NEW HL:Alyx gameplay vids
Other urls found in this thread:
>in the cinematic promotional videos
face it this shitty meme tech will never be viable until neural implants
there's 3 videos dumbass, they showcase all available movement methods
second video is smooth locomotion you dumb nigger
it looks decent
basically state of the art vr fps for the future, if there is any fps vr future
I am not interested in realism, 2bh, but for the realism fags, this shit looks fantastic
rpgfags will probably enjoy a title like this with conversations, lore, and looting
>more Valve shilling
>the action segments use teleportation
>only the quiet, empty area shows off walking
>that zombie checking the train map
I belive they can pull this off
they both have gunplay + physics interactions. you're mad because one takes place in a different setting? lol
I don’t care. When is the Artifact relaunch?
Doesn't look like it's worth hundreds of dollars to play is all I will say.
It relaunched as Dota Underlords
>they used teleportation when locomotion is the standard
The halflife universe is super appealing but the way this controls and will cost in total... I will watch it on youtube for the story.
They use a different locomotion option for each of the 3 trailers, dumbass.
fpbp, steam drones are mentally ill
Artifags need to go kill themselves.
>comedic Reddit voice companion for Le Funnay atmosphere just like in my Marvel movies xDD
>Reddit humor and quips left and right in form of shitty nu-male millenial 'witty' comments to brighten up the mood as to not make the Funko-Pop collecting Redditfags violently shit their pants from a tense atmosphere
People died waiting for this trash and I genuinely don't know whether I should feel sad or happy for them.
This looks cool but not several hundred dollars investment cool
I hope this teleportation-based shooter crashes and burns.
Did you expect anything different from the Portal 2 writers? It's no wonder Laidlaw left.
>voice acted
isn't this going to break the immersion?
>Gayben Jewell
>is a complete failure of a pathetic human being
>Tim Sweeney
>one of the most important and beloved figures in the video game industry
Epic wins once again.
yea half life alyx is finished
Now type your opinion without saying Reddit for the non autistic
I feel glad for them because this isn't what they've wanted.
Im am pretty sure you can turn that stuff off in all Valve games with voices.
Reminder that Epic will always be superior to Valve.
are they fucking serious? Did Valve look at Robo Recall and decide that was the future of gaming when we having shit like Boneworks, Pavlov and Saints and Sinners?
>>Tim Sweeney
literally who
I dunno man that's literally your favorite video game setting and story in a literal holo-deck device you can bring to your home and play as long as you want for free. You literally get to be in an actual real-life, to scale version of City 17 playing through the Half-Life story.
It's hilarious how jaded people can be when sour grapes are involved or new tech that's called unimpressive and normal as soon as it's released by so-called experts.
There's literally smooth locomotion in the second trailer.
HL: Alyx looks boring but I can't wait for gmod VR
It looks pretty cool. Still not buying vr shit though.
Have you watched the second video?
>thinking that matters at all when the game was built around teleportation
this is gonna suck big chungus
And? Teleportation still shouldn't be there.
Yea Forums eternally btfo, anyone that says >teleportation after this post didnt pass middle school
This is a tech demo, not a game.
>baseless claim that doesnt make any sense even if there were evidence to support it
>big chungus
yeah thanks faggot proved my point extra hard
>baseless claim that doesnt make any sense even if there were evidence to support it
The evidence is the use of teleportation over locomotion in the gameplay videos.
>implying no other company is selling your data to chinks or anybody else
if they're the only ones that got caught doesn't mean nobody else does it idiot faggot
fuck valve, fuck epic
the guy who owns gaming
>important gameplay : teleportation
>meme cinamatic slow mo walking: locomotion
I pray to god this game fails. Everyones coomin and shit, but when it flops i would be like the only one (and milion other anons on mongolian tape recording forum) who said it would fail in such advance. And finaly ill have my dick sucked, because im so different! Thats how this works. My crush will suddenly knock on my door fucking beging for dick and say "user i always knew you were different"
>Basically HL3
>"lol ur just shilling!"
but they used continuous motion in the gameplay videos too, so which is it? what does "designed around teleportation" even mean when you can plainly see footage of continuous locomotion being used and it just looks like normal gameplay
And the same guy that states he hates pc gaming? yeah, people shilling him are a bunch of cucks.
Soon, for the long haul!
I hope that this game fails because VR is still not technologically advanced or widely available to make valve leap to just making VR games from this point forward
They've chugged a shitton of money into it, and I hope this proves to be a fruitless investment so they can actually focus on making games for the MAJORITY of players, not minority
Nobody who ever worked on the previous Half-Life titles are working on Half-Life: Alyx. Without the important talent, Alyx is doomed to fail.
even that isnt true. doug coomer and robin walker (TFC not HL1 but still) for example are leads for this game
Hopefully we get VR SFM porn soon
Stay assmad, but accept that Valve's days are done so long as they keep trying to shill this gimmicky lame-ass technology.
Seething poor fag, fuck your majority of players.
It won't fail but it's also not getting the same care that the og game did. Just like Portal and Portal 2 i guess.
>that fuckawful point and click teleportation for movement
>waiting almost 13 years for trash like this
>voice acted so you always remember you're playing as a worthless subhuman woman and so you can remember to be scared at scary stuff
dis gonna be good boyss valve innovating again! hope there's multiplayer soon
>So i told her that new half-life is SHIT!
This honest to God looks boring as fuck
>same shitty bait for the 500th time
so, what else do you do for fun?
eat your ear wax?
lmfao no thanks. Why not just make hl3??
>showcasing new game in cool immersive technology
>PC talking all the time to break immersion
The character spoke a bit in Blood and Truth but at least he kept it relevant.
Shut up Alyx.
Why did they recast Alyx? She sounds so fucking different now.
Each video shows the three different type of movement options
I agree. If this is what people want now, i'm starting to think I just grew out of video games.
Not even worth posting a reply in this thread
>Can't see whole body
>Force pull to pick things up
Face it VR is shit and no one is making it any better any time soon.
>pcbro mad that people don't want gaben's reddit tier time crisis 2 reskin
This game has already failed.
>Not even worth posting a reply in this thread
>didnt watch the videos
2 out of 3 things are adressed in the vids.
I literally only liked it for cute anime stuff. I'm not seeing the appeal of vr for actual video games. I'm definitely not looking forward to alyx. My question is, why give this when you refuse to give us hl3?
all the
posters is a handy demonstration about the attention span of the typical internet user. the information age was a mistake.
lmfao this looks like garbage. Valve is dead as fuck. Fucking brony faggot.
>Complaining about gravity manipulation tools
>In half life
I seriously think half the people on this website are lobotomized
Won’t the disconnect between real life and the controllers feel like shit?
"Stop wanting a regular half life 3!!!!"
"reeeeeeee valve can do no wrong!!"
fuck off shill
>the information age was a mistake
No, just low IQ people in general. Eugenics soon though.
>disconnect between real life and the controllers
Not as bad as the disconnect between wasd keyboard controls and real life
Thanks Tim.
Dilate. If you didn't want us to complain, you shouldn't have showcased teleportation in the first place.
Don't talk shit about my fat brony God!!!!!
>posting ecelebs
I don't get the hype at all, it's the same old gameplay but with waggling, we did this in 2007 with the Wii, what's the fucking difference except a ridiculous price tag?
The videos show you can do both at the same time, what's the point of having arenas and shooting segments if you can just teleport your way out at the first sign of danger?
Also those fucking grenades are sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, what kind of fucking cripples did they designed that game around that you would need 10 fucking seconds to grab a bright red beeping grenades with the force pull and throw it back?
>the exact needed amount of exploding barrels placed directly under barnacles so the player wont have to think for a single second about what to do
Is this the famed Valve focus group design?
No they should've predicted that many players will fuck it up somehow and added extra barrels to make it truly foolproof
Though judging by that footage, players are just as likely to blow themselves up along with the barnacle and should simply walk around them
Just like all of valve's games.
Even Gaben insists that Half-Life is a tech demo franchise
He's probably unnerved by how autistic people get about the story "guys it's just pulpy aliens and shit stop taking it so seriously"
this nigga is gonna be posting this all day
their core audience *chinese* gets very motion sick which is why they focused on teleporting much more
>people in the comments discussing how nostalgic the game is due to the HL1 health station sounds
gamers are pathetic.
it's sad how easy it is to appeal to some of these "people"
>No they should've predicted that many players will fuck it up somehow and added extra barrels to make it truly foolproof
Valve has really dumb play testers, but even then a lot people will still fuck it up because human stupidity is an amazing thing.
Question from the Incel crowd, will this game be appealing to us or will it be oppressing us like most other media?
when did incel become the standard, i thought it was just about people who get upset they dont get sex
No, you won't be able to interact with Alyx tits.
I don't know, I just wanted an excuse to shitpost TWDS&S webms
Valve uses dumb playtesters intentionally specifically to figure out where and how to set skill floors. Even the smartest players will have the occasional brain fart and miss something really obvious, and Valve uses the dumb playtesters to identify every possible point where something like that can happen.
As someone who does marketing for a living, Valve fucking screwed the pooch on their presentation. The game has locomotion, sure, but a lot of the promotional material they've chosen to show has put an emphasis on teleportation. They should be looking to put their best technical foot forward. It's been years since they've done something like this and people expect a lot. Quickest way to disappoint is to shit that nobody really care for when it first came out.
I.N.C.E.L. is the world's largest terrorist organization
I mean outside this echo chamber, people aren't really deeply offended by teleportation and HLA is literally designed to bring in VR newfags so I think they're doing it right
Yea Forums will shit on the game for any reason, the goalposts are on wheels here
Why did they changed Alyx's voice?
And then makes sure it cant be missed.
>That guy at Valve that insists VR should be teleportation only, who held the industry back for years, is still causing damage
>baby barnacles
So just like Half Life 1 and 2?
They wanted a younger sounding actress
Valve still can't make enemy AI's lool
Yea Forums is so desperate for this game to fail jesus christ
How the hell I ended up in a place with such sour losers? Desperate to bait each other with lies just for a quick giggle, its pathetic
Looks really underwhelming, even for a VR game
tfw you will never have a baby barnacle pet
because you are a subhuman ESL
This reminds me of those old arcade shooting games kek. Literally the same thing but in gay vr, what a dumb gimmick
it's because of reddit invading this place
Looks fun as fuck
Wish I wasn't a poorfag
Its optional. The person playing even swaps from teleportation to smooth locomotion here.
They're actually mad like the rest of these faggots because they realise being a neet is not going to give them the required funding to purchase a VR set.
Your social rating has been credited 20 points.
Most of these people were trolled in the distant past and became so consumed with fury they devoted their lives to trolling others as they have been trolled
There is no light nor happiness left in them, just eternal butthurt
lmao im a neet and I used my neetbux to buy a headset and then made a profit making vr porn
the system works
What the FUCK is that teleportation movement??
cringe, go back to shitposting about videogame politics Tim
It already hasn't flopped. Its sold better than the jackasses at Valve thought it would.
I'm a billionaire but
That's a pass for me.
good thing it has both, like most vr games!
I'm a trillionaire and any game without innate armswinger locomotion is a hard pass from me
Hi, Notch!
Not gonna lie it actually looks pretty good. Fun even.
We've reached peak retardation on this website.
Why are you niggers comp0laining about teleport movement when the 2nd fucking video shows that you can opt for the normal walking.
imagine the smell...
finally i can throatfuck the headcrabs, this is the true innovation we've all been waiting for
I'm a gorillionaire but
>no big titties when you look down
that's a pass from me bro
Instead you're somebody with buyers remorse, false flagging on an anonymous image board because of sunken cost fallacy.
Actually got me excited for this now. I was getting afraid it wouldn't be able to live up to Boneworks. Still bummed about floating hands, but this was made for teleportation originally so it would've been pointless and ik bodies can still be pretty wonky. Also not big on the barrage of quips.
this genuinely looks like ass
This post represents everything wrong with nu-Yea Forums. Teenagers keeping the spirit of TORtanic alive and being contrarian so they can get (You)'s and brag about it on twitter and discord.
Kill yourselves.
Boneworks is a terrible piece of shit, though
The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners is what Boneworks wishes it could be
If you watch the second one it actually looks sick.
Do you "omg muh teleportation" fags not realize:
>Some people get sever motion sickness without it
>The game lets you CHOOSE movement style
Holy sht, sometimes this board hits new lows in stupidity
>stumble a zombie into a group of zombies making them all stumble back
>throw down stickybomb
fuck yeah, also fuck no you can't pick up the robots after you set time and throw them
It's just seething poorfags
there's a strong correlation between iq and income btw
>Half-Life is a tech demo so play this literal tech-demo instead
Notch should stick to nazi dogwhistles and tranny bashing because he's good for nothing else.
Looks like shit but
>neural implants
Your SAO bullshit will NEVER EVER happen weeb.
just hope they aren't as bad with it as arizona sunshine, literally made you're whole screen black if your body so much as touched the outside of wall or something
But Boneworks fucking sucks lmao
>Levels look like ass
>enemies are brain dead easy
>Gunplay is shit
>no way of keeping track of your HP
>Checkpoints respawn you at the beginning of the level with everything already solved
>The "puzzles" are confusing as fuck with no clear indication of what it is
>Entire first level is just a VR wank disguised as a game
Why does Alyx not have this telekinesis shit later
Bruh you can't shittalk about be while claiming to be an epic fanboy, epic doesn't have shit for vr. The only vr supported game on their platform requires steamvr to use, lol.
I think you missing point tho. Why you SHOW teleportation? You don't show color blind mode in game trailer right? But such mode exist in games. So why they show teleportation? This is not what people want to see from VR
>basically half life 3
Those people shouldn't play VR.
Cull the weak, it's the only way for this piece of shit to evolve and reach its final form.
Epic has done a ton for VR with their UE4 support. They haven't made a VR game, true, but why bother when they're raking in billions with Fortnite and people are making VR games using their engine
they showed 3 trailers with 3 different types of locomotion, you fucking cock choking faggot brainlet
Why is it that the people who hear "dogwhistles" everywhere are always retarded SJWs
You guys realize that only dogs hear dogwhistles right?
>t. DOS gamer mad that people are playing windows games now
That's the most retarded argument about the game i have seen so far. Just don't use it then you retard
>huurrr it's designed for it
In what way from the other two videos where teleport wasn't used was there an issue with the game?
Notch should stick to complaining about trannies.
>This is not what people want to see from VR
Pretty sure the general public doesn't really care about movement options.
They just pick the one that doesn't make them sick.
Imagine if this game wasn't build around a gimmick.
And yet VR games on Ebin store still need SteamVR to work lmao
Bruh, writing in anything as a sense of humor is going to be cringe to you because you're a miserable person.
If they did some Rick and Morty shit, sure.
But a simple chuckle line or something to take away from the grim fact you're blending a living creature for a health station... No big deal.
Lighten up, nigga
No meming
why does the graphics look so shit?
So then it would just be a boring but pretty source mod?
crying about the game being in VR isn't criticism
It looks really weird. That's the least I can say about it
because you're too used to realistic graphics or hyper-stylized.
I don't use the epic store, but that's a fair criticism, sort of. It's actually up to the developers (steam VR is an option you have to enable in UE4.) You can have a VR game made with UE4 that doesn't use steam VR at all. But it's true their store doesn't have a VR section. I guess they don't want to bother competing with both Steams VR section and Oculus's store? Like their sales would be super low so it's probably not a high priority. But yeah, they should have it. I'm sure itll come
DESU their launcher needs an overhaul in general. It's super slow and the project and vault section get super big after a while on the UE4 side. It's not good.
Their UE4 support for VR has still been great.
Are you sure it's actual moving and not just rails? It looks like rails
Poorfags on suicide watch.
I imagine it would be a straightforward half-life experience, and Valve wants audiences to experience something "different". I'm surprised that it took them this long but then again, Valve's made terrible decisions in the past years.
You can only record one eye at a time in VR, and usually one eye is only about 2/3 the full resolution, if even that.
On top of that, obviously they need to keep some effects to a minimum because VR both has higher performance costs and requirements (must run at 80-120 fps rendering the image twice)
Looks fine to me honestly but if you're going to whinge about it those are the reasons.
>Lol why VR game VR haha??
>Lol whyy VR HL game have Gravity gun?
>Lol why can't I criticizee!?
>Why you SHOW part of the game in the gameplay vid??????question mark
now that was heckin epic
Are you going to buy it lads?
I'm on the fence about saving the 10% for a pre-order
It's not. It has smooth locomotion. Press forward on joystick to move forward, same as any other game.
no arms, no buy
>Yea Forums can't stop shitting on it
As expected
This has never broke immersion for me in any FPS personally.
check the 9 min ign video, most of it is regular locomotion. looks normal
>Tyler was right about everything
>you're blending a living creature for a health station
That shit is fucking gross and its going to be worse in VR
Walker, Coomer, Wolpaw, even Laidlaw is being consulted. Stay mad.
>it's OK when Vulve does it
I do want a VR, for other reasons than this but this really does look pretty nice. I will definitely play it someday when I finally decide to buy a VR headset.
this is such a stupid sticking point. Literally all arms do is get in the way. You probably haven't even played VR. Only one game has done arms/IK/Physical animation right and it was TWDS&S, and even there it has wonkiness. Floating hands are just way better and way more immersive (yep) for a shooter.
You know what? After watching this I realized that a Deadspace VR would be pure fucking kino.
>Yea Forums can't stop shilling it
As expected
Would but too poor and skeptical of VR (+ future of VR). Overall, if there's a future for it via Workshop mods, I'd consider investing.
Do you realize you're so fucking jaded you'll never be happy ever? It's pitiful, you're not cool in the slightest.
Unrelated to the thread, but has anyone managed to give storage permissions to sideloaded games on the Quest?
I'm having trouble with Pistol Whip resetting every time I start it up.
>Doom threads spammed
>Half life threads spammed
Why do faggots hate fun so much?
it's VRlets trying to stir up outrage.
I have mine, but barely play it desu, was hoping this will get me back into it. Slay the Spire stole time
Have you looked at the top threads?
>bing bing wahoo
>bing bing wahoo: da doom slaya
>actual discussion of video games on Yea Forums
only idiots would expect it.
I want this so bad but Dead Space is Dead and EA has shown zero interest in VR
Fun is for children. Fun isnt a word we use around here
I wanted one for shit like Assetto Corsa and Dirt Rally, this game is just something extra to me.
Yeah, that fair, the people making UE4 are amazing, no hate against them, it's their dumbass launcher team that keeps fucking shit up
VR is not video games.
Plot reasons.
>fun was ten years ago
What the fuck dude?
Only retards preorder games
I'm having a blast. They're having an ass blast.
We've reached the point where the phrase 'force pull in VR' is a negative thing to be spammed over and over.
If you told me i could do this when i was a wee lad i'd cum in my pants immediately
>"smooth locomotion"
Look at those pretentious fags. Back in my day it was just called "movement".
lol why are you lot discussing virtual reality on Yea Forums, Go to . That's the board for it.
It's not so much a matter of being offended, on here or not, though you will find plenty of retards who just like to cry. It's more that its lackluster or disappointing for a lot of people.
There's a novelty to it, don't misunderstand me. It's rare to get decently polished AAA VR. That being said, VR already has an adoption problem and not putting your best foot forwarding and really trying to reach over and beyond isn't going to cure that
Way I see it, VR is in a pit that Valve is desperately attempting to drag it out of. Valve can't do that by emphasizing shit like teleportation movement. They don't have the luxury of fucking around. They need to appeal to mainstream sensibilities that lust after shit like 'immersion' and that 'cinematic' feel (contradictory, I know), not showcase tech that fucking butchers flow.
i tried dirt rally ( i have it from a free give away), but the set up and driving didn't feel good - all though I used a controller and cant drive for shit
I miss it when the word was robot
It's also a lame criticism, as if having to reach further for something would make the game better. I don't care if it's unrealistic, it feels better and more fun to be able to grab things easily instead of having to literally get down on the floor like a pleb.
It's amazing how sick and diseased some of Yea Forums has gotten. Like seeing an animal gnaw off its own leg.
Blah blah blah teleportation blah blah blah VR
The problem is this game looks slow paced as FUCK. Half-Life is a fast game, this looks boring.
I know but $6 is $6
>plays VR for immersion
>doesn't actually want immersion and wants the easy way out
>Half-Life is a fast game
Uh no, it never was and has always been slower than its contemporaries. It actually is largely responsible for the slow-paced realism meme. Why do you charlatans bother posting.
New players never ever play it fast
You probably haven't played VR, but it's actually a lot less immersive having to get on my floor to get an item on the ground and realize the real world exists again outside my bubble. It also ruins seated games. Yeah immersion is a big factor, but the great thing is you can pick which actions are immersive.. aiming at enemies and firing guns? Fun. Bending over to pick stuff up? not. Being a jedi? Fun.
Already bought in, like, January.
It's just bait
So Why do zombies go boom if you shoot them in the leg
I dont get it
Just simulate the movement, lazy fucks.
I dont like how cartoonish everything looks.
I'm a crip. I know im a minority, but yeah, seated VR is how I like to play, and bless the games that support it well.
And here come the wojaks
Took you long enough
>Bruuuuuuuuh blah blah blah blah blah niggaaaaa
>it's popular so i hate it!
I'm a turd worlder. I could potentially afforrd it but i guess i'll just settle on watching it on jewtube for now.
I'm salty over it though. I really wish i could buy it.
desu if notch says something is good then its bad
Stop being delusional
>VR about to have it's big moment
>china virus wipes out headset production, they literally can't build enough to fill anywhere near the demand that finally exists for VR
kek god hates it.
they have weird dead space tumors on them that explode
Im a Blood, and im backtracing you now, sucka.
Why do they live with a hole in their torso? No one knows.
good luck im behind 7 proxies
The third video with the soldiers looks great. If most of the game is like that and not just spooky zombies, i'd be fine with it.
Looks okay, but my main takeaway from this is how little gaming has advanced this millennium. Show me Alyx in 2004 and I'd be impressed; show me HL2 in 1988 and I'd absolutely shit myself.
it kinda is a shame that it wont be available without the hardware. I'm pretty lucky that I picked one up I guess.
That's the worst video because it shows just how clunky the game is during actual combat.
Looks good to me apart from the teleporting.
haven't you read his post? he basically tries to make fun of fags that want another TORtanic
>half life, the full length game is a tech demo when what was literally just a tech demo is supposed to be an actual game
yeah this dude is retarded
>teleporting from cover to cover
No, it also looks clunky as fuck
What the fuck are you talking about
woah are they working on a sequel to boneworks already?
Have you tried VR? Not bullying. I honestly don't know what more people can ask for from it, other than more games with bigger budgets. Which you can't expect instantly, they're coming now.
But it definitely doesn't come across in video how fun it actually is. I mean VR isn't perfect, it will never REPLACE gaming, but it's still really good. It's not wii waggle like people who haven't tried it tend to think.
I was one of them admittedly. I got my Rift only for cockpit simulation, I didn't want motion controllers at all. I just got them because meh why not. I was wrong. Very wrong. Game changing. Years later and pickings stuff up in VR is still a satisfying feeling. Yes, VR need more than that, and it's starting to come now. TWDS&S is really good too.
Why are all valve shit suckers gay, trannies, furries or bronies?
Sounds like the included Smooth Locomotion setting is for you!
good thing the teleporting's optional like everyone's mentioned 500 times already.
They should have shown smooth locomotion in combat then.
I dont think that'll stop him from spamming it on every second post
They're clearly trying to be as revolutionary as HL2 was in terms of physics and interaction with the environment. But am I the only one who feels this game is TOO slow?
have you ever played a half life game before
maybe you should, they are free atm
>regular movement speed is slow as fuck
Yeah have fun dodging anything. It's not like you can sprint in your tiny room.
You're honestly probably right. They're really trying hard to appeal to people worried about motion sickness, to their own detriment, I think
Valve is a cancerous blight that needs to be destroyed.
this and mostly youtube faggots making videos about Yea Forums stuff and everybody in the comments propagating such behavior
You're boring
Except they aren't revolutionary because it's literally a copy paste of every vr game where you "do stuff with your hands", just on a higher budget and free marketing because they slapped a popular name on it.
It's slow because that's just how those games are.
I miss when this place was enough of a sekret club that people would have the decency to conceal their autism outside the site
Raids ruined everything
as opposed to "just do stuff with your xbox controller" or "just press E to interact with everything" like other games, lol
What are you expecting from a board that praises Switch. Not even against it, but having only that? No way.
Dead on arrival.
>good atmospheric part
>funny mission control dude destroys it with funny dialogue
Ye but they didnt do that
the teleportation thing is really jarring and I'm not sure I like it
think of the soijacks who would be scared without levity
or have feelings of tension
Still doesn't make it revolutionary, just different.
When you're actually made to aim properly and using your entire body to play and take cover, you don't need to have people circlestrafing at 30mph to make an FPS game fun like in 1998.
man a shooter made for VR looks slow paced as FUCK, it makes 3rd person cover shooters look like quake in comparison
>But am I the only one who feels this game is TOO slow?
I feel that too. That second video literally has you moving like a snail for some reason.
At this point, the trolls have trolled themselves. You're obviously seething, teleportfags. Go complain about graphics or something, switch it up.
holy shit learn proper english you third world asshole how were you even able to afford a computer in the first place and have internet to post here? go back to making my smartphone you lazy piece of shit
you should thank portal 2 writers for that
have you tried vr?
I guess whether or not it's revolutionary is an opinion
my opinion is that if you consider adding physics like half-life 2 added to the half-life series revolutionary, then adding the ability to actually pick stuff up, and interact with it, and the quality of those interactions make it revolutionary
although im not even the guy who said it's revolutionary. I don't really care if it is or not I just want it to be good and to have fun. But to my mind VR is pretty revolutionary if you consider HL2 to be.
God damn this looks like it's going to be the greatest of all time. I just need it to actually release so I can see how the game actually is.
because graphics are a fucking meme. keep on stumbling in death stranding and be happy looking at dem grafix
I mean I don't even mind quippy reddit onions humor in general, but this feels a bit too much.
HL2 had a lot of silly humor but it was usually contained to Resistance bases.
I like Portal.
>teleportation to move shit
>Alyx uses force pull to grab objects
yep, that will be a very immersive experience
no wonder lots of people left Valve, the talent isn't there anymore and it shows
For once I wish people would just stop shitposting and be excited for a cool looking game.
these flatniggers are too used to being floating guncams that click on peoples' heads
In VR you have to actually aim lmao
you don't have to...
If nothing else, marketing with teleportation is a mistake.
But that's just the thing. There was nothing like the gravity gun when HL2 came out.
There are plenty of other VR games where you pick things up already. Valve is joining the trend, not revolutionizing it.
I don't care. DS1 morphs didn't either.
>this hideous and soulless abomination
>cool looking game
Looks cool. God you faggots are such whiny cocksuckers lol
The rampant sunk cost fallacy is gonna be fucking annoying when this comes out. People are spending $1k on this and will defend it with their life no matter how mediocre this ends up being.
play it? yeah, I don't think I will. thanks.
Why is everyone so sassy in their dialogue? This is supposed to be an orwellian dystopia under alien dictatorship.
Fair enough. They are slow and behind the times. They should have launched something like this shortly after the Vive. But I consider the vive a disaster all around (lmao trackpad. lmao grip buttons), so.
I'm an Oculus fanboy for a reason.
I still want this game to be fun.
holy shit this is lame
The games graphics and shit honestly look way too different from how HL2 looked
ITT: autistic screeching and poor baiting
This board is fucking pathetic.
Probably a second-hand laptop. Stolen wi-fi, too.
This post is a good example of how people can cult-indoctrinate themselves and become immune to facts and first-hand observation. It's one step away from schizophrenia yet he likely considers himself a special genius.
I'm actually, genuinely upset. None of this looks engaging or exciting at all. Valve really is fucking dead.
Yes, if this game came out in the first years of VR, it would've blown everyone away.
Valve is late on joining the trends recently, which shows with their latest games.
Not him, but he's completely right and you will be completely wrong. HL:Alyx will fail..
This is a good point. VR gun fights are a completely different thing. The fact that everything is held like a pistol adds another layer of difficulty. I'd imagine it's as tedious as shooting a pistol in real life.
say it with me: DOA
Pretty shitty marketing, the game looks pretty boring in comparison to the other Half Life games.
Blame the soi boi with too much cash for forcing the default movement association of VR with teleportation because they can't afford to spend 50hr in VR to train their shitty inner ear
I was definitely more amazed by the HL2 E3 trailers.
I don't get it either, I haven't played a single VR game but why do they rely on it so much ? wouldn't it be easy to have to hold a trigger on the controller and have to move the controller more or less forward depending on the speed you want ? why the fuck would you go back to 80's gameplay by not being able to move around
If you consider using weapons to be tedius why are you even here lol. go play Soccer or something
>not him
What's the fail condition? Please be very exact.
sounds like a you problem
This shit is waggle 2.0. Do the same things you already did but now with awkward as fuck "immersive" controls requiring entire games be babby difficulty to cope.
For some reason VR devolved into "Yes, even you can play it!" instead of pushing the boundaries of video games. TWD:SS basically forces you to play in seated mode and fuck you if you want to play it otherwise.
Looks boring as shit cutscen shootan things that do jack shit cutscen shootan things that do jack shit cutscen shootan things that do jack shit
Why would you imply that you would not be able to sprint in a half life
You do sprinting with smooth locomotion thumbstick controls in VR you know?
You can. You can use a joystick and move in the direction you press, like any normal game.
Valve has just had this guy who leads their VR dept who thinks Teleportation is mandatory. For years people were following his lead and games didn't have smooth locomotion
It's FINALLY switched around. Smooth locomotion is the standard and almost every game supports it, most support both options because some people do get motion sickness
Valve is stuck in a mentality that they need to appeal to casual people or show that they won't make you sick, because motion sickness is an impediment to the success of VR.
But in doing this, their game is taking criticism because teleportation looks like. It does. They can show that it has both without using it for their marketing and misleading people, thus, using teleportation in marketing is a mistake
>it's as tedious as shooting a pistol in real life
Very much so. You do have to steer your mobility scooter with your other hand, after all.
Then why dont they show it
it plays like every other FPS...but this time it's in VR!
wow, revolutionary valve. thanks.
>TWD:SS basically forces you to play in seated mode
No it doesn't, why do you lie? What does it gain you?
Moving without IRL moving makes a lot of people sick. It's a fundamental problem with VR and is unsolvable as it's genetic. Every game needs to have teleport controls to get around it, and that means every game has to be designed around the limitations of teleporting.
It unironically looks like fun and yet kind gimmicky, in the same way that Duck Hunt is.
at the end of the day, it's just a VR game. they are still very limited. alyx is guaranteed to make money but there's only so much a VR can be right now. keep expectations logical.
failure of marketing. Desire to be safe and not make people avoid the game because they think they'd get sick, probably to their own detriment.
I love how it looks exactly like Viktor Antonov's HL2 concept art. This is how I imagine HL2 would've looked like with better technology. One thing that's odd though is the dust and sand seemingly everywhere. Did the 7 hour war generate that big of a shitstorm?
You are mentally ill.
For the first day you couldn't crouch in real life and people who play standing were salty about it
They fixed it literally a day later. But initial impressions and outrage spread like wildfire.
Why are you talking to me, sounds like you're talking to yourself.
God you people are fucking weirdos, is it a cultural thing from your third world country?
All the good writers left.
>disliking a game makes you mentally ill now
not even about aiming, any newfag is gonna get really sick from zooming around at regular non vr game speeds
>One thing that's odd though is the dust and sand seemingly everywhere
The Xen growths are spewing gas and shit apparently, not sure if that's what's causing it or what the deal is with them
Have you hit concrete with a sledge? It creates so much dust you have to wear a mask. And those buildings were bombed/cracked by the combine walls.
some people yeah, but literally one of the first things I did for VR was play HL2 VR (back when it existed, but used motion controls) and I played that no issue. I am mostly immune to motion sickness, and was from the start.
Some people aren't though for sure, but it's not like everyone gets sick
another dodge. good effort.
It still launches in "Seated" universe for me and it still fucks with my height all the time. Seated mode disables chaperone.
>quick giggle
this user is right. Use a collocation dictionary, Chang.
why doesn't it happen when playing a normal game ? cant it be fixed by giving you some kind of non moving reference on your field of vision ? well thanks for the answers
what the fuck are you even talking about
It looks neat, and it's cool to finally get a new HL installment, but I'd rather watch a silent playthrough of it than shell out hundreds of bucks just to play it.
It looks fun.
But not that innovative.
Increase the FPS and it's gone. It's almost like console FPS is not enough.
works on my machine :^)
not really, my room is a mess that'd be one of those pics that spreads around of peoples humiliating battlestations, and I'm a VR dev lol. All you need is the ability to stretch your arms out in every direction and you'll be fine. Just move your chair back a foot and you're good typically.
atta boy
what's sunk cost fallacy?
Dead or Alive would make a great VR game
Go away schizo ESL
>buy rift S on amazon
>play HLAlyx
>return rift s
not that I'd advocate such illegal activity
dumbass schizo
vr chad here. this already looks like the best vr game yet. vrchads rise up. 2020 is the real beginning
Keyboard and mouse is more limiting for shooters. There is not a single thing that VR does not do better. You have more control over aiming and throwable weapons and depth perception makes movement feel more satisfying thanks to a better sense of speed.
Pistols are difficult to aim compared to rifles, fucking retard.
Learn to read, mongrel. Where did I criticize anything in that post? I said having to aim will add a nice degree of difficulty to the gameplay,
>t. diabetic mutt
It does. Some can't play FPS games at all.
>Just move your chair back a foot and you're good
I can't do that currently
It's something you bring up when people are having fun with something they bought but you can't accept that reality and so you convince yourself that any signs of them continuing to enjoy the thing is merely more evidence that they secretly aren't enjoying the thing
Convenient huh
>Pistols are difficult to aim compared to rifles, fucking retard.
damn sounds like from a gameplay perspective they'd make a good starter weapon that makes you want to find a better weapon. Like they could introduce a pistol early on and then add more weapons or something later.
keep seething over the fact that a game where you shoot stuff has you aim weapons though, lol. Take your fucking meds
It's not as common, I think because your peripheral vision keeps you grounded.
"I spent a lot of money on this so I'll convince myself that I'm enjoying it even though it's really not that great"
Full VR game on a high budget is pretty revolutionary though.
fuck these bitches since when do they have a say in how video games are designed
haha yeah can you imagine all those...fighting styles
>Pistols are difficult to aim compared to rifles, fucking retard
git gud you armlet
It was a bit of irony, which you failed to understand. You're the bloated pig here.
yes, you're buzzword parroting is very impressive
Half Life has had this kinda of stuff before, but its just annoying with how frequent is here. Probably the Campo Santo guys.
Ironically the shooting part is the one that feels more fast to me.
>starts in a train again again
Tedious may not have been the best word
VR only has good movement if you're in the small percentage of people who don't get motion sickness
>yes, you're buzzword parroting is very impressive
Because normal games are so unimmersive your brain isn't at all fooled
Most anti-nausea comfort options in VR rely on breaking up your immersion whenever you move.
They're 1-2%. Never met one IRL.
link me to you and your pals discord so i can join in the epicness
What type of mental retardation do you have? I'm praising the realism potential of VR shooting gameplay and you get absolutely assblasted even though there's no conflict of opinion.
There's ways to fix it if you get motion sickness. I also don't think it's a "small percentage" - smooth locomotion has become the norm.
First of all, over time you get VR legs and get used to it.
But there's also other solutions. A fan for example blowing on you.
Motion sickness in VR comes from your brain being trick into thinking you are moving, yet feeling no movement, or "knowing", you aren't actually moving. This literally makes your brain think you've taken bad mushrooms or food or something (this is the science behind it). So you get sick.
Blowing air on you will help trick your brain into feeling like you're moving.
There's always teleport for those who can't adapt and while I've never like teleporting, once I've tried it it's not that bad really. I still prefer smooth though
>just use a fan bro, VR is totally solved
Do you really think you're making any sense
that's incredible
that is what he said, your point being?
Or be a bitch and don't experience something I've found a lot of enjoyment from, I really don't care.
discord my shit up, you're a riot. teach me how to call people schizos online, it's so good.
Fans are a good idea in general just because you have a heat generating thing on your head and are moving your arms around
Also helps you keep oriented IRL which comes in handy
Most people adjust to movement in VR quickly and many of the most popular games have some focus on movement. It is really rare that I see people complaining about it except for the people who need to convince themselves they shouldn't give VR a chance.
>Half Life 2007
>All autonomous units: accept mandatory sector assimilation. Coordinated constriction underway. Debride and cauterize. Entering phase nice, enhanced compliance. Deploy advisory control and oversight. Submit and be subsumed.
>Half Life 2020
>I'm really starting to think I probably shouldn't be breathing this stuff
>agreed, just keep moving, maybe breathe less :^)
This is the fucking monkey paw if I ever saw it in action. It's like having your own little cheeky youtuber commentating everything along the way.
True, I meant it in the "annoying" sense, because the lack of proper support tends to make the barrel point all over the place. I get why it sounded confusing.
it doesn't need to be revolutionary, if it can do what hl2 did which was present a perfectly paced, impeccably designed 8-10 hour campaign then it will have succeeded
>everyone that calls me a schizo is a discord faggot
what the fuck is wrong with you dude
VR will surely enter a boom period now that a light waft of air has entered the equation
because they break after 1 month and people need to buy replacements
get a rift s lol
I can't convince you otherwise because you're schizo AND paranoid but that was legit two unrelated anons noticing you sound like a crazy asshole. Deal with it, I'm sure you get that a lot.
Now continue, this is cracking me up
You realise that Alyx is the catalyst right? Like Half-Life 1 and 2.
I really don't think motion sickness is the impediment to the success of VR, lol. I know some people like to pretend. But to get motion sickness you need to actually try VR. Most people haven't even got that far, so I don't think it's the reason, like I said. DESU I don't think it will ever be mainstream, it's still fantastic.
I'll support the zuck as long as he makes a better product than Gabe which he currently does
>surely I'll look like less of a schizo once they all know about the discord conspiracy tormenting me from the shadows
I'd have called it involved. I mean it's sort of irritating I guess but shooting a gun well is satisfying because it takes some effort and practice. The shooting is the best thing about VR right now.
literally when did Gordon say that in Half-Life 2007
Also Half-Life didnt release in 2007
Also, It was the episodes that released in 2007 which didn't have combine overwatch except in episode 1 in the citadel but it NEVER said that and was glitching out the whole time.
Your zoomer is showing user in short, fuck off
You are making no sense
*cough cough* S-sorry bro *cough* we're working as hard as we can *cough* we almost outta chinks tho
There was a study that rendering a nose model where yours would anatomically be reduced motion sickness in a lot of people. Kinda wish they would just make it a setting in the headset.
>player voice
Way to fucking kill any and all immersion you may have at any point in time. Consider my hype dead.
nu-alyx sounds cute
>discord kids on suicide watch
>Great job throwing that switch and all, I can see your MIT education really pays for itself
>It's your pet the frickin' HEADHUMPER
>And if you see Dr. Breen, tell 'em I said, FUCK YOU! HehahaHAA!
Blow it out your ass.
Repeat that meme 5 more times, I'm sure someone believes you then, kid
Reminder to those entering VR to stay away from /vrg/, it has NOTHING to do with VR in general, it is literally a bunch of faggots who pretend to be anime girls sucking each other off online. NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF VR. They literally get mad if you try to talk about actual vr games in their thread instead of tween girl tier drama.
a few fellas responded at the mention of discord. i'll make a note of that in my bait journal
great, you keep responding to someone making no sense. that also makes no sense. we're in this together , loverboy
>Now how about a certain microwave casserole
>It's a zombine, heh
>Ar2? No, but i've heard about the AR3, the city was lousy with 'em
You have the option to switch between both you Nigger
He didn't. It was probably an automated lobby announcement in one of the levels. The issue that user had is the tone shift of the overall games between then to now.
>serious robotic announcements, you can tell the level is meant to make you feel "no fun allowed"
>haha breathe less xd
You could have just quoted Duke Nukem. He's a good example of a protagonist that never shuts the fuck up and you love him for it.
>no arguments
>just memes
We get it, you're underaged
>Do you know who ate all the donuts?
>Uhhh cat? What cat
>Reddit Reddit Reddit! Reddit Reddit Reddit Reddit?! REDDDDDDIT!!!!!!
>watches literally 9 minutes total of tutorial gameplay
>Can now successfully judge a 16 hour game he'll never play
I fucking hate Yea Forums game critics, also your a retard the story is supposed to be "the world isn't completely fucked maybe theres still hope" compared to Half-Life 2 when it's been 20 or so years after the combine, and we're literally watching the last of humanity whither away
>has moved onto the "no I'm pulling YOUR strings" phase
oh man still cracking up
Why is shootan so fun in VR bros
Average completion time is clocking in at 33 hours
>it starts on a train again
the absolute madlads
Take it up with him. I just explained it so you knew what the other user was saying since you seemed to misunderstand. Personally I'm hopeful that it's good so I can finally buy into VR
>Why do we have to wear these ridiculous ties?
>a tutorial is the only place where this will ever appear
the prior trailers seem to indicate the opposite, same for the writers in charge
Except this time you're in VR and not in front of a fucking monitor.
There's 2 really neat things in VR, one is that you can interact with shit in ways you can't otherwise. The second is that it increases your immersion. If you fucking take away one of them then you're already fucking yourself in the ass.
Not too mention that some comedic relief shit like Duke is far from "Ewww gross xDD" commentary you seem get when you do literally anything in this game. Like fuck off with that shit. If I want to think some shit is gross, then I'll do that, you don't need to do the thinking for me.
and yet, here you are... by the strings. you've outsmarted me, user. too clever.
It's funny because you need to breathe.
>prior trailers
they're going to be seething for ages
lone echo had a voiced protag and that was plenty immersive. you're just retarded, sorry bro
This is seriously going to be how Half Life dies. Alyx comes out, and Yea Forums just goes "It's popular again so I hate it"
have you motherfuckers even played half life or half life 2? Barney and Alyx were quip machines.
HL2 always seemed like a tech demo with a story made by torture porn writers.
TF2 and L4D were better at everything Source showed or did, why do we give a fuck about this game series after all this time?
Yeah Half-Life 2 was plenty memie, the events start because a named headcrab pet jumps into a teleporter
Then came Portal which yeah
VR haters are literally the same people that hate on Elon Musk.
Stay coping fagtards. Technology keeps advancing.
Deus Ex, Thief, Splinter Cell, Metal Gear, TF2, Left 4 Dead, Halo.
>made by torture porn writers.
the fuck
dopes will say anything to seem smart. more at 10.
>inb4 b-but that's promotional material, nothing more!!!1!
No, I just jumped into TF2 in 2009
>be poorfag
>have the shittest toaster you can imagine
>get only 1 game because that's all we can afford
>only buy TF2 since orange box was too expensive
By the time I could buy what I want, it was already surpassed by other games.
Objectively this, every Half-Life game has fucking sucked and was just a tech demo for new shit Valve wanted to show off. Give me the classics AFTER it releases.
>Day of defeat
>Team Fortress
>A fuckton of custom maps
>Left 4 dead
>Team Fortress 2
>Portal 1 and 2
Literally all released after boring Half-Life games nobody cares about
Feels good I've managed to snatch an Index before it ran out. I'll be here dabbing on the pancake haters using Alyx' hands.
Yea Forums is too miserable to embrace change
Literally everything about HL2 is some kind of sick torture done to the humans, all that Combine amputation and headcrab infestation? Eli getting brainsucced? Over and over, it's almost desensitizing.
None of those games apply to either of my points. Well done, retard.
Man if you can't handle Half-Life i don't know how to manage literally any other series
That 3rd video was fucking sick.
>pull open a car door for cover
>tries to refute my point
>still posts the tutorial
lmao try again
Yea Forums
Do people even know how advances in technology work? Holy shit. Also just compare the shit we had in 2013 to what we have today. VR has been expanding and developing at an amazing pace since Valve kickstarted the whole thing back then and Palmer Fuckey stole their technology.
I do like that the combine actually suppress on you now instead of running around like dipshits from A to B and shooting only if you're in sight.
very cool valve insider, any proof this is a tutorial?
do we even know the tutorial isn't its own separate thing like the hazard course?
This. Anyone who is still being a total bummer about this game after the 3rd video probably just doesn't like vidya or HL.
to be honest, phones should have given up when they started giving people brain tumors
Scripted zoomer reddit resetranny bullshit
t. mad it looks fun but too poor to experience it
>literally the first time you get the gun
>not a tutorial
Are you seriously, honest to god about to tell me a tutorial needs a separate level and can't be built into a game to seamlessly integrate into the game logically like Half-Life 2 or Portal did? Jesus christ do you live in 2005?
>wasting a THOUSAND DOLLARS to play a game
Well duh it's scripted.
They're not going to have some retarded games journalist demo it.
They want it to look cool, so they had somebody who was good at the game show off how cool it could be.
I hope someone makes a shitcomic out of this.
worst are the ones who say 'I'm gonna wait for REAL vr'. like holy shit dude, I can't beam myself across the planet yet but I'll still gladly take a plane somewhere. just because the BEST form of vr (some kind of brain/computer interface likes the matrix) doesn't exist today doesn't mean you should cuck yourself out of what does exist today.
Also new glass physics.
Scripted buzzword buzzword buzzword bullshit
I hope L4D is next on their list.
>what is the rift s (399)
>what is the Odyssey+ (249 regularly)
Yeah I agree buying consoles sure is retarded.
Resistance 1 still did it better.
Rift S is 400 dollars
Quest + Link is 470
Who is the retard telling other retards that Alyx is Index exclusive
>being upset at scripts in a half-life game
Also name one game that isn't scripted retardo
Literally who
Dwarf fortress. Which his shitty phone can't run.
If you think $1000 is a lot of money you are either living on neetbux or flipping burgers. A grand is chump change when you have a real job. Either way there are poorfag options so no excuse.
Couldn't you just move on a treadmill or something similiar? So you'd be moving in real life, but staying in the same place
Eh it looks fine.
Lack of buzz surrounding this Tbqh normies don't seem receptive to vr
HL2 story was kind of neat but I think nostalgia (and a long time) have really tinted the view on just how good it was.
Those overly long vehicle (tech demo) segments were bad. Episode 1 was junk.
Those exist but are like $4000+
Don't forget
>Physics puzzle every 3 seconds thrown at you TO SHOW HOW COOL OUR ENGINE IS GUIZ
Supremely bad timing, too. Not only is VR headset production grounded to a halt at arguably it's most important time (other than maybe their launch, but even then), but markets are hit hard so spending stuff on something that is perceived as something of a gimmick - I mean I love VR, but even I admit it's not a necessary purchase, even as a gamer - is not a thought. Kind of sucks desu but that's life.
Where have you been? That shit has existed for at least two years now
>tfw can run around in Sairento and play Synth Riders with scroll enabled for hours without any trouble
Feels good.
As long as you can't just hunker by a corner and wait for them to run around it to eat a lead salad, it's an improvement over HL1/2 AI
normies aren't receptive to anything cutting edge. you think normies were playing hl2 in 2004?
It's not just "physics puzzles"
Anyway, since I have to spell out the point, the vocalized inner monologue of Alyx is a little jarring and not something I think is familiar with the franchise. Having a voiced protag is wild enough in a Valve game, now if only it could be contained to the parts that matter and not every single little thing.
in retrospect it's shit but at the time it was new and interesting. They were probably a bit indulgent with it though.
This. Every FUCKING where people are screaming about Indexes, but you it's been 3 fucking months since you could buy any.
>Wants to cater to newcomers with HLA
>Newcomers can't get a headset in time
>"wasting" 400 dollars (Literally a single day's pay if you're not a complete loser) to play games in a new way
There's a reason why normalfags are content with SNES-tier mobile games like Candy Crush. Change scares them.
Either way my normal friend loved VR when I put him in it
valve drones will literally eat Gabens shit and proudly claim that it is the best thing they have ever tasted.
you can't reason with fanboys since they see the success of a souls cooperation as substitute for their own failure of a live.