>Kingdom Hearts is overrated trash for manchildre-
Kingdom Hearts is overrated trash for manchildre-
You didn't finish your sentence, friend. You need to be more careful, people on Yea Forums can be pretty harsh.
The organization fights are my favorite bosses
Still doesn't make it good.
>clearly just pressing triangle for the entire combo
theres nothing wrong with liking the series but don't act like its some kind of sophisticated masterpiece
I'm pretty sure most people acknow challenging like Roxas, the first Riku fight in KH1, and Lingering Will. On Critical, of course.
>acknow challenging
Wut. Something went wrong with my brain. I have a migraine. Acknowledge there are challenging fights like
Actual retard
Hello, based department?
I don't understand what this webm is supposed to prove
what? the 'dlc' adds alot of new stuff
>spammed Limit Form specials
What a pussy
>gets hit
>hacked drive gauge
You could have posted a better example, but yes, 2FM is one of the pinnacles of action games.
>dodge roll
>Limit activation via shortcuts
Based retard.
OP's webm isn't even an efficient way to fight. You're supposed to take advantage of Ars' 0 Revenge hits, early iframes and the ability to stop before the finisher along with DP-boosted Zantetsuken strings. Ragnarok is mainly for burst damage and the other two are situational.
I still cry... I don't care what you guys say, the nostalgia, the love, the memories, just... take me back please ;_;
Hello, absolutely based department?
Mash Attack: the Game
>these guys are married with kids and you retards are still laughing at them years later
Who really won?
ouch, poor dudes
Would be better if you have posted opening version with video, I think.
Now I'm sad too.
This but unironically.
>Mash Attack
Is how you die, or on babby difficulties, how you play like shit. A fully boosted Explosion (the strongest attack tied to the X button) has a 7.5 damage modifier. Base Reflega has a 8.5 modifier on the normal (non-finisher) hit. Thundaga with a full set of Shockcharm+'s, the Thunder Boost from leveling and Photon Debugger, has a 12.1 modifier. This is ignoring Limits (which are almost universally stronger), Forms (which make Magic stronger), and Magnet, which groups enemies while acting as a blender.
Is this KH2? I've never played a KH before and would like to just play the best one if preferable
This but ironically.
That's nothing to be proud of, my guy.
As soon as that bitch leaves them.. poof. Child support and alimony until death
I have no idea why people keep posting this webm. It's bad. Either it's the same guy over and over or people are too lazy to make other webms.
Cope, Barry.
All of the terms on the left are either really obvious simple things or made-up speedrunner autism.
Unfortunately it's kinda hard to just launch straight into KH2 it has a 4 hour Intro that will make 0 sense unless you've played 1 and understand the story of the GBA game.
This isn't the DMC thread. Roxas' stolen KBs are a boss specific mechanic that add more damage/hitstun in exchange for more Revenge and a more dangerous boss (a tradeoff) - pure substance.
It's KH2FM, the best and most robust KH, also one of the better action games ever made. The PS2 version has the most solid balance while the PS4 version has the highest FPS and fastest loads but introduces bugs that fuck with a few attacks/fights.
Fuck off, Barry is super obvious when he posts. Crying wolf just helps him.
It's not a good webm since it's just spamming limits while getting hit.
If you're playing KH for the story, you've already fucked up.
I love the series but this webm just shows the player using Ars Arcanum, Ragnarok and Strike Raid and Sonic Blade. Would've been much more interesting without Limit Form.
>All of the terms on the left are either really obvious simple things
Name the most damage-per-opening optimal method of damaging bosses as base Sora. Or how to optimize Whirli-Goof's damage. Or what makes Final's finishers unique.
>made-up speedrunner autism
Translation: mechanics I don't understand.
OP is a known falseflagger, he does this for many games. You might recognize him as the Yakuza webm spammer.
>Would've been much more interesting without Limit Form.
Form is not activated. Form meter stays at full 8 all of the time.
Well 3 certainly is.
Based schizo.
>same filename format/capitalization
>same "x is shi-" style posts
You're either a newfag or OP himself
3 is literally 1 and 2. Stop the autism they are different. They all suck in exactly the same areas.
It literally isn't.
I can't forgive nerfing whirli-goof in Final Mix.
>3 is literally 1 and 2.
It most certainly is not.
i don't get how you can make damn near the same exact threads all the time, right down to the formatting. its so methodical it looks like either a AI doing it or its some kind of button pusher syntax some third world pajeet is being paid to copy relentlessly. its fucking psychotic
Knocksmash got nerfed harder after being the best Limit in vanilla, unfortunately to the point of uselessness. Whirli-Goof can still deal big damage under some circumstances.
why did everyone set cure on triangle shortcut? every gameplay i saw from people they always do this in KH1 KH2 and KH3
Autism is a hell of a drug
>spamming limits is good gameplay
i love kh2 but naw dawg
Because it's the button you don't often spam in combat, so you don't risk accidentally using cure and wasting all your MP when trying to cast fire or something.
Green color for healing?
No idea triangle is reserved for thunder and x is always cure. Circle and box are whatever
it doesn't matter because the game is impossible to lose no matter how bad you are.
optimal play is irrelevant when all actions lead to victory
>using that webm as an example when your average KH2 fan would say you're playing it wrong because you're not playing level 1 keyblade attack only
Why the fuck did it take so long to post the n? Look at the fucking shoes on the main character...
When you walk away
You don't hear me say
Oh baaaaaby
>the game is impossible to lose no matter how bad you are.
Did you play on anything above Normal?
Limit form and reflect exist on every difficulty user.
>KH2 combat is super deep if you refuse to use 70% of the tools the game gives you
Every thread
Yes OP you are correct. Lowest common denominator trash for early 2000s DeviantArt browsing Naruto/Bleach weebs with pervasive developmental disorders.
>KH2 combat is super deep if you refuse to use 70% of the tools the game gives you
This but unironically.
He should have been the final boss baka
Nomura is a hack, what else is new?
His design in KH3 looks retarded compared to 2. Now they made his hair and face look so funny
That's just the engine, everyone looks fucked except maybe Aqua and some of the other Norts.
>it doesn't matter
Gameplay mechanics you don't understand don't matter? How convenient. I'll take it that you can't name any of the things I asked, KH2's gameplay is literally too deep for you.
>the game is impossible to lose
Post your no-deaths playthrough. I'll allow vanilla Crit, doesn't even have to be Lv.1.
>optimal play is irrelevant
Gameplay depth is always relevant. Whether you're on Beginner or Lv.1 Crit, mashing X will never be an efficient way to play. A fully boosted Explosion (the strongest attack tied to the X button) has a 7.5 damage modifier. Base Reflega has a 8.5 modifier on the normal (non-finisher) hit. Thundaga with a full set of Shockcharm+'s, the Thunder Boost from leveling and Photon Debugger, has a 12.1 modifier. This is ignoring Limits (which are almost universally stronger), Forms (which make Magic stronger), and Magnet, which groups enemies while acting as a blender.
>Limit form
Gives you a worse Neutral that robs you of Quick Run, Aerial Dodge, and Glide, making certain DMs and attacks more risky if not impossible to deal with. How is randomly going into Limit Form supposed to be an advantage?
Gets you killed during its recovery frames if you misuse it.
This but unironically.
>We're...we're back!
>...You're home.
Well 70% of the tools will just get you killed
>become anti form and now you genuinely have to play good to survive
>run out of mp and have nothing to cure and have to go fast enough to use item and survive the animation of using said potion or worse ether
>heavy combos from combo plus don't work because you then need to perform the full combo on the boss to kill it once he's 1 hp
Summons are pretty broken but you need to know which one for which fight. Somehow I get killed even with Peter Pan despite that shouldn't happen at least once.
Boy, do I wish people wouldn't start threads with obvious bait.
KH is a fantastic series and the only bad game is Days.
KH2 was my first game and watching the opening cutscene with this playing was fucking cool but I had no idea what was going on because again, KH2 was my first game
Pretty much everything made after 2 is mediocre at best.
Idk. Re:Coded is down there
>Pretty much everything made after 2 is mediocre at best.
Nah. I'd say BBS is mediocre but with the occasional good moment, Re:Coded is pretty good, 3D is either decent or dogshit depending on whether or not you can tolerate DROPping and Dream Eaters, and 3 was pretty eh but the DLC was fantastic.
Now that you mention it you're right. I think only Young Xehanort, Larxene, and Xigbar look decent. Ansem probably looked the most fucked
>>heavy combos from combo plus don't work because you then need to perform the full combo
Square normal hits (Upper Slash, Horizontal Slash), all offensive magic, RCs, a Drive explosion, all Drive Form hits, and Limits can also finish off bosses.
And 3.
>Just mash x to win LOL
This games sucks and anyone who plays it sucks
>Just mash x to win LOL
Based retard.
3 wasn't bad, just "okay" at best with a pretty obviously fucked devcycle thanks to Disney fuckery causing a bunch of rewrites and cuts. post-Re:Mind 3 is a lot better; if not because of the DLC itself, then at least because of the balance changes made and combo abilities added on the day the DLC came out. Speed Slash is fucking great now, for example.
>This games
Go to sleep Paco.
>3 wasn't bad
its all just memorisation though
thats boring
>How is randomly going into Limit Form supposed to be an advantage?
>Damage taken gives magic back will give magic back even beyond what second chance prevented you from taking
>second chance means you never die unless at 1hp
>limit form attacks generate health
>now that you have health second chance will save you
Literally unkillable as long as you keep doing limit specials
Yeah, it wasn't. If KH3 is "bad" to you then I don't think you've played very many games. It's a solid enough title, just a weak one in the context of its own series.
Also, the Kupo coin is literally the scrub item made to save retards who can't play. Using that to pretend the game is bad is dumb as shit.
the only worthwhile stuff it adds are bossfights you can brute force your way through with 0 skill.
>tfw Chadzora steals Kupo Coins
It's literally killable.
>just a weak one in the context of its own series.
That makes it bad.
That's kh2 lol
Play the first Final Mix+ first. The MP systems in 1/2 are different but they're both good in their own regard. 1 had better atmosphere and wasn't bogged down by the Org XIII shit.
not him but i think DD BBS and KH3 are bad games
shitty nonsense boring story with bad characterisation, find myself not caring about anything anymore
and the gameplay is boring outside of dlc boss fights
>Fight is designed for you to watch the AI go apeshit on the boss
>Complain that the AI goes apeshit on the boss
>That makes it bad
Not at all. A game being worse than another game doesn't make it a bad game. HL2 is worse than HL1, but it's still decent. Partners In Time is the worst M&L game, but it's still decent.
Besides that, KH3's still an improvement over BBS/3D/Days, anyways.
>shitty nonsense boring story with bad characterisation
I wouldn't call it nonsense, it's just badly paced, especially in 3. The characterization for everyone besides Kairi who continues to be more and more bland with every fucking game she's in is pretty consistent, too.
I can understand if you don't like the gameplay of base 3, though. Still wouldn't call it anywhere near bad.
To be fair, that webM isn't the Roxas part, it's the part against Siax/Xion that ends when Siax charges up.
>People still perpetuating the 'KH3 is bad' meme
Are you trying to say these are combos? Roxas is hitting you and it isn't even making you flinch because of the invincibility advantage the limit form gives you while spamming specials by button mashing triangle.
I too enjoy mashing X while the game drags me over to the nearest enemies.
I bought 3 on sale and im playing it on critical mode where almost everything is killing me in one hit.
Any tips?
I just beat monster inc world and I felt like I was doing chip damage since only counter shields counter was doing a good amount ofdamage on the boss.
Dodge roll.
>isn't the Roxas part
Yes I know. The point still stands. Kairi and Lea are strong in that fight, especially on easy difficulty like in the WEBM.
Use food.
Make sure to upgrade your keyblades.
Make sure to Risk Guard when you can for big damage.
Abuse the fact that you'll always get keyblade transformations if you equip that ability that removes attractions and use magic more.
Stale b*it.
Even ignoring the fact that this relies on crutch abilities removed at Lv.1, it doesn't account for longer fights/fights with more spaced out openings where you'll run out of Drive before you can panic button to victory (HPC, CoR Nobody fight #3, Lingering Will, Zexion since you can't skip book world with this strat, probably Vexen too), attacks that force you into the air where Limit Form's limits aren't available (Final Xemnas DM, and going into the Riku minigame with low HP is a gameover) or fights where Limit Form isn't available (early game, Pridelands, Agrabah 2). So while it might be a viable method to casually bypass some fights on overlevelled conditions, you certainly aren't 1CCing the entire game with this strat alone.
>pretending bad coding makes a game good
Yeah im already doing all those and i took out attractions because fuck that noise. Those random pot shots off screen gets me bad
You can't be filtered by being literally carried though the game even on crit.
>Doing chip damage after twilight town
You fucked up user. Start using food and proper equipment
That webM is also hacked so drive never decreases. You couldn't really stay in Limit for that long during a normal fight.
Back away from crowds of enemies if there's any getting out of your field of view. Use Airstep whenever possible, and unequip the flowmotion attacks that it activates out of airstep. Aero also sort of works like Magnet.
I don't think you know what this word means.
>Even ignoring the fact that this relies on crutch abilities removed at Lv.1
KH2 fans are literally incapable of defending the game without saying that you need to play it intentionally gimped.
I mis typed and meant that I felt like I was doing chip damage to the boss.
Ill try aero than since iim shitting out water most of the time.
post proof you didn't get filtered
by the end of this webm the bosses have loads of health and the player died but used an item to survive, but with the context from this video the player would die again and not have the coin
is this bait????????/
its not just the consistency of the characterisation
for instance i dont believe terra, aqua and ven are friends, they are only friends because the script says so
and everyone acts all autistic and non human
>Ill try aero than since iim shitting out water most of the time
Yeah, be careful about Water spam. It gives you some iframes during the cast, but the startup takes ages and the damage isn't great. If you're using Aero, keep in mind that you should probably unequip that Superjump flowmotion ability or whatever it's called.
>watching HJO act in a TV show
>he sometimes switches into the Sora voice by accident
If I was more into Kingdom Hearts I would have already made some great animations with this.
>Roxas is hitting you and it isn't even making you flinch
He clearly gets hit at 0:18.
>because of the invincibility advantage
None of them are fully invincible. Ars is only the start-up, Strike Raid can get you nicked during the recovery frames (as demonstrated in the webm), Sonic Blade covers for its lack of iframes with movement and Ragnarok is only the start-up iirc. Even in that shitty hacked webm he's clearly using the Limits during openings, timing the iframes, Dodge Rolling a retaliation, guarding the final combo and he still gets hit once.
>button mashing triangle
Used optimally they aren't really mashing. Ars relies on you timing the initial iframes and skipping the finisher, Ragnarok requires timing for the strongest finisher, and Strike Raid is typically used for iframes (so you want to draw them out by pausing between each hit).
>you should probably unequip that Superjump flowmotion ability
Also what ability should I not equip in general? As in theyre just plain shit.
>for instance i dont believe terra, aqua and ven are friends, they are only friends because the script says so
>and everyone acts all autistic and non human
Again, that's mostly a consequence of the script being paced absolutely horribly, partially due to Disney's autistic movie teams causing trouble during development.
That, and the English VAs of Terra/Aqua/Riku really fucking phoned it in this game. McCartney and Osment were good though.
Literally every pre-Re:Mind combo modifier you get during the story aside from Speed Slash is dogshit. Don't touch them. Speed Slash got changed so you can cancel out of it prtty well, though, so you can keep that.
i was mostly talking about bbs with that comment
What are the chances Nomura is somehow going to merge FFVII Remake with Kingdom Hearts? Even a secret movie?
Oh, fair enough. BBS's character interactions were pretty ass.
It's cherrypicking spammed by a FFXV fanboy:
so yes, it's bait.
I'm impressed with your desperation to strawman. I acknowledged that the strat relies on crutch abilities but pointed out its flaws under those conditions regardless, and by your lack of a rebuttal I'll take it that you concede to me being right.
Note: Lv. 1 is the highest difficulty mode. There's a reason it's only available on Crit (which also reduces EXP Gain by default), they changed Guard to a story ability (where it was a level ability in the original), and the game has damage floors in the first place (accounting for Lv.1 runs). You don't lose access to any major options and it mostly serves to increase the damage you take while removing crutches (which is what higher difficulties in action games do).
Somewhere along the lines, Disney cartoon babyboohoo games became acceptable for adults.
Why this is the case, is because you're a fagbag.
KH is unironically high test.
>Disney cartoon babyboohoo
Somehow, I don't think anyone talking like this has the right to judge whether or not something is acceptable for adults.
>the only worthwhile stuff it adds are bossfights
Bullshit. 2FM swapped item and ability locations, added more items, altered and rebalanced tons of damage modifiers, added Limit Form, added the entire Cavern of Remembrance (which includes some new enemy variants and the toughest mob fight in the game), gave bosses neutral resistance to Other, added 10+ additional bosses including making LW from scratch, and Crit (which gives you extra options relative to lower difficulties, namely another Finishing Plus).
The gameplay of 2 and BBS (and I assume 3?) is pretty good but the story is fucking atrocious. 1 has pretty frustrating controls but has its moments.
>using items
>boss should be dead
>but fuck you until you land a combo finisher
Shit design.
So how is III? I d/led it for xbox. I enjoyed one of the games, forgot which one since it was a long time ago for ps2 and had a lot of fun with it. Is this similar? I don't give two fucks about the story, I just liked exploring the disney worlds and beating the shit out of monsters.
>mashing in limit form
I'm too dumb for these games. The combat, especially with data bosses is beyond me
Still inexcusable.
It creates cool anime moments though
The setup they got going here makes no sense
>Sora confronts Roxas asking after Kairi
>Roxas instigates a fight by saying she's lost to darkness
>Sora attacks calling him a nobody
>They don't kill each other because they know they can't destroy one another
>Sora fucks off
On top of the fact that Roxas probably doesn't even know who Kairi is during this time period, why would they fifth at all if they both knew neither one of them would win? I gotta say, the setup for this scene is weak as fuck.
>tfw the only characters I really give a shit about in KH are the antagonists and Xion
More like gay anime moments.
>Fight is designed for you to watch the AI go apeshit on the boss
>Complain that the AI goes apeshit on the boss
yes because its boring and gay
i dont care about the "point" if the point fucking sucks
You must hate KH3 then
Fucking why?
Do not speak to me, lower class beings,
It was incredibly lukewarm.
>lower class beings
Ironic coming from someone worth less than a Nobody.
Who is he?
Hard mode: Demyx isn't the correct answer
The person that was split into Demyx and Luxord.
I prefer KH2s combo finisher system to most games where shitty little 1 damage pokes can kill bosses. I wish more games required the last hit to be a good one.