Demon's Souls was the best one in the series.
Demon's Souls was the best one in the series
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Nope it's sub human trash like yourself!
sure, if you ignore ds1, ds2, ds3, bloodborne, and sekiro
It's part of the holy trinity
Together with Dark Souls and Bloodborne
Sekiro and Elden Ring*
It's better than the Dark Souls games, that's for fucking sure. It's worse than Bloodbreh
i wish i could play it on pc. i heard that there was a ps3 emulator, but i have a pretty mid range pc
How does it look and have better atmosphere than Dark Souls 1?
People clamber for DaS1 open world thing, but I prefer the archstone system.
It looks like dog shit compared to Dark Souls 1. Shit depth of field and fog.
Yea because its not part of the series
It has better atmosphere and gameplay, that's for sure. The music also is real instruments and not midi garbage.
>Real instruments
>Stupid horns
Nothing in Demon can compare to Souls of Fire and Lord of Cinder.
level design was the one thing DS1 did better than DeS
needs a damn remaster
It's worth a try.
>old good
>new bad!
You are such brain dead subhumans!
All these soi-ny faggots. Kill yourselves filth!
do you think a 1060 6GB and a 6700k would do okay? im too lazy to upgrade
no, if you think it is you did not play it.
>wanting another remaster after Dark Souls
dark souls is garbage
It's clunky
Final boss is shit
The first world is the only "full" world with 4 decent parts to explore
No, D1 is better in every way.
its the only game in the series you mong
Agreed. I replay it every year. So much fucking soul.
Lord of Cinder is boring as fuck and something a teenager would write. Souls of Fire is just garbage. None of them come close to Astrea or the One Who Hungers
Only if you play it first
Play any of the games that came after it first and you'll see it's a mediocre prototype that was vastly improved upon in DS1/3 and Bloodborne
That sounds like enough. I'm 1080Ti, 7700k and it doesn't use much of either
people say this, but it's not.
>*Makes up retarded argument in his own head*
I didn't say that. I said it had better combat, and atmosphere, and music with real instruments
Too many stones to upgrade
>Stupid organ pieces and horns
We know you love taking up semen up your ass, but you can try harder!
I'll accept this.
Out of all the From Software titles with the word "Soul" in the title, yeah. I absolutely agree. Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3 are all fucking awful in comparison.
I should have posted this one too
Demon Souls is forgotten while D1, Sekiro, and Bloodborne are regarded as the best games in the series! How does that make you feel sub human Demon Souls faggots!
>Stupid piano arpeggios, midi, and samples.
We know you love taking up semen up your ass, but you can try harder!
Dark Souls 2 is the actual clunky one. Ugly as fuck too.
I swear you people must be brain damaged
That or S tier contrarians
After playing it a while back its kindof shameless how much they just lift and drop into DaS, like, how the fuck did they get away with that. Im conflicted on DaS as being the best one of late, I routinely get to O and S and then start again or drop it, I cant say a game is great if the second half if fucking garbage, the other games in the series never suffered this much of a quality drop.
They are both old.
Arguably, if they remade it in the current engine, reworked the animations and added an arena.
Nah it's shit. Only semen guzzling faggots like yourself enjoys it. It's also the least selling game in the series.
Oh and suck a dick you brain dead fag!
agree. B&R.
The only souls not butchered
I enjoy how Demon's has a bit longer wind up and lightning fast swings, no idea why they would change that.
Is this the stupidest comparison ever?
t. zoomer who played bloodborne first
I don't recognize the armor DS3 guy is wearing
>played the better game first
Is this supposed to be an insult?
Okay retard.
I'm just playing through it for the first time on RPCS3 but I feel like a strength build was a mistake
Demon's Souls claymore was absolute dogshit tier. It had literally one good move (2h light) and couldn't combo.
Dark Souls claymore on the other hand is retardedly brain-dead broken has better buttons and every hit leads to a free infinite combo.
It's the one case where the Dark Souls version of a weapon was improved from Demon's Souls. In literally every other case, the Dark Souls weapons are worse and dumbed down.
>who played bloodborne first
As it fucking should be.
You're right, there is only one Demon's Souls
Demon's Souls had better level design than Dark Souls 1 and 2, along with smoother gameplay, so that makes it better than those two for me. It's not better than Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3 though.
Strength build is fine, you just have to learn to roll better. While a magic build can body everything in the game, a strength build is satisfying to play once you figure things out.
looks like the burial knight set, a cut set of armor
I didn't link to the claymore.
DS1 is better, but DeS is better than every game after DS1.
BB is better than DS1.
Ok bros should I get a ps3 or try emulating it on pc? If emulation how do I even
Dark souls 3 is better than 1? Did you even play it
>magic is extremely OP
>magic scaling (crescent) weapons are the best
>royal is the best class by far, probably the only one who can defeat the tutorial boss you're meant to lose to and see the secret scene
>all heavy/metal armor is useless because there's no poise anyway and heavy armor imposes stamina regen penalties
>don't use the body form (full hp), every time you die in the body form the game gets harder because of the world tendency meme
>when you revive after killing a boss simply kys in the nexus because the hub doesn't count towards world tendency
>crystal lizards despawn permanently if spooked and not killed
What makes it better?
It really wasn't. Still, i'd love to play a remake with none of the jank and the missing cut level.
Nah, it's too different, but not for the better.
Huh? I didn't say that.
>clunky and ugly mess of a game
Yeah no
I just started reading Berserk and you can tell that something was getting lifted out of damn near every chapter and thrown together in their games. They don’t seem to give a fuck about derivative work in Japan and honestly I kinda don’t mind as long as I get what I want.
It's honestly not that hard. All I did was just google the ISO to pirate the game, was one of the first links, then I went to the RPCS3 website and followed their quick guide.
Might be a bit too much for a tech illiterate zoomie though. Do you know how to extract ZIP/RAR archives? Heard the kids that grew up with smartphones can't even do that lol.
It's flaws are incredibly forgivable compared to Dark Souls 1.
An example of a Bloodborne flaw is like "Chalice dungeons are bad."
An example of a Dark Souls 1 flaw is like "all enemies and bosses are complete dogshit."
In terms of straight quality it completely eclipses Dark Souls 1
it's not. It's pretty smooth and flows nicely
It looks better than DaS2 and it's the first game in the series.
More inspired setting and lore, better weapons, better parry system, better bosses, more polish, doesn't reach anywhere near the lows of post Anor Londo DS1
Official Yea Forums Soulsborne tier list
God Tier
>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls
High Tier
Mid Tier
>Dark Souls 3
Shit Tier
>Dark Souls 2
Oh my mistake I misread, it’s late here. Anyways I still think dark souls 3 is the pinnacle of the soulsborne games. I think the world, the lore, the different playstyles of different builds is actually on top of all the other games. The weapons are even better plus the style of clothing to choose from
i fucking hate when people do this. it's DS2. if you need to expand on something do it for demon souls as DeS.
first time I ever agree with someone's list. Well as long as DaS2 is dead last; anyone's list is correct.
Why are you such a jerk...
I'd say a flaw of Bloodborne is that there's never a set number of blood vials. If you're a new player, you're most likely going to run out at the beginning of the game on one of the bosses. And then you're gonna have to go run around farming up some more just to get back to the boss and give it another try. It ruins the flow early on in the game. Once you've played the game already or you get to the middle/end of the game, it's less of an issue.
On the other hand, Dark Souls 1's flaw is that the second half is full of dog shit areas outside of the Duke's Archives.
DaS2 is the THIRD fucking game in the series and plays and looks like fucking donkey shit. It's unforgivable. That's why people are so harsh on it. It's supposed to be an improvement on the other two games, but it's a fucking downgrade in too many ways.
>Niggerman Cthulhus
>more inspired setting
The final day of the official servers was one of my favourite moments in vidya.
More inspired than Berserk dark fantasy, especially for videogames
Yah? So what. It doesn't feel like Dark Souls, simple as. The mechanics are polished, but removed from what made DS great. It doesn't really feel like a good RPG. It feels like it should have just been a straight action game like Sekiro. It's good, but not good the way I expected it to be.
I especially hate it when redditors type DkS, like wtf is that.
Why is there such a dogmatic hate for DeS from people who didn't play it?
I got a buttload of monk's collars that day.
I can think of more Lovecraft-based games than Berserk-based games.
They got tilted when Demon's Souls players laughed at them for hating on the roll mechanic and the existence of hyper armor in Dark Souls 3.
Yeah, and I can acknowledge these flaws. Yes, I wish their was a blood vial/bullet minimal reserve. I wish the gems were fixed so only one damage shape was allowed. I wish lost/uncanny weapons were more interesting. I wish there were more bell maidens. I wish when you touched the lamps, enemies would respawn and you could level/change shit. I wish teleporting was disabled until the end game. But most of the games "flaws" are really more of my wishlist.
When I play Dark Souls 1, flaws like dogshit level design and completely retarded bosses and broken shit like Poise are a lot more concerning.
I always see this image as the final celebration before the Slayer of Demons descends to the Old One. Represents the final day of the servers well.
It's PS3 exclusive
Bloodborne > Demon’s >= 3 >>> 1 > 2
Not a contrarian just a fag who has played through the games so many times that lore, soul, character, and immersion have lost all meaning to me. All I judge these games on anymore is if they have good, fast-paced combat.
that's cute man.
It feels like an action-adventure game with tacked-on RPG mechanics, which incidentally is what they all are except Sekiro.
The problem is Dark Souls 1 has dogshit enemies, bosses, level design, and combat.
>All I judge these games on anymore is if they have good, fast-paced combat.
But Demon's Souls has the worst and most simplistic bosses in the series by far? You're just contradicting yourself here.
Sekiro > DS3 = BB > the rest
Weird when it's emulatable now. Reminds me of Worldbabs and DSbabies who hate the PSP Monster Hunter games.
>all heavy/metal armor is useless because there's no poise anyway and heavy armor imposes stamina regen penalties
Drives me nuts that all the way to DS3 they were never able to balance armor. The ideal way of playing all the games is running around butt-naked and go full glass cannon, because damage+mobility will just trump everything else. Damage reduction is virtually non existent and even if it wasn't, it still wouldn't be worth the trade-off. At least BB did it right and got rid of it altogether.
Even among people I know, that have PS3s and claim to love Souls, there's a general indifference towards it. You'd think the people who started with later games would want to play another one.
you can get some pretty serious damage reduction with heavy armor in all the games except 3 where everything is balanced in some retarded way that makes armor basically unnoticeable beyond its poise value
Too much autism here, all of the Soulsborne games are great.
Except Dark Souls 3, which is a massive piece of shit.
Great thread matthew!
Your recent video begging for wonderful 101 donations was sad though.
finally somebody with some sense
Tomb of the Giants and Catacombs are great, New Londo is meh, only really bad one is Lost Isalith
Not quite but it does atmosphere the best and the most conceptually interesting bosses.
The bloated weapon upgrade paths and some of the runs you have to do just to get to the boss are bullshit. Most of the level design is underwhelming after playing the later games and some of the bosses are rather dull now. I mean dirty colossus and leechmonger.
>The one with the best gameplay is shit
Yea Forums doesn't play video games, there's no way.
That's a weird way to spell pic related
I like fighting enemies in the levels, not just bosses. I started with DeS and it probably influenced my taste in the games’ combat systems a lot. The game had shit bosses, so the fun part of combat was fighting enemies, and I learned to really enjoy that. In DkS and DkS2, fighting crowds of enemies typically ranges from boring to cancerous, and was a big downgrade from DeS in that regard. BB and DkS3 made that aspect of the combat fun again, which is why I like them so much.
He's right, good gameplay doesn't forgive being garbage in every other aspect.
Why do people hate the 2nd half so much?
It turns into DS2 and 3.
>instant chugging
>infinite rolling
>all boss attacks have a deceptive anticipation that forces you to memorize rather than react to them, every single fucking one
>worst world design by far
>worst setting and atmosphere of them all
The only thing it did right was going back to mana
IIRC some e-celeb started this meme about the later levels in DS1 being "bad" and now everyone just parrots this because herd mentality and easy (You)'s ofc.
No it sucks
You would be right if gameplay was not the most important part of this series.
because they're looking for reasons to hate a 10/10 game and all they can come up with is >second half sucks
even though the second half includes some amazing levels and bosses but people generally accept it as true because it was also somewhat unfinished
Demon's Souls is the best Souls game.
Dark Souls 3 is the best Dark Souls game.
Bloodborne is the best From Software action game.
Sekiro is a fantastic action game.
Bring back Armored Core.
Everything you said is wrong, even the mana part.
Switch Bloodborne and Sekiro and your post is solid.
>Take everything good about DS combat and throw it out the window
>Turn it into a bastardized Bloodborne instead
>best gameplay
Its a big drop in quality of bosses and general zone layout. Lost Izalith exists as an entire zone that pretty much is a big "we havent finished the game" to the the player, with one of the worst bosses in the series as its head, Tomb of the Giants is obnoxious with Nito as a fight being terrible, and Archives is just lame in practice, with another equally terrible bossfight at the end. Compare all the zones and bosses to the first half and the quality takes a nose dive.
The game wasnt finished, we know that, and you cant say "well it wasnt finished" as a defence of it when thats a bad thing, I only wish we got the finished game judging by the first half.
That deceptive anticipation shit started being used constantly in dks1 and peaked in dks2. It’s just a staple of the series at this point. If anything, dks3 felt like it used it less often, at least compared to DkS2.
>too bad I cannot trade hits with bosses. This game is too hard.
It's not. Who the fuck plays Souls JUST for the gameplay?
It's serviceable for a action adventure. But it's certainly nowhere near actual action games. If Souls only had difficulty and gameplay going for it, it would be shit. And that's essentially all DS3 has going for it.
4kids entertainment is a terrible boss too, it basically forces you to poise turtle and dps race them unless you want to have a horrible time
I don't think you would have liked Das1 as much if the gameplay was not strong.
They're great as action games that focus on the interplay between you and your enemies. They're better than DMC in this regard.
>Souls of Fire and Lord of Cinder.
The what and what now?
Izalith is actual trash, as are crystal caves. But tomb of the giants is merely ‘unpleasant,’ not unfinished or bad. It’s one of my favorite levels. And duke’s archives are great, too. Nothing wrong with New Londo, or gank forest for that matter, if you wait that long to do it. And Painted World is fantastic.
I think it’s just the eclipsing shittiness of Izalith that makes people say this about the game. It is so bad, the prospect of having to do it dominates your thoughts, and any anticipation you’d feel at doing the rest of the game is blocked out by dragon butt ptsd
>make combat like demons souls, but better
>darkiddies eternally triggered because the game isn’t slow as molasses anymore
>roll roll roll roll
>ultrafast enemies with endless combos
>anything faster than straight swords useless
>better than anything
Parry king right here.
ps3 is like fifty bucks poor apu poster
>hold shield up
>circle enemy
next enemy
>spam r1
next enemy
next enemy
>hold up shield
>wait for attack to bounce off your shield
>spam r1
Thanks for proving the point that people who like DS3 are retarded.
>plays and looks like fucking donkey shit
That's just because you're impaired user
Thanks for proving that you haven't.
>can't refute anything
>y-you redard lol
based retard
I think its called the Burial Knight set. It's a set that was cut from either base DS3 or from the DLC. I believe it was a redesign of the old standard DeS knight armor
That's not true, if anything people complain about DS2 bosses specifically because their animations are so readable the fights aren't very complex. In DS3 the movements of the enemies are made purposefully unreadable so that players coming from older titles would still have a semblance of a challenge. Issue is this type of enemy design is fucking garbage.
the controls are impaired. Fucking shit dead zones. Ugly ass mocapped animations, shit sound effects, no hit stop or screen shake when using large weapons, shit sound effects in general.
>guy running didn't run fast enough to get out of the hallway
>neither did he start rolling when he heard the arrows
Yeah Royal is a terrible joke of an easy mode, but anyone can beat the tutorial boss if you bother learning how to roll and learn his attacks which is easy since he's a random mid-boss in 4-1.
Hate is a strong word, but I always lose the will to continue playing after O&S. The areas/bosses that come after are either boring or frustrating, maybe with the exception of New Londo.
How even is this game so fucking broken in the movement/combat department?
Why didn't they just use the dark souls engine like the other team working on bloodborne?
>the controls are impaired
>Fucking shit dead zones
Meme blown out of proportions by e-celebs, if you seriously find it so annoying just install the fix
>Ugly ass mocapped animations
somehow more fluid and realistic is ugly
>shit sound effects
I agree
> no hit stop or screen shake when using large weapons
which game in the series has that?
> shit sound effects in general.
now you're just repeating yourself
im talking about the shorthand "DaS2", not the game itself. yeah it sucks but there's 3 DS games so it gets priority of the initials "DS". demons souls gets "DeS".
Old good. New bad.
>somehow more fluid and realistic is ugly
It is, video games, movies, animations all use exaggerated animations/sounds etc all to make it feel more inpactful, dark souls 2 does none of that
Even the music is better than in recent from Software games
>consecutive rolls have always been a thing in souls games that you will do either to cover up for mistakes, or to avoid chains of hits
>rolling has always been the strongest, most universal defensive mechanic in souls games
>darkiddies think this is a problem with dark souls 3, because it took them 5 years to stop hiding behind shields
The irony is that shields are probably better in dks3 than in previous games, because 2 handed attacks don’t get nearly as high a bonus to damage as they did in previous games. Also, starting in DkS2, FROM began designing enemy movesets to punish you for mashing roll, and they carried that design forward into DkS3. So compared to DkS1 or even DeS, roll spamming is more likely to get you punished. There really is no explanation for this bizarre stance other than people somehow not realizing how good rolls were until dks3, at which point they confused their own improvement at the games for a design flaw.
Lost Izalith is the only part where it's blatantly bad.
this is the closest ive seen to an acceptable list.
I played half of Bloodborne first to see if I liked these games. Thought it was a fun hack n' slash with good level design. So I bought Demon's Souls to go through the games in order and honestly DeS is not a "souls" game at all, it's a straight up adventure game. The comparisons people make about Demon's Souls being better or worse misses the point of what you do in DeS (Hint: it's not just about abusing i-frames and the RPG elements)
switch 2 and 3 and its the perfect list. I agree that they are both the bottom of the barrel of the series, but DS3 was the final entry to the series and failed to deliver.
It's a matter of preference. I prefer feeling like I'm actually swinging a sword instead of feeling like I'm throwing my entire body into a spastic cleave.
Based and frompilled. Sekiro was way funner than any of the soulsborne games
>you can get some pretty serious damage reduction with heavy armor in all the games except 3
demon's souls armor does nothing
Any recs for a fun Ds1 challenge run?
SL1 looks fun but way to systematic. Thought about no healing.
No rolling. No poise. No shield.
How about a no blacksmith/vendor run? Can't upgrade, can't repair, can't buy. Gotta use whatever you can find at the upgrade level you find it. When it breaks, it breaks. Then you switch to something else.
>game from which the term ‘souls game’ originates is not a souls game
Yes. Allant more like Angelo Credo.
I love it because it was my first one. Most people feel the same about Dark Souls 1 that I do about Demon's Souls. I don't think I'd care to replay it, but it's full of fond memories for me. I used to do little runs with Yurt's armor and with a greatsword and be daughter of penetrator, so it was a fun father daughter fight when we finally met.
Would have to probably use weapon buffs and shit like power within.
Sounds fun.
Then Dark souls 1 came out.
Then Bloodborne came out.
Then Dark Souls 3 came out.
Demon's Souls was the best full package besides bloodborne
I played Dark Souls 1 first, and then went back to play Demon's Souls. Demon's is definitely more enjoyable for me, but I think it's because I prefer the level to level aspect over the connected world aspect of Dark Souls 1.
Who platinum here?
Got platinum in all 5 games. Demon's Souls was by far the hardest. Pure bladestone had an obscenely low drop rate. I'm glad they learned from that mistake (except for dark souls 2 and it's bullshit armor drop rates).
>six years later
>still haven't played Bloodborne
I even downloaded it once when they gave away through PS+, but then I never started it and ended up deleting it later. I think I'll try to finally play it
Oh yeah and I did the same with Nioh, I downloaded it months ago but I've never started it up. And I still have the Witcher 3 DLCs to finish, etc. etc. I don't seem to play games very much anymore. It's not even that I don't have time, I just don't get around to it
Grinding for RNG drops just sucks in general
I'm hoping Elden Ring is a little more traditional RPG-ish where if you kill a knight wearing armor and a sword, you can take his armor and sword if you want
Yes, because it's the only game in the series.