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>we're too lazy to implement all the party members or even remake the full game lmao

If Red XIII is unplayable, then who else is getting the shaft?

inb4 reddit "ironic" dog shitposting

I bet it's because the remake episode 1 won't even cover Shinra Tower where you pick up the dog.

Kinda weird how they make him guest character, with all the iconic moves and fight with you, but you cant control it
WIth mods i can see him being playable

no, leaks shown that it goes up to escaping Midgar with Jenova as the new final boss

>Let me talk about a game that i've never played.
I'm of course, talking about the original, because if you had, you'd know exactly why Red isn't in it.
You like talking about things you've never experienced, huh?

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hes shitposting and pretending to be retarded, user


Maybe it's because the game ends right after he joins the party?
You get him in the Shinra HQ and the game is supposed to end after Midgar, so it wouldn't make sense to introduce another playable character only for the game to end an hour later.
He'll probably be playable in episode 2.
Fucking gay ass episodic bullshit, can't wait to play it in 2025

Idk what a Red XIII is but what I do know is that I REALLY wanna fuck that thing!

>defending a "game" that's a full priced rerelease of the first fifth of a game from 1997 not having all the content from 1997

and here it is


Personally I'll be waiting for Final Fantasy VII R Complete Edition, coming out in 2040 for the PS8

This is what I don't get, it's not even the full game or even half of it, why would anyone want to buy this? And no, I'm not shitposting or anything, I'm legitimately curious

Why even put him in the game if you can't play him? This is just a dumb tease and shits all over the original where he was playable in Midgar. Worst, or maybe best, part is because it's episodic the later episodes will probably not even get made.

the original was also a complete game and this one isn't hmmm


So what? He just stands there while Aerith and Barret fight hundred gunner and heli gunner by themselves?

Who cares about soulless party members?

They mean in part 1...right?

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The game is called FFVII Remake, not part 1

Who cares? it's a stupid gay looking dog with tattoos, I had never heard people give a shit about this thing until he was shown in the Remake

There's nobody that can argue with the statement that FF7fags & Smashfags are the worst fanbases in gaming.

Well to be fair, in the original game you could only get him after you pretty much finish most of Shinra Tower.

it's a demo, it's not completely finished, why are journalist so vile?

We'll still get some sweet porn off of his model

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I have sex with her husband and wife team