Ori and the Will of the Wisps

>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Nioh 2
>Doom Eternal
>Animal Crossing
>A new fucking Half Life game
>Resident Evil 3
>all coming in March/April

Are videogames, dare I say it, back?

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The new half life is not half life 3.

Only nioh 2 and doom will be good out of those. I don't trust modern square for ff7

>kekbox game that no one can play
>meh, will get down the line. Hope it has more enemy variety but the alpha didn't grab me
>onrails shovelware meant to sell hardware by its name after the writers quit - which was a fucking sticky on here btw, newfags

>>kekbox game that no one can play
Dilate faggot, ori 1 is a masterpiece and the sequel will be too

you forgot RF4S

Too many interesting releases happening, rip my fucking backlog

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>bannerlord releasing just in time for government enforced neet life quarantines
yeah, I'm thinking games are back

Only one of those I care about is doom but that's hype enough for me to be honest. After that I guess its back to being bored though

I want to play it but no one owns a kekbox

all I care about from your list is re3.
hope psychonauts 2 is good. :)

It's literally coming out on PC in a week

It's releasing on PC at the same time friend

Fuck our backogs and all the JRPG's inside them.

then play it on pc or do you only have a fax machine?

Is coffee good for you?

I only own a fax machine :( but I saved 1700 and only didn't get to play this so I'm good

>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Indie shit no one except hipsters and xfags cares about
>Nioh 2
First one sucked so who cares?
>Doom Eternal
2016 was dumbed down zoomer trash, this looks like more of the same
>A new fucking Half Life game
VR meme garbage
Unfinished and buggy and won't be playable until it's patched/modded several years from now
Part 1 of 5, $69.99+butterfingers
>Resident Evil 3
Boy another game I already played years ago, who gives a shit?

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That Half Life VR shit is just a railshooter, not a real game.

why are you even here

Nigger did you really forget Trials of Mana ?

give it a rest already

I hope you're enjoying high school.

>tired gamer doomer meme XD.txt
just stop

I'm miserable and want to make you feel the same way.

>5 sequels
>one new entry from a series older than Yea Forums's userbase
>fucking 2 remakes

What is back, exactly? Back to being a souless pit completely devoid of originality?

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ahahahaha holy fuck just kill yourself already dude ahahaha people who are sad should just fucking die like stop being sad it isn't hard LOL

Apparently, just to suffer.

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>no idea what it is
>don't care about looter focused games like that
>don't care about FPS
>don't care about whatever the fuck that thing is
>don't care about Half Life
>it's a fucking early access, not even the full release
>don't care about Final Fantasy
>don't care about Resident Evil
But on the bright side, I have a shitton of backlog games to play, and a few newer ones too.

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Most of the all time classics are sequels. Fuck off.

>it's bad cause sequel
it's always a fucking weebtard making this idiotic posts

New Front Mission when?

You are just brainlet consoomers who flock to brand recognition without thinking twice, like the npc zombies ou are

Sequel flooding is the death of investment in new ideas.

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Didn't SE reveal that Left Alive game a few years back now? What happened to that?

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You don't have to keep up this facade, I know you're hurting inside too.

>03/02/20(Mon)23:43:12 No.498063332
Sorry you have Gabe's dick so far in your mouth that you spent roughly 4k to play a railshooter shovelware by a company who stopped making games a decade ago

Wait, never mind, that shit actually came out and oh wow, people seem to hate it a lot.

>he can't even respond properly
you are of simple mind my dude

yes, 2020 is looking like a really good year.

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It was garbage that happened to be set in the Front Mission universe for god knows what reason. I think maybe they were trying to capitalize on the death of Metal Gear but it was a total abortion of a game.

Lmao, cope over your buyer's remorse harder. It is already confirmed in today's gameplay footage that it's just a glorified lightgun game and is fully on rails.

Who /literally doesn't even like gaming anymore jaded boomer/ here?

>xDDD valve me fren, they care bout me
enjoy your shovelware meant to sell hardware


Why don't you wait until it's out of early access?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-03 Mount Blade II Bannerlord on Steam.png (607x823, 118K)

I'm not buying a $1000 index and rearranging my entire living room just to play a 2 hour rail shooter Gabe.

I'm willing to bet almost no one else will be either and I'm a hardcore Half-Life fan. I can't imagine any normies falling for this meme.

Will of the Wisp, ho? Sounds like my kinda game!

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because I need to send out my Arab hordes across Calradia NOW

ur gay lmao

The HL name is only attached to sell units too. Everyone who cared about the series is long gone and the entire script for HLE3 was leaked like two years ago when the head writer left Valve. Valve doesn't make games anymore, they are a service and they are trying to sell units of VR after realizing they couldn't compete in consoles and are doing it with a cash-in with a HL coating.Fucking dumbasses.

HMD Odyssey+ will do just fine

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I bet you're the kind of faggot that listens to "doomer music" on youtube

I started playing Warband in 2012, the same year Bummerlord was announced. sorry dude, I can't keep hyped for 8 years. maybe when a Napoleonic mod/dlc comes out I'm gonna get excited, but I'm pretty sure the retail is going to feel like a fap out of boredom

>uber crap
>vr meme crap
>very ok

Or perhaps people want more of something that they enjoyed and they think the game looks good? Stop thinking you're smart for criticizing people who enjoy something, you're not smart or interesting, you're just a faggot.

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Posts like this make me so happy. I love videogames and you being a pessimistic faggot just makes me enjoy them more.

Another brainlet. You are as smart as the character you just posted.

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I'm really tired gamer at this point. How old are you fags? I'm 24 and even the remake of one of my favorite games ever just has me a little bit excited. Few years ago I would be going crazy about it.

this post makes me sad because it reminds of how not back gaming is

it's so far away from good these days, you kids don't even realize how you're being treated and tricked. Fuck. Fuck man. I only come here on the off chance somebody posts an actually based indie or something.

Kys animelard

>dude just cheap out and buy the crap version
>what you didn't play on index? Then you didn't get the "real" experience
Yeah, no, fuck off retard.

>I'm so smart guyz you wouldn't get it
Yuuko's a genius compared to you faggot

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Only Doom Eternal, RE3, and Bannerlord are worth a shit. Nioh 2's demo was dogshit and completely turned me off buying it. Animal Crossing is for women and little kids, cringe doesn't even begin to cover it if you play that shit. That VR Half Life is an on-rails gimmick. Ori is a generic indie Metroidvania and that genre is oversaturated with better games already, also it you own an Xbone you're an embarrassment. And who gives a fuck about Final Fantasy weeb shit? You're cancer dude.

29 and games are awesome
sucks to be you faggot

they did, it's called Bannerlord

25 and still loving it. Finished the Nioh 2 demo and loved all the additions. Looking forward to playing Doom Eternal and talking about it with my friends afterwards.

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You should search for enlightenment, instead of curbing down and being proud of your stupidity

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28, last year was great, this year looks to be great, get fucked, find a better job

>shits on every single game that isn't on PS4
>thinks FFVIIR is based

wow I wonder who made this post

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Same state if mind, all is trash.

Get a hobby you actually enjoy dumbass, you aren't supposed to be playing games just because it's the typical loner hobby, you need to actually like games.

where did the OP say anything about HL3

What's a good replacement hobby?

learn an instrument

>>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>>Doom Eternal
>>Resident Evil 3
these excite me everything else not so much.

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Since when is enjoying something blocking out any kind of other opportunities? Stop pretending you're better than everyone for not liking something. Maybe if you actually stop being an angsty teenager you might actually end up enjoying something.

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But I am better than everyone, specially you.

Having poor taste makes you a disgusting subhuman

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Sounds gay, fuck that, I'll just continue to watch the trainwrek that is modern gaming.

I miss high school

amirite, fellow boomers?

And I miss college.

I miss when games used to be fun.

That's the most boring least interesting hobby ever. Repetitive as fuck.

>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Indie garbage, no thanks. Go vape you hipster trash.
>Nioh 2
>Doom Eternal
Ahh yes DOOM. Known for its rap music and platforming. This game will definitely be good haha.
>Animal Crossing
I'm not a child.
>A new fucking Half Life game
VR is shit, this won't save it.
Boring franchise for boomers.
I don't play episodic garbage, I'll wait till the whole thing is out and pirate it when it comes to PC.
>Resident Evil 3
This franchise should have died over a decade ago, it's just milking retards like you. Easy pass.
>all coming in March/April
Wow that's bad, 2 months and THIS is the best that's out there?
>Are videogames, dare I say it, back?

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only if you don't put in the effort to actually git gud

Precisely the opposite.

You can and probably have checked out the other passive entertainment ones like reading, film, anime and music. If you got no passion for any of those you're doomed to a craft or a hobby that involves physical labor or the outdoors.

Better lineup than many entire years

sounds like you took a couple weeks of guitar lessons and gave up because you couldn't play Through the Fire and the Flames immediately

sounds like you're being dishonest about the inherent repetitiveness of any form of practice that exists

>Zoom Eternal
You were so close

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>says the man who has played Devil May Cry 3 30 times

Nioh 2 is so fucking based

>fun game
>makes wojakposters seethe
what more can you want?

Finally a fellow chad

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I literally went through the national conservatory

>playing console games

>Letting Yea Forums mentally affect you

not gonna play nioh 2 until it gets ported. the piss4 resolution is a fucking joke.

>talking shit because I said I don't feel the same
kys retards

no, YOU don't own one

We've actually ascended past that Mona Lisa gaming content meme from years ago. Yea Forums excited for episodic content. You niggers should not ever complain about muh women//pol//niggers, because you are so much worse it's unbelievable.


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>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Looks nice, but nothing else of value
>Nioh 2
Pretty meh
>Doom Eternal
Legitimately shit successor to the Doom series
>Animal Crossing
Actually looks good
>A new fucking Half Life game
What retard even asked for this pile of shit
Actually looks good
Looks good for a remake, but don't give a fuck.
>Resident Evil 3
Looks fucking horrendous.

>Are videogames, dare I say it, back?

Is Ori actually good or is it just artsy platformer?

It's just a typical Metroidvania, nothing remarkable beyond the art style. Xboners hype it up because they have literally zero other games.

The soundtrack is really good as well

>trying to learn an instrument past young age

>fun game

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>screenshotting your own post

The first game was shit, will wait for a heavy Steam sale.

>Nioh 2
Diablo looting wasn't for me, another wait for Steam sale.

>Doom Eternal
Still unsure if I'll buy it day 1 or wait for a sale.

>Animal Crossing
life simulators never interested me, still looks pretty cozy though.

>Half-Life Alyx
Too poor for a VR set, pass

Literally who?

>FF7 Remake
Waiting an extra year for the PC version, have fun with the beta test console friends.

>Resident Evil 3
Still haven't bought RE2 Remake, I do want to play both of them though.

March is going to be pretty boring for me.

>seething that hard that a first person shoooter involves killing monsters

>Literally who?
These are the people who post here

23, I don't really get too crazy excited for vidya anymore, but I can still have a great time with them

>A sequel to a 5-6/10 Western RPG

I want those 30 seconds of Wikipedia searches back.

Your taste is so shit I recommend never posting again ty

The first one had pretty good platforming, music and art (it wasn't artsy/pretentious in the way limbo/inside/gris can be). The rest of the aspects were forgettable. The sequel is supposed to fix a lot of issues with the first, but nobody of worth has tried it out yet

M&B seriously is jank as fuck and niche on top of that. It's only lauded because of a decent mod community and being the only devs to fill that specific 'braveheart' simulator game demand.

>>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>>Nioh 2
>>Doom Eternal
>>Animal Crossing
>>A new fucking Half Life game
A VR only one
>Just buy our 1/10th completed game for $60 goyim
>>Resident Evil 3
>>all coming in March/April

Not looking too good tbqh.

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Its great but its too short. A few aspects of it feel barebones. Its still fun to play all the way through.

Anyone who types like this needs to be lined up and shot in the fucking head
>You don't get it man I'm being IRONIC
Say what you actually mean instead of "pretending" to be an annoying retard and acting like that's somehow supposed to be some kind of argument. It's the same shit as wojaks, the whole "u look like this" shit is just the most tiring shit and it doesn't help that they're all the fucking same.

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new poe league too for the 0 people who care itt

>>kekbox game that no one can play
It's on PC retard.

the solution is stop giving it (You)s

>people who take the time to type out their "opinions" on each individual game as if anyone cares
ahahaha how embarrassing

I kinda care, I'm moreso excited for how poe2 can change up the game at this point, leagues themselves don't really excite me too much at this point. I'm pretty interested in the new spellslinger support and will probably try a build with it during delirium

>Anyone who types like this needs to be lined up and shot in the fucking head
>>You don't get it man I'm being IRONIC
>Say what you actually mean instead of "pretending" to be an annoying retard and acting like that's somehow supposed to be some kind of argument. It's the same shit as wojaks, the whole "u look like this" shit is just the most tiring shit and it doesn't help that they're all the fucking same.

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It's the third major entry into the Half-Life franchise. So in a sense, it is Half-Life 3.

Who would have thought a person posting an image of George Bush would have such shit taste.

poe2 december i think

>YandereDev will consider updating YandereSimulator this month
Wow, this month is massive.

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god i hope Alyx is good

please come back Valve

I was hoping for Hunt Down the Freeman VR but hopefully Alyx will be at least decent.

get polymer clay.

>George Bush

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It's not called saving when you never had the money to begin with my poor 3rd world child.

Oh right. I should have specified which George Bush it was. That dude was posting George Bush Sr.

Are you retarded? Do you really think only weebs want to play Final Fantasy 7?

>remakes of games that are already good and can only be devolved
>sequels to games i didn't like or didn't play
>not one new or original idea
theres not a single encouraging word in that post

Oh, my bad then.

valve is against the number 3 for some reason.

Are you people legitimately fucking retarded? That's Ron Paul. Holy fuck I hate this website.

>unironic indie trash
>neat for a week
>not my cup of tea
>tech demo
>looks like shit
>looks like shit
Pretty average spring desu.

His name is Robert Paulson.

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holy shit boys Sherlock is itt

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The only two good things on that list are Bannerlord and Nioh2. The rest are pretty bland aside from maybe half life alyx, but I haven't taken the VR pill yet so I really cant comment on it.

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think youre cool huh

game are still fun, maybe you're the problem

Yeah what the fuck why do 2 years worth of release have to come out all at once?
What the fuck are they thinking?
Won't this just tank all of their release sales?

Same shit happened last year during the first quarter

Same, not the least bit interested in FF7 (aside from modding it when it comes to PC)

Cyberpunk wisely delayed

> No Elden Ring

>A new fucking Half Life game
memevr games don't count mate.

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Poorfag cope

They should delay it indefinitely.

>all of those bad weeb games like Death end re;Quest, DBZ Kakarot, or another rehash poorly made Gundam Vs

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It's a great looking game with one or two kino moments. The rest of the game is just boring eye candy with a 17deep429me story.

>It's just a typical Metroidvania
You mean that it's mostly a platformer with an almost absent metroidvania element?

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You have shit taste and you're a shit faggot, time to die

>great movement
>great platforming
>great art
>great music
I'd say it is a great experience if you like platformers. It is a bit light on the metroidvania elements (such as exploration, since it is linear throughout)
The sequel looks like it's gonna be a full-blown non-linear metroidvania with actual combat and a lot of side content, so I think we're in for a treat

>with a 17deep429me story.
Ori's story is about as simple as it can get. What the fuck are you talking about?


>indie trash
snoyggers seething they won't get to play the best 2D game of all time

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Even that was too deep for him to understand, imagine how retarded he must be

>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
kino. already pre-purchased
>Nioh 2
no PC release yet
>Doom Eternal
kino, gonna pirate when it's cracked (fuck bethesda and denuvo)
>Animal Crossing
literal children's game (don't have a switch anyway)
>A new fucking Half Life game
don't have VR and don't plan to get it until the technology is fully developed and is getting huge improvements every 6 months
kino, gonna purchase when it's up
no PC release yet
>Resident Evil 3
Not a fan of the genre, but gonna pirate when it's cracked since RE2 was good even though I don't like the genre

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ori was fucking boring and shittily designed, I do not understand why people liked it so much


do you actually like platformers?

>reverse search op image
>it's all kids

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retarded pcfaggot, play some real games

like what?



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>is getting huge improvements
*is not

reverse image with what? yandex and google dont show me shit


already played on friend's ps4

is that cooking mama game still coming out

redditors get triggered when they see faces of little girls

Wait are you for real?

god of war
fire emblem 3 houses
astro bot
horizon: zero dawn
astral chain
smash ultimate

They're full of shit.
>the jannies believed them and deleted the image

ive been had

Mad overrated, first half of the original wasn't even good
Could be good, worth checking out
>Animal Crossing
I do not understand the appeal
>VR shit from a company that hasn't made a good game since portal II
Hell yea
>Final Fantasy
The game wasn't fun when it was released, rereleasing with new graphics and charging 4x as much won't change that
Hopefully it's good

Dunno, video games seem to be business as usual.

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He's just a HK fanboy.

the 7 remake plays absolutely nothing like the original i don't get how you can judge whether it's worth playing based off how fun the turn based version was.

in my defense i never said it was pizza,just that it showed pictures of kids still fucking weird though

this is a peak reddit post, I'm surprised you even know how to spoiler

It's a prequel though

Ori has the most hype unless you are an actual retard.

Otherwise I wanna play RE3 and I'll probably play Nioh 2 and the FF7 remake at some point, but otherwise nothing else jumps out at me to hard.

>to hard
lol retard

Jesus Christ when did Yea Forums become so disgustingly cynical?

I know we always joked around back in the day like calling fun a buzzword, or taking on a veneer of bitter manchildren, but under all of that irony was always a pure heart of childish wonder. What went wrong with this board?

Over a decade ago

There are two types of threads

>OP: "I like thing"
>General response: "I don't like thing"

>OP: I don't like thing"
>General response: "I like thing"

>All of this shit
Is it really just a coincidence?

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>peak reddit post
of course you would know faggot

I'm sure you know a lot about faggots

>Souls is normies garbage
>Might get it later, or just play soul filled GCN animal crossing.
>Don't own vr
>What is that
>Will buy on pc later but after seeing the demo, probably way later on a clearance sale.
Overall: excited

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>nioh is a souls clone
i am legitimately angry

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>people saying doom2016 and eternal are dumbed down compared to doom 1-2
Is this a new advanced form of OLDGOOD? Because doom is simple as all fuck, I don’t think any weapon even has a secondary fire or even an interaction with mobs outside pains states.

They're referring to movement speed and the amount of enemies you had to deal with

You mean 2 D movement compared to 3D or you mean the absurd speed you have when holding down run aka god mode which d44m also has ya Z axis manipulation?
Only fair point.

>Only fair point.
Not really, seeing as how 2016's monsters are far more capable than they were in the original to compensate.

>Ori is only 8 days away
my dick