How many hours after he big event in dq11 is the main story left ?

how many hours after he big event in dq11 is the main story left ?

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Depends on what big event you're talking about.
Presumably though you've just entered act 2 of a three act game.
Although act 3 is considered post-game.

That's the halfway point

You can't wait for the torture to be over, can't you? I know that feel.

I stopped after Act 2, I'm not missing anything good right? At that point I was just tired of the game.

The big "event" closes up Act 1, I think was within 40 to 50 hours at the closure of Act 1's big event. Act 2 ended around the 95th-100th hour for me. Act 2 was pure kino from start to finish. I get the feeling Act 3 seems optional, sorta vibe I get, just the way Act 2 ended felt like proper closure to me and hit all the right notes.

Also if you're not on the Switch you can't marry Jade on PC and PS4. If you are on the Switch, congrats on the Jade marriage and all the new content. I'm tying up all the 2D extra nostalgia quests they added via traveling to single segments of older DQ games. Very much soulful.

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You're halfway through the main story, so just double whatever your time currently is, and that's when you can expect to be finished.

i need to a weeb to translate this

Why do people say that Jade is the Hero's sister?

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jade says that you were like a little brother to her because she was with the royal family so much when she was little. Autists take it literally

Ending with Act 2 leaves a lot of unresolved plot threads that are all solved in Act 3 but both are satisfying endings despite that.

I just got this game as a gift
never played a dragon quest before
what should I expect?

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A snes rpg with quality of life improvements and HD visuals with stellar voice acting from the main cast. It's simple but it's effective in both gameplay and story.

this desu, i stopped playing at the end of act 1

Post Martina's armpits

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shit man I did lots of side quests and tried to explore as much as possible, this game was like 100H+ to be beat fully, in a non rushing kind of playthrough, and no skipping cutscenes and dialogue

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I dont wanna rush but I'm feeling a bit burned out and I just hit act 2 at 50 hrs should I play another game a bit and come back?

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From what I remember there's only one unresolved plot point, that gets a conclusion in act 3.

Did you play non stop till end or take a break

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I enjoyed enough to keep playing it alone when I had time to. But I have to say, after having played DQ7 on Citra before DQ11 and after completing 11, I felt kinda fed up of the series for a bit. It was a nice ride but it's not something I yearn to play the entire series.

Act 2 is only like 20 hours.
Act 3 is a slog, though.
No reason to play if you're not having fun. It's a video game.