How goes your adventure? Who did you marry?
Rune Factory 4
Is the switch version worth it? I put a ton of time into the 3DS one but didn't get round to doing act 3 because I was burnt out.
What the fuck was her problem?
I married Venti,then I woke up
Does the Switch Version have new Stuff?
Why'd they make it so the main girl is unable to be married? Venti would have been the main love interest in any other game, but for whatever reason, she's not in RF4.
I kind of want to marry Clorica but I don't want to feel bad about not marrying Amber again
Its the same game
I had completely forgotten about these little events that happen in the town. Like going to tell everyone, passionatelly, that their new bucket has arrived. Or Dolce chasing that sign.
Being best girl
What is the purpose of giving Venti a Another Episode story when you can't marry her in-game? I wonder if there will be holdout DLC given before the reveal of more RF5 info. Doubtful though
Friendly reminder that if you marry Amber that Kiel will tell her that first love never lasts to try and get her for himself.
more of the same. notable changes:
-removed RNG from starting act 3.
-newlywed mode for some little extra episodes (which are their own save file and play like a town event from what i've heard)
-another episode which are some little VN style segments.
-ugly filtered sprites which make my eyes bleed.
-game is stretched so everyone looks a bit fatter
overall it's ok. 3ds was a different kind of ugly and i mostly just hate looking at the sprites in the menu on the switch.
Venti is the canon love interest for Lest, but they don't want to have a biased choice that'd make people feel either pressured or like they picked the wrong choice with Venti.
>-game is stretched so everyone looks a bit fatter
it is not
At first I liked forte most
Then I realized clorica was by far the superior choice to any other, it really caught me off guard
Just hit year 2 on Hell, the difficulty is actually ramping up to keep up with my upgrade autism which is fun.
Dolce again, though it was a harder decision this time because Kohaku/Amber is 10x better with JP voices.
Forte is so cool and cute. I love her.
Im hitting Fall, Venti just passed out when I got Dolce and I really wanna get my husband Leon but I think I have to fine these stone peices or something. I cant believe how much happens in the first year I forgot how much content the game has. Gotta forge some better stuff to deal with the next dungeon, I lost the big catch contest to Dylas and that made me pee pee hard for some reason so I was thinking I'd marry him but my MC is names Dylan and the similar names feel too stupid. Love me a grumpy boy though...
Venti is the only "canon" love interest that is actually interesting. All the other canon love interests in the previous games were boring.
Venti isn't a romantic love interest though, you're more like family. Unless you count her dream loli version, her Another Episode was cute.
It's not really noticable unless you look at it side by side and a super minor nitpick.
I think it's also only the 3d environment. character portraits look fine.
It isn't a "Dream" considering the artbook with the special edition lists it as her human form and it shows up in three different outlets ingame. Word of god has it as her human form.
>burnt out
maybe don't play a single game so much; start something else and switch between the two
Just defeated Firesome.
Barely though I wasn't even doing that much damage with my short sword the Gaia sword upgraded with the poison from the wasps, using a ruby ring and shit.
It's her human form but she never takes it in a normal setting, only in gags/dreams/etc.
One could debate Raven ended up winning the canon spot due to RF4 implying she won.
Shes a divine dragon and she considers you as family.
Now fuck off seriously.
Holy fuck tamed boss monsters are busted.
My only issue with the Switch version is that everything looks like it has one of those shitty emulator filters on it. Otherwise yeah, it looks much better.
I'm at the haunted house on hell mode, I need to make better armor. Torn between Amber, Dolce, and Forte, if I'm being perfectly honest I don't like any of the girls in this game that much Raven being present is just salt in the wound.
She almost asks Lest if he'd go for her if he could, but stops herself.
Hold out for Leon, he is the best and cutest
No proof.
Fuck off dragon furry fuckers.
She asks Frey that too
Did you even play the game, bro?
How many of my crops should I be using the scythe on instead of harvesting?
Dolce has a similar character arc as Raven did, you'll get attached to her in the same way.
Notice that the most examples of "I went with X again" in Special is Dolcefags.
Honestly the boys in this game are way better than the girls. Way more variety, honestly forget that Margaret and Clorica and Forte are different characters sometimes. The guys fighting at festivals is way more entertaining too.
Kiel is a better girl than the girls when I first saw him i really wanted him to be a tomboy.
Just enough to level up the crop level and then ship it, because then you can just buy seeds at that level. May be restricted by your sickle, though.
Like I'm fairly certain I couldn't get seeds higher than level 3 with the rusty sickle, and with the quality sickle, I think I'm stuck at 6
Dolce is just the best girl in that game. Amber is a close 2nd.
Theyre just well written more than the others desu. Illuminata would probably be up there if they actually let us marry her like they were supposed to.
Might be a dumb question but does getting married lock you out of other girls' events?
I can't stop playing this gay game.
>Illuminata would probably be up there if they actually let us marry her like they were supposed to.
>liking the retarded, obnoxious child abuser.
I forgot how quickly time flies when I play it. Some sort of time devourer
>Oh I'll just play a day or two
>next time I look at the clock its over an hour later
Oh do the seeds in the shop level up when higher level crops are shipped?
Do you actually enjoy saying the same thing over and over again?
My first impression of Illuminata was good, but then she ended up becoming a huge ass. Not proper wife material.
I've been having so much fun too I feel like shit for pirating it. The fact that the original studio went bankrupt doesn't help with the guilt either.
Because they don't change the dialogue for Frey with anything. It's why the other girls will still use the same dialogue on higher levels as if she was Lest. Same for Lest with the guys. Still shows it was more than a family feeling from Venti for Lest.
They do, you can ship the crop, or the leveled seeds themselves. Otherwise you'd have to start at level 1 again after every harvest. Eventually, you should be able to get to a point where you just buy level 10 seeds and can churn out mega crops all the time.
I believe there's also an order that makes it so they sell straight-up produce that you ship, and that also levels, too.
What does Greenifier do? It feels kind of unnecessary.
What is Minimizer for?
>Final shot!
I want to see her pubic hair
Cool, seems I'm a little behind then on levelling my crops.
Just be aware that leveling your cops is heavily affected by your scythe, as well as the soil quality.
Greenifier improves soil quality, allowing you to get higher level crops in tandem with a better scythe. I think spamming greenifiers allows you to get up to level 9 crops with just the tier-2 scythe. Whereas I'm pretty sure I'm capped at 6 with a tier-3 scythe and no greenifiers.
Greenifier's for leveling up your crops.
Can't remember the minimizer though
>How goes your adventure?
Currently on the first of fall in year 1. Just finished Idra Cave after winning the Summer Harvest Festival and working through the Maya Path currently.
>Who did you marry?
Not married but Dylas is at 8 hearts, debating between him and Leon.
I heard that ripe crops level up on their own, how long does that take? Is it possible to get to level 10 that way?
He's just mad she fucking roasted him in her marriage event.
it locks you out of their date/marriage events, yes, so hope you did those in advance
Maybe he was into it.
>trying to save up pp for free bathing
>run into the green that offers to join for free
>no monster barn space
My will isn't strong enough to resist lads
Free bathing is whatever, the money isn't very much by the time you unlock it.
I wish we could nationalize healthcare just to spite Jones.
You can bath as many times a day as high as your bathing level is with it.
I just saved Dolce, but I still don't have monster barn. Is that thing worth it?
Yes, certain monsters will give you items every day, and the item level you get scales with monster affection, which will help earn you money early on.
So is it playable on an emulator?
>monsters give you produce like milk and eggs every day.
>can have them water your fields.
>can ride some and go FAST.
>some are very helpful and strong party members like most boss monsters.
I wonder.
I was shocked how strong that Green was. She completely destroyed Terrable's clone, I was shocked.
It was one of the first playable games on Citra, at this point it should be completely fine.
Make him into a tomboy user!
Friendly reminder that if you give Bado 5 pieces of handcrafted equipment, he'll give you a random piece of equipment that's around the level of the items you give him. There's no limit to the number of times you do this per day.
so you think a some lazy dev work constitutes canon romantic feelings for the male love interest? if anything it shows she loves the MC like family whether they are a boy or a girl. Don't get me wrong I love Venti but to pretend the game makes her interest in you anything more than familial is some fanfiction tier autism.
No, the Yuzu devs are completely focused on making first party games run 2 fps faster in a specific busy area. 32-bit games such as this don't even boot.
You can play the 3DS version though.
never shaves, but it doesn't grow in very thick
neatly trimmed triangle
>Xiao Pai
untamed jungle
heart shape trim
fell asleep halfway through shaving
caterpillar fuzz
naturally light
What items should I be adding onto weapons/armor in the process of crafting them and what's better to upgrade with afterwards
Man you ran the dungeons fast im jealous. Im doing hell mode and I get stuck at equipment roadblocks every 2 dungeons that slow shit down. Also having trouble picking between Leon and Dylas... who to friendzone man chicks have it rough.
That is really stretching logic right there. She'd have no reason to say nevermind if it was family love only. The question doesn't even make sense with that regard with how she was phrasing it. You're legit retarded or in denial.
>you have to pay with your body
>nancy watches
I never realized how much better Nancy was until Hell Mode and cheap deaths.
I was fishing at the lake earlier and Xiao was there. She kept walking in a circle and tripping. She did this like 20 times. This game is so fucking stupid, I love it.
she literally says nevermind because she knows shes going to die and she knows entertaining the idea would just cause more despair when she dies? Familial love is just as strong as romantic love sometimes, the intentions are simply different.
Yeah, I'm going with both.
Unfortunately my copy only arrived today. I'm about to jump in in the next hour. Any protips you can give me?
I mean im not really getting anything out of trying to convince you Venti's love isn't what you think so you know what bro you go ahead and love that big green dork with all your heart. She deserves it!
Noob questions here: Do monsters level up? I really like the bug monsters and the idea of having an ant army. Will they become stronger over time with love and fighting or do they have a set level?
Also for getting monsters to do yard work: Are some better than others and are some monsters capable at doing certain tasks and unable to do others? Can I get my ants to chop wood and till the fields or can only more human monsters do it?
In the early game you should find what materials you have multiple copies of and give somewhat decent stat upgrades and use them to upgrade your equipment. Make sure not to use the same item twice as upgrade material or it suffers a penalty.
Once you're a bit further in you might want to craft armor with the same type armor added in for inheritance effects (Aka. Special passives attached to that specific item). For example you get the dancer shoes pretty early on and they have one of the best passive bonuses, so you can craft shoes with the dancer shoes added in to pass the effect over.
Mid-late game you should start trying to get status/elemental resist on your gear if possible. Drops from mimics (Ex. broken boxes) are great for this. Applying one to each piece of armor you have and your accessory can help a lot. Additionally status effects applied to your weapon can start to be particularly useful as well.
Late game you should be using ten fold steel/double steel/ Object X to try and get 100% elemental and status effect resistances. The mimic drops are useful for this again, as well as the mealy apple, cooking spices and giant crystal flowers.
After that stack as much attack boosting properties and status infliction as possible. Stacking instant kill can be a good idea.
Stay in denial, buddy.
>nighttime about to go to bed with my wife Amber.
>Margaret is in the room just standing there
For me, it's Lady Dolcie
You too bro!
Monsters can level up and get stronger when you increase your friendship level with them. They also gain stats when you gift them an item once per day, with the stats being related to the item you gave them (How this works isn't super well understood though).
Unfortunately though, monsters gain significantly less stats leveling up with you, compared to being higher level in the wild. This means that an ant raised from level 1 to 100 will generally be much weaker than an ant you tamed at level 100 without heavy investment via gifting them items. Villagers also have this same problem, although it can be mitigated by giving them better gear to an extent.
All monsters are the exact same when doing field work in RF4. It can potentially be better to have monsters with smaller health pools do work if you want to avoid dealing with monster feed (Which if you plan on collecting a lot of monsters, you definitely want to avoid doing)
RF4 both revitalized and murdered all RF threads, all because of a bunch of desperate degenerate scalie fucks can't fucking stop talking about how much they want to fuck an overweigh lizard with wings
but I want to fuck the loli form
loli babas are arguably even worse than scalies and their fans are certainly much worse
Fuck off already,these threads are already filled with waifu faggotry and you go and complain about waifu faggotry and think it doesnt make you a hypocrite?
Grow a spine
amen brother
ok fagola
t. Doug
Oh I should just add
Something that can be a godsend once you get a chemistry station is to get object X and then upgrade your item (Or craft it with) Object X + cooking ingredients like oil. (Better if the ingredients are higher level such as through crafting it yourself)
This can give you a humongous amount of resistances early on. It isn't normally that helpful, but it can let you get fire immunity or absorption before the fire dungeon which can save you a huge headache.
calm down Doug and come cuddle with me in bed. We can forget about that whore while you breed me with gorgeous dwarven children.
Any chance for a 3DS/Switch save converter? I want to get the RF5 bonus shit but don't feel like playing 4 again.
Should I do all the dates before marrying Forte? Also what heart level do you need to get married, level 10?
Ten and you have to have gone on three dates at least before you can marry.
I wanna fuck the butterfly girl
Also how do I fuck the butterfly girl? Just give her flowers everyday?
What'd she say?
Remember to take it slow. Don't rush, time isn't of the essence. Play on hard/hell and feel an actual need to develop yourself.
You can still go on dates after you're married so you don't have to worry about missing content.
Basically called him an idiot who does nothing but spread stupid rumors all day.
Technically, it was Ambrosia saying that though.
i stopped on the final boss, because i couldnt decide who to marry.
just got back to it a few months ago, and beat the final boss, and still couldnt pick a wife.
How are you supposed to trigger act 3? Its been a week since I interacted with Ventis spot 3 times.
it happens on its own after some time
unfortunately that time is random
>hellocancelling lets you blast straight through the wind corridor in maya road
I can't believe I ever played the game without this shit
I thought they got rid of that in Special or was that something else?
That’s these threads in a nutshell
How to hellocancelling?
What is the appeal of Raven?
Cool but shy girl. Breaking her ice was a satisfying experience
Dolce too, but shes less kuudere, and more sassy
She wants it
she cute
Just tamed an Ambrosia and a Marionetta.
Will they be enough for Year 2 Buddy Battle once they're sufficiently leveled, or should I keep an eye out for something else?
Fucking Lin Fa god damn bitch
its great, hellocanceled my way into getting gold ore and making the next tier of tools, based
map greeting spell to rx or ry and then mash dash + whichever button you mapped it to, get ready to go FASD
Which would you guys say are the"canon" love interest in which game?
I just got that festival what do you need to do for it?
it's basically a pokemon battle
The got rid of CANONGIRL
It took me 6 in-game days before I realized she's supposed to have a bad grasp of the local language.
>He doesn't know
She didn't age in her cameo but Barret did
I didn't get it, but I sent it to my sister for her Birthday and she has been playing nothing but it.
Nigga, I am farming so hard that I have no time for that dungeon bullshit. I have plants to water. Ores to mine and bitches to court. Adventure can fucking wait
Defrosting the Ice Queen, and that she's a sweet cake
Do you think they got rid of her because they were BLOWN AWAY by her beauty?
Did you got beat by the big D?
>get jumpscared by random giant mushroom
>die instantly
>Jones lets me off the hook for free
That doctor is alright sometimes
still cant decide who to marry so just going harem mode until i tie the knot
What jewish nonsense is this
Nice try Jones
RF1: Originally Mist, but see Tides.
Frontier: Iris, which is only pushed harder by Tides.
RF2: Originally Maya, but retconned into her wanting to be a teacher over being married.
RF3: Shara, because despite the 1st opening giving equal girl screentime the 2nd opening really pushes her.
Tides: Split between Odette and Sonja (and Sonja would still get with Aden if you play as her instead). This also declared Mist and Anette single and confirmed Iris became whole again (her Love 10 event).
RF4: Venti, despite being cut alongside Illuminata and Minerva (Tabatha's sister in Frontier) when Frey was added in.
>Ask Xiao Pai out
>she stands in the middle of the plaza all morning during a typhoon waiting for the date
Fruits and juices work.
>heart shape trim
That must take a lot of work.
Because 3 is running more or less concurrently with RF2's second generation, and Yue by that time still looked the same 7 years after the school gets built.
i love this retard. she does her best...
If she was married with kids she'd not go travelling around buying ores for the local BDC boy
Her dialogue and development implies otherwise.
That girl’s a trooper
>Realize big fishing contest is coming
>Only have beginners rod and 17 fishing skill
>Decide to try an quickly finish Obsidian Mansion and try to get the Heart Pendant from Dolce tp help raise skills, fishing in this case
>Decide to make invisiblade because had almost everything I needed and it was stronger than what I had
>FIRST fucking gate gave me a crystal
>Charge into Obsidian Mansion with Forte and Xiao Pai
>Boss is pushed into a corner instantly and pretty much stun locked to death in a barrage of chaos
Didn't expect that to go so well. Now to do some fishing, get Ambrosia and a hornet. Never recruited a boss (or any animal for that matter) on 3DS, I assume Ambrosia fuck up the competition even on her own?
Why can’t I marry the ghost?
I'd join her in the typhoon so we can go wild like this:
You're probably a masochist, or at least a bottom
You have a taste for boring women, because you're also kinda boring. And that's okay.
You enjoy being cucked. Perhaps you don't know it yet. Give it a try someday.
>Xiao Pai
You have a savior complex, or you really enjoy the feeling of Schadenfreude. You're kinda pathetic, but so is she.
You belong in prison
You're pretty chill, because you like your women on the extremely annoying side.
>Lin Fa
You enjoy toxic women, with a sprinkle of fake obliviousness. You probably have mommy issues.
See Lin Fa
>You belong in prison
For being a lolicon or being a furry? Or both?
how do i get more lumber and stone when my famrs full of crops nothing spawns
I always just get a second field and let it lie fallow.
>You enjoy being cucked
Develop more fields. I think you can have five in total at your farm but I never went past three to check.
Imagine all the things Dolly would force you to do. Just imagine.
Badobros, where we at?
I don't get it either. Isn't her whole event about her loving Lest so hard but that the whole promise thing with her mother made her felt guilty as shit for even trying to leave Kiel? It was quite great how she just one-shotted Kiel to prove her point in taht event
You can airship to the forever spring/summer/autumn field outside quickly. I never plant stuffs there, so stones and lumber just naturally occur and pile up
Amber is low key savage.
There are various spots outside the castle that generate plenty of lumber and stone. I tend to find a few gray boulders a day on the path in front of the haunted mansion, and plenty of stumps around the tree seed tree not far past that. Beyond that though I just wander around and find stuff, I don't have much of a sense of direction.
Monsters may drop these things too. Ants in Yokmir Forest, for instance, spawn in large groups and can drop lumber.
Also check the patches of farmland that can be found outside of town. Or as your prince level rises, use prince points to unlock additional farmland next to your existing farmland.
You can also get lucky with Arthur's shop. He was selling stones for 10g each one day. I maxed my inventory, but running home to deposit it all took just long enough for him to leave his shop and wander around uselessly.
Do one for the guys
I’m still trying to date Amber but that damn Dragon is still cock blocking me
It's a joke shitpost user; don't take it too seriously.
Do the men too
She looks weird without her hat on
Yes Master.
Get a hornet and get honey everyday
Calm down Pico
some of you are alright. dont go to the mushroom woods on friday
Cloricafag pls
Does the normal physical copy come with the color instruction copy too? i thought i read that only the archival copy has a color instruction manual, I might have misunderstood something though since that doesn't make sense.
For being annoying for the past fucking year.
It's a joke. Leave it to the Fortecucks to take this seriously. And if you play enough, you'd know that she has great chemistry with Chad Leon, like it or not.
Stay based.
Not our fault Venti is perfect and the game does everything aside from let us actually romance her.
>making honey
This bugs me (no pun intended) so much in games. Wasps and Hornets are assholes and don't make honey, they're carnivores. Kill them all.
>when you forget that you left your Forte on vibrate
>cant decide between forte, xia pao or dolce
Why is life so fucking hard
yeah I was hoping they'd fix that with Special but they didn't. She has a bad case of bedhair, and not a rough sexy type either.
Saber and klutz are both pretty boring. Dolce has a proper character arc.
Hell, all 4 monster girls/boys are just better fleshed out characters despite not being there at the start.
1-3 Margaret
4-6 Clorica
7-9 Forte
0 Amber
i'll make it easy for you
don't pick xiao pao, she's a total loser unlike the other girls and she's already mine
REVISION to >Venti
You're probably the type that can't be good friends with women because you end up falling in love with them.
You still belong in prison.
Didn't know there was interest lads, gimmie a sec to play some more.
The fact that they're assholes out to get you in real life makes it more satisfying to make them your bitch and profit off their enslavement.
Realism was out the window the moment the player character fell from an airship, landed on a dragon in a castle, and got drafted into becoming the prince. And if that wasn't enough, he then made an iron hammer and a tin waterpot using bronze ore.
>xia pao
You don't deserve her. You deserve Meg.
I'm in the same boat, but replace Dolce with Margaret. I like Dolly, but I don't want to wait until after Act 2 to get married.
I'm gonna date them all to see who I like best, but I feel like a scumbag for it.
can a post my favorite artwork from spirited away her
Is a great artists so ok
She must have it good.
Can't complain. She likes apple pie right?
I wish she vibrated here, too
Wait, what the fuck. I was sure on the 3DS you could ship higher level crop seeds and the shop would start selling that level seeds, with only trees requiring it to be the fruit. But it doesn't seem to work now. Did they change it on Switch or did I have to be further in the story?
It's after a request.
Pretty sure it still looks works that way.
I was confused about that for a while. But then I saw Eliza had a request about shipping a lv2 turnip, with the reward being higher level seeds being sold in stores. I have yet to do this but perhaps this is what unlocks that feature?
Why is she so perfect
I want Pico to possess the strapon that Dolce pegs me with!
Yes, also it updates immediately from the shipped log, so you can get level 2 seeds for stuff immediately if you ship them before fulfilling the request.
Based fellow Dolcefag...
I was just asking a question
Redpill me on this game
is it fun and engaging if I'm not into dating sim shit?
Forte will go adventuring with you from the start of the game while others require level 3 FP/LP. Very useful on hard mode
Because she wants to protect your smile.
When you're managing inventories pressing Y on an item will auto move it to the other list.
So you can easily deposit/withdraw items in or out of you storage without using the cursor.
Yeah. The dating could use a lot of fleshing out. But it's still fun to start a family and take them into dungeons with you.
My pet fairy is emasculating me in every battle. I do 150, maybe 200 damage per hit while this little fairy is doing 600-900 damage per hit. Fuck man, I'm actually considering not adventuring with Xiao Pai because adding another fairy with increase DPS massively.
Those furry fucks in the lava cave are wrecking us.
Venti loves Lest and even thanks him for picking her in her another episode.
Yes. I can't stand JRPGs or dating weebery but somehow I love this franchise. It's simply the best Harvest Moon-like simulator around, all aesthetics aside. The waifu stuff is just one of many game systems and is more comparable to the marriage features in WRPGs than dating sims. It's kind of like marriage in Harvest Moon itself if you're familiar with that.
I have a mimic and skyfish and the mimic is an absolute tank, the skyfish snipes monsters from a distance. I play a mage so this set up works well
Ain't got time to date when you got crops to tend to and op weapons to forge.
I easily recruited some chickens when I got my first 2 barns but after expanding 1 suddenly I can’t tame any chickens even after throwing stacks of grass and herbs and seeds at them
What gives
>all of Raven's items are warmed by her body heat
I would go broke so fast.
Miss Forte is alright
... But I really like Miss Margaret!
I want her to scold me!
Taming difficulty increases the more of that monster you've already tamed. It makes it harder to mass produce daily items like eggs, you have to actually level the taming skill and use items the creature likes.
That said you can get 4 chickens and 4 cows with trash grass. It just takes more.
Huh, I never considered getting a mimic before, but now I'm intrigued.
I tamed a sky fish and it was pretty useless. It would never move so if a monster was off screen it wouldn't do anything to them or get in position to hit them.
Kek, just finished Act 1, forgot about Doug.
>sorry Lest, but I have to kill Friendship Dragon of Peace Town, she killed my family, nazis told me so
loved the original on the 3DS and the whole series is my favorite take on the Harvest Moon formula, even more so than Stardew Valley. But I'm not gonna buy 4 again for the Switch. Instead, I'm excited for 5. Can not wait for that one to drop.
Understandable; have a great life.
>Items with special effects, such as poison or critical attack, build up a hidden value. For example, if a monster is given Rigid Horn, its Crit % is increased by 1%. Do this 100 times, and 100% of the monster's attacks will become critical. The same can be done with poison powder, lamp squid, etc, making it possible to make a monster that can apply several status effects at once with only one hit.
What do animals like? I don’t feel like there’s any consistent feedback when throwing items at them to tell what’s working better
Don't they, in general favor the items they drop?
Anything they drop/produce will usually be favored by the monster, but some just don't have any favorites at all.
Do Americans really play these garbage games?
Understandable. Post your waifu.
we've been making threads on Yea Forums for long we've started to attract the retards
>Responding to it
Yes. Shit's fun and comfy after a long day of freedom.
Same here. What are we going to do about the save data integration bros?
im looking forward to finally having a new rune factory game so much guys.
Yikes, is Resetera or your favourite Discord server under maintenance or something? Where are you fucking imbecile subhumans are coming from?
So chickens like their own eggs? Is that cannibalism?
Lest x Kiel is pure
You can be a little less obvious about that bait you know. Try subtly. I know it's a dying art here, but still.
Buy a copy for a friend who wouldn’t play it otherwise.
>Everybody getting hyped over Smash or whatever shit was shown at the direct
>Instead I'm pretty happy seeing Rune Factory isn't dead and 4 is getting a port
>Now happy as fuck still am.
What monsters should I tame for combat? Right now I only have ones that give me eggs, milk and wool everyday.
It’s no different from women making pancakes from their menstrual discharge
i was the retard who was asking where RF4 was only for it to be shown literally 5 sec later
Like Amber, Kiel probably hasn’t developed enough to start growing it yet. Why can you marry a 12 year old again?
Get a Wasp from Yokmir Cave.
Gives you valuable Honey daily, and is a powerful sniper in battle.
>it's been a whole year
new info when
The little green fairies are meat grinders once you get them up to 10 friendship.
IRL, chickens will sometimes crack and eat their own unfertilized eggs.
This helps recover protein that would otherwise be wasted.
Will the world scale up with you as you progress or is the shit right outside of town always going to be level 2?
Oh fuck I remember that post, it had me in stitches.
I've always liked the elemental faeries, but you don't start seeing those until act 2, I'm pretty sure.
Standard physical has a color instruction manual.
Why the hell are the characters animated in this, and not in the game?
>Ventis birthday
>can't make pancakes
Just report the retarded shitposter.
Is DS / 3DS have this feature before ?
What did they transfer ?
I'm fully expecting Xseed will only have it localized by 2021. I'm considering maybe i should pick up trying to learn moonrunes again, maybe this time i won't drop it.
Thanks, I'll try to get those.
You get green fairies in Act 1. The area where Obsidian Mansion is in.
because special is a lazy cash grab to fund 5 which probably will have it
I thought that was only for newlywed mode
If I had to guess, it's because they're all taken from the 'newlywed' mode, and it's only in that mode, given that all the girls have their names in pink when it shows off the animation.
ok thanks. About to order RF4S so I'll have it ready for March 13th when my Switch comes in.
i love this series too much
>Her first birthday rolls in
>Had flowers growing, intending on keeping a stockpile for birthdays
>Fucking completely forgot and only remembered to keep a few JUST as the bin got collected for the day
>Had NOTHING for her birthday
I'm sorry Venti!
Wait what? I didn't get a fucking manual.
I'm talking about this kind. They're found on Maya Road, in act 2.
No, it will stay Lv 2.
Unless you put an Order to level all them until 10x
im glad EU has been cucked once again because i have no manual in my box
I have a standard and an archival edition for my wife and both have color instruction manuals.
wait what, only US gets a colored manual in the box?
Will I enjoy this game if I want a comfy farming simulator with some dungeon crawling on the side?
I know that's exactly what it is, but I just want something like Animal Crossing that doesn't require me to go total nolife.
>Wait what? I didn't get a fucking manual.
Me neither. Shit sucks.
Going to marry Leon, hope RF5 has more muscular chad candidates, him and Dylas are the only manly bachelors. Tired of all these shota looking fuckers.
And unlike Animal Crossing, the calendar isn't tied to IRL so you can play at your leisure
I got a quick question about placing object in your home. Is there a way to rotate tables and shit? cause it's kinda ugly having everything face one direction in a shitty way
Is that really the case? I'm in a third-country shithole but I got the manual
Rune Factory, Harvest Moon, and SoS in general have never required you to nolife anything. They're chill games like that. Just do whatever the hell you want, there's no rush with anything. Well, other than getting married before the first year ends in the older Harvest Moons, but that's not really a requirement now a days.
>just have all my shit scattered all over the town square since the house is too small to fit 10 different crafting tables
This entire town is my house fuckers. I run this shit.
Fucking Marvelous are a pack of fucking cunts to the EU. Seriously RF is the ONLY game I'll ever buy from those fucking assholes and that's because I love this series and want to support the devs.
I freed the last guardian, is that the end of act 1?
Will Pico do stuff even after marriage? I love Dolce but I don't really like Pico.
i'm assuming your store imported it from NA, that's probably why
>Can't beat the tree after coming out of the underground in the forest
Am I retarded?
If you mean Leon, then yeah. That's the end of Act 1. Act 2 generally starts automatically about a week later, if you try to enter town from outside through the front gate to trigger it.
She watches.
Do you have good gear? Are you bringing monsters with you? I am a magic focused character with a mimic and sky fish and I found that boss was very easy. Magic seems almost OP though
the dream. so sick of this character being permanently attached to a far better character.
Why are you still confused for the prince if you're a girl, even in one conversationt hey're inconsistent with how they refer to you.
ghost blowjobs
woo woo
I just spammed fireball.
Xiao Pai is the best.
I think that's one of the easier bosses to be honest, just have to be on your toes
how do i get act three to start and how do i know if it's starting?
i'm playing the 3ds version, also
if we don't get a 2020 release date for RF5, i might be desperate enough to play the dumb FomT remake if it comes out this summer
lol jk no way
Have you seen the prince they're talking about? It's honestly understandable.
They announced that Rune Factory 5 will have save data integration with RF4S and said in a livestream that it would be something big. Presumably the 3DS version is going to miss out on this entirely which is why I'm wondering if there might be a save data converter by the time 5 comes out.
RF4 was one of the first text-heavy games I played in moonrunes, will be comfy playing RF5 that way even if it were to get a simultaneous release.
it's RNG. to be honest I never ended up playing Act 3 because of that bullshit, i got burnt out from the game and finished the rest of the extra and harder dungeons before I got the event trigger.
I want to fuck Pico
Actual top cute.
Cute enough to make me go after her after the game refused to let me marry her in the 3DS.
On a semi-related note, is there any difference between the genders other than I guess that text and who you can marry? The sleepy girl seems nice but he's pretty cute too.
You get a town event called Memories.
I brought Forte ans Margaret but they're as good as a cum sock, I've been spamming fireball and water gun for the past few dungeons I onoe you can recruit monsters but I didnt think they'd be that useful so guess I'm the clown
>finished the rest of the extra and harder dungeons
extra and harder dungeons?! explain.
can i get to rune prana right now?
I really dislike that new Karen design, Ann's too.
Regardless though I really can't get into Harvest Moon/SoS anymore but if I was that shit would probably put a damper on wanting to play it.
Nope. There are small text changes but events all stay the same.
Doesn't hurt to upgrade your weapons if you can. The cave is kinda the first noteworthy difficulty spike in act 1
There's no real gameplay difference, and the only story difference aside from romance is one or two inconsequential events.
Forte is just Arthur wearing contacts.
I'm gonna play it alongside RF4. SoS scratches a different itch imo
Have you ever seen Forte and Arthur in the same room at the same time? Think about it.
I tried upgrading my weapons with some stuff I had all which exceed my current RP so that's a nope and tree doesnt take much dmg from my magic so I guess I'll go venture for some monsters.
Never played this series before and don't want to spend money.
Am I going to miss out much if I play Rune Factory 4 instead of Rune Factory 4 Special?
Apparently they changed it to not be RNG but I haven't gotten to that point yet to say how it's activated
You'll get an extra button in your diary "town events" there you can the participants
>chicken shits out a fresh egg
>dont wash it and instead just hand it to forte
>she eats the entire thing raw including the shell
What the fuck is wrong with her?
the bonus dungeons or something in the basement with all the other extras.
You can end up getting stronger and stronger gear sequentially from chests and eventually end up with endgame weapons without ever unlocking the ores or whatever from Act 3.
You can also savescum (save the night before) right before certain days where an event is "scheduled" to happen. You just reload if it's not Act 3 (usually by having certain characters involved with the trigger in your party as you go to sleep, if they're involved in whatever event was rolled for that day, they leave your party). Honestly I don't know much of the specifics and I personally never bothered with it. I'm glad they took that shit out in the Switch version so I can just play normally and get Act 3 to trigger naturally.
dunno where more info is, but i imagine there'd be a ton of old posts on maybe on gamefaqs or something.
>Take out a flower to give to a girl
>accidentally eat it in front of their face
Not really. I'd even argue that it upscaled a little bit in Citra looks better than the Switch version.
Missing out on the newlywed mode but you could probably just watch a video of it and be fine
Not really; the additions in Special are mainly inconsequential fluff aimed at people that already love the game. Only major gameplay addition is a new difficulty mode.
pico would be fine if the interactions with her were slightly more optional or if she manifested as a separate character than usually hung around dolce or something.
it's annoying and uncanny when you go to talk to dolce and the first thing to pop up is pico.
The RP cost of making stuff depends on your skill level vs the skill level that it requires. Huge if it's greater than what you have, but reduces significantly the closer you get to it.
A easy trick to getting a lot of forging/crafting skill easy is 1. hoard a lot of iron 2. make a couple broadswords/small shields 3. Upgrade said sword or shield up to level 10 using said iron.
I've gotten my Forging to 89 already and I'm on summer 13 of my first year. You'd probably just need enough skill levels so you can actually make the weapons that'd be a big upgrade for you, whether its a staff for magic, or a physical weapon.
I’m about to fight Marionetta. Still stuck on if I marry Xiao Pai since I was only dating her in 3DS or if I go for Dolce.
Is there some secret to damage I’m missing? By the end of the 3DS version I was just doing scratch damage despite having the best weapons I could use at the time, and I’m already noticing a pretty big drop in damage from the Water Ruins to the Obsidian Mansion.
Do the Blue fairies not start spawning until you complete Act 1? The Red and Green ones appeared after a few refreshes but the gate for the Blue ones hasn't appeared at all.
Nope. Arguably the game looks better on the 3DS because shit is just upscaled through a filter on the Switch. Frankly, It looks pretty bad on the Switch. You just don't see anyone complaining about it here because it's such a niche game and everyone is just happy it got attention after we thought it was forgotten forever (me included). You can watch the "Another Episodes" DLC on youtube, which is basically extra scenes for each waifu, more like a visual novel actually. Watch it after you actually marry someone in-game.
NOTE: you might need to do some savescumming shit to get Act 3 to trigger eventually because that whole story arc is locked behind random events on the 3DS. It's more of an endgame arc so it was never meant to happen immediately after act 2, but given the nature of RNG, some people just never ended up playing it before they got burnt out from the game.
whats a good early game source of income that isn't crops. Jonas rapes my wallet and prefer not to save scum. i just got the horse guy
>You just reload if it's not Act 3 (usually by having certain characters involved with the trigger in your party as you go to sleep,
gotcha -- thanks for the tip
>in the basement with all the other extras
like, in the basement connected to your room? the place with all the trophies? i've gone down there a couple times since the end of act 2 and i don't recall seeing anything
Also first you need to check where Venti rested 3 or 4 times (one time per day). If you are in a hurry you'll need save scumming to find the event day and then more save scumming to roll for that event. Have dylas and amber in your party or check if they get out of their houses first thing in the morning
preparing stuff with a daily egg/milk from tamed chicken/cow and selling it
mining a bunch of ore and selling it (make sure you got a better hammer than the cheap one even one upgrade significantly reduces the amount of bunk scrap you get)
ok just checked. You need to unlock it with PP first
>Sharance Maze (シアレンスの迷宮, Shiarensu no Meikyuu) is a location in Rune Factory 4. The maze is unlocked after clearing the second arc by paying 5,000 Prince/Princess Points. The maze will be located in the player's trophy room.
Step number one in terms of your stats is always keeping your gear current. Obsidian Mansion gives you free access to bronze so you should definitely make better stuff if you haven't already; work on upgrading your crafting and forging skills if you can't make anything better than what you have. Aside from that just maybe make sure to keep up with your cooking skill so you can get stat boosts when you need them. Once you hit Act 2 you'll be able to really get into the crazy shenanigans the crafting system enables, and that's your real ticket to success on the harder difficulties.
Upgrade Ruby Ring with:
>Object X
>Heavy Spice
This gives a ring of 122% Fire resist. Lava caves here I come!
Get clippers and get wool from the Woolies outside the first dungeon then turn the wool into yarn.
Woolies have a rare drop for clippers too.
seconding the other guy. omelettes (egg and milk) are a decent source of early game dosh. eggs seem to retain some value, too. i'm using eggs consistently to make cabbage cakes post-act 2. so i'd say it's a good idea to tame some cows and chickens.
>first time playing one of these games
>had no idea weather conditions could destroy your crops
>typhoon hits
>destroys several fruit trees I had growing
Hurts just a little bit.....
oh nice, thanks. i appreciate you spoonfeeding me.
They say trees are supposed to make your fields tougher, but don't ask me by how much and the speed it does it at.
>You need to unlock it with PP
i dont like any of the wafius
Anyone have any upgrade recommendations? I'm wondering which upgrade items have hidden effects beyond just stat boosts. Thinks like increasing movement speed or something -- is that possible via upgrades?
Me neither user. Hopefully 5 will be better.
I dunno. Popuri's different, but she's got that cutesy chipmunk tooth thing going on and I love that sort of thing when it's done by Henkuma in eromanga. Though I think Maria's improved with the art style change the most. Never cared for Karen because I've no interest in raising kids with FAS.
Also each time you harvest a fruit it counts towards the field degradation.
i was the same way and i still mostly am but i came around somewhat to dolce and meg over time. maybe the same will be true of you?
Tree are bad, mm'kay?
holy fuck, this is hideous. this is being made by the actual, original harvest moon people?
Man, the amtumn theme is maximum comfy.
Special effects upgrades here.
It's mission info about what the shade stone does but somebody in the comments says what it does.
It aged like milk
And to think some anons were bitching about the theme being different from the JP version of the game or something.
thanks bros.
Harvest Moon/SoS games have been absolute dogshit for a long time. It's the reason a single fucking dude managed to outdo them by himself with Stardew Valley.
HM/SoS has been in a sorry state for quite awhile. All their most recent games look like mobile tier shit though ive heard decent things about the Doraemon SoS game so who knows.
SoS are lost cause. I peg all my hope on RF5.
In the other hand, anyone have info of what different between RF4S and 3ds ver?
They might've meant Autumn Road. I remember the 3ds copy I pirated had different music for it than what's in Special and it was pretty confusing since I liked the other theme more.
Thought about marrying Dolce but she's stuck with an annoying ghost tumor which stops her from being the obvious choice for me. Might just settle for Forte or Clorica
The town's autumn theme is probably my favorite music in the game. As far as I'm aware I couldn't find any high quality recordings of it until RF4S came out.
>spent all my gold on to full field carrots/corn/peppers
>typhoon hits
>90% of the field was raped to death
>If I had somehow managed to meet you before I met Jones...
>I just may have given it some thought.
blame this faggot
deeply depressing. back to nature was immensely charming when i played it. to see it reduced to this sorry state really is shocking.
why does it seem that, as time passes, nothing fundamentally changes, things just get slightly worse?
Does anyone know?
>Stardew Valley
Sell me on this. I've tried to get into it a few times now, but it always comes across as a pretty basic HM clone with not much to do.
I don't know if it's just my imagination but I always feel like I lose much less of my crop if I just never go onto my field during a typhoon instead of trying to save it.
>reload game
>swing your prince dick around to literally tell mother nature to wait a little longer
But they are great games, they just don't look nice. Meanwhile SD is literal garbage besides art style.
It's a pretty basic HM clone with race mixing and tumblr art.
I'm hoping they changed the character designs so that they can make a 64 remake with ones closer to the original. But it's probably not gonna happen.
It IS a pretty basic HM clone with some modern features. HM itself has been stuck in the N64 era for decades now, so it ends up being much better by comparison.
Rune Factory is simply way better than both, but the weeb aesthetic means it's not going to attract the same quasi-normie audience.
Please tell me the switch version fixed her marriage RNG.
I kinda liked their anniversary game trio of towns.
Have the people that shit on SoS ToT even played it?
RF5 needs to fix the eternal curse of farming games never letting you marry the milf
I dont know why but maybe this game is really short. I am in the last week of first spring and finally saw the credits screen after saving the last guardian. My character level is around 55 and I am playing on normal difficulty. I do feel like I am speedrunning and progressing at a neckbreaking speed.
Me too. I hated the art style and the map felt too big and randomly put together.
Farming & ranching is available pretty much right away, decent enough goals in the game, as well as some of the nicer features of newer SoS/RF titles; like seeing townsfolk friendship level as well as where they are at any given time.
It's not perfect though, much like some of the games that inspired it Sdv runs out of meaningful things to do partway through the second year outside of dumb bullshit like, "get to the bottom of skull cavern"
Goddamn it, Pia, man. You literally can't go wrong with big-titted mermaid.
It seems more deliberate decision rather than actual talent shortage. Perhaps their market research shows girls (their main target now) like that kind of shit.
Doraemon SoS might play like dogshit but at least it looks nice. It's not even that bad considering they are restricted with licensed content.
>THE credits screen
kek don't tell him boys
>he doesn't know
Redhead and the only one that actually feels like a love interes
mosts the easiest shit i can throw at people to up their hearts? medicine grass?
wtf. does this happen in rf4 too?
Ofcourse not. They see the artstyle and they're instantly turned away because it's not a weeb enough artstyle. Ironic, really. Because they'll pitch the same argument that normies won't play RF because the arstyle is too weeb for them. All this recent RF posting has just made me want to get back into ToT, but when I burn out of a HM game I burn out haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard, man. Like, I fucking put the game down and when I get back I'm like 'Okay. Where did I leave off again?' and that shit is fucking annoying as fuck.
You're playing baby difficulty.
Rf2 exclusive and never done again
no, just one of a few things only 2 did
congrats, you just completed the tutorial
Runey magic made it clean right away.
Who the fuck eats flowers?
I mean besides Amber, and she probably eats glue too.
the biggest flaw a lot of these newer HM/SoS as its called now games is that they really pad themselves out, SoS was especially bad with this, ToT toned it down but you still got quite a bit of work to do, part of what made N64/BTN great was you could get your fill by the end of yr 1/mid 2 while these string you along quite a bit longer, also the tutorial phase of SoS is awful
Let's for a moment put aside that these games haven't really added any significant new features in forever whereas RF has added a full-fledged ARPG on top of its simulation elements. The one thing I absolutely could not get past last time I tried them is how they still insisted on having time limits and missable events in what is in every other way set up to be a comfy, laid-back game.
gonna let this decide for me except replacing Amber with Xiao Pai thank you user
Thosr 3d models kill it for me
I don't mind that at all, though. I'm of the mindset that even trying to marry any of the bachelorettes in the first year is waaaaaaay too rushing it as far as any form of relationship could go, so I just do everything but relationship stuff in the first year then start working into which ever girl I liked the most in year 1. Besides, these farming games have always had a big problem with their end game segments, AWL in particular suffered from it and that one in particular really wanted you to play for multiple game years.
>yfw she would've drugged you just like she did Jones if she meant that
>expected to wait an eternity for act 3 to begin like in the 3DS version.
>get the event for it a week after finishing act 2.
Well then.
I used to enjoy these games when I was younger. Now I can't take the cruel mockery that is simulated dating. How can I be able to enjoy Rune Factory 5 like when I was a kid again?
That's fair, though i disagree since i consider the relationship/marriage factor just as much a motivator for these games as the farming is, specially when unlike RF thats all you have, though eah once you get into the marriage bit it just kind of drops off, you get the kid and thats about it, its partly why i love AWL in concept, it just didnt execute it very well cause aside from raising the kid theres just fuck all to do in that little town
No doubt we'll get it but I hope RF5 isnt another semi top down camera game again. Just give me more of Frontier/Oceans camera with fully 3d environments.
>Cruel mockery
Are you expecting enough dialogue and social interactions that it could mirror real dating or something?
irrc this is actually doing much better than RF4 so we're really sore out of luck with the future of SoS and even RF for that matter.
I just googled it and it's sold 200K+ already (and counting) when RF4 was lucky to even hit 150K.
You know what's crazy? RF3's entire plot is roughly the length of Act 1 alone.
Same. Pico just makes Dolce a worse character overall since you never really get to know her with pico hogging the spotlight.
Assuming you mean switch port of 4, I guess that's too surprising. Even with the odd art change it's not surprising people would jump on a remaster more than a port, especially given a lot of people likely still have their 3ds with 4, while not everyone would still have fomt handy.
Or maybe I'm just being too optimistic, who knows
Fuck i can't type
no like the 3DS game was apparently in the range of 150K+.
I'd be surprised if the port hits 100K+ then. I like RF but I don't think the E3 trailer was appealing to people who never heard of the game.
never mind, the 150K+ was just for Japan alone. It actually hit ~680K total according to vgchartz
I think they focus too much on the waifu parts of it in presentations, leaving people with the wrong impression that's it's some weeb dating sim first and foremost.
So what do I do with large fluff, milk and eggs? Sell them raw or should I be using them as ingredients for something?
It's been a long time but I'm pretty sure RF1 was waaay lighter on content. But the lack of QoL, ridiculous difficulty curve and RP gating ended up stretching the game quite a bit.
RF4 was considered a huge success and outsold every other game in the franchise by far, which only made it more ironic and tragic that the studio went bankrupt for other reasons. The franchise was otherwise booming and in no risk of being cancelled at the time.
Don't sell them raw, you will not only lose money but miss out on Cooking leveling. Also keep hot milk for RP.
Frontier's camera was also top-down fixed, though the camera did pull back in certain areas to show more of a dungeon floor at once.
yeah, it was funny to the fans of the game but it was a horrible fucking idea on Marvelous's part. I think they underestimated how many people in the west would actually be interested in it (despite its weird DS-3DS transition graphics) considering how indie games including Stardew Valley still sold a lot on the Switch (around ~1 million on the switch alone for a fucking PC port and that was from news 2 years ago).
>Lest/Frey's room is just beside Venti's chamber/main room
>This doesn't change even when they get married
Venti clearly has heard stuff happening at night, doesn't she?
>gonna waifu margeret
>take her to battle
>says nothing but Bravo
into the trash she goes.
She's an old as hell wind dragon, aint the first time she's overheard some quality family time.
>It's been a long time but I'm pretty sure RF1 was waaay lighter on content. But the lack of QoL, ridiculous difficulty curve and RP gating ended up stretching the game quite a bit.
When I played it back when it released, I remember getting filthy rich just from mining, which made farming completely pointless, and dungeons being very easy made it pointless to plant stuff in them for runes. I then got to a point where I had to wait around for over a season for the next dungeon to open, so I ended up dropping it. I want to go back to it one day though.
I think youre right when you get people coming into these threads saying just that, though that might just be shitposters.
what sort of elf magic lets you play piano music with a harp?
I've always held the belief that a version of RF2's perspective shift to your child (a la GTAV) was the missing ingredient to the BokuMono formula, because seeing how the townsfolk treat your child would prove how sincere they were about you at first compared to now.
Margaret or Clorica
>Venti just lays there half dead for five years while Lest/Frey look after their child.
WTF, I could have probably finished RF3 in less time I spent on RF4??
mining was busted in both RF1 and 2 from what i recall, once you could sell gems money wasnt an issue and you only put basic crops in dungeons to get some extra energy if you needed it. was until 3/frontier where i think farming was relevant again, sides gettign strawberries, atleast in 1 everyone fucking loved strawberries, or a recipe involving them
im not sure how well that would have worked as you are still stuck with that boring ass village of i think 12 people, i still think the idea could have worked if that setting was just more lively
Margaret apparently.
RF1/2/3 4's the only one that really moves into the lengths the console games had, rest you can breeze through in 20~40 hrs
are fairly short*
Damn, everyone is speeding past me. I just barely entered into my first summer.
I haven't even finished the tutorial requests. Just play at your own pace, this isn't a race.
So I finally grew and beat my first dungeon vegetable.
I can enter again though, so my question is do these dungeons last forever?
SoS: Trio is better than any RF game. The latest Doraemon spinoff is good despite being a licensed IP that uses localization dub names.
How can you talk about graphical quality/fidelity when the rf4 port looks the way it does?
Trio of Towns is too fucking slow.
Is there any benefit to sleeping early as opposed to staying up and doing stuff?
Slow how?
god those phone game graphics are so disgusting. rune factory 4 looks like shit, but it manages to have a lot more charm than that.
There's no charm in 3ds textures with filters applied to them to make them blurry.
Yeah until you scythe or it gets >typhooned
I believe the boss is once a day though
>SoS: Trio is better than any RF game
Yeah, no. The framerate alone makes it a dumpster fire.
Your sleeping skill only increases if you go to sleep before 1am if I remember correctly.
What's wrong with the framerate in Trio? It runs at 30 unlike the previous one.
IIRC there's a limit to how late you can sleep and not get a cold, and by sleeping early you can raise the sleeping skill faster which raises this cap.
What does the bathing skill do?
fuck you its cute
Before the bump limit is reached, someone sell me on this game. I know next to nothing about it but I keep seeing it pop up here. I enjoy my time with Stardew Valley if that helps.
Like most skills it raises your health and RP
Well, I might be biased comparing it to rf where MC bolting all over the place. but yeah, SoS feels too slow, even I drop frontier because I feel it too slow. So yeah, pehaps I got a case of ADHD, but I just don't enjoy them as much as rf mainlines.
It bathes.
better than happy meal toy proportion chibishit
whats the max level for skills? 99?
You can see what all the skills do in tab for it. Like a few other skills its only purpose is raising stats.
It's everything HM/SoS/Stardew Valley does but far more polished and with a full-fledged ARPG layered on top.
If you liked Stardew Valley and don't mind anime tropes, you're most likely going to like this.
IIRC crafting skills are limited to that but others can go past that.
>better than happy meal toy proportion chibishit
But you just described rune factory's chibishit?
charming setting, better combat by a fucking mile, more to do and explore, and better music.
I'd say the farming and ranching is better as well
Look at it this way: after the first 1-2 years of befriending the villagers, the script enters a weird pseudo-loop state. A second, fresh, native perspective allows you to confirm how your parent changed those villagers in ways they couldn't tell your parent directly. They congratulated your parent for reinforcing the town's value by bringing you into the world, and you get to see your parent fully enter the role as a villager of your hometown. Your parent took a risk in entering a new society, and that society affirmed your parent's value to it.
The character models are the one thing that look borderline unacceptable. The environments and portraits are peak s o u l.
all the SoS games i've seen look like absolute trash relative to the harvest moon games of my youth (in terms of aesthetics, i mean)
this new doraemon installment is actually pretty visually appealing, though. i may end up giving it a try
I loved Trio but I don't think it's better than RF4. My biggest complaint was it seemed so drab and brown, it could have used more color. I feel like the SoS games would be better if they tried pushing a plot and just gave you the two year time limit again. I'm definitely the outlier this thread by being excited for the FoMT remake.
Might have to check it out then, thanks anons
>the lost art of hand-painted texture on ultra low-poly model
I will not stand this slander. RF is closest we got with ps1-era rpgs.
goddamn. the 3ds version unironically looks better than this. abstracting away some of this ugly is actually good for the game's visuals
I love RF's low poly aesthetic
Trio is way better than sos, but i can't really say I'd give it a higher mark than RF4.
Older Rfs maybe
some town event dialogue seems to have taken precedence over the valentines day dialogue
is there a way to fix that or is it fucked
I already said Rune Factory looks bad, it just looks better than the FoMT remake. What do you think you're proving?
>hand-painted texture
What are you talking about
Have you tried talking to them twice? Everyone was blabbing about Venti on Valentines Day, but I got my cookies when I talked to them again.
I miss the superior elf and her REIN BOO warcry
I have
I guess i'll just wait a year
When you call a game better than "happy meal toy chibishit" and it's not clear which game you're reffing to as better I think it's pretty obvious what the point is.
And the FoMT remake looks better by a mile solely for not having upscaled textures and a concise full 3d artsytle instead of 3d models walking on 2d upscaled textures
if you saved the night before, could just reload.
even then I don't think it will work since the event is both days
i don't think anyone's ever claimed the rf4 switch port looks even decent. almost everyone in every thread i've been in has said the 3DS actually manages to look better
Breed the elf!
oh, adding to this, plenty of games have chibe-fied models that aren't actually meant to be representative of the games' actual aesthetic (in rf, the models don't actually look anything like either the official art or the in-game portraits). in SoS, the dead-eyed, lifeless chibi models are near perfect representations of the game's official aesthetic
nigger thats not an elf
You heard me!
Is all I'm getting from your posts when they both have the exact same system for the models and portraits.
The ugly chibi models of RF dont represent the portraits because you said so but for SoS they do? Get real arguments.
I wouldn't say better. I still prefer the switch port. A lot of sprites look smuged to shit but I can actually make out what some of the more detailed things are supposed to be. And the low poly doesn't look too bad.
The cruelty is that it is a simulacra of human relationships, made for a grown man who could never experience the real thing.
It's just too much
The better sprites are a good enough upgrade to me. Having all the conversations look garbled was why I could never get into emulating RF4.
Play Stardew Valley and date the girl who can't stop talking about her ex.
>The ugly chibi models of RF dont represent the portraits because you said so but for SoS they do?
no, not because i said so, because the official character designs are the definition of soulless
Nice buzzword and no argument.
Some of the sprites in the switch port also have white outlines on them which makes them look like a lazy magic wand tool job when placed on a dark background.
Also I noticed that some of the portraits are not aligned properly at the bottom. Look at the amputee floating vishnal.
aaa i didnt need to know this user whyyy
Asking the real question here
>Just like always is fine
>Dear user
>Lil' user
Its not like you'll notice with the text box up 24/7
Sub or dub?
I'm sorry friend. Unfortunately this port is quite ugly, lazy, and soulless. Just dont go looking for it.
>no argument
itself a buzzword and lack of argument, shapiro
i'm not the guy you were originally arguing with (so i didn't introduce the whole retarded chibi point to this whole conversation), but my point is the designs in SoS leave very little to abstract away in the transition to their chibi models because they began as soulless, phone-game-tier designs, whereas RF4's chibi models aren't particularly representative of the game's aesthetic (in the same way that the chibi models in past pokemon games weren't accurate stand-ins for the actual character designs)
there are multiple levels of abstraction going on with rf4's artstyle, whereas there's very little abstraction in SoS because the official character designs are incredibly bland and basic to begin with
Why did even something as pure as Rune Factory have to succumb to day 1 DLC?
Because the series nearly died
you can still download it for free without the game