Uninspired: The franchise

Uninspired: The franchise
Still glad it survived to have another sequel though

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lol okay fucking nigger shill

kill yourself

i‘ve heard the game is like zelda is that true? also i have the choice between ps4 and switch version someone tried either one?

It's basically Zelda + God of war + some other franchises. The ps4 version is alright

sounds good. apparently all versions are 60fps, is the switch one fine? my switch is hacked so i would prefer not to pay but if the performance is bad i would just get ps4 one

Yeah, the original was from the "like god of war BUT" era. That's its 'but'.

I haven't played the switch version but you can just pirate the vanilla version on PC too

Right now I'm playing Darksiders 1 and it has been really fun so far. Are the other 2 games any good?

what exactly is similiar to zelda? puzzles? are there also areas that you can only access once you get the items needed?

yeah and dungeons

2 is fantastic. Never played 3 because of the female protagonist. Genesis is great.

i‘ve actually never gotten into torrenting because i‘ve been a consolefag my whole life. i have a decent pc now but i only use it for emulation to be honest. but i heard torrenting is just getting utorrent then clicking the magnet on torrent links is that true?

I really enjoyed the first two, I played like two hours of the third and haven’t picked it up again, it doesn’t feel the same. It kinda feels like they tried to copy dark souls and that frustrated me. I also don’t care much for the main characters err... character. Maybe I just hate strong women, maybe she just comes off as shitty.

Be awared, the puzzles can get annoying. They arent hard but there are too many
The first one is my favorite, 2 has some RPG elements (Reminds me a lot to Castlevania Curse of Darkness) but I don't like the enemy design and encounter. 3 is cool. It copies Dark souls a lot though

user... yeah
Just google some mediafire/mega links dude

Yeah, areas locked until you get abilities. I don’t remember much in the way of real puzzles, just stuff that took a couple of seconds of looking at to figure out which ability to use.

All 4 of those games, have no personality. Why those titles are rated M, I couldn't tell you.
They're tame, they don't excel at anything, and take gameplay mechanics from better franchises
I don't get how you can make 4 games, and they're all "Eh. It's vidya I guess" out of 10..

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I love AA games more than indies and AAA

3 is pretty good now that most of the technical issues have been ironed out.
It's kind of like a 3d metroidvania, the Dark Souls comparisons are really superficial, and the world is super interconnected, they also dialed down the annoying repetitive puzzles by a lot.

Yeah but it's not bad at what it copies

why does "uninspired" have a negative connotation anyway? doesn't it imply something is completely original and unique because it wasn't inspired by anything?

It means "unimaginative"

Not only based but bloody foundational mate

Dark Souls was surely an influence to them but it didn't detract from the purpose, in fact, I think it was one of the best Souls-inspired games yet because they didn't completely broke their formula to add souls elements like stamina and shit.
The world in general was better than Dark Souls