Attached: Cultist-Blood.gif (360x450, 58K)

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name a more iconic fps enemy




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Also their burning scream makes me feel sorry for them.

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They all wear flippers, that's why they're 500% more deadly underwater.

None if talking about the sheer bullshit in fighting one.

Blood has some amazing death screams.


Show me yer moves

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You came to the wrong neighborhood Caleb.

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What did the red ones do again

they shoot at you

The red ones are Priests, they have shotguns but their real danger is that when killed they turn into these absurdly powerful werewolves

they turned into warewolves if I remember right


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CoD zombies

doom imp

what I love about it is they speak Latin or whatever it is but when they catch on fire and death is a certainty they scream IT BURNS IT BURNS.. humanizing


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Cultists aren't iconic because most people aren't even aware Blood exists.

peanus weenus

blood is classic "i saw two youtube videos about it"-core, which i wouldn't mind if it meant that the people who heard about how good it was actually went and played it a bit
not like it matters one way or another, monolith productions is going to be making lotr games until the end of time now

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet

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Honestly Blood 2 did a lot to bury the game. Plus let's face it, it was never going to be as popular as Duke or Shadow Warrior.

>duke and shadow warrior are probably dead now too
that build engine was some kind of business deathtrap
powerslave sequel anytime

Speaking of cultists
>tfw no ss13 esque game where a bunch of cults attempt to summon their god while attempting to stop other cults from summoning theirs while government agencies and shit attempt to stop them all

Shadow Warrior got 2 successful prequels, I wouldn't call it dead.

this game is way harder than i remembered


It's probably the hardest classic FPS I've played that's actually well-designed. 99% of it is purely due to hitscanners.

i remember hearing that shadow warrior 2 did poorly back in 2016
guess i was wrong
good shit, i was afraid that would have killed flying wild hog

Yeah but what kind of life is that?

I liked the first modern SW game.

The best version of powerslave/exhumed wasn't even on the build engine.

Hitscanning ambushes is a bit bullshit user.

it's not like the psx/sat version is getting a sequel soon either

I fucking love cultists as enemies in games.

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Powerslave EX is the best we are going to get.

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Your peanus weenus though?

If you ever have to ask yourself "what could be around this corner?" when playing blood the answer is always instant death.

>accidentally quicksave on the dropdown in house of horrors
>last save file is start of carnival
>the second I load in my hp gets insta-melted by a firing squad

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You can experience a game by watching a playthrough of it. I've finished a bunch of titles this way.

Nice shitpost.

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I beat this last week, I liked it. It has some cool weapons and power-ups, you start with a pistol and regular shooter shit like that but later you're levitating around the map raining death from above on mummies with your rapid fire power ring. It's great.

Early on there is some platforming that can be tricky and this can suck because there's no mid-level save of any kind that I noticed. But you get through it.

Ahem, best build game coming through.

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Predator knock-offs but still cool

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Ion Fury is great but Douk is still the king.

And their console cousins.

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Reptilian enemies are badass