Rate it out of 10

Rate it out of 10

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Worst xpac for alts
GCD changes are garbage
Loot changes are garbage
World PvP ruined forever

Some good raids but that's the only brightside, even WoD was better since it offered lots of gameplay and QoL improvements albeit with minimal content

What more do you need?

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3. Only redeeming quality was Dark Irons and Zandalari trolls being playable.


3/10 because I enjoyed initial leveling and m+
The rest is trash ass stinky poo

An honest 1/10. So many things couldve gone right but thats par for the course for this company.
>Most Allied Races suck and require obnoxious grinds on a previous expansion to use or the current one
>The plot makes is over the top fanfiction that wastes plots and time
>pruned classes
>PVP scene is gutted
>promise a faction war and its just Lovecraft tentacle shit
>Azerite gear is one of the worst fucking concepts in the game to exist

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hey, that's RNG

come back next week for a higher number


no self respecting person should play this

Art style: 8/10
Gameplay: 2/10

I was going to give it a 1 out of sympathy, but vulpera actually exist now, so it's a hard 0.

fuck i got a 9 no i don't want to give it a good score goddamnit

3/10, I had enough of artifact grinding and world quests in Legion and then they just brought it back to please the chinks, also the RNG is shit, bring back reforging

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3. Everything but the gameplay is amazing, there were a few points where the enviroments honestly looked breathtaking. The music is superb as always. The art style is fantastic, as always.
But end game and class design is atrociously bad, its somehow worse than Legion. Probably the worst expansion they've put out and thats very impressive.

>Appealed to the casual "fans"
>Got so watered down to the point there's very original soul left.
>Other upcoming MMOs started copying it's playbook.
>Market is flooded with generic, shitty MMOS.
>Tfw WoW is the reason the entire genre is dead.

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>Appealed to the casual "fans"
appealing to a fuckin non existing audience that couldnt care less wich also comes and goes

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This is the best part of all of it WoW got so far in its own hype it killed other companies chances at a truly amazing MMO scene, then it became shit and is taking down the genre with it on both fronts.

Blizzard shouldve died as a company in 2009.

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>every class is the same shit with different particle effects
>the chance of getting your BiS in 8.3 is less than 1% because of all the RNG

It makes me want to play classic but classic is already dead as fuck and tedious as hell.

>Lovecraft tentacle shit
And even then they fucked that up N'zoth was so unimpressive.


1 only because of dark iron dwarves.

>non existing audience that couldnt care less

as long as you have a few cosmetics to grind for and some mounts/pets/cheevos/mogs the soccer moms will be appeased

But catering the entire game around them? lol

I will legit love bfa more if essences were account wide. Its such a stupid fucking disaster of design.

>hordes of 410 ilevel gear for alts
>worst expansion to ever make a fucking alt due to 3 FUCKING THINGS
>necklace level
Dear God blizzard are you fucking retarded?


It's BfA, you don't get what you want
you get what you get
now pay me

WoW has always copied from MMOs, it's literally built on idea theft.
They tried being original with Legion by copying their own internal ideas from D3 and we all know how that turned out. Now they're looking at FF14 to copy some ideas yet again with Shadowlands. We'll see how that goes lmao

god i wish FFXIV wasn't such a slog to play.
im an mmo cuck and wow is the only mmo that feels good to play.

Gotta show time metrics to their board meetings since they know their subs are absolute garbage but won't admit it.

Not only that but they copied a movie scene from fucking 2002 to convey his defeat.

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A real reply: 2/10

FF14 is god tier end game imo, in terms of class design, WAY better than WoW. But I understand anyone's sentiment that thinks its a slog because it literally is for like 50+ hours, I cant deny that.

ironically account wide essences would encourage more playtime because people would have a reason to play alts

I play both retail and classic. I'm about done with fucking retail. After I get the backpack xmog I'm only playing classic. Raiding with my retail guild is boring as shit and it's me and my RL friend carrying the entire raid in dps.

I already got most of the rare mounts I wanted. The bug, dog, worm. Ha-li mount. I barely logged in this week to get my mythic 12 done. Can already 3 mask clear visions and really don't give a fuck to go for 5.

Classic is great right now however. Really enjoying it.

Then unlisted the video on YouTube but it's still in the game lol


At least my boy Genn's still kicking...


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It has its merits and it's overall pretty comfy grinding some junk you want, however the core mechanics and the lack of good narrative, a lack of a good villain and the poor execution of Ny'alotha and N'zoth leaves a bitter aftertaste and a feeling of mediocrity.
It definitely was rushed from spending all their resources on making their endgame itemization work and the actual content suffered for it.
Also Warfronts and islands were a disaster as well.
The only reason it even gets a 5/10 is because WoW has so much shit to do inside of it that stands on its own merits.
Overall i agree with Bellular's criticism of the game.

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I played that shit for like 280 hours, got halfway through Stormblood and had to bow out

BLM was just so boring after hundreds of hours and grinding EP to level another class seems like hell.

How her lewd ingame model remains untouched is a mystery

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Can you 14 shit eaters fuck off? We all tried 14. It's fucking wow lite class design is dog shit. Gear designs static. Your end game rotation and gear is exactly the same as everyone who plays the class. Jesus christ fuck off you obsessed 14 faggots coming into every wow thread.

I seriously dont get why retarded normies made them even more successful past 2009 despite their games all going in the gutter

truly gamers are retarded

HOTS though.

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Thicc the Dickbinder

stopped playing halfway through because it was boring/10

I have no idea how many times we need to tell you. We were all suck of wow at some point and tried FF14.

>it is not a good mmo
>end game is worse than wow
>leveling to max and needing to do the MSQ will make 95% if players quit
>the game has spaghetti net code and feels floaty
>pvp is a joke
>not a good mount collecting game like wow

It's not a good mmo, and it's not a replacement for wow.

1.5. Enemy scaling RUINED the game and caused me to quit. I had top tier armor but a blue weapon for months, needless to say, I was hacking for minutes on every enemy.

Everytime I see her those two pointy parts in her pants make me uncomfortable because it looks like she will stab her stomach if she ever sits down.

>unreal city inside a dimension made from literal nightmares forced into existence by an eldritch god
>unimaginable horrors from across the span of the ten thousand years-ish that god's been alive
>all kinds of disgusting and horrifying shit possible inside the infinite realm of the old one's mind, all kinds of victims struggling against all kinds of tortures

>we just get what amounts to another fucking four wing dungeon that's just all red flesh and black stone
>the only kind of indication we get that this is actually the most insidous old god's personal realm of torture and corruption is azshara being poked with an electric stick during a fight with some literal who
unimaginable fucking disappointment


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She can't lie on her back because of her fucking massive horns
It's amazing her spine can support those damn things

Reminder that WoW is more profitable than ever currently with the addition of micro-transactions and concentrating the playerbase into soccer mom and dads with disposable income.

>Blizzard shouldve died as a company in 2009.
But it did.

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her massive tits act as a counterweight

Im ashamed to admit i've spend a few hundred dollars on boosts and race changes when I was deeply unhappy and addicted to WoW

Putting more weight on her spine
poor bitch's bones must be fucked

>There will never be an MMO with real consequences.
>You'll never burn down a town or village and permanently cause a long term effect.
>No MMO with a different sense of progression and mystery to find.
>No random acts or unplanned adventures.

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Vanilla WoW was like this
Not like Classic, which is a totally solved game filled with cancer twitch fags who all adhere to the same boring meta builds

But I mean real 2004 vanilla wow

3. I miss Legion tbhwy

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It's shit, but SL will be better.
>less RNG
>New abilities + soulbinds
>Alt friendly + new leveling for ez heritage armor
>Is an odd # expac, therefore will be good (based on trends)

They need to find a way to not gate player power behind covenants, but everything else sounds good **on paper**.

Just bringing back tier sets, reversing the GCD changes, and bringing back master looter and you already have a better expac than BFA.

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Class halls and artifact weapons were awesome.
These dumb fucks have to stop having the "this is the progression macguffin for this expac/patch which you will soon discard for the next macguffin"

Because its an insult to the player's humanity, intelligence, and time.

Covenants will be a disaster.
Have fun finding out it's not meta for your warrior to join the Kyrian and you have to do a massive grind to join another cation lest you miss out on a huge chunk of DPS

he has such a punchable face

Has some good moments but I'm so goddamn sick of troll shit at this point. Horde also got fucked on capital cities and Boralus is 10x better.

It's like they took all the fun endgame elements of Legion and somehow made them worse. No where near as boring as waiting in your garrison for shit to happen though. Lots of stuff going on.

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I unsubbed recently after going pretty hardcore. I was in the middle of my vale dailies and thought "what the fuck am i doing"


How long until they ruin her character and kill her off for a shitty side quest chain

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Real talk?
1/10 I’m not kidding

That shit happening to Ysera was unbelieveable. Could have atleast made us put her down in a raid as a corrupted dragon.

havent played in a while. what did they do to the GCD?

as shit as BFA is, I still like Ion. I dunno what it is, but he seems like a nice guy who genuinely cares about the game.

Also, I think that under his watch, WoW has gotten much better than it was. The team actually cares about content outside of raids, dungeons are relevant, classes got massive visual improvements (Which were sorely needed), more focus on story, etc. At least they are experimenting with content - I do think that this trend of challenging solo content like Mage Tower > Horrific Visions > Torghast is good for the game and sorely needed, so hope they continue to iterate on that.

WoW really needs housing as it's 6th pillar of content.
1) Raids
2) M+
3) PVP
4) Torghast / Mage Tower Equivalent
5) Mounts / Mogs / Cheevos
6) Housing

The game has plenty of challenging group content, but needs more avenues of player expression and creativity, which housing would provide. Also a good form of content that isn't focused around combat.

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increased it so the game got slower

Ysera will be back in SL as a central character in Ardenweld.

With all the new races added, ERP got a lot better


The dragons got done pretty dirty throughout the expansions.

at least they laid off a bit to finish beating sylvanas' character to death

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the GCD was not increased you fucking retard. They put the GCD onto cooldowns like Pillar of Frost and Reck (or whatever its called nowadays) to stop swiftymacro shit as they realized it was a problem in m+ and PvP
Any class that wasn't stacking 4+ cooldowns at once didnt see a real change.

shut up fag

>describes artifacts
>also praises artifacts

everyone has a ton of haste now if they want to wear it, it's a non issue and only punishes 1 macro babies.

the dragons will get the limelight again in 10.0 when we get Dragon Isles and Covenants 2.0 based on the different dragonflights.

it feels like shit, even if it's just one ability. As much as I do think BFA fury's overall design is better than Legions, I would do anything to get back the fluidity and seamlessness of Legion Fury without the GCD bullshit.

not him and i do agree with your statement regarding progression, relic upgrades, the overall feel for collecting artifacts across your specs and alts was extremely rewarding and long lasting.
Farming Mage Tower was satisfying, unlocking hidden skins to this day is still done.

>worst expansion to ever make a fucking alt due to 3 FUCKING THINGS
And this is the expansion that had allied races as a selling point.

Also, I love how they complain about balance but then implement a system like Corruption. PVP has never been balanced and never will, and it's not popular enough to justify these changes.

ook ook melee specs and rot in a pit. Frost DKs in particular, absolute cancer in the last seasons of legion

>had Deathwing die to Metzens self insert
>had Nozdormu confirmed to go evil no matter what happens despite him being a literal god of time
>had Malygos go crazy and die off in the Nexus then replaced him with a raid boss
>killed off Ysera in a crappy quest chain
Im surprised shes made it this far, but give it time Blizzard will probably have her die in a book or cutscene.

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>long lasting
what are you talking about? People busted their fucking ass in 7.0/7.1 to grind up to 54 traits, literally hundreds of Maw of Souls runs, just for 7.2 to drop and nearly reset the progress.

Mage tower was a total joke past Tomb opening anyway.

>not just doing fun raids with your bros
This is why retail sucks dick imo. Every nigger jacking off with their recount bar instead of laughing at wipes and not taking shit seriously.

If you think WoW is any better than FF14 in terms of class design you're the dumbest motherfucker I've seen this week lmfao. FF14 classes are MUCH better designed, and this is what I brought up.
>it is not a good mmo
as if I care what some shitposter on Yea Forums says
>end game is worse than WoW
grinding for azurite traits or whatever the fuck till the end of time is as worse as it gets. what a fucking retarded thing to say.
>leveling to max and msq will make players quit.
these are WoW shitters, I'm glad it keeps faggots like you out.
>pvp is a joke
BFA pvp is the worst I've ever seen. I don't care about pvp anyway.
>not a good mount collecting game
shut the fuck up retard lmfao

Nah they want folks to grind as long with their alts like with their worst part is Blizzdrone will defend it like ever half ass thing Blizzard will do.

Aren't they working on a patch to skip or at least speed up the slog that is a realm reborn? I can admit that was very slow part of FFXIV but once I got to Heavensward I really enjoyed a lot of the story and characters.

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>280 hours to get to fucking SB
>playing BLM for 280 hours somehow without hitting level 80
I think the problem is you, not ff14.

Give it time they already censored a lot of lewd sets from classic and the BC Alexstrasza will be next or they will just kill her off.

she a thicc mommy in HotS but she's wearing pants now in comparison to the classic bikini