Final fantasy 7 remake demo is such a let down, if this is the best they can do for the PS4, then fuck Square Enix

Final fantasy 7 remake demo is such a let down, if this is the best they can do for the PS4, then fuck Square Enix
it plays like shit , looks like a PS3 game and has no redeeming quality.....................................did you like it?

I just canceled my pre-order

Attached: final-fantasy-vii-remake-trash.jpg (1200x1600, 583K)

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Was so hyped for this too

Attached: 1580755145528 soul vs soulless.jpg (555x609, 150K)

You faggots are so desperate to see this fail. It's hilarious.

Mods, do your jobs

I wanted it to be good, unless the demo is just unfinished and the real game will be 10 times better then i will forgive them

>it looks like a ps3 game

You really are stupid, it looks fantastic

Jesus Christ the autism from this game rivals Barry and XV

Yea only the cinematic

You telling me Final Fantasy 13 didn't look better?
that is on the same level as this

>Final Fantasy 13

Yeah that game looked incredible

>The FFXV autist has been having a nuclear autistic meltdown this whole day over the FF7R demo.
The absolute state of Yea Forums tortanic posters.

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13 was a great game even tho it is hated by many

2009, graphics still are so beautiful.
2020 graphics meh.

I haven't played it but I hate it, and canceled my non existent pre-order. Fuck SE.

No it wasn't. It was a shit game, it still is a shit game.

she also slouches a lot, I guess standing up straight is against what the ethics committe wants

needs a burka


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did play it (7.61 gb download)
randomly walked about and set the final bomb to 30 minutes

liked the mako water effect but the demo still sucked

Hmm I wonder who OP could be

No it was great, made me feel like the game was tapped until the open plains and then BOOOOM open field with animals running around, i loved that shit

>No it was great
You would have to be an insufferable faggot to enjoy a game with a cast full of insufferable faggots.

>cast full of insufferable faggots
Every game ever created, you cannot escape that

>barry making another shitposting thread

rangeban when?

in retrospect, it was better than 13

not your barry poster

You are as autistic. When you keep getting called Barry with everyone laughing at you, maybe it’s time to take a hint, Barry.

Get help, Barry.

i don't get it, i just didn't like the demo and was disappointed because i wanted more from it, i waited so long.................gonna hate it when Aeris dies because of how i felt the first time , but i was over hyped

Stop spamming and go to sleep Barry bro, we understand that you don’t like it.

seriously fucking hell

is barry like go back to rebbit slang?
sounds like it

Here we have our first XIIIfag of the thread already spewing shit about le underrated gem

You didn't like 13-2?, that game was fun, wish my PS3 didn't break so i could reply it

Gonna see if there is a Ps3 emulator and try it out

It was definitely better than XIII and LR but I still wouldn’t call it good. Lightning being literally Poochie now really annoys me

jobs pay