Why are hub worlds better than open world?

Why are hub worlds better than open world?

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Gives you a familiar place to take your time and rest between missions.

gives you a sense of progression that individual open worlds can't give

real reason is that in open worlds it feels really unnatural how biomes are so close together. your mind just senses something is wrong.

A nice place to come back to and feel safe. It grounds you in between levels and starts to almost feel like home. Open world games generally make you feel like a vagabond with no real sense of a single location you stick with the entire time.

Open world is a meme that casuals eat up because "it's more realistic!" Hub worlds make more sense from a gameplay standpoint.

better pacing

games with hub worlds have actual level design and content.
open world games sacrifice level design and content for an empty sandbox that looks good in screenshots, sounds nice in marketing slogans, but isn't fun to actually play through.

it's so odd that the painting in the castles leading to other worlds seems so normal and "oh yeah thats how it works" now because i bet at the time it was a revolutionary concept.

For me it's Warped's hub world.

Attached: 51933-Crash_Bandicoot_3_-_Warped_(E)-1440875765.png (800x600, 424K)

what game has the best hubs?

probably nostalgia

Objectively best: Mario 64 (a good playground to test skills, look around, a familiar place to come back to and hold many out of level challenges and secrets)
Personal favorite: Spyro.

for me it's the comfy accordion plaza

Attached: delfino plaza.png (1000x482, 808K)

spyro games having 0 difficulty really ruined the games for me

Fpbp you nailed it. Going back and hearing that familiar music feels good


Demon's Souls

Great hub, this game has some shit levels though. 2 is definitely superior

I don't love Spyro for difficulty per say, I just think it controls well, looks great for the time and has a stellar soundtrack. Spyro does atmosphere right, Crash 2 did difficulty better. But Spyro still has a special place in my heart.

Lol no

per se

I've always felt that the games were as much an aesthetic experience as a platforming game. Great OSTs, great color palettes, great skyboxes.

paper mario's toad town

You got me, I wanted to sound smart.

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By mere design, hubs have more thought put into them, and they usually expand as you get more abilities or advance in the game, so it must also be made in a way that the old areas connect to the new ones.

Of course, this is theoretically talking about good hubs. Bad ones are just a drag, although none come to mind right now.

The soulsborne games
Especially ds2