>Opens with a trailer for Spongebob Battle For Bikini Rehydrated. Release Date is revealed and a demo will be released after the direct. >New SNES games are coming to the switch’s online service. Those games are Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Super Mario RPG, Kirbys Avalanche, and Super Double Dragon >Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes are coming in a collection to the switch. These are not remasters, just ports. >Trailer for Bayonetta 3 is shown, releases sometime in 2021 >Final Fantasy XIV is getting ported to the switch. No release date is given. >Info on BOTW 2 is given, but its nothing major. >Parappa The Rapper 1&2 HD are being ported to the switch as a collection. >Xenosaga Trilogy is announced. Its an HD Remaster Xenosaga 1, 2, and 3. Comes to all consoles and PC this summer. >The first fighter of Fighter Pass 2 is revealed. It’s Master Chef...no that isn’t a typo. It’s the master chef COOKING MAMA. Her stage is a kitchen, and she comes with 10 Music Tracks, 3 of them Remixes. >Mii Fighter Costumes are Linkle from Hyrule Warriors, Tingle, Dr Eggman, Travis Touchdown, and Hat Kid from A Hat In Time (comes with a remix of Welcome To Mafia Town). >The direct is about the end but theres one final announcement. >Mother 3 is finally coming to the west in the form of a collection that remasters Earthbound Zero, Earthbound, and Mother 3 (localized as Earthbound 2). Not much footage is shown but it seems to go for the clay artstyle of the promotional art. >The direct ends.
>>Parappa The Rapper 1&2 HD are being ported to the switch as a collection. that franchise is owned by sony and parappa 2 hasnt even had a hd version on playstation yet
>Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes are coming in a collection to the switch. These are not remasters, just ports. Back to /sthg/. >Mother 3 is finally coming to the west in the form of a collection that remasters Earthbound Zero, Earthbound, and Mother 3 (localized as Earthbound 2). Not much footage is shown but it seems to go for the clay artstyle of the promotional art. Bonus reply; retard.