God damn Dishonoured is so fucking good

God damn Dishonoured is so fucking good.
My only issue is that your options for low chaos is too limited. thats it. this game is so fucking good.

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Is the sequel worth playing?

Dishonored - 4/5
Dishonored 2 - 3/5
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - 3.5/5

Is there any hope remaining for a new entry?

Gameplay is alot better than the 1st one

yeah its good
probably not, though I wouldnt say its impossible.
I think the golden age of Arkane is now behind us since the founder left after Prey, so maybe it would be best if dishonoured was allowed to rest peacefully

It's a perfect package, in a way very few games are nowadays. Shame it's tainted by its garbage sequel and sequel's sequel.

Hopefully not. They managed to ruin the universe as soon as the next game. Fuck Harvey Smith.

>No new game +
What the fuck were they thinking?

really liked these games and was suprised just how good the second one was - it bombed the reviews when it first came out. Although I think that is because of the perf issues.

Haven't played DoTO yet, gpoing to pick it up in a sale and play it when bored


>Is there any hope remaining for a new entry?
Not until at least the 9th gen. Fucking idiots decided to make the series console focused and not release any mod tools on PC.

>Dishonored 2 - 3/5
>Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - 3.5/5

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>I'll be over here

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>sequel becomes woke
>nobody cares about it
kinda funny, i wonder for how much longer they'll keep trying it

But user, I agree with you
>Dishonored had two directors, Harvey Smith and Raphaƫl Colantonio
>the former destroys the Dishonored IP
>the latter makes PREY then leaves Arkane behind

Good morning, MSneed


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Is Arx Fatalis good?
it seems more similar to Prey than dark messiah or dishonoured but i have yet to actually play it so im not sure.
I know about Arx Libertatis.

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>doing no kill run
>knock out guards and toss them out of the windows to hide them
>apparently that kills them
>run ruined

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can you not save scum? or once you kill one it's just over?

>throw people out of windows in tall buildings

based retard

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I only noticed that by the last mission. I dropped a guy from a single story and he died. Too late to go back since I did that from the very first mission.

I laughed my ass off when I saw others doint that