Oh god cloud please give me your cock

>oh god cloud please give me your cock

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made for bbc

Damn them for making her so likable

she was cringe and you are retard

>Jesse now a total babe with a killer hip to waist ratio, a fat ass, and is more thirsty for Cloud's dick than even the original

This plate drop is going to feel so much worse

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Why did they change her to be such a complete fucking whore? What's the narrative purposes of that exactly when they already had Aerith for that purpose?

post yfw Red is no longer a party member because Jessie is going to survive and replace him

Jessie is a tranny, the breastplate is to hide that she doesn't have breasts.

Her voice is great

She's an obnoxious slut several magnitudes more annoying then Aerith. The plate drop is going to feel good when she finally dies.

Would you prefer she have penis plate? Giant metal dicks protruding from the chest piece?

It preemptively hurts.

SE is incapable of making likeable characters anymore. Everything they shit out just feels like an AI attempting to make something it thinks humans will connect with. Literally no soul.

inb4 every Avalanche member survives the plate drop in the remake

How was she cringe before? Giving Cloud information and being a normal wholesome girl is cringe now?


Loving the boob armor

Dilate tranny slut

The script said otherwise months ago.

I mean those existed.

>Turns nice tomboy into mega thirsty slut.

They made her gorgeous only to fuck up her personality.

>Dear diary: The ass was fat.

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At least she isn't a retard like in the original like getting stuck in the floor because ... she like to jump?
Or at least they hit her so she fall in the remake, in the original she looked like a idiot tripping.

So trash her entire character and make her a thirsty slut because of a single seen where she trips? Great logic faggot.

>Complain about strong wahmen
>Complain about sluts
What the fuck do you people even want?

It's called a normal wholesome girl.

They want to complain, or seek validation and collect (You)'s for being miserable, contrarian faggots.

Jesse is hot. Tifa is hot. Remake looks great. Already bought it. GOTY 2020. Suck my dick.

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as a kid i thought jesse was a boy

Look no further

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Damn. It's gonna suck when the plate drops.

>sorry, that will be $9.99

Barret's law

Ok shill. Keep dick riding SE.

That's called a slut user. Clearly you're a fag who's either never seen one or has shit taste.

>Kingdom Hearts shit
Get the fuck out of her turbo faggot.


AVALANCHE initiation involves taking Barret balls deep

Is that for all initiation? Did Barret have to pay cloud before he did it? Is that prostitution?

Aeris literally fucks dogs

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dick that good is its own payment

Slut of the year!

Was Jessie always this fucking thirsty for cloud? From complimenting his eyes, to explicitly asking if him and Tifa are close. She really wants to fuck him.

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No I think she fucks cats

Now post Jessie's VA and ruin the fantasy

It's only the beginning of March and I'm already tired of these threads

holy based

Wait til it releases and Yea Forums starts screaming that they were forced to become a tranny for the Don Corneo section

>The game has officially gone gold
>Individual Avalanche members will have their own stories and be more fleshed out.
>There is more focus on Jessie with story events that place her in the spotlight. They mentioned these won’t be side quests but an actual main part of the campaign (you can also meet her parents and have dinner at their house)
>The game is lengthy and chock full of content, a lot we haven’t seen yet.

I got the impression she was just trying to rile up Biggs, they act like a couple.

She likes talking about his balls too


>tfw no jessie gf

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Its an amazing feeling to have a girl obsessed with you. I only experienced it once back in college when I was 24. I have absolutely zero idea why she liked me so much because she was really hot. Buying me drinks and feeling my legs and dick and sitting on my lap. Very unusual experience for me at the time as I was a virgin. Anyways Jesse is great and I'm looking forward to FF7 remake.

why is Cloud still a male?
being a remake shouldn't matter when representation matters more

I believe you except for the sitting on my lap part, but for the rest based


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someone post the voice actress

>Its an amazing feeling to have a girl obsessed with you
There is nothing more pathetic then someone like you pretending to be a chad on Yea Forums.

Prove it

I'm glad you took time out of your finite existence to make such a post, you're really fighting the good fight

Oink Oink shill

Its all 100% true. I was so oblivious to her advances at first that when she at on my lap I had to force myself to not get an erection because I thought she would think I was weird and then at a later date she told me she thought I was gay that night because I didnt get an erection from her sitting on my lap.

Well I'm 30 now so while I was a virgin at 24 I don't care now.

I'm absolutely not a chad whatsoever evidenced by the fact that I was a virgin at 24. I was very awkward around her as I didn't know what to do with her

>I was a virgin at 24 I don't care now.

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No she wasn't. She used to be wholesome tomboy not interested in Cloud. Now she acts like a filthy STD ridden whore that appeals to shit taste faggot shill like

Great fanfic user but this isn't FF.net. You should go back

Biggs, Wedge and Jessie are really cool in the remake. Kind of sucks.

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-combat sucks and is either too easy, or too easy and too tedious.
-cutscenes ruin the reveal of shinra actually destroying their own reactors
-too much quips in dialog, marvel is dead for a reason
-staggering in combat is annoying, cancels moves that shouldn't actually cost ATB
-panzer dragoon saga did the atb stages better
-feels way too claustrophobic with the OTS camera, original game would happily pull the camera way out to show you the environment, all the rooms in the reactor feel the same due to this
-unnecessary swearing from cloud
-jesse went from endearing with a cute crush to an annoying slut
-whats the point of a waiting laser obstacle, it's boring
-makes me want to take a nap
-i hate dubs, dont force them on me
-cloud sometimes doesn't jump to attack aerial enemies, swings sword wildly at the air in front of him
-combat mechanics that rely on context sensitive game logic to activate suck

overall 4/10 not gonna play the released version

Whats wrong with slutty girls? Why do incels hate sluts so much? All my gfs were super slutty and I loved it.

Bro... were you gay?

how's the crotch rash going m8?

ha ha imagine being 29 and still a virgin.......

Because they're ridden with STD's and will cheat on you with the next guy who's better looking. Get cucked faggot.

Anyone who comes on too strong is pathetic. Show some restraint.

imagine being 10 and getting laid

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Imagine having such shit cuck tastes like you find a whore like Jessie is appealing.

No just extremely inexperienced with women. I didnt want her to think I was a creep. She thought my inexperience was cute

being a virgin already makes you a creep, cuck

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Don't worry I've had worst cases like girls literally inviting me at their places and I didn't do a single thing and they stopped proposing after three times

I've been in a comes for months, link sauce

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Well as I said I was embarrassed about it at the time but when we were in bed she asked me if I ever had sex before and I said no and she laughed and said why and then she said it was cute.

Just find a random street walker user. You can pay her to be your gf like Jessie.

>but when we were in bed she asked me if I ever had sex before and I said no and she laughed

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>Ariethfags shitting on Jessie because Jessie is so much better
Fucking kek. First you fags couldn't stop shitting on Tifa and now this.

This isn't Yea Forums you retarded faggot. Kill yourself.

Is it just me or do you take damage way too easily in this?

Lol keep deluding yourself faggot. I was on board for cute Jessie until Nomrua made her a whore. She and Aerith belong in the slums being cum dumpsters.

I dunno about thirsty, but playing the original for the first time the other day I got the distinct impression she had an interest in him.

I'm curious how they are writing in a motorcycle scene before the plate drops desu. Clouds motorcycle is stolen from Shinra HQ in the original.

> getting raped

Kill yourself you 3DPD loving faggot

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Remake this image but with the "real gamer girls" take up 3 times the screen space as the males

I always thought Jessie was a guy

this dude is shockingly mentally ill. genuinely go see a doctor

>drunk thirsty shitfaced girl flirts with me ONCE (1) at a bar
wow what a chad to have this one experience, tell us more captain virginity

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But it was never this fucking obvious. Do girls even act like she does IRL?

>But it was never this fucking obvious
Nomura's work in 2020 has all the subtlety of a lawn strimmer to the dick, more news at eleven.

>consenting is apparently rape

Then I guess every and all sex is rape then if you want to be a fucking retard. All sex above the age of consent is rape too, otherwise the viewpoint of it is nonsense and hypocritical.

Stay mad being a virgin late in your life feminist faggot.

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god, I want yuffie and/or tifa and/or aeris to beat the thirst out of jessie
and by beat the thirst out of I mean repeatedly ram her asshole with their strapon or girlcock, whichever you prefer, until she becomes retarded

post more dogisaga

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This is not your blog retard

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