How does one developer go so far beyond all the others in level design, creativity, fun factor, immersion...

How does one developer go so far beyond all the others in level design, creativity, fun factor, immersion, and overall depth? What's their secret? Are they hogging all the talent?

Attached: from software.jpg (739x600, 28K)

All of what you listed is mediocre at best in Souls games.

Maybe stop being a mentally ill Redditor.

They found a niche they're good at and stuck with it. Miyazaki is a talented director.

>circle strafing simulator with 0 (read zero) interactivity, puzzle solving or verticality.

Yes, really pushing the boundaries.


Same basic engine and gameplay since Demon's Souls. It's basically CoD at this point.

Given that most games are absolute shit even mediocrity can seem great in comparison.

Careful senpai, gonna trigger some autistic anons by telling the truth

The only thing I know is that people like you are the reason we can't get actually good things.

Takes you 2 minutes with Dragon's Dogma, DMC, Monster Hunter or even Platinum shovelware to see that From combat is repetitive with awful controls and button layout.
And it takes any shitty Zelda or Metroid game to show you what actual level design, "shortcuts" and puzzle solving look like. One single titan in BotW has more creative level design than the entirety of your Souls corridors.

Literally better than most lauded classic Yea Forums games.

>omg yes another totally original fromsoft game!

Attached: wojakfag.png (644x800, 15K)

>Takes you 2 minutes with Dragon's Dogma, DMC, Monster Hunter or even Platinum shovelware to see that From combat is repetitive with awful controls and button layout.
Souls games have vastly better enemy interplay then all of these games aside from arguably MH, which is a slow and boring piece of shit.

souls and all games like it are garbage and the redditors who love it ruined fromsoft.

It's obvious that shitheads like never actually played any of their games for more than one or two quick sessions when their main argument is the player's combat options. That's not where all that intricacies are at. It's the detail in the enemy, level, and boss design. How they blend together so perfectly with the lore. How you actually need to use and hone your observational skills to progress.

>button mashers like DMC and platinum shit

Literally musou games, mash X for awesome!

By using item description and dialouge to tell a story and build lore, they make the player rely on imagination to create something much like books. Imagination is a powerful tool.

>Literally ignore everything the enemies are doing and mash attack into launch
>Better than anything.

Eh, I'm a huge Souls fan but I wouldn't go that far.

>slow and boring piece of shit
The worst part about MH is how every boss is a fucking 20 minute damage sponge. You'd have to actually be brain damaged to think a FromSoft game is more repetitive. The only repetition in FromSofts games comes from learning the enemies movements. Once you've learned them, the bosses take less than 5 minutes to defeat. While in MH most of the time it's much longer even when you learn how to deal with the boss.

I’ve never seen one franchise go from quality to utterly lazy rehashed shit faster than Dark Souls. Whatever spark was there was milked and underdeveloped, and a big part of it had to do with its little brained casual fans. It was a Japanese game made for westerners, because westerners obsess over lore instead of understanding gameplay

LOTR trashes westaboo weebshit any day. When I play games I want gameplay

>got "soul" in the name
>most soulful games of all time


Sekiro is nothing like their previous games though save for the general design choices they've incorporated. Of which it'd be retarded not to include just for the sake of "being different".

They are unsurpassed at shit that matters like level design, atmosphere...etc but horrible when it comes to polish.
All their games have poor animations, you see clipping everywhere, the AI is unbelievably retarded, everything lacks a sense of weight...I can go on.

Action games are boring, repetitive shit. All those fucking moves and there's clearly one objective best way to play, you're only discouraged from doing it because of things like letter grade style ratings and point systems. If DMC didn't have the style system, people would only talk about it for its hamminess because there'd be no reason to use any of those big flashy moves. It'd be an awful fucking game.
I don't trust you to tell me what a good fucking game is if you compare Dark Souls to DMC. They're different games, and thank God. Fuck off.

>praises a game that’s played with R1 and O

The irony is killing me

>no lost kingdoms 3
they're trash

they put minimal effort while reusing assets and animations, then make their players piece the story together
it's actually hilarious

You can't even get past the tutorial in sekiro with that mindset.

Suckiro uses the same engine, lock on system and animations as previous Souls games. The only difference is that you spam parry instead of abusing the i-frames while rolling around.

I've beaten Dark Souls overencumbered. That's no dodging, no sprinting, not even jogging. Over 100% equip load from my first encounter with the Asylum Demon (that's no Master Key, too). Pressing Circle just made me do this slow fucking stumble. I got through Blighttown, Sen's Fortress, Anor Londo, and Lost Izalith slowwalking. Because it's possible. And because Dark Souls isn't a fucking action game that necessitates dodging. It's an RPG and it is better this way.

Spamming parry doesn't work, 9 times out of 10 you'll just be blocking and taking posture damage if you don't parry in rhythm to their attacks. Even then you'll still get your shit kicked in if you don't get the hang of mikiri counter and jump stepping perilous attacks.

How about actually playing the game instead of talking out of your ass?

Sekiro is an even worse offender than dark souls because it removes options that were otherwise on the table. Getting through that game was the worst slog of all Miyazaki’s campaigns and it should have taken after Furi and made the game about fighting bosses instead. Even then there is little in the way of decision making when it comes to that trash of an action game. You already know you just gotta tap L1 and nail the odd mikiri counter

I already beat it and it's easily the worst Souls type game yet. Even DS2 was better.

Just like everyone who envisioned the old gaming classics, Miyazaki did not start as a trained game developer (tm) that was tainted by past work and hellbent on aping their conventions.

biggest hacks of the century

DS2 is better than 1 and 2 tho

soulsfags are the kyoanus fags of vidya

>Sekiro is an even worse offender than dark souls because it removes options that were otherwise on the table.
No, it adds more options in combat instead of outside. You're just too retarded to see that because you're a butthurt autistic PVPfag that's still salty that he can't use different weapons. You've got slashes, thrusts, many different combat arts, mikiri, jumping, dodging, grapple, 3 prosthetic tools to switch from out of several. Approach can be wildly different depending on your combat arts and prosthetic as well.