OH NONONONONO!!!! We got too cocky xbros

OH NONONONONO!!!! We got too cocky xbros..

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>9.2 Teraflops

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Japanese > Indians confirmed.

god bless those chinks

Playstation is so big now that niggers but it on name only. PS2 buttfucked OG Xbox too. Casuals determine who wins and Sony has them locked down.

What's the point of these threads?

6th gen PS2 was the weakest console (yes the gamecube was stronger the disc sized cucked it)
7th Wii was the weakest, and it won
8th gen PS4 is the weakest and it won
9th Gen PS5 will be the weakest, huh

> Because the cloud is the future and Microsoft with its robust cloud infrastructure has beat Sony to the punch. After all, even Xbox chief Phil Spencer has claimed that Microsoft’s true rivals in video games are Google and Amazon, not Sony and Nintendo.

I think the next Xbox can beat Stadia. Good luck!

>8th gen PS4 is the weakest and it won
>9th Gen PS5 will be the weakest, huh
what happened to the wii u and switch?

>PS4 is weaker than Wii U and Switch

yeah okay


Switch is an inter console
Wii U was actually stronger besides the CPU.

Consoletards shit flinging

>7th Wii was the weakest, and it won
yeah, it sold the most consoles but its software was fucking atrocious overall

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post yfw sonybros win AGAIN

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PS1 and PS2 is the dominant console despite being the weakest spec wise

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and console "wars" are retarded anyway the Wii won user except it.

This and the NES was beating Sega Genesis for a while, The saturn got dabbed on in NA, and the Jaguar while being "64 bit" got fucking ruined obviously its about the marketing and brand image over the console specs

Oh the gameboy rekt the gamegear, the Lyx and then the DS destroyed the PSP in sales even though the PSP is comparable to a first gen 3ds

It's about appealing to poorfags and casuals. Sony has it in the bag.

Oh fuck I forgot the Vita, just like everyone else yea we know what the 3ds did to it.

Pretty much, I really dont know who buys an xbox anymore, if you want competitive gaming you get a PC, Microsoft have wedged themselves into this weird corner that I dont understand they want to rival PC power but the lack of KB+M, upgradablility, overclocking, modding, and the general utility of a PC really harm it

>some dumbass made an opinion piece that Xbox left sony behind despite all facts
>somebody makes a middle finger article

Xbox was dead for the whole 8th gen yet claim they are still competing


Xbox buyers are Xbox fans? Like if you enjoyed the other Xbox consoles and game franchises than I could see you sticking with it. Obviously, a bunch jumped ship but they still have a share of the market. Your average console owner isn't a pc gamer so Xbox is still better if you prefer multiplayer.

Idk but like the PS4 is cheaper just get than and we will see the pricing for the new consoles

If you bothered to read the article you'd know that they said
>"that the console war is over and Microsoft has moved on, leaving Sony in the dust."

So what "panic changes" was Sony up to since xbox reveal?

MOAR NIGGAHURTZ because it is too late to change the SoC

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