether the character "needs" a rebalance, but whether they'll get one or not. Six certainly didn't need a rebalance as one of Dark's best attackers, but he got one anyway because his statistics (read: how many players made them) were extremely low. It doesn't matter whether they're core or not, they'd get them to make them more popular for people to go through the effort to obtain.

Both will probably be pass 3 .

Siete if they plan multiple. Six if it’s a solo act

Im amazed how many of you fags understand niphongo.
I need to study


First balance changes are being done in the April title update.

Pass 3 will be the zodiacs themselves (minus kumbhira because ugly draph)

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you wish your boring midget were more popular than the least know draph

two things
>codes for PC
>Seofon, the strongest Eternal
I will now buy your game.

>zero harps
>zero staffs
>zero guns
>zooey is going to be another sword

How do you fuck up this badly?

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By having arcsys make the game and make it favor gorilla.

they need swordshield rep

>1 axe
>1 spear
>1 bow
>1 katana
>2 knife
>6 swords
>3 melee

So... Volenna, then?
And yet Siete got nerfed in terms of OTK for non-Wind elements.



>Literal whos without an SR atleast


He does call Lowain “fool” though

Siete is still way better than he used to be, even without the multi-element aspect.

Yet he got massively buffed for on-element.

How hard are all the "leakers" seething right now?

Her and Chad Vyrn, please.

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Which will be more alive ps4 or pc version?

The Vira one wasn't mainly leakers. it was the VA pointing at something in VS and shouting "oh im in the game"

But she does have SR version
And it was already said gorillion times that they're not using POPULAR characters in Versus (otherwise you'd be seeing all gay angels in every season pass).
True, but Wind also got Grimnir(s) and Meteon, and one of your slots is always taken by Monkey, so he has some pretty serious competition now (he's still a bro and total monster for ougi bursting, though).

They can't add her before they replace her voice actress since she just quit doing Cerberus.

And because of that, I still think it's legit. Just not in this pack.

my wife next please
thanks cygames

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Yeah and guess what, voicework is done months in advance, not 3 weeks before a livestream with a trailer. I'm fairly sure thats part of the reason why Djeeta had to be DLC, she was studying abroad iirc


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i really hope that they will give a zodiac only pass. gonna main vikala and vajra for that

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>No cerberus in Princess Connect
>Now this
She was the Morrigan of Cygames, c'mon.

Just teach her how to hold her fucking spear and that would solve like 80% of her problems.

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>delayable divekick that's plus on block

The im just gonna skip neutral button

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Not everyone has Grimnir, and not everyone has hyper-limiteds like Monkey and especially Meteon, and anyone can make Siete.

I personally believe that Siete is better than Meteon anyway, the only team utility he provides is his 1 while Siete both does huge damage and lets your team do huge damage with teamwide ignition.

She still is, but they're at a stalemate because the VA thinks she's too good for this shit


>Naru's color palettes pretty much deconfirm Maria and Pig
Oh well...

Base characters have colors that reference other base characters. Character colors mean nothing, stop thinking like that

Are bubs bracelets his weapon skins or is it something weird like his shoulderpads?

>I personally believe that Siete is better than Meteon anyway
I actually use them both, because fucking gay chuuni avoids me, and they work pretty well together.
But yeah, I guess the biggest advantage of jews is that you can make them without relying on gacha RNG, which varies between each player.

Twitterfags first impression of narmaya is bad because she's hard to play due to stance switching

It was inevitable

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Yeah, his weapon skins are melee. You can craft Wilhelm, Cosmic Claw, Ultima Fist, Uriel Gauntlet, Crimson Finger... and I think I forgot other ones.


>The only one other than Gran that Beelzebub acknowledges beyond just another insect is Lowain from how absolutely fucking stupid he is
That's incredible.

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Animeniggers are Snoyfags. I don't blame them since Namco and ArcSys fuck up their games on PC with updates and then never fix them. DBZF is a stuttering mess even when facing players that live 30mins away from you. The only time anime fighters are populated on PC are on release.

How do i get the vyrn weapon for bubs?

Also concerning Grimnir, I've always found him kind of redundant on a lot of wind teams. Dispel Cancel is pretty cool but otherwise he isn't a big game-changer like Alexiel and Shiva are.

Why isn’t this up on PSN yet

And that's a good thing

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>Took 6 months of grinding to get a half-decent Yuzu
If you truly love the character, the struggle is worth it. In the case of Narmaya, her move look cool enough to make a genuine effort, but I'll probably stick to maining Zeta for now.

blame xsneed

>Lancelot's color palettes pretty much deconfirm Percival

He just carries a neat support kit (which goes quite well with Monkey's) and, after maxing out stacks, can deal quite good damage. The fact that he has Staff AND Spear proficiency also makes him a good pick for Spear teams (Heles/Kokkoro/Birdman) or Staff teams (way too many to list).
Summer one is just as busted, though, no?

You’re right it’s dumb to flat out think a color means someone is deconfirmed in this game... but in this case considering it’s flop pig I think this is a bag it and tag it. Along with Maria to a lesser extent, but I honestly don’t know what oracles they would pick beyond Nier who would be the guarentee if one makes it

literally who?
Too recent and if any zodiac is getting in, its Anila or Anchira

Summer one is so much better is not even funny.

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meanwhile summer Europa is worse than original, there has to be some form of balance

So will Grand Order just be a SSB animation or will she be another Yuguyugu?

So why is this guy evil again? Is he one of the angels that got trained wrong as a joke?

They'll just launch her to space and let her use Gamma Ray gundam style for her SSB. No point making a GO model for her.

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There is zero chance of a zodiac pass, there isn’t a justification to do all of them. For them to do that the game would have to be getting support for 5 years with a shit ton of passes to consider it. The only set of characters that could get away with that is the Eternals and that’s a slim fucking chance already. Perhaps the element disciples to an even lesser extent.

The point is that a character showing up as a color means absolutely nothing and what would deconfirm Pig is her lack of notoriety, her recency, and her competition with other Zodiacs, not a dinky color.
Nier is by and far the most standout oracle when it comes to how people have reacted to them. The only ones that come even close are Lobelia (surprise, the two psychopaths) and Alanaan (for being absolutely broken).

Summer Yurop isn't worse, infact a lot of teams use her instead of the base one purely because she provides a lot more raw power to a team compared to the overall buffs that base does. CA reactivation is no joke, man.

>*1500 damage*
>*6000 damage*

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>No point in making a GO model
You fool you forget that they still give a shit about the rpg mode for some reason. Easily new boss to add

the game is 748 hk, probably $5?

Nier's in.

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Not like original Europa is super good either (although having her and Lily does make you fucking invincible). And I remember people using Summer Europa for some Pholia shenanigans (like allowing Pholia to double ougi for her buff extension and thus being able to have all other party members with Pholia's buff on).

If I can use Setsuka I can use this cow.

>need to decide to ticket Cain for his katana and never use him cause I h e 5 star cock or replace my Alexiel with her Summer with the ticket
Fuck man it just feel shitty to use the anniversary ticket just for a weapon in the grid. Even shittier if Cain surprises my ass during a legfes later

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They're totally going to bring Lucilius back in a story update for S2 or 3 and have him be playable aren't they?

Is there a lobby up?

Summer Europa was busted good in the trial characters before we knew who the moveset belonged to. They nerfed the shit out of her

>Sony leaked that best girl Zooey is confirmed to be the 5th DLC character
>no one is saying anything

Everyone guessed thst from her having an in game model already

Is Medusa in yet?

Yeah, but will it be Gunzoi? Swordzoi? Spearzoi?


Uniclr ended up dropping at like 10 or 11 a.m. edt on the actual release date so i wouldnt get my hopes up tonight

Naru switches between weapons in her moveset. Zooey will probably be that but even more so. Sword and shield default then normals and specials using a specific weapon

What are the exact rules for Erune to get tails? All I can find is they have to be god-level at...something.

Narmaya uses a nagamaki not a katana, baka gaijin

Only pure-blooded Erune royalties (i.e not mutts) get tails.

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At the very least she'll switch to gun for Gamma Ray.

royal bloodline

I hope she gets a pole dance victory pose

STILL not out on psn store

>that blatant ass powercreep after i spent all that time on xenos and akasha just few months ago
glad i dropped the kusoge

Lies. Stan died from Llana disease in Tarvi. Any further mention of him is a delusion.

Seriously, the tits are a bonus. If I can be somewhat decent with Johnny this shouldn't be hard.

>gay porn
it's a fujo franchise

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Damn should people be slutshaming Heles, Pholia, Alliah for being royalty with no tails?


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wtf cute pit???

What a brat

Remove that dumb fang

What a dumb picture.

Precum is shit


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Stop replying to the disgusting tranny.

*when's Bea 5*

God i love this useless cat

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>hit confirms are too wild that its like playing a game of russian roulette
>parry doesn't combo
>grabs doesn't combo
>HPA is too short for an install super
>whole corner setup can be negated with just a DP
Are we ever gonna make it, party bros? Never gonna stop till we see him shitpost on the EVO mains stage

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>Playing a 7.0 game

>Zooey gets her grand order theme
>they remix it without Emi Evans vocals

It will be an even bigger crime than what they are doing to Soriz theme.

How big is this game supposed to be on PC? I need to clear some space on my computer for it

He's in.

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it's 5.6gb on the ps4. so expect it to be around 8-12gb on pc

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male clone of a divine speaker
is an astral who fused with primal beast for more power
was an outcast in astral society since he had some connection with his speaker blueprint so he acted like an autist
wants to become god

Damn you really can see that pros actually do not understand characters easily. You'd think it be that way because you know, they are pro players.

I'm watching Omito right now and he really doesn't know what to do yet with Narmaya. Then I saw tweets with retarded mixups and combos with her already from lab players.

What should I be doing at low levels if I'm new to the game?
Right now I just walk around and throw out pokes or projectiles, and try to anti-air when people jump at me.

Play Gran and play it like Street Fighter.

gotta subscribe to his twitch and join his discord for that :)))))))))))))))))))

Search for some most basic bread and butter combos (even just 3-5 ones are fine). Memorize them (and do it on both sides - some people learn combos only when being left OR right player and instantly start sucking ass once they're on the wrong side). Check what other chars can do and learn how to block their normals and skills (with either high or low block). After that learn when it's possible to punish those moves and counter them with your own combos.
Just getting used to that will make you better than majority of shitters in online. It's only after that you'll need to learn more complex combos (be it neutral/corner/air/etc.) to dish out better damage and learn about oki/corner pressing/perfect guard/dodging/timing your overheads and so on and on.

Pureblood Erunes have tails. Erune exist to be human onaholes so most of them are mutts with mixed blood which cost them their tails. And all the pureblood erunes in the game lust after the Big Human Cock too so the pureblood erunes will eventually die out, they can't resist the Big Human Cock.

Man I wish. Siete and Okto dabbing super hard on the Enforcers was super entertaining.
>we blinded their archer
>they can't shoot us down now
>OMOSHIROI snipes them with his katana anyway

>ruins your story event
he better not be playable in this ever

forgot the picture

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Lowain continues to have objectively the best intros.

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Rei dabbing on his dream was based though.
>why don't you leave

Also Walfrid is a huge nigger. He knows about the mafia killing children and chose to look the other way. I wonder if the True King knows that the man that's supposed to be law enforcement isn't enforcing the law.

It's the first time I heard this guy in this event. Is he always such insufferable faggot?
Like his character is only there to annoy the shit out of you

Yes, he's absolutely insufferable.

Yep. He's trash.
Walfrid in the event is so retarded.

>Also Walfrid is a huge nigger.
That goes without saying. He tried to kill Fif.

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>Lowain bros ate Naru's danchou-valentines chocos
I can't believe the Lowain bros are fucking dead.

Don't worry, Lowain's appearance in Versus is not canon.

Technically Funf got hit in the crossfire but yeah, Walfrid is a huge retard. Though it's funny how he's willing to use lethal force against some of the nicest people in the game but won't use even use nonlethal force against THE FUCKING MAFIA.

It was good knowing you bros

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Man I want the next Lowain Bros event to have them dabbing on Luci, Bubs and the True King.

She (or rather Six shielding her) wasn't hit by any stray attack. It was Walfrid's magic blade. He personally was aiming for the enemy healer (child) specifically.

>Meanwhile Six and Siete personally helped in taking down a rich midget using doping for his own tournament
>Walfrid himself does jack shit when the world is ending

Even Lecia is tired of his shit, Lecia should get promoted.

Lecia should jump down a deep, deep well and stay there.

Fucking retard reread the intro

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I wonder if they will actually give Lowain the buffs he needs in the balance patch or if he is doomed to permanent shit tier because his kit will only let him be shit tier or completely broken.

They could let all of his food restore health+meter and he still wouldn't be very good and he basically needs a third super made to act as a proper combo ender. Yggy isn't very useful compared to characters like Beelzebub doing 50% off a 5M with his SSBA.

If Walfrid actually aimed at Funf on purpose, Siete would have cut him down.

The worst part of Zooey getting in is knowing that they are going to give her the HL theme but remove these vocals.

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>Walfrid is a huge retard
no shit sherlock

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>they are going to give her the HL theme but remove these vocals
They will do it for any fucking new character anyway.
It's always the same shit with japanese music rights, they have to pay a huge amount of money to those studios behind each of their japanese seiyuu or other musical artists if they use their vocals.

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Anyone know who Naru's EN voice actor is?

It still needs to be applied with actual matches. Again, stance switching also changes up her normals, so knowing what to use in high level matches will take a while

I refuse to accept this.

I regret to inform you all that Naru is shit tier. Her normals are way too short ranged and can't compete against the bigger characters.

And unlike Gran and Kat, she can't fly across the screen and get free entry. She has to slowly walk in while getting bullied at range.

Good. That means smelly e-sports fags will keep away from my wife.

Remember when people said Gran was bad Day1
Give it time

Is it worth double dipping the ps4 version now before PC release if I'm in EU, or will it be dead on console?

I know. It's just funny and sometimes frustrating seeing him only using her "mist finer" move over and over and over even when the opponent is jumping and he knows it won't hit at all.

Only get it on PC.

How many hours until it's up on PSN?

Doesn't Cygames own all of that music though?

Only reason to buy console is if you’re US/Asia. Europoors do not play weebshit on console

12pm pst

Some players are saying there's no point in playing Narmaya or Bubs when Gran is in the game.

That's probably true about most characters though. Always makes me sad when the braindead vanilla jack of all trades character is actually the ace of all trades.I know half the people online or more are going to be maining him since people are so afraid to do anything but play as their self insert boring characters that excel in every situation and never have to be outside their comfort zone in any matchup.

He needs to have his parries and grabs be able to combo. The problem with him is his hits come from so far away and he's not big enough or he doesn't have a follow up for any of them except EX moves which has cooldown

Picking a character with obvious weaknesses that force you to play with mindgames/reads is the most fun part of fighting games IMO. What's the point if you have great frame data, can play solidly at all ranges, have high damage combos and meterless reversals?

Yeah but which fucking version of her she's got 4

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I knew she was gonna be the last character but I'm so happy it's confirmed. Thanks for the fuckup (or not giving a shit) Sony.

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To have easy wins I guess. No matter what game, the most commonly used character is the Ryu equivalent. It doesn't even matter how good that character is. People just hate being outside their comfort zone and having to approach matchups uniquely, or compensate for character weaknesses.

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how much of a fucking loser do you have to be to look over this game's roster, see Gran, and go YEP THAT'S MY MAIN FOR SURE

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I just like twinks ok

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We have a lot better understanding of the game today. Naru reminds me of Zeta, but with worse mobility and better damage.

Even Omito is struggling with her due to her pathetic neutral. It's just too easy to keep her out.

It's true. Gran isn't just the "balanced" character, he gets amazing confirms from defending with 2H and also free offense with 5H and boot.

Kat is S tier along with him but her confirms are slightly weaker.

I don't get it

>The image that singlehandedly sent LLfags into a frenzy

>everyone is saying Naru is top tier and bubs is low tier
Draphchads win.

Gran is alright, the only downside is that he was given the generic Fighter class, which is understandable since thats the "canon" appearance
Bless you Zoibros

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Kats midscreen confirms are better than grans and their corner game is about equal imho

>implying grubs are any better

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Okay but how is Bubs? I've seen one combo that was pretty unga damagewise but that's it

That said I'm pretty sure few people outside /gbfg/ got really angry about that, and /gbfg/ is their own brand of retard

/gbfg/ cries everytime a new character or unit isn't a hot girl who slobbers your cock

So PC gets no codes at all? Even the ones from beating RPG mode on hard for the skin?
whats the point then bros....

I’m confused about what’s safe and unsafe in this game. Just saw someone on stream block several auto combos, but didn’t go in for a punish? This game’s mechanics aren’t as obvious to me like GG or SF

To be fair, Naru is the only girl that matters since she's the canon love interest.

>Shitooey fifth character

What a shitty season pass holy fuck

This. I don’t even know anything about Granblue, and the only characters that appeal to me from this season are the first two and the dageeta chick

so the majority of the characters? 3/5 aint bad.

So who did you want? Aliza? Silva? Vira? What other cumrag did you fall in love with?

Not him, but I just want a real grappler.

Gran is a good boy.

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...Ladiva? Soriz? the only other straight up melee characters are closer to boxers

Ladiva is more like R Mika than a true grappler. They don't necessarily need to be fist fighters, Astaroth from Soul Calibur works pretty well as a traditional big body grappler and he uses an axe. It's more about the playstyle approach of big body, slow, heavy hitting attack etc. Imagine Vas with command grabs.

>Naru is the only girl that matters since she's the canon love interest.
Not so fast, cow-whore.

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What are the chances of this awoo making it in?

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It's completely unknown if a singularity is based on where they come from, it's very likely that it's completely unrelated. Perhaps you get the singularity status when you survive an event that should've ended you since Gran was more or less resurrected by Lyria and Bubs survived being thrown in the Crimson Horizon.

Summer version when
Dokkan needs to catch up with Vira in terms of elemental bingo

>real grappler

no other real grappler other than luchador gran and ladiva

>He tried to kill Fif.
that's based tho?

Cag has a better chance than her

>Ladiva is more like R Mika than a true grappler.
How in the fuck?

Couldn't they make an original character or something? Mechanics and gameplay should take priority over story, and they're missing a true representation of one of the main fighting game archetypes. It's like not having a zoner.

Nah, Vira needs all but light and dark SSRs removed. None of thenother shit is wanted or deserved.

Pretty much everyone was guessing that it was gonna be an anniversary-related character in the first place so it was a flip coin between Zoi, Sandalphon and one of the Eternals so it's not that much of a surprise.

That's why I say that Vanilla characters like Gran in a fighting game should never be S tier. Highish-Mid at most. But never S tier.

the fuck do you mean "true"? ladiva is a pure ass wrestler/grappler

Ah yes, make an original character...for a game based on existing franchise. I didn't expect FGC to have this many retards

I'm talking real grappler. Zangief instead of Mika. Wald instead of Gordeau. Potemkin instead of Raven. Mika has a different playstyle to traditional grapplers, she's more of a hybrid corner demon who focuses more on clotheslines and drop kicks.

They were probably composed by them, so they can use the theme without any problem.
But I doubt that they can use the voices without money, any japanese singer/seiyuu is under some contracts with their agencies, so if you use their voices, you need to pay them for it.

Look at Android 21, pleb. It'd hardly be the first time it's happened.

He's pretty based great seiyuu too, people who dislike him are probably underages

So your autism is just angry that Ladiva isn't big enough? Because that's sure what it seems like your problem really is. You want a character that towers over the rest of the cast.

>What's the point
Those guys are pro players, they just want to win, not having fun.
Only some retards like based FAB will keep their favorite character and play nothing else.


Fuck off
Learn to play the game instead of relying on your gimmick archetype that gets bodied the second you fight anybody that knows how to play the game

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>I didn't expect FGC to have this many retards
Be honest. Yes you did
The latest iteration of Zangief in SFV could combo his grapple. Your definition of a true grappler is dead, but I don't think it every really existed.

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No, Ladiva doesn't have the same gameplay flow as the examples I mentioned. I care more about playstyle than a character who is visually a grappler. Ladiva is faster and has a completely different approach to neutral than Zangief would. It's why I used Mika as an example. It's not about how Ladiva looks or acts, it's about the playstyle representation. Vas is closer to a traditional grappler than Ladiva even though he's not actually a grappler.

They made Beelzebub for Versus and introduced him into the main game 2 years in advance purely so he wouldn't appear out of nowhere in Versus.

I'm pretty sure you just want the grappler to be the biggest character.

Wind and Water ones exist only because of Lowain (and Wind one is pretty good for short fights)
Dirt one is pretty good and exist because, well, summer version
Fire one is weird, yeah


Nah, that's not the case at all. Using SF as an example again, Abigail is much bigger than Zangief. Vas actually plays quite a bit like Abigail, being a big body character with armored running/forward momentum moves. Big normals and slow movement with a focus on yomi is characteristic of a traditional grappler, not simply having a big body.

You want his VA? Fine then, use Lelouch instead

He seems very good. His DP is kind of mediocre but everything else is solid. His teleport makes Lowain's Yugu super a joke to handle and in general he demolishes zoners.

>Promo Zooey

you mean the original? The one they released a free skin for because thats how she's supposed to look in the first place?


Not gonna lie, Narmaya's Super Skybound Super intro sequence is one of the best in the game.

Don't worry, she will 100% use her other weapons for some of her normal and/or special moves, same with her super attacks.
She will probably also get her two dragons for some set play and maybe a Grand Order install (Would be better if it was just a super to not getting something useless like Lowain).

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Will the English version be getting codes?

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PS4? Yes, of course. PC? lol no

Based Bubs saving us from the Yugu menace.

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Yes. The only version not getting em is the PC version because of Steam refund policy abuse

Fenritti is doing fucking better with Narmaya than Omito what the fuck.

Yes? I only call it promo because iirc at the time you could only get her via the VISA promotion

You didnt expect her to show up in bikini or shrine maiden robes, did you?

Just because Omito is good with Johnny doednt mean he'll do good with Naru. Remember, Johnny has a 6K thats as good as Fafnir and a whole lot of other shit that Omito has optimized to the fullest but it doesnt mean that carries to other fighting games. Fenrich doing well with Naru is no surprise because Fenrich is a multi-game specialist where as Omito is a GG specialist

already said they're not doing something complex like lowain was

Like I said, no Grand Order install is even better.

Remind me who is Nightmare or Makoto of this game again?

I wouldn't have mind the gunblade rifle one

Which Makoto



I want to have SEX with zoi. SEX

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Well so far none. Wait for Soriz

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Hope respectively for Siegfried and Soriz to be close to the ones you asked and Siegfried to be announced in the first place.

I can't believe they gave Naru a beserker barrage

I have no idea about Soriz. Is he a pure martial artist type? Also, do you guys have an idea on how Djeeta will play? I mean in GBF is she just a mirror Gran or something?

Nevermind I was wrong. It was Fenritti(Bubs) vs Narmaya(GO1).

Djeeta and Gran are just the male and female avatars

Going off my other FG mains who do yall recommend to pick up once non-import english release comes out?

>T7: Bryan/Kazuya
>SC: Cervantes
>GG: Slayer
>SG: BigBand/Parasoul

I want to have SEX with belial. SEX

>I mean in GBF is she just a mirror Gran or something?
It's actually Gran who's a mirror of Djeeta but yes

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I have questions.
does the block button completely invalidate crossup?
what are the characters with air invul dps/specials?
are the one button special AAs effective at their job as a last resort or should players always go for motions?

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He's more of an ORAORAORA guy than a kicks kinda character (kicks being Aliza's specialty). If you want a more well rounded brawler there's Ayer, if you want a literal ripoff of Rock Howard from Garou, right down to movelist, there's Feather

Soriz for old man/Slayer style.

>block button completely invalidate crossup?
Yes, but then you have to deal with frane traps and tick throws
>what are the characters with air invul dps/specials
All characters with a DP can EX DP so they have air unblockable property
>are the one button special AAs effective at their job as a last resort or should players always go for motions
Aurocombos are just 3 hit gatlings used as combo starter on close range or pressure tool. One button notations can be used in a pinch like if you need a DP quick, but most characters have target combos that require you to do the full notation than use the shortcuy

In the game his SSR version is based around gaining stacks when he gets hit and self healing that lost HP so perhaps they'll implement that like they did with Naru's stances.

Oh shit that's space for 80+ characters

thanks for the answers, but with the special shortcuts I meant something different.
Im just asking if the one button specials are effective at reaction stuff like anti airing because a button press is obviously faster than a motion+button press.

I think you can do stuff like Charlotta's back charge moves while running forward or something if you just use the quick input

Yep thats what I said about DPing in a pinch. Longer cooldown but eh, its a DP, if it whiffs or gets baited youre fucked eitherway. There's a dedicated anti sir button at 2H though

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Djeeta is the main character when you play as a girl like how Gran is when you play as a boy.

In the various medias related to Granblue, Gran is portrayed as the canon main character while Djeeta is often portrayed as the super high level player that just rapes the content put in front of her with maxed weapons, jobs and so on. That's why people are pretty mad that Cygames already said that she's gonna play like Gran and won't be a character that instantly swaps between her various job outfits for her moves.

>In the various medias related to Granblue
you mean "1 episode of the anime"

I play as Gran in the gacha game, I like playing shotos, and I like his boot move


I can't decide between Beelzebub, Katalina, or potato

Katalina. Enjoy your damage

I hope Daigo actually starts playing now, that sort of attention helps a game. Also wish they'd confirm some big prize pools outside 1 Japanese event.

The community wants to push it but without big support it is hard.

>because of Steam refund policy abuse
Oh, so it was because of that.

Isnt he sponsored by cygames anyways

>everyone assumed cygames would use their infinite gacha money to forcibly make this the biggest game in the world with million dollar tournaments on a weekly basis
>cygames turns out to know jack shit about how to support and hype up a game, has a generally terrible marketing campaign and release schedule everywhere except japan, and is mostly just leaving the game to tread water on its own

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has there been actually any official statement about this or what, these people just pull this info out of their ass

Its easy as fuck to exploit. Buy the game, get the code then refund. Easy 30 bucks. Unless they can make a system in which you only get the code after 5 hourd where you cant refund the game anymore
Team Cybeasts is officially disbanded yesterday due to conflict of interest as they have a fighting game now.
Funny thing is literally every pro is playing this game BUT Daigo. Even fucking Sako is playing this game

Wifi Lowain is going to be so annoying to deal with.

Daigo would probably enjoy it more than SFV too since it has actual fundamentals and neutral game. Weird that he hasn't given it a shot yet.

>Team Cybeasts is officially disbanded yesterday due to conflict of interest as they have a fighting game now.

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That's why I said it

I was expecting more desu. Was there even a new release trailer for the west?

They're going to reveal and release the last character on the same day: April 1st. I's Vee? and he's like Zeku from SFV where he switches between normal and assassination speed forms.

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MarkMan has also stated it is cause everyone pushing the FGC there is gone. Which is why ArcSys is handling the tour. So that cygames money might not happen

'ate hoes
'ate baras
'ate fujos
'ate yiggydriggy

luv twinks
luv shotos
luv boot
luv Ruby

Simple as

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Sony already leaked it's Zoi

>muh neutral and fundies
daigo is a vsav player

Yeah the overhyping the neutral meme is dumb. Daigo often plays mad, and really the pressure and corner carry is as important here. He'll switch if there is a big enough check in it for him.

Silva beat all of them except Belial

DOA tried to go serious and gigaflopped so tits is all they have

his understanding of fundamentals is what lets him dominate in basically any game he picks up. It doesn't simply refer to neutral game. Yomi and oki is just as important.

Where do people sell the codes?

>the game has been out for weeks in jp and daigo still doesn't care

He doesn't dominate every game he picks up, and most pros have a very good understanding of the basics.

Is any member of the main default crew actually popular or is it just cygames trying to force them to be relevant? If Kat wasn't the first girl would she have ever been anything more than a random R unit?

Did Steam update there refund policy? I thought you couldn't refund games that came with extra stuff like artwork, music, codes, etc.?

>multi game champion
If you're gonna ride anyone's dick ride Tokidos

Daigo made Tokido, though. He was the one to suggest he stick with Akuma.

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For fucks sake, whos noon?

which would also apply to SFV?
dont backpedal.
daigo enjoyed aggressive games like A3, VSAV and GG.

you selling? I'm curious how much they go for, I was gonna pick it up on steam just for the reward and get a "free" game to go with them but pirate and refund fags ruin everything they touch as usual

I'm not talking about sf5
Daigo also made Tokido cry, but Tokido has had much more success over a greater span of games. He's just not as good as daigo in street fighter.

I'm just shitposting anons, don't bother yourself too much. Are you going to be on PC or PS4? We should get some Yea Forums lobbies going once it's out on PC.

people sell them on the same sites that do account sales for like 40-50 dollars

Based. Is she getting her Dark or Light gimmick?
>dark: Enmity
>light: parry & dodge

Not either of those anons but I will double dip

It will be the floof that will remove you.

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it's 7am and this shit STILL isn't out yet


Meh, nope. She better just hang around her fuckboy band. Don't let in people who ignore based bassist itg.

Not for another 5 hours user

>That's why people are pretty mad that Cygames already said that she's gonna play like Gran

Wait what? Are you serious? Why are they going to make her be an actual mirror? What's the point? Just fucking make her play different what the fuck.

It's more likely it'll be a Ryu/Ken deal. Similar moves but different properties that result in a different playstyle.

They're marketing it to people who play the gacha and fighting games. With those conditions the audience is very niche. The Arcsys name is the only one that fighting game communities know. Very few of those ever play Granblue.

>gacha games

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What they should be doing is marketing it to people who play the gacha OR fighting games. They'd pull in tons of people. I mean, I've convinced casual friends to pick it up once it's out on PC purely because it's by the "dragon ball people". They're using it as a transition to their first real grounded fighting game. There are loads of people who want something similar and would definitely pick it up if the marketing communicated that.

Its a fighting game.

so it's still a fucking mirror

>Ryu vs Ken is a mirror match

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>esports was the cancer killing the fgc's soul in 2010s
>waaah why aren't companies making everything esports with all their money

it is in SF2WW :^)

should i be playing this on a fightstick or a controller

play it sitting on my dick

no way fag

Whichever you prefer


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This, the game could totally pull more groups in but isn't even trying. The style is anime but not too overbearing with many characters, someone who likes fantasy settings in general would feel comfortable enough. It is an easy game to jump into and has good tutorials. It is a great starting game that would expand the franchise and they haven't even tried.

It reminds me of pre-launch DBFZ, they clearly didn't expect such a response and weren't ready to do a pro tour. But they acted and got their shit together. Here it feels more and more like a way to sell gacha codes.

Who were the guys that wanted to push the fgc there? If there were not that many for all of them to be gone already I doubt they would have got a fighting game made. And I really hope that doesn’t mean they’re going to drop support for the game after a year

They plan to support the game for 3 years

they couldve also eaten some costs to include more characters, 11 is at full price is offputting.
two DLC characters three weeks after launch is bullshit.
even Ex Fighting Layer had more and even added more for free after launch and they had no budget at all.

Sorry I don’t play non white characters

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They could have gotten away with it, but what I dislike is there was not even an attempt to justify. It was all fans coming up with excuses. It didn't feel like the message people disliked that got through. Cause at the end of the day the pass also has gacha items. At least fans of GBF get something cool, but a lot seem to really want a full console RPG rather than a fighter. ArcSys could have even made a straight up beat'em up with more variety than the story mode. So it all just seems a bit why did you even do this?

11 characters in some ways is more appealing for a casual player though. It's way less intimidating to learn 11 matchups (including mirror) instead of starting something like tekken or even dragonball with a big roster. It sucks that there are already two dlc characters, but plenty of fighters do that shit too. I don't want to defend it, but Eliza and Tira were both pre order bonuses.

>this game in the west
Shit man, it's not even listed in the store yet. There's no marketing. What are they doing? Are they trying to make this game fail? I can only hope EVO gives this game some attention. But this game is doing well in japan at least right? I assume they've got some billboards plastered to advertise this.

Oh that’s good then

>11 characters in some ways is more appealing for a casual player though
This has never once been true. This idea about less match ups has always been bollocks and not how casual players think. What is every fighting game thread full of casuals about? Rosterfagging. They always seem big rosters as more appealing as it is more content for their money. Plus the idea is just kinda bullshit in general, fighters are already jumping in at the deep end and online will see a handful of characters (usually shotos) as the most common by far. It doesn't make much difference to how quick they learn. If it did T7 which started with a big roster and is well known as a series that is difficult to jump into would not still be seeing such good growth.

That excuse only ever comes out when defending a game with a small roster. No one looked at DBFZ and went man it sucks we have so many characters.

actual fighting game players think that way.
casuals do not think like that. they think more is better.
11 characters is pretty barren either way, SFV already got shat on for only having 16. I think most want like 20 in a starting roster, it doesnt have to be as crazy as Tekken or KoF.

and the early DLC is way bullshittier when the core roster is so tiny. what namco did with Eliza was extra shitty by the way. if you didnt preorder the game to get her day1 you werent able to buy her for like half a year. thats awful.

I mean its one of many new projects they started and there will be some that are more for people that are used to the gacha. Maybe they shouldve waited until they released the other games before a fighter though.
This game will probably do alright for as long as they support it, but it couldve been bigger.

>11 characters in some ways is more appealing for a casual player though.
This is not true. Casual fans ALWAYS want to see lots of content. Which means they care more that there are more characters than actually having a small roster 100% of the time. They don't think of match-ups at all.

I probably should've said casuals who genuinely want to learn a fighting game. I mainly mentioned that point because it's something a friend brought up himself. The only fighter he's ever properly played is DBFZ, and he only tried it because it's dragon ball. He wants to give a real fighter a go, and he said part of the reason he's mainly choosing this over other stuff because it's by arcsys and has a manageable roster.

If they had just made Djeeta a free dlc character and moved Belial to the first season pass in her place instead of announcing the second pass it would have fixed all the retarded advertising issues they created

Even if you were look at this game from the gacha player's perspective, who are more than likely casual fighting game players, even they would think this roster is too small. The gacha has hundreds of characters to use and yet they only decided to put in 11.

How much longer until NA release

Bubs is fun as fuck and Narmaya seems pretty cool too with her stance switching. Can't wait to sink more time into shit.

>It's more likely it'll be a Ryu/Ken deal.

It's still going to look like a mirrorish design choice. For me they should have just have her own style. Or if they are going for that route, then make her a free DLC.

yeah paid clones always suck even if they have some differences

I mean, Akuma is technically Ryu-ish too but obviously there's very little in common below the surface.

Nah, Steam has that policy where it wouldn't refund games that had outside materials included in the purchase. That was why Rockstar began forcing Rockstar Social Club Funbucks into releases, after all, so you couldn't refund. KMR just doesn't appear to give a shit about anything outside of Asia & Playstation service.

are you dumb? hes in the story mode. essentially his "Wins" are non canon since if you win it goes to the shooting the shit in the restaurant. when he loses he loses for real.

Akuma is Akuma. He's like the farthest from being Ryu-ish.

Well honestly right now we are wildly guessing about Djeeta anyway. If she's like Akuma in being "mirrorish" then fine, I don't think people will complain that much. But right now we are taking Cygames word as gospel so when they say she's going to be like Gran, that's a big "what the fuck".

That's my point, we have no idea how close they mean when they say they're mirrorish. If they're simply both shotos, then shit like Akuma and Gouken would technically be Ryu-ish when that's obvioulsy a stretch and barely true in practice.

>I probably should've said casuals who genuinely want to learn a fighting game.
Again I'd just say look at T7. People don't look for the best optimised learning experience, they look for what is cool. Of the biggest games right now (going by steam numbers) the smallest was SFV's 16, which actually hurt the games appeal.

Are you dumb? If Lowain lost for real he'd be fucking dead. He's just a waiter dude.

why would any character but beelzebub kill him? they obviously dobt take him seriously and just slap him side jobbet style.

Multiple doujins too, that's still medias related to Granblue.

goddamn djeetards

I view the scale as

Ken - Mostly the same but with some data differences
Akuma - Same base but with maybe a new move in there

Sakura - Some visual similarities but some moves start to work differently. Normals are completely different.
(Modern Ken and Akuma would probably fit better here)

Terry - Minor visual and mechanical similarity but the differences have mounted up to where he function somewhat differently.

>Fake Shoto
Gouken - In name only cause of story. Moves may have minor visual similarities but aren't close in function

Gouken has basically the same moveset as a shoto, just with the inputs shuffled around. His fireballs are different etc, but functionally his moveset is a distant variant of a shoto.

His fireballs go diagonal, his dp foes forward and his tatsu goes up. At that point they really aren't the same moves, they are just visually similar. The functions are no longer the same, and as we all know that is the only thing that matters.

You're looking at it wrong. His tatsu is his DP and vice versa. Akuma has angled fireballs too. He has fireballs, an uppercut, and a forward momentum move functionally the same as a tatsu.