Quitting vidya

Last night I played vidya for the last time, I'll never play them again, I kind of regret not getting to the end of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, I was really enjoying it so far. Anyone care to tell me how it ends? I got to the part where you find Ginger and got sidetracked.

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See you tomorrow


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Ginger turns out to be a traitor in the end and you are raped for hours. It's pretty sad.

Ps4 bricked the other day. All I got now is my old laptop to play on. Once that dies, I think ill be done. Shame though. Really wanted to play dying light 2 and the next elder scrolls

Radzig is Henry's real dad so he is of noble blood, it ends with the siege being won and the robber baron getting fucked in the ass but the future still open for conflict

I'm selling my PS4 and my PC. I'll try to live as detached from technology as possible from now on. The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Prove it

Shit, that was unexpected, I never liked him

The sword isn't even the best weapon in the game, which is really disappointing.

See you in 20 years when you need technology more than ever.

That's not the source of your problems.
You think you're looking for some kind of truth, but actually you're just hinding from it

Then what is the problem armchair psychologist?

Is this the roleplaying thread

hey, just rent a shitty storage unit and leave your stuff there. I feel you on this, I'm collecting tools and gear to live off grid. Never know when you need tech though (((society))) has made many things impossible without access to certain things.

Pol schizos

I'll be keeping a smartphone and a laptop for essential stuff. I also need to get the fuck away from this third world shithole of a city.

I wish I was a moderator.

>live off grid
>carry cell phone and laptop
You're like the kid that wanted to run away but wanted mom to pack your bag for you

You think the industrial revolution is the problem, but you’re wrong. The truth is that the human condition itself is flawed down to its very core. The foundation is rotten.

Fair enough. Just don't dive off the deep end if you're trying to get out and homestead. That's how people fail, ease yourself into it. Also, no harm in having a go at a game once in awhile. really. It's only when it becomes something you think about often that it becomes a detriment. good lucky buddy.

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Just promise not to mail anymore bombs to random people, Ted.

Are you killing yourself? If no, then see you tomorrow

I really hope Corona does its job and kills us off. I can't see any hope for humanity, if humans are allowed to live any longer.

>live off grid
>with phone and laptop

How much experience do you have living off grid? I can you that after some time you will learn to hate nature just as much as what you were running from.

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It definitely won’t. Humans are nothing if not tenacious.

This is really tiresome. How much longer must I wait for the inevitable?

I hate this place

You can just kill yourself now if you want.

This, you have to prepare yourself and understand what you're getting into. If you don't have an inclination towards this stuff you will be miserable. Also, rural-trash will eat you up. Not everyone out there is friendly, like at all.

I want humanity to die, not myself. I'm valuable.

I'm quitting my 10 year WoW addiction and going back to college. What degree should I get to be successful in the modern economy? No meme degrees.

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based non-human retard

Bullshit. Civilization is what made humans into a carnivorous and aggressive species. If we return to nature, we just revert to our natural nurturing instincts.

dont let the doorknob hit you on the way out

Don't go to college, learn a trade. College used to mean something, but has become a jewish loan scheme.

I agree with you in part, but you won't be saying that when tweakers are stealing your firewood or fucking with your shit. Just use your head dude.

In what aspect are you valuable if the rest of humanity isn't? At least be consistent in your pro-mortalism.


Ya dood the bomb guy was rite all along


He unironically was. Ted Kaczynski is quite possibly the only person who truly understand the plight of modern society. It's a shame his attempts were destroyed by (((them))) and the system pinning the fake bombings on him.

Ok normalfag.
>all the /pol/ schizos ITT

There's a critical error in his ideas though. Even if technology is a problem, it's an inevitability.
Let's say you have 10 tribes. 9 of them swear to never utilize agriculture, but the remaining 1 does utilize it. As time goes on that 1 will prosper much more than the other 9. There's a few things that can happen from this point on. Either the other 9 follow suit and utilize agriculture themselves, or they die off, or they remain active but the agriculture tribe prospers so much more than they become minuscule and eventually unnoticeable in comparison. This situation can be applied to every technological advancement in history. The only way to completely swear off technology is on an individual or familial level. In a civilizational sense technology is inevitable.

It is though, we just have to collectively destroy society back to zero, whenever a certain technological level is reached. Wipe the slate clean and start again.

If that is done and the slate reaches 0 the process will just start again in the way that I described it.

Might as well just kill ourselves en masse at that point, setting ourselves back so much guarantees our future death through some unforeseen disaster like a meteor or similar catastrophes.

>If we return to nature, we just revert to our natural nurturing instincts.
You are delusional cityfag that thinks all their problems will be fixed by muh nature or muh comfy rural community. This will not happen, you are not capable of adapting to hardship, isolation, and boredom of a truly off the grid or low tech life and you will be rejected by most rural communities once they see you for the pretentious tourist that you are. You are not the first cityfag to go through this fase and you will not be last, I only hope you won't be to much of a pain in the ass for the people that will end having to put up with your shit.

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shut the fuck up bitch you're retiring from gaming yet posting on a video games message board? what kind of autismo-tier RP is this shit? If I saw you doing this IRL I'd probably kick the shit out of you, noob


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this, you want to avoid this.

So understand what you're getting into OP. This is a different world.

>tfw you've been on Yea Forums for so long you notice how old you are by reading all these retarded threads
desu all of you should kill yourselves


My god, these faggots here in this thread, jusr fucking camp for 2 months in a deserted area and see how you will like it without tech and the comfort of your shitty homes

Get ready to face man's true nature.

>it's another city slicker moves into my rural shitty hometown and claims to want to "connect with nature" but also bitches about clothing stores not being open 24/7
Just go on a hike every now and then, spend a night or two in a tent, and then realize how fucking nice indoor plumbing and electricity is.

Wow you and Ted sure are visiona-
>Amish and Menonited have been saying this shit for centuries
Nevermind, you've been one-upped by a bunch of 16th century Dutch rednecks lmao.