Nintendo Direct

Direct will be on 3/4/20

Contents are as follows

>Opens with a trailer for Spongebob Battle For Bikini Rehydrated. Release Date is revealed and a demo will be released after the direct.
>New SNES games are coming to the switch’s online service. Those games are Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Super Mario RPG, Kirbys Avalanche, and Super Double Dragon
>Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes are coming in a collection to the switch. These are not remasters, just ports.
>Trailer for Bayonetta 3 is shown, releases sometime in 2021
>Final Fantasy XIV is getting ported to the switch. No release date is given.
>Info on BOTW 2 is given, but its nothing major.
>Parappa The Rapper 1&2 HD are being ported to the switch as a collection.
>Xenosaga Trilogy is announced. Its an HD Remaster Xenosaga 1, 2, and 3. Comes to all consoles and PC this summer.
>The first fighter of Fighter Pass 2 is revealed. It’s Master that isn’t a typo. It’s the master chef COOKING MAMA. Her stage is a kitchen, and she comes with 10 Music Tracks, 3 of them Remixes.
>Mii Fighter Costumes are Linkle from Hyrule Warriors, Tingle, Dr Eggman, Travis Touchdown, and Hat Kid from A Hat In Time (comes with a remix of Welcome To Mafia Town).
>The direct is about the end but theres one final announcement.
>Mother 3 is finally coming to the west in the form of a collection that remasters Earthbound Zero, Earthbound, and Mother 3 (localized as Earthbound 2). Not much footage is shown but it seems to go for the clay artstyle of the promotional art.
>The direct ends.

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Other urls found in this thread:

who cares.

Fake as fuck. Check this 5.

utter bullshit
>Parappa The Rapper 1&2 HD are being ported to the switch as a collection.
>no lammy

>FF14 on Switch

>complains about it being fake
>doesn’t do anything to stop the influx of shitty direct and smash leaks

Did your therapist ask you to roleplay?

Did the therapist ask you to dilate?

>5 SNES games coming at once, 3 of them being huge RPGs


not real
not funny
only way this is real is if this is a 7

Check this 7

Attached: 530785F9-80E6-45B0-8EB8-B9B0653532C7.png (373x720, 319K)


Attached: 1583197734833.jpg (425x570, 45K)



>>Parappa The Rapper 1&2 HD are being ported to the switch as a collection.
that franchise is owned by sony and parappa 2 hasnt even had a hd version on playstation yet

Why say something so stupid?

god fucking damnit

nah bro check THIS 7

Attached: 1543199185248.jpg (640x685, 71K)

>Parappa the Rapper

you didn't even try

Attached: SleepySpoink.jpg (910x650, 68K)

How about THIS 7?

Attached: 1507764177941.png (624x318, 221K)



Roll from the MegaMan series

sorry bro

but look at THIS 7

Attached: 1572202361451.png (700x700, 168K)

Roll Caskett

Lets get it rollan

come on baby

if you're going to post fake shit, at least include "SMT V releases... RIGHT NOW!"

reincarnation doesn't exist you fucking poo in the loo

>Final Fantasy XIV is getting ported to the switch. No release date is given.


you idiot, check this 7

you moron check this 7

Directly leaky roomy WOOOOOOOO

Attached: brain damage.jpg (453x438, 74K)

Inefction freeze prease

Attached: 45D1065B-F7FD-44E3-BBAF-1D355AC953F7.jpg (545x828, 146K)



Attached: 1245594190589.jpg (200x190, 7K)


Let’s do this


fuck yes im gonna colonize some ass


you must think i'm a fucking retard if you expect me to believe a single word of what you just wrote

too risky

no coronavirus will stop me

I'm still laughing everytime.

Attached: h96razqxxd941.jpg (485x634, 44K)


>earthbound zero
>earthbound 2
Do you think this is a joke

Attached: 59DABCD1-FEBC-4E8C-9AD0-86515B61D4D6.png (588x547, 393K)

Haha Ching Chong Wong kong corona kong

african shithole get

You really got the shithole huh hehe

>Opens with a trailer for Spongebob
>Nintendo opening with a 3rd party game of a remake

Attached: 1456588907029.gif (284x223, 960K)

still better than africa

Haha your not even lives this time XD double REKT HAHA

Europe please, i'm tired of brazil

Now youer mudslime

3rd world here I come



tough luck kiddo, check this 8


Attached: MAYA.gif (500x535, 832K)

>Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Heroes are coming in a collection to the switch. These are not remasters, just ports.
Back to /sthg/.
>Mother 3 is finally coming to the west in the form of a collection that remasters Earthbound Zero, Earthbound, and Mother 3 (localized as Earthbound 2). Not much footage is shown but it seems to go for the clay artstyle of the promotional art.
Bonus reply; retard.


>No Xenoblade DE
Give it up...

Im White

Who here maining Cooking Mama?



let's see


Attached: 1319677290572.gif (299x267, 2M)

>Mii Fighter Costumes are ... Travis Touchdown
This leak is fake, but I know this is going to happen and I'm not ready for it.


He isn't sleeping, is he?

>Parappa, a Sony owned franchise, on Switch
You fucked up.