Morrowind Fog Removal

I know I must be acting like a newfag but is there any way to remove the fucking fog in morrowind within the game files. I don't want to use any gay mods, just let me have my morrowind without the fucking fog!

Attached: endmepls.png (1333x773, 713K)

you have to use gay mods to remove the fog

why did he do it?

He was literally being blackmailed to do gay shit for people online under threat of releasing pics of prior gay shit to his family and friends

that turned out to be a hoax. also is ciara really dead?

Thank you for answering my question, what a great help you are.

Maybe you shouldn't do gay shit to begin with?

he was depressed. what the fk you think

Use OpenMW, increase view distance. You can also increase distant terrain and even how far around you cells get loaded.

you have to use mgexe
no other way around it, pussy boy

>tl;dr blackmailed by a bunch of trannies on discord run by another tranny named reiko
this event led to the term discord tranny being coined and kickstarted the widespread dislike of trannies on Yea Forums, basically turning the term into cu ck 2.0
he was manipulated into sending pics of himself in a dress to this discord and they were saved and used to blackmail him, lest they be sent to his family (he got doxxed)
reiko turned out to be but one cog in a greater network of paid shills who got paid money to promote various things online, his job was spreading the "pinkpill".
/r9k/ and /pol/ teamed up against reiko, who disappeared after being bitched at by his sith lord boss
it was fucking nuts

Shitty diet + shitty education + meds = fucked up hormone levels that lead to depression

he was on the receiving end of a lot of bullying and had issues, his tryhard internet "friends" goaded him into doing it, until he actually did it.


How the fuck do you even get into that line of work? Do you just have to know somebody?

Thanks user, may many virgins find their way inside your pants.

I knew one of the people who was telling him to "do it faggot" on that stream, it was funny to him for like a week until he couldn't sleep without seeing it.

He started drinking heavily, and I haven't heard from him since.


know a jew

Tranny blackmail

was there even a result against the guy responsible or he dissapeared from the net?

Nice fucking try, Chijo.

>tfw the purpose of Discord raid on Yea Forums is to find personal info among the mountain of shitposts to doxx

The site fucking froze when this shitshow happened. Christ, a fucking discord group managed to make Yea Forums tremble