88 days. This game is going to revolutionize the way we look at video games.
The Last of Us Part II
I liked the grounded gameplay from the first one
Jesus the shilling is in full force for this dumpster fire lately.
You guys ever get that gut feeling that a game will do poorly and/or be shit? Yeah, every time I look at this game, I feel that.
It was nothing special tho. Just your average gears clone with slower movement and auto-cover so you didn’t have to press a button to move into cover.
>as two anons once said
>pic related
What? No, no one even cares about this shit
Yea Forums is a very tiny minority. Quit acting like just because you don't care, that means everybody doesn't care.
ok tranny
Wow, you couldn't avoid your freudian like brain to stop parroting shit you see on here to save face.
you're retarded user
Fuck this game, and fuck trannies.
One was made to put two cute girls together. The other is made to virtue signal to idiots like yourself.
I didn't say I agree with either
All I did was post a screen cap I thought was funny, you fucking slope skulled invalid.
I hate that RE3 is coming out in the same year TLOU2 is coming out too, it deserves GOTY but we all know SJWs and trannies will give it to TLOU2 unfortunately
10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10
The Godfather II of video game sequels 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10
Mods deleted my score prediction thread. Fags
>I just regurgitate memes I hear on the internet instead of playing games
We'll tell you when we give a shit.. there's like two other threads anyway
Will the revolutionary floating pallet and ladder placing mechanics come back?
the absolute seethe
is there any point in getting this on release since there's no multiplayer component and the ps5 remaster with DLC is probably going to come next year?
By being exactly like the last game?
That's not true though.
what's new?
you can crawl under buses
and dogs
I loved the first game and I'm looking forward to the sequel but you faggots need to fuck off with this shit.
by making movie game realism look even realer when watching it in 8K so Hollywood can take over and we can stop playing and watch film performances from our $500 PS5s instead.
It's just riding on graphics and story and muh feels, that's why. Barely any proper non-presentation gameplay.
RE3 is nothing revolutionary either, it just plays like Remake 2 but now has a slow mo dodge button, basically the same fucking game with different characters and story
I don't see how they can possibly make me care as much about grown Ellie as i did cute little girl Ellie
kudos to ND if they're able to do it
The Last of Us, RE 2 Remake and Days Gone exist. At its best it will be yet another hifi cinematic zombie game. And after Uncharted 4 I really think Naughty Dog is pretty spent
Why did you care about cute little girl Ellie?
I could give zero fucks about ellie I wanna know what role joel will have in this game
Paternal instinct I suppose
Days gone, despite being a buggy mess at launch, was the best zombie game on ps4. If they released it on PC I'd buy it just for the improve fps.
Agreed, Joel was the only reason I cared about the story in the first game. Ellie was never that great of a character and I lost interest in 2 the moment I found out she was the lead.
I know it won't. But I hope this game bombs. v
The only thing this will revolutionize is how much a female lesbian protagonist and anti-men/anti-fun marketing will kill sequel sales.
>this game is going to revolutionize the way we look at video games
>generic scruffy white male with a troubled past was the only reason I cared about the story in the first game
I liked the first game a lot but it never needed a sequel. This game is going to be a mistake. Hack writers never realize when they already have a perfect ending to stop at and that game did. No good will come of this forced, unnecessary sequel regardless of the feminist shit killing it from the inside.
this doesn't make any sense
game is going to be 95+ on metacritic and 90+ for user score
>Proving the point
Can't wait for this shithole to seethe upon release when it wins GAME of the Year 2020.
She literally looks like a guy
The Clickers were the most interesting aspect of the game and they haven't shown anything to do with them at all for 2, instead focusing on MUH LESBIANS and fighting human enemies. Quite worrying to be honest.
go join the 46%
His tattoo looks like something a dweeb would get.
For simps
We've seen both Clickers and Bloaters.
Every ND game since last gen was shit but they've all done well since gamers don't actually want gameplay.
>melee is restricted to Ellie's switchblade, and melee weapons
gee wiz, i'm so glad we don't get to play as Joel and have actual brutal fist fights
They've added new enemies, Shamblers and guard dogs.
Isn't The Last of Us arguably the greatest story game of all time? I've read this before somewhere.
>you can brutally murder women
I will buy your game now
Wasn't it 40% two days ago?
>melee is restricted to melee weapons
melee includes fists you retard
>gears clone
Know how I know you're gay?
how dirty ellie's feet will be in this game?
Lol no. Not with games like cyberpunk coming out.
for my sake and everyone else who isn't a disgusting foot fag, I hope there are no bare feet whatsoever
but druckman is the biggest footfag in the gaming industry
why do snoydrones always act like this series is some kind of second coming of christ even though its absolutely nothing special, sure i liked the first one but i just dont fucking get it
My favorite part was it trying to be serious while my AI companions ran through the enemies before circling back to me while looking like the fucking loony tunes constantly.
This is how I picture sonyfaggots getting excited at videogame awards.
As expected, alot of people seething in this thread.
This game is going to be an unmitigated success and there's nothing you can do about it.
I'm thinking a 96 metascore
This cant be real.
Stop shilling this trash series,
newfaggotry should be a bannable offense
>This thread
WTF? Its shit like this that is killing PS4 sales. Japan for example is highly conservative. It makes sense now why the PS4 is fucking dead there.
>third person cover shooter
>bullet sponge enemies
>canned contextual animations everywhere
>forced to walk slowly for muh realistic animations
>humans are the REAL enemy in a zombie apocalypse
>sjw bullshit
>every faggot journo gives it a 10/10
Uhhh yeah what do you expect retard. They've been out for 7 years, and the Switch was literally made for Japan
>Yea Forums - Video Games
it's gonna revolutionize how nincels seethe on this board
No. Animal Crossing is going to outsell last of Lesbians 3 to 1
TLoU outsold every AC game
>"88 days. This game is going to revolutionize the way we look at video game."
You get a laugh from me but no (you)
can't wait for my favorite contrarian friend simulator to tear this trash a new asshole.
You still bumped the thread though, thanks.
Not TLOU2. TLOU1 game turned a ton of people off with its woke garbage. Fuck Sony and their faggot fanbase.
>TLOU1 game turned a ton of people off with its woke garbage
Didn't TLOU2 break preorder records or something?
yes, anti-sony cope brigade isn't prepared for what's coming. Check out this guywho didn't realize TLoU sold more than every AC game in existence despite being a new IP
I walked past an EB Games a few days ago and they already have their TLOU2 posters and marketing shit up. I know it was technically supposed to come out 2 weeks ago but still
Screen cap this. Animal Crossing is going to outsell TLOU2. Watch it happen and be amazed.
You're right, I might actually start hating them.
>game turned a ton of people off with its woke garbage
why is Yea Forums in such a bubble?
She went from cute ellen page to ugly bird.
I, for one, am excited to see the shoot it works Yea Forums into
Totally brah, stay woke homie
I don’t understand why people thought she was just gonna have a 14 year old head on a 19 year old body. Her features were gonna mature, she looks perfect.
Again Screen Cap it. Pokemon SS, BOTW, Animal Crossing and BOTW2 is going to obliterate TLOU2 in sales.
She looks like an ugly bird rather than growing up to be a qt.
BotW2 might, BotW sold 18, TLOU sold 17, its very possible for BotW2 to outsell TLOU2.
hes not playing a faggot in his games you are
TLOU2 isnt going anywhere near 17 million. Screen cap this.
50% its going up
BOTW sold 18 million, is selling 1 million copies every 4 months and is still charting on bestseller lists. TLOU is a dead $10 game that has ZERO legs. That means it got negative word of mouth like Death Stranding.
lol no
making a daily thread until the release
Why Is everything that Sony makes so unbelievable fucking boring and inferior compared to Nintendo?
Now I will say that this gen Nintendo has been at it's worst and I think ever since lwata died the company has become greedier and greedier and moving away from what made them Nintendo. (DLC,xason passes, games on phones, etc,)
B. I can't understand how people can unironically like all these boring series that Sony produces. God of War is a boring button masher and if you shipped away ifs good OST you'd realize how boring of a game it actually is. Then there's Crash Bandicoot which has been an inferior platformer to Mario and Sonic in literally every way; slow paced, repeating levels, etc, I can, fathom how people like the Crash games.
Then there's the Last of Us which...Idk. Has some fun gunplay combat I guess? but only against human enemies, fighting zombies was tedious and honestly just really frustrating and not fun. I will say that I haven, really played a DSC game but to me they just look like boring button mashers, maybe a more faster paced Go W? I never played _Mk and dexter or Ratchet and Clank but again, they just don't look as fun or interesting as a 3D mario game and even those I kinda hate now(although that's more down to Personal tastes changing over time as I used to not mind them as much back in the day) Or how people can say the N64 was inferior to the PS). I mean I guess in terms of sales numbers sure, and despite the N64 library being really small I think the games it had were overall way more uniqe, colorful, fun, and interesting. And honestly even the graphics on the N64 looked better than the PSI. The PS1 had a lot of pixely jagged shit that looked like crap and I know that's because Nintendo did a smoothing effect to make games on the N64 look better but still..
All the Ps1 had were an infinite amount of boring RPG's and because a lot of them were 3D RPG's now bathes take 10x as long to initiate and finish. Imagine taking the most boring and tedious genre to ever exist and now you make it in 3D where everything is flashy and takes way longer now. It also has a bunch of boring racing game ontop of all of that.
Nintendo actually tried to innovate and do something new and interesting. Where as everytime I play a Sony exclusive it feels so bland and uninspired.
Oh and don't even get me started on how awful the Uncharted series is, the gameplay, the writing, it's all so goddamn awf ul,bland, and monotonous.