
>plays video games


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Literally unplayable

Guys, I donated over 4500 dollars, and I still haven't had sex with her.

What am I doing wrong?

You're only 10% of the way there.

God, I wish I had a gamer gf so I could be her human pissbottle.

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>searching a game on youtube
>see a guide video made by a girl wearing makeup
>automatically assume its a poor guide and likely only covers surface level topics

Why am i so sexist, Yea Forumsros?

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Make up takes longer to apply than playing the goddamn video game.

>anyone who puts their face in the thumbnail
>making good guides, ever


>searching a game on youtube
>see a guide video made by a girl with no facecam
Name one example

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I wonder what happened to girls who were like this

desu, youtube is a numbers gamme and facecams are statistically proven to get people to click on the video so i try not to judge people too harshly for it, same for people saying to subscribe at the end of videos. Its a faggy thing to do but it works.

Single moms

they got married which gave them the validation they wanted from gamers so they stopped playing.

The days when the internet was a hobbyists playground instead of constant monetization of everything was infinitely better.

Fuck these people.

>there are people on Yea Forums who want content like this banned on twitch

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Music was the main pillar of the whole thing.
When the bands started dying out, so did they.

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If a girl wants to be a prostitute then so be it.

The perfect definition of butterface.
What a waste of a body.

Not much to that girl in particular
I remember one guy posting her Twitter account and she's still into vidya, has an autistic skinny bf and her hair is dark red now.

But then what? Do they just become normies?

This should absolutely be banned. Why would anyone be in favor of keeping it? Yoda is Disney property and she's profiting from him

With that kind of money you could visit a massage parlor like 30 times.

Some do, some morphed into punks who have a pretty similar aesthetic.
My gf used to be an emo and she's mostly normal, save for dyeing her hair black.
Still listens to the same music, and in fact she dragged me to that revival concert MCR made a couple of months ago.


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I knew a few girls like this from high school
>one became a heroin addict but then got better after leaving Pennsylvania
>one became a sort of model. Only posted professional photos on her facebook page and got on the "hottest woman of the month". Not section for our local culture magazine. Not sure what shes doing now.
>one still lives with her mother and works slave wage jobs. Still hot though
>one works at bars and still goes to music concerts

your own life experiences are informing your current mind. It is called being intelligent.

This will always be the cutest "alt girl" aesthetic ever.

>plays video games
>has a penis

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>all four still alive

Degeneracy levels are getting to the point where God is going to btfo us and I still want to play vidya and want my children to get to play vidya.

Emos never self harmed seriously, it was just superficial cuts.
Hell, most of them were pretty upbeat, only a bunch of them pretended to be depressed.
If you want serious shit, you gotta go for goths.

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They mostly became bartenders, addicts, or social justice warriors. I heard an user once say that scene/Elmo was the death rattle of white youth culture, and he was mostly right.

that's called noticing patterns

If you consider that degenerate you need to get out more.

My girlfriend (female) is really big into video games and knows a shit ton about Zelda and The Binding of Isaac. I dont know why it's so hard for people to believe that girls can have the same hobbies as boys. Dont be fags.

Social isolation.

>plays videogames

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>rawr xd will always be the cutest "alt girl" aesthetic ever.
How the fuck could you think this?

dumb BITCH get back in the kitchen

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Blessed ryonaposter

Hes right though.

It's not like there's much competition.
What's there, the art hoes, who go get ugly short haircuts and wear kid clothes?
The hairstyle, the thick eyeliner and eyeshadow, most of them being pale, the way they styled their hair...
It's pretty cute.

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>I dont know why it's so hard for people to believe that girls can have the same hobbies as boys.

Because for a long ass time, video games and other "nerd culture" stuff were made fun of by everyone, especially women. Most of the people on Yea Forums were bullied for their hobbies and seeing people who made fun of them for it now getting in on it makes them upset which, honestly, is understandable. I hope that people can be nicer to each other about these hobbies in the future, but for now there's gonna be strife about it.

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Fuck no, if anything the problem is that people stopped bullying and now everyone is a fucking autist.
This whole "lol nerd culture xd" shit has to end.

Why do they wear the tight necklace?

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>is cancer

No idea, but I know trannies use it to try to cover their manly necks.

Jesus lord in heaven I miss scene and emo girls

are there any actual comfy girl streamers worth watching? I want something for background noise so some weeb girl would be nice

Eh, you could look over it. Looks like she could've been pretty but got damaged along the way.

>""""playing video games""""
>""""video game streamer""""

black belt in dick sucking.
no really, they all think they're great at sucking dick and pretend it's some sort of accomplishment.

so you know they're a slut.

Girlgamergab plays horror games and is comfy. Also if you have lots of subs, she'll probably fuck you.

It means they like to plug the controller into the wrong console.


slut wear

>if you have lots of subs, she'll probably fuck you.

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Well as a 20 year old I've never been bullied for it. That does make sense to me, however people need to get over it and realize not every girl is the same, and that people and society can change.
>wahhh its not my special secret club anymore wahhh!
Stop being a cunt.

He's not wrong. A lot of small to mid size streamthots will sleep with guys for raids/hosts.

>actually likes hearing males drone on and one while playing games

>not every girl is the same
They pretty much are. Females are very monolithic compared to men.

that one chink that makes guides for gw2

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So Twitch is eliciting prostitution? Interesting.

Oneo of the few cases where I didn't mind they all tried looking the same.

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lots of conan exiles and guild wars 2 guidemakers/"content creators" are women, it's almost jarring how many women play conan exiles as opposed to rust/ark.

Oh, man, I can't wait to see the look on your face when earth becomes hell on earth, and this so called 'god" of yours never shows up.


"All women are the same", said every man ever.

scene girls were the best, i miss the mid 00's

Early 90's/2000s punk/scene girls are best.

>Zelda and The Binding of Isaac
Your girlfriend is a pleb.

"I'm not like the other girls", said every female ever.

See this is what I'm talking about. Stop being sexist gatekeepers. And those are just examples of a couple games.

Millennials need all to generalize because the complexity of the world doesn't fit their tiny mind.

That's it? Gaming isn't cheap, user, you better keep going.


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Just a reminder Amalee is a bitch who supports #Kickvic, the bastards who ruined an innocent mans life.

>using hashtags

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Women are literally fucking worthless. All they ever have to offer is their fucking coochie. They can't even cook anymore. They certainly don't clean either just cover up their nasty grimy unwashed skin and BO with makeup and perfume. They should just get back to spreading their fucking legs and staying away from my hobbies. Fuck you and fuck women.

my gf gets incredibly angry in every game she plays, and has only been playing pokemon and overwatch for the last year and a half. She just starts bitching and moaning over every little thing that isn't the screen flashing "YOU WIN." I'm not sure if its because she's female or retarded, as the only other sample case I have acts much the same but has a history of playing league and wow.

Best not worry about it I guess.

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If any dumb zoomer cunt is reading this, you're getting dabbed on by your daddies

I'm glad that it wasn't just my friend. She loses interest in anything that doesn't immediately reward her for just existing, she plays one or two matches of league of legend a week and gets incredibly angry after just 5 minutes if anything goes even slightly wrong. I don't understand how she can want to play animal crossing either it's like the ultimate chill game.

Where did all the scene girls go

Remember that no girl ever wants to sleep with a gamer.
Only e-celebs get girlfriends because they make $$$money$$$.

Actual retard.
In my experience, anyone who is new at games is like this

to be honest, they have been spoiled to the point where they expect everything like a princess. Chivalry is dead because women killed it with their greed.

Have fun when you and the one child that's yours start getting smacked around by her chad winner kids.

Really fascinating this internet fight between the bottom of the barrel of each gender.

Girl gamers just show how incredibly toxic the gaming community can be. There's a shit load of insecure betas who are attracted to gaming and whenever a girl is anywhere near a game a fucking mountain of spaghetti makes her run for the fucking hills.

they grew up and became wives. The current variation apparently mutated into sjw snowflakes who you can tell apart by the dyed hair.

They were doomed to a fate worse than death just like every teenager. They had to become adults.

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>makes her run for the fucking hills.
You mean makes her rake in thousands of $ a month just for existing.


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>new at games
My gf is 22, my other example is 27 and have both been playing games since they were 10.

She also happens to have a severe phobia of children, getting pregnant and happens to be "bi-sexual" in the sense she's never actually kissed a girl let alone ever held a relationship with one.

Now that I think of it she's just retarded.

Funny you mention animal crossing, she's been yammering on about every little revealed feature like its the greatest thing over for months.

Is it bad if I do this sometimes? I just feel an animalistic urge to win and keep playing the game until I get a victory, screaming at my computer and hitting shit. I'm a guy btw

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>Is it bad if [...][I'm] screaming at my computer and hitting shit
yes. Grow the fuck up. You're not a child and shouldn't behave like one.

>useless beta unironically calls all women useless

Congrats on that genetic dead end loaning you some puss faggot.

Are you unironically implying only girls rage at videogames?


>n-no u

Never cared for children so I'm not interested.

No, but I will imply women and retards get mad at videogames and other benign shit.

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My friend is exactly like yours, 25 though like me. Right down to the phobia of all that shit, cause she's "depressed" (except when she's super happy most of the time because guys orbit the fuck out of her) and the bisexuality. Weird. Any chance you're in texas?


All women gamers or just the couple dozen you cherry picked to be angry about

Nope, but pretty close culturally. Southern Alberta.

Every female who owns a webcam. That's just how easy mode female lives are. Exist -> get stuff.

Well, at least I'm not having some weird experience with time fracturing again, I wish you luck with your gf in the future user.

I dunno man. It feela weird to me to date or even worse, marry a woman you have no shared hobbies with. If i could find a woman that actually likes videogames a bit id consider myself super lucky.

Thanks user. I'll need it.

So if you are a woman and get a camera suddenly you are making thousands of dollars? How? Go on twitch the largest streamers are mostly guys you stupid fuck.

Thats what? 3 nights of gfe and sex with a high end escort?

Dude, have you seen the amount of girls on Twitch there are who don't even get to double digits?

hey here's a more interesting challenge. Find me a female streamer without a webcam and donation pool.

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My only advice, since I used to date the girl I'm now just friends with, is to check on her extracurricular activity when you're not with her. If she's "roleplaying" at all. My friend basically whores herself out for attention from guys, nudes, telling other people she loves them, buying them shit for attention. Those redflags are pretty obvious but you'll miss them if you love them because you hope for them to be better.

That's because the little zoomies like to actually enjoy their games and males are the only ones who can play at that high of a level. Female streamers are just babby's first camgirl.

and have you seen how many donos they still get from thirsty guys? Gift subs, cheers? I went scouring through just chatting today looking for someone doing gunpla shit I lost the name of, and ran across a girl chatting with 3 viewers, clicked on out of curiosity, she had almost $4,000 in donations in the last 3 months, 200 gift subs (one of which I got the instant I entered the chat), and a like 50,000 bit top cheer.

I like the eyeliner/shadow and pale skin but I always thought the haircut looked stupid.
Art hoes are usually shitty people, but I like their aesthetic

Everyone on twitch has a donation pool you sound like the type of person who shits into his hand and eats crayons

Dont get the issue with butterfaces. You can get a 9/10 body with a 4/10 face as a 5/10 guy, except you get used to her face in a month or two, so its really just a smoking hot body you get to smash a couple times a day. I wish there was a fucking tinder for butterfaces. Itd be a paradise.

Are you implying there's no male streamers?
Hell, look at Ninja, he's already a millionaire for playing Fornite and he's not even good at it.