Gorgeous to look at

>gorgeous to look at
>fun to play
>runs at a silky smooth 30fps

What crawled up Yea Forums's butt?

Attached: titsorass.png (1062x716, 1005K)

honestly too many sparks and shit flying around during combat

I choose Jessie

ah yes, 30 fps, the definition of silky smooth.
Fuck off john

everyone wants Cloud BWC

Why the fuck does Yea Forums defend this game now? For years Yea Forums universally claimed it was complete garbage, now people are crying & spamming wojaks whenever anyone criticizes this game.

Now that the game is playable, people are warming up to it. Curious.

Attached: 1583167374354.png (808x605, 409K)

>silky smooth
>30 fps

Attached: 15572146721622.jpg (962x639, 96K)

Im really glad you liked my demo, user
really glad

Attached: 1583102275527.jpg (1134x1134, 127K)

>tactical BWC hunter

I ain't in this for you, Tifa. I'm waiting for Yuffie. But in the meantime I'm gonna have fun playing through Midgar.

>replaced Aerith's iron bangles with belts
Fucking Nomura I swear to god

It's inexcusably shallow and regressed from XV. No jump, no aerial abilities, no manual finishers, no directional inputs, no manual aiming, no weapon switching etc, hell Noctis and Prompto have to manually aim their guns while Barret just auto-fires. 7R is casualized and dumbed down as fuck because it's a nomura game

Attached: 1491810602916.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

The human eye cant even see faster than 25 fps

fuck off you mentally ill autist

I don't remember even being able to aim my gun when I played FFXV, did they change it?

Attached: 1583168969582.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

>What crawled up Yea Forums's butt?
It's coming from the same TORtanic fags as always

>Why the fuck does Yea Forums defend this game now?
Because it's being advertised by hired shills, obviously.

Desperation honestly, once this game is released and ends up being shit, everyone on Yea Forums will have conformation that Final Fantasy as a brand is dead forever, without any hope off redemption. People know it will be shit, but don't want to accept this fact, same thing happened with Kingdom Hearts III. TLOU won over 150 more GOTY awards than GTA V in 2013, with no competition this year TLOU2 probably wins at least 350 awards



>what crawled up Yea Forums's butt?

Cloud's Bastard sword.

not on PC
that's literally my only complaint

>muh action combat is superior
how long until someone mentions hardware limitations?

Yes, but only when he's crossdressing.

I wouldn't have a problem if it was the ENTIRE ACTUAL FUCKING GAME. Seriously imagine if back in the day Square just released one disc and charged full price for it. That is literally what this is.

Cope more autistic drone, FF has been shit for 20 years, i get to laugh when this game ends up being shit, while TLOU2 & BOTW 2 release to universal GOAT level acclaim no matter what.

So, when are we getting the PC version?

Its not even out and he's already boot licking

Attached: 1579986104225.gif (300x275, 1.37M)


Only tasteless normals and edgy teenagers who wanted to be sephiroth ever gave a shit about FF7.

thank fucking god its on 30 fps

>those MPs
I really hope they port some of those outfits to XIV, damn.


Attached: 1526406974418.png (584x717, 318K)

Yea Forumsneetintendo doesnt own a PS4 so they have to try turning the board into an echo chamber of shitposts in an attempt to create a narrative that every PS4 exclusive ever made is shit and their choices (or lack of money due to neetness) are completely justified.

was it really only 30fps? it ran so well I barely noticed.

Attached: ELZFnnkUwAI2TTE.jpg (1000x1245, 341K)


Be less obvious. "silky smooth 30fps" is an old Yea Forums meme at this point.

She looks like singsing.

worthless effort of a lame meme

the human penis cannot feel a cumshot faster than 25fps

thanks for playtesting little guy

The visuals and audio are phenomenal. As far as gameplay, it seems like a weird mix of XV with the staggering from XIII. Guard Scorpion was cinematic as fuck and that’s not a compliment. What took maybe 5 minutes on the PS1 takes much longer here as you just chip away at it for eternity while particle effects are constantly shat out of every object on the screen

>you just chip away at it for eternity while particle effects are constantly shat out of every object on the screen

Whoa, it's almost like it's a FF game or something

my framerate dropped to 20 for the mako core section

It is very simple, based mongolian.

>Squeenix is shit for 15 years in a row.
>Announces Remake
>Troubled and delayed development, the sign of all shit Squeenix games.
>News come that they are splitting up the game, another red flag.

>E3 2019
>Game looks good.
>info dump
>sounds good
>further footage and info over the year also looks good
>Although the release is just Midgar, Square promises it's a full game with equal parts linear and open segments with sidequests.
>Comes on 2 BluRay discs, pays homage to the original multi disc release.
>Squeenix is redeemed and red flags are gone.
>People now like game and look forward to release.

It was really quite simple, based mongoloid user, I wonder why you needed me to spoonfed you the obvious. Could it be that I'm replying to a shitposter who cant cope over not having bought a PS4? Surely not.

Attached: tidus-i-think-im-pregnant-i-literally-dont-exist-too-19375878.png (500x822, 89K)

You can thank your poorS4 for that. Get a Pro, pleb lmao

one can only hope it's like that throughout the whole game and the bigger, flashier spells or even summons don't cause it to stutter

is this shit going to be 200gbs on pc?

yeah ill drop $400 leaf bucks on a system that will be outdated in 10 months
good idea retard

It's a turn based ATB system JRPG like original. It's not meant to be DMC

>he didn't buy it day one
>calling me a retard

Attached: 1583154597773.jpg (640x640, 30K)

They finally played it and the hype died. Finally. No one cares about your nostalgia shit. People have had enough of it.

FFX remake when

Attached: 1578001358727.jpg (1920x1080, 322K)

I'm still waiting for a more medieval final fantasy like III and V with XV/VII remake graphics

When you're 80

never ever.

I enjoyed it but I'll wait for the PS5 version or whatever the whole series comes out on.

Attached: Capture.jpg (830x622, 41K)

> TLOU won 250 GOTY awards in the same year as GTA fucking V
> FF7 is complete dogshit
> Cyberpunk is complete shit
> TLOU2 has absolutely no other good games to compete with this year
Can TLOU2 get 300 GOTY awards this year?


Attached: 1575371840929.jpg (953x1282, 110K)

Reeee, FFX was the last good FF and you can't change my mind.
That would also be nice.

Ps5 baby

Actually, the thing is that my opinion is correct, and everyone else who has a different viewpoint from me is factually wrong.

This has always been the case, and those who dare to defy me are clearly shills/shitposters/barry/yourmama.

You feel better after your tantrum user?

>25 fps
How are you seeing an extra frame? Are you a wizard?

>honey, I shrunk the Tifa's tits.

>What crawled up Yea Forums's butt?
>3 parts (have fun waiting until 2024-2025 if not more)
>not on PC
>30 FPS
>preorder-locked content
The answer is simple really, you're a fucking retard with low standards who likes to throw money away for the sake of it.

>ff15 combat
Yeah that's gonna be a pass from me dawg

>falling for the meme

I like your choice of gif user but I can't forgive you.

>asking why Yea Forums hates a PS4 exclusive

You must be new here.

Wait until next year when it comes out on PC then Yea Forums will suddenly act like it's a masterpiece.

its not on pc with nude mods yet


>No argument

>gorgeous to look at
Stop right there. The art style sucks. As it had back in the day, so does it now. Only now it has uncanny semi-realistic anime faces, and characters looks like cosplayers rather than real characters inside their own world. It's an awful style that already looks dated, and will only look even odder in 5-10 years, when they finally get around to releasing the final part of the game.

It's not Yea Forums, just tranny shills from Reddit invading Yea Forums

it's by far the worst action game I've ever played, it practically plays itself and there is no depth to the combat

Yea Forums has been taken over by contrarians and children from other sites who think our board culture is to hate and cry and rage about everything.

This. Combat is nearly unreadable.

Why should I argue with you? You're made up your mind.

isnt that the same for literally every game out there unless you actually play it for a while

So what does Marlene look like?

>30 fps
>silky smooth

pick one, retard.

>if you say anything positive about video games you're paid shills from our boogeman enemy sites!
Why is Yea Forums so filled with this inane faggotry lately.

Nice post-irony.

It is called changing thread demographics. Before purists that continue post hate what they see, and now that the demo is out, you are hearing from the other groups. Give a few days and the bored Casual people stopped talking about it while the people that still want to talk about it remains (and you can bet the purists will be the bulk of them)
You really don't know how an anonymous board work dont you?

>no jump button, air combat is limited to auto-jumping at aerial enemies
>no aerial dodge or aerial abilities
>no i-frames on dodge roll, making it useless
>no directional inputs
>no weapon switching
>hold-button to attack with an auto-attack mode that literally plays itself
>you can literally heal party members at 0hp and it's only game over if the entire party dies and not only if party leader dies
>no consistent hitstun as seen on the dogs, sweepers, shock troopers, etc
>shitty RNG "miss" even if you hit the enemy
>no Impervious equivalent for tech roll recoveries
>hold button to defend with no cost
>only 1 shortcut bar
>laggy pause when scrolling the command menu
>stupid time wasting cutscene attacks in every boss fight where they jump out of the battlefield and vomit particle effects at you
>summons only available in bosses and mini bosses, entirely RNG no matter who you equip and can only be used against bosses if the RNG lets you and even them you have to fill up a bar before they can then be summoned only if the RNG let you even do so

Attached: 1502532481569.png (752x856, 243K)

Why would you want to aim the gun? Im playing a fucking RPG, not a 3rd person cover shooter

Fuck, why does it have to come out soon? The PS4 is almost dead and not a smart purchase.

one really obsessed XV fanboy.

what a FUCKING retarded thing to FUCKING say.
FUCK you.

Scrolling the front page and I never liked FF7 but I just stopped by to call you retarded for thinking iframes on a dodge are good design.

Shilling in all aspects of society should be illegal, these vermins possess much more danger to online communities and subsequently peoples IRL than they deserve

There were times I wish attacks were cancelable. I held the block button for too long against Scorpion Sentinel for fear of being shit on by its attacks in case I would get stuck in an animation. For some reason I had quite a bit of trouble reading the enemies' moves and anticipate their attacks.

Generally speaking though, I was actually far more impressed with the demo than I thought I would be and had lot of fun too. The game looks great even on base PS4 and the anti-aliasing is surprisingly good all things considered.
I'm still iffy on Cloud's face, he looks too much like some Jpop female artist, and from what I've seen of promotional material they absolutely botched Tifa's overall look (I honestly couldn't care less about the size of her tits, she just has a weird looking face and dumb outfit). They nailed Barret though, even if his rants can be somewhat cringe inducing at some points. Jessie is best girl. The opening intro is excellent and the music was fucking on point except during the fight against Scorpion Sentinel, I just wasn't feeling it for whatever reason. I don't care much for the banter and one-line quips during combat either. It didn't seem so bad here because they're appropriately cheesy and fits a character like Barret quite well, but it's still generally one of the trends in gaming I hate the most because it takes me out of the experience.

I will thinking of buying this game and following releases, but on PC. I'm in the process of finally ditching consoles and don't want to deal with motion blur-filled, sub 30fps gameplay anymore.

Attached: 5346684.jpg (1200x630, 83K)



It plays itself

Attached: ff7r do nothing to win against scorpion sentinel.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

It's just 2-3 kh fags from/khg/ samefagging to shill nomura shit
everyone is shitting on 7R

Attached: FF7R press nothing to win 1.webm (700x394, 2.95M)

I'm gonna be so sad when she dies.

Dou you even sleep, bazztek?

>more fun to watch than play
>silky smooth 60+fps
You'd be a fool to waste money on an inferior product.

>the fucking seeth this game produces

You could with noctis and he has a reticle sniper too
they added TPS machine gun and bazooka with prompto later

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20170430205121.webm (960x540, 2.65M)

yep 7r is shit

Why does 30fps look so fucking smooth on ps4?, i tried playing DMC5 at 30fps on PC and looks choppy as fuck

Attached: 1554854066874.jpg (640x640, 108K)

i-frames on a dodge are the only good acceptable form of dodge you retard

Better a slut than an incel

where can i get this over the should gun?? all i have is the pistol and i can't shoulder aim with it, or is it prompto only?

Do you sleep, NeithOf? Stop shilling 7R.

Attached: neithof on suicide watch.png (616x278, 39K)

motion blur and you haven't played a game with 60fps in a long time.

"who's this bitch on my left arm?"

oops wrong webm
if you switch to prompto he has free aim TPS
on noct its more fixed by has the shoulder view, but the scope view on the sniper is free aim too
it's at one of the Niflheim bases I forget which one

Attached: 1490094546446.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Well, that was easy.

Wait, these things are actually dogs? I always assumed they were a robot or some shit.

Attached: Guard_Hounds_3D.png (800x1050, 252K)

>all these graphics wasted on 30 fps

Attached: 1503190010000.png (700x700, 289K)

no better than a jannie. doing work for free. straight nigger.

I too can't wait to play a bad PC port a year later

Hol up. This shit isn't even 60fps??? And people are still shilling it? LMAO

t. NeithOf

>always runs better than 30 FPS
lol consoleniggers

Oh shut the fuck up about the human eye. That doesn't amount to shit if it can clearly see the game isn't running as smooth as it should be.

It's UE4, even Japs can't fuck up UE4 ports even if they wanted to.

FFX holds up incredibly well and its combat is nearly perfect for being turn based. No need for a remake.

Fuck me, is it locked at 30fps on PS4 Pro too? I'd buy a Pro for 60fps if it has it.

It's confirmed not a exclusive.

Don't tempt them

What surprises me is the game doesn't make my ps4 fan run like a jet engine in the same way Bloodborne or some parts of KH3 do.

Enemy design must be fucking easy. Hey, let's take an existing animal, stick it's tail in the fucking neck and call it a day.

FF7 has wierd designs man.

Attached: 3j46MjE.jpg (1484x2112, 470K)

Wait, where do you find the cube with the colored faces? I've never seen that before in my 20 years of playing.

In the area at the northern crater in disk 2 where you have to avoid the wind. It's the only screen in the game they're in.

People only hated it to be contrarian. In a few months people will go back to hating it.

So where specifically on the planet is the Promised Land supposed to be? Is it the Northern Crater, or is it actually Midgar and all the people there has drowned out Aeris's ability to hear the Planet?

>waiting a year


Attached: 1513279415640.png (967x954, 534K)

>crisis core was shit
>it plays like crisis core
>it's good now

fuck you faggots

The point is that the promised land isn't a location, it's a concept.

>it plays like crisis core
>no DMW

It plays nothing like Crisis Core, you fucking troll.
Seriously, you people act like you've played only 8 RPGs in your life. Well, maybe you did.

Same thing that happened with DE:HR and Doom 2016. In this climate of shitty design by committee games people were cautious of them being good. When demos and videos of gameplay came out and the games actually looked good Yea Forumsirgins started warming up to them.

The game explicitly tells you in Cosmo Canyon, it's the afterlife. Because true happiness to the cetra is being reunited with the planet.

THANK YOU. Jesus they need to tone it down

I just hate ARPGs
theyre not fun

aside from that it feels like a more advanced version of crisis core to me, and I loved that game


My coomer brain can't help but be disappointed this isn't a porn game

I wanna pinch Jessie's nipples

>Yea Forums tries to seriously discuss the plot of a game that's well-known for having a shit translation
you're 1000 years too early

Excuse me sir, I read the Aerith novel

It could do for a model/texture update desu.

Sonyfag console warriors, same shit happened with Persona 5 Royal, after it flopped they latched onto FF7R

You don't want that, we saw what happened

Says you, I'll defend Persona until my dying day. I even played the Q games on 3DS even though they were just shitty dumbed-down Etrian Odyssey games.

We've got one thread complaining about bullet sponge enemies in ff7r, intentionally disregarding that the game tells you to use magic against that enemy
And then we've got you, complaining that enemies die too quickly, using the literal fodder first enemies in the game

This is the kind of reason nobody should ever rely on Yea Forums for good opinions.

It's just pasta I didn't get to post in relevant threads about the demo. Better than having this one guy spamming the same webms and mention how great FFXV was at every possible opportunity.

i actually got really frustrated watching a guy not use magic playing the demo.

>silky smooth 30fps

Attached: 11F3B28C-7AFB-4287-B676-4C688C380794.jpg (320x211, 26K)

Wait. 30? What about Pro?

>oops wrong webm
Barry you're losing your touch. You're turning into the dead character-loving namecuck who replies to you would screw up a post image like you just did (though she always reposted revised posts after deleting the bad ones). At least you're better than Zeal who never bothers to fix his grammatical errors and moves goalposts whenever convenient, but who's to say?

I can't wait to do this shit on Hard Mode.

it's the only game coming to PS4 for months, after years of waiting. Of course it's good. It has to be.

>>runs at a silky smooth 30fps


there's no jump because there's actual level design with verticality and small platforms, unlike 15 which is a big old flat field

between a year and 1yr 6 months after release based on other ps4 exclusives

I played Aerith's demo though

Why is barret so lovable?

>Stuttery 1080p30 on ps4 pro
Yes I'll wait and play on my 3080 Ti at 1440p144
Actually I won't because I pre-ordered the game and bought a ps4 pro just for the game already

Attached: 1580890069675.png (449x617, 400K)

>1080p30 on ps4 pro
is this true? how does base ps4 handle it

Never played a single FF game other than a bit of FF15 or whatever the last single player FF was at a friends house

I played the demo for FF7R and am now convinced on buying it. It was fun and unique

Attached: 1572611849088.png (970x678, 547K)

Do you need a PS account when you want to play a game on PS4 or you just popin the disc and play like the good old days?
Last sony console i purchased was a PS2 and i really want to play ff7re but if i need an online account i'll just wait for pc.

>silky smooth 30fps

Attached: 1456340035104.png (453x599, 174K)

At this point i think it's fucking playstation boomer seeing this as game of the year.

Do your party members still jump out of your pockets when they want to talk like in the original?

Would you be fine with Persona 5 coming to Nintendo Switch

Can't wait to play this at 60+FPS

>wanting manual aim guns in a jrpg.
Barry are you okay?

Hold the fuck, don't tell me this game gonna be in episodes

>has a problem with installs and downloads.
>claims to be a pc player.

>What crawled up Yea Forums's butt?
all the censorship. like how tifas's breast are small now, she no longer shows of any cleavage wearing her dress or how shiva also got censored to not show of any cleavage or sideboob.

Ninja Gaiden

do you think they're holding Cloud's sweaty armpits?

anime has rotted your brain and it's leaking out your ears. tifa is massive

Apples and oranges, just because i'm fine with online bullshit on pc doesn't mean i want the same on console, because you know that was the appeal of console before, just insert disc and play.
But thanks for confirming that's not the case anymore.

I was expecting the combat to be better than KH3 not slightly worse. What's with the camera and lock on? Why is Barret so shallow? Why is the counter automatic in Punisher mode rather than being available whenever if you time a block?
Its better than the original's combat obviously but I don't see myself playing 30 hrs with this combat imo.

I hate remakes

Temporary PS4 exclusive and otherwise Barry on his sperg crusade.

>silky smooth 30fps

Attached: 1278939346868.jpg (704x400, 43K)

It plays more like freaking Trials of Mana than Crisis Core you dumbell

>For years Yea Forums universally claimed it was complete garbage

She is really the best girl and it's going to hurt

It cabt be helped

>>fun to play
factually wrong

Were you in a coma for the past 5 years?

>Silky smooth 30fps

Does words still mean anything to you?

Why did they nerf her face and titties

Ethics department

Punisher mode has the advantage of being more powerful but makes Cloud move way slower and you can't block magic with it (and I think projectiles too?). I think some people are being a little myopic in criticizing the combat as a whole based only on the tutorial. In the final release you'll be switching between at least three characters, managing summons, mix and match materia, and so on and so forth.

The draw for me is coordinating a party to fill each character's ATB gauge as soon as possible to be able to unleash more powerful attacks or saving the ATB for healing. I think the combat in FF7R is engaging in terms of managing resources, not so much in the Devil May Cry sense (and I fully realize that managing devil trigger and things like that is extremely important as well, but both of these games take different approaches and focus on certain aspects to a different extent).

Attached: 08749874987.jpg (590x350, 34K)

Why do you retards think FF7 fans want DMC mechanics in their jRPG?

combat fucking sucks, the combat chatter is cringy, they fucked up the music (mako) and so on.
what a shame.

Attached: 1581939757997.jpg (786x457, 49K)

Some of these are Earthbound-tier.

>silky smooth 30fps
So I'll be waiting for the PC version then


Managing ATB is just a matter of glancing at the hud and telling your dumb ai partners to do their attack. It's so much less energetic and technical DMC and so much less tactical and creative compared to any RTS. It feels like a limp noodle. I could best compare it to an MMO

it should be mayko not marko

>Managing ATB is just a matter of glancing at the hud and telling your dumb ai partners to do their attack
In order for the ATB to increase as fast as possible you need to attack, but you can be knocked off of an animation, and, depending on the enemy's defenses, mindlessly attacking won't do you any good. This is true even against Scorpion Sentinel, which is essentially a tutorial boss. Cloud's attacks bounce off of it when it activates its armor.

Alternatively, holding down block actually slows down the refilling of the ATB. The only times the ATB refilling speeds up while blocking and is faster that idle is when you're soaking up damage.

It's amazing how you've made such a ridiculous over-simplification. The other issue is that it's fine that some games actually have simple gameplay. This hardcore e-peen stroking was never impressive.

>fun to play
button mashing SQUARE to doubt repeatedly

Like shit

I agree, the interface and the camera does not help, unless you constantly pause the action whitch I guess is the point but it makes the action element bad and retarded.

>Promised Land

Aeriths cooch, sephiroth smashes it with his big blade cutter

gee I wonder why

>runs at a silky smooth 30fps

Attached: matsumoto.png (199x256, 117K)

>silky smooth 30 fps

You retarded OP?

Uh Sweaty, It is called the Buster Sword.

I get why Cloud keeps looking for it now

they botched the music

They're weird but awesome

where do you fight that cube on the bottom left?

Feels the entire thing is overdone, combat too flashy, voice acting way too corny, music too orchestral, anime character design looks weird in realistic artstyle and the level design feels so weird, empty and unfinished.

You can't fucking talk you dumb niger

the fuck you're talking about

>gorgeous to look at
>fun to play
Debatable. I felt a bit jaded by 15 and the combat feels very clunky here as well. The laser grid sequence was lame and pointless.

>and the level design feels so weird, empty and unfinished.
This is the hallmark of modern Final Fantasy games. Square Enix has perfected that "empty, lifeless, corporate video game" feeling down to an exact science over the past decade.

The people who hate you most, the ones most associated with Versus content who pay attention to your every foible and slip-up, but for someone who thinks he can defend something so well you sure are bad at strategizing against your enemies, consider your oops wrong webm screencapped


That novel isn't canon, dipshit.

The game is already filtering brainlet journalists.

Attached: 1583218493686.jpg (1080x1196, 412K)

>tifas's breast are small now

Attached: titfa.jpg (116x205, 4K)

oh no

lol natural selection

Attached: 1576622351811.gif (445x250, 1.68M)

>silky smooth 30fps

so 7R confirmed shit?

>fun to play
>runs at a silky smooth 30fps

I'm not sure what is ironic and what is not anymore

>can scan enemies with touchpad

why did it take me so long to find out about this

Attached: 1580007156967.jpg (1197x1440, 156K)

how do you get that from a fucking idiot who can't even beat a 5 minute tutorial boss

That it's shit

Thats per one eye so you can actually see up to 50 fps using both
Thats why 60 fps is often the target on pc games, it allows for slight dips and still stays above 50

you tortanic fags need to be lynched

because he too is a fucking idiot

The stockings suck so much.

oh shit I thought you were bullshitting


Attached: 1583150042302.jpg (1334x750, 411K)

it's shit though

nice censhorship, cuck


Open em up now. Its time to coom

Just like FFXV then.
These "games" are developed with trailers in mind, not actual gameplay.

xv "sparks" are magic from weapon summoning and warping though not literal sparks from attacking a dog

>>gorgeous to look at
Not with those generic as fuck faces. Kys.

>Preorder locked content

Fug, what is that?

Attached: Yoshimitsu.jpg (851x1200, 752K)

We know, that's what we've been saying.

Bitch is horny.


Holy shit she really do wtf