Hey Yea Forums I'm playing the first Assassin's creed game and I'm in Memory Block 2...

hey Yea Forums I'm playing the first Assassin's creed game and I'm in Memory Block 2. I found a house that has what sounds like some reverse speech by a male voice. I noticed that when i pulled up to the house that my horse actually became disturbed and Altair pats it to relax. I dismounted my horse to investigate further and after a while, I noticed my horse was gone. Another horse appeared and I tried to take that horse to the house and it's disturbed right now as I'm posting this

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This reminds me of the time i discovered an easter egg in saints row 2, which hasn't been found at the time.

here's where it is on the map

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Ok dude, thanks.

Somewhat interesting

record the audio and post it

this bumping for interest

Alright I'll humour this as an easter egg and not a fakeout. I remain skeptical though.

Bump for interest.

but then who was phone?

k, keep me posted.

Record the audio and play it in reverse

nickies put your trip back on

I have the Body of a Pig.

I live like a Pig.

i honestly just posted this for arch.b4k. Pirate the game and check it out

kill yourself you retarded spastic

i got some more screenshots tho

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thanks retard, that really means a lot when the thing you want to show us is audio.

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Just did a google search of "assassin's creed 1 backward voices" and apparently Ubisoft puts it into every game and even has a bug in newer games to trigger the backwards speech.

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no way go play the video game retards lmfao

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OP might be a faggot but I'm certainly not. I'll go ahead and install AC1, hope Steam saved my save and I'll go investigate, hopefully upload a video. Keep the thread alive lads.

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there its nothing special idiots

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Are you actually trying to call other people retarded while you're posting images when trying to show off an audio easter egg?

Ok I'll bite.

>spamming pictures when your main thing is about voices
jesus christ you're a fucking retard

My hero :)

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They put it in every game and there is no hidden meaning beyond tricking simps like you to go online and talk about it hoping for deeper meaning.
Google it, there have been discussions about it for like a decade. No one has ever found deeper meaning and they've datamined the games to see if it is there.
It isn't. You are literally being tricked into marketing.

my nigga

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but, like the poster a few posts above said, who was phone?? it has never been answered so this instance of thing happening now must make us dig deeper. you never fucking know

then post the audio spastic

It'll need some real hot opinions to get this thread going.


Yeah I'm sure the identical audio clips they've put into every game with no meaning definitely has a meaning this time.
Its like thinking there is a deeper meaning to the dopefish showing up in some shooter homaging classic shooters.

Look into it, the same audio is used every time and it amounts to gibberish when played in reverse. Its just an easter egg to get people talking about the game online. If there was some resolution to it all I could understand, but there factually isn't so we are all wasting our time.
The game came out in the height of the GTA spoopy youtube video stuff. Its obviously trying to ape that with no actual meaning behind it.

It's just a bunch of background noise to simulate people. My guess is it's used throughout the entire game in different buildings but because this one is isolated is sounds out of place.

based, thanks for actually posting it user.

Altiar bottom??

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Utterly indifferent horse. Fake and gay

Simulating people inside seems like the correct explanation.

nice one user

op confirmed liar

Thanks, user. OP is a faggot as usual.

well that was obvious when OP wouldn't post anything solid about it and kept posting misleading images.

Based. OP is a fig.