What is the best way to play the original Final Fantasy 7?
What is the best way to play the original Final Fantasy 7?
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Didn't they bungle the music or something on the steam version? Might be thinking of another game, but could have sworn I heard someone say that about the pc port
>playing the version with censored "this guy are sick"
Play the remake is going to be much better
PC version(s) have a poor history for that, but that's fixed now
steam version still has a few oddities compared to original, and cheats though (they actually lost of the code for final PS1 release and ports are based on older beta)
Emulate the PS1 version.
Check out the original game, I played through the PS1 port that was released on the PS3/Vita years ago. I'd say the ORIGINAL version is the best one because the characters blend with the environment a little better and the low-poly models don't stick out as much. PC has mod support but the graphical mods are the definition of soulless. You really can't go wrong with it, VII is a great game and there's just enough time to beat it before the Remake drops.
What is it with game companies somehow losing the source code for all their games? Feels like it happens so much
Let him play what he wants you faggot shills
Emulate it at native resolution via beetle psx (aka Mednafen. If you aren't good with emulators download Retroarch.)
>Why not emulate it at 1080p?? 4K??
The game's prerendered backgrounds are low res, even in the modern ports. If you run it at anything higher than 240p you'll have characters clash with the backgrounds, like they're people posed in front of a painting.
Optional: Use this retranslation patch romhacking.net
when it comes to old games, the mentality was often that it was never going to be revisited
you don't patch, you don't port, project is wrapped up and you move on
then the content kinda gets lost/forgotten
ONLY the original PS1 version of FF7 is acceptable.
Most of the visual effects are broken in all the ports because they were built around PS1 hardware.
Either PC for the mods or Switch for comfiness and portability
There's no other answer
It used to happen with TV shows and movies as well.
(You) Faggot
PC lets you use AI upscaled backgrounds that are quite faithful.
>they fix that
>progress a bit
>still seeing errors everywhere
literally only fixed that one alone because it's a meme
Fuck the original. Literal pixelshit. Wait a month for the better version
They really don't look any better.
PS4 or Steam with the newer graphics and 3x speed and stuff if wanted
PS4, also think this version is on Google Play but I would assume it controls like shit
PS4 version got a patch at least for that
Sorry but the original looks like shit and is impossible to play as a zoomer. I had a hard time when I got FFX-2 on release and tried to go back, and I'm not even a zoomer but 29. Steam version or PS4 or Switch the new graphics is the only way to play
No, it does not give it character. The graphics are just bad. FFIX has character.
This. It runs on anything, no fucking about with compatibility or music or DRM, you just get the original game as intended.
The original game as intended was gimped due to hardware, if you want that version; just wait a month
Otherwise PS4
FF7R looks worst then any other current gen AAA game coming out right now.
>The original game as intended was gimped due to hardware
Not nearly as much as the PS4 is going to gimp the remake.
oh no no no no now he's gotta bring in the remake. At least actually address the line about FF7R to attack my post rather than the one about the genuinely better version of the original game.
Why are you desperately trying to force OP to play a game he's not talking about?
Every FF7 thread from now until forever is going to end up like this.
You should use a special downsample to native resolution (specifically 3D elements are downsampled to remove jaggy edges and 2D elements remain at native resolution). And add a CRT shader. this allows for color blending, smoothing, and aliasing control for 2D stuff (Especially low resolution prerendered backgrounds)
the point of using the special supersampling (downsample to native resolution) is so that the 3D stuff looks like it actually belongs with the 2D backgrounds.
>rainbow banding
please fuck off
PS3 version
Why are you using shitty low quality vcr recording as your example image?