Modern YGO looks like THAT?!
Modern YGO looks like THAT?!
Didn't you hear? Konami is entering an era of cute girl themes
forgot pic
God it would be such a nighmare to get back into this game
Yeah, I doubt they solved turns taking 10-15 minutes a pop
Sales are down
They are desperate
All they need to do is release Yugioh Super or Yugioh GX Super but nope, gotta pander to the shit kids with that beyblade looking shit
>tribute to increase levels
>Sales are down
Source: my ass
but it gets worse!
>can shit out smug loli or ara ara from deck on opponent's turn
That's nice.
>Insta search your victory condition and special summon it xd bro let's remove the luck element from card games! yay search for EVERYTHING! SEARCH AND FUCKING SUMMON IT BRO
Every single modern archetype ever
You sound butthurt.
Konami's been fixing it up pretty nicely lately. Duel Devastator is just "here's your competitive counterplays": the set, structure decks have been pretty spicy, the most recent banlist gave a bunch of tier 1 decks a shotgun blast to the face, and the upcoming master rule revision unfucks every extra deck type aside from pendulums, which deserve to be fucked anyways.
Is that a baby sneed reference
>source: my ass
>no more special editions
>practically giving away staples in the new structures, i.e the shadoll deck
>p-please buy rush duels stuff goyim
haha denialfag
No, because the shit gets censored in the west
So you have none then?
Rush duel isn't even getting localized, do you mean the speed duel stuff they're shilling?
Plant brides look super bland but the other two from the set are very nice.
>DL makes trucktons of free money
>to try and capitalize on this even more they put out low effort physical products for it
>Search and special summon
they better not fucking localize this card's name as king of bling
I swear I will strangle tewart with a gym sock
what archetype is this?
Literally every card here will be given tights/a leotard to cover up any bare skin in all versions outside of Japan.
duel links is doing great
actual tcg is on its last legs though
Wish they call him EL DORADO
>actual tcg is on its last legs though
Source: my ass
I just posted her because she's a cutie with glasses
You sure? They don't always do that now and they're releasing the original versions of cards at a snail's pace now.
Anyone able to recommend a fun but slightly viable Morphtronic Deck for the year 2020?
keep mentioning your ass as if im gonna fuck it you fag
Yugioh sucks. Play vanguard.
>go to the effort of localizing a whole card game
>make it impossible to find outside of specialty stores
>the cute cards are expensive online
Sorry lads, my YGO waifu has existed for years.
It's a -1 and restricts you to only zombie special summons, which cuts you off of a lot of Links, and Shiranui's wincon isn't even main deck. Shiranuis aren't even good.
>not liking tights
what are you a homosexual?
first of all none of those have much exposed skin, secondly konami stopped giving a shit about that midway through arc-v
Or does this look censored to you? I think they still change religious stuff and blood though, not sure though since they've been releasing original arts of cards with crosses and ankhs.
literally what bare skin?
>sex cult VA ruined the Twins having more of their own arc
>blackwings stole Leo's signer status
Jesus 5Ds was filled with issues that screwed with the story wasn't it?
For me, it's Ghostricks
I agree
Isn't the sex cult also responsible for the major shift in tone once Goodwin is defeated?
It was responsible for a lot of sudden changes in the anime thats for sure.
tiddies and thighs still get changed if they're exposed.
compare with
Looks freaking soulless, they all look the same where's the originality?