Why do you ruin the unique art style with this shit?

Why do you ruin the unique art style with this shit?

Attached: 07dbf88871f862ac2db32baad6159cc8.jpg (807x807, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Cute girls > unique art style

It's a unique cute girl style, better than the original. Cope, seethe and have sex.

>that weeb artstyle

Absolutely disgusting

Attached: what in the name of all that is decent.jpg (293x557, 27K)

Literally just dont use the mod if you dont like it. You whiney faggot.

>and have sex
make me

masks and armor>>>generic weebtrash

>why do mods exist
hello consolefriend

Okay, bend over.

porn>vision of bad developers

I like the seeing the cute Shindol versions suffer horrible mental and physical trauma

Attached: 1579174142093.jpg (832x1000, 66K)

>loverslab mod that adds unique sex scenes for camping and dying
say what you want about weeb magnet trash, this made my penis the gigapenis

Attached: 1553915635694.png (1314x700, 228K)

Sauce? Or do I just search Loverslab Darkest Dungeon


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Mike Mignola says shut the fuck up

Attached: hellteacher.png (1280x720, 726K)

I love the googly eye mod

Attached: 20190823162506_1.jpg (1920x1080, 352K)

Attached: Darkest Dungeon Mods.jpg (720x380, 64K)

because i have 500 hours in this shit and am tired of seeing the same like 5 char models because the rest of the classes are pure shit

Because the game is dull, grindy, and over hyped. At lease putting cute anime girls in it makes it funny.

Attached: 1580757787377.jpg (745x720, 44K)

>Jannu mod
I must have it

Get the class mod instead of the skin alone
"the ruler" actually comes with trinkets and own custom lines

The further we progress in the timeline the more social outcasts, coomers and freaks there will be. It's only going to get worse. These people are starved for female interaction.

Got it. I just realized I haven't purchased any of the DLCs or played the game in a while.
Speaking of modded classes, what are some good ones? The last DD thread talked about the Duchess a lot, but they seemed to just like her tits.

i think it looks cute

Ahh! I've been waiting for a REAL challenge!

Attached: pwzhmuo230331.jpg (2551x2555, 301K)

class mods break the game

anime is literally the perfect art style

The duchess is one of the Transformation characters but pretty good when it comes to the courtyard, and her Riposte+ heal combo is really good
Other than that, it really depends on what you like
Get one of the "ancestor's children" all of 'em are good
Pick a favorite with the "Heir wars" and see madness on all sides
Feeling ike you need a small pick me up?
From the Kraken society to one of the 3 Steam Community mods can do the trick
What tickles your fancy mate?

Attached: Modded.jpg (1200x432, 98K)

o look a jannu

Because I already played multiple times with the unique art style and would like to stare at tits now.

What about Enemy mods?

Attached: Darkest.png (812x1250, 381K)

>vanilla art style - patrician
>vanilla with anime mixed in - brainlet
>entire game modded to be consistently anime - big brain
Prove me wrong.

You know, I'll go for the big titty vampire right now.
Best girl for 608 years and counting.

Why did they give Herod the Draconic Avenger?

I like the houndmaster mod

Attached: 797-1554136051-808113119.jpg (261x317, 44K)

>Not making custom mods

Attached: 1.png (907x4325, 2.96M)

But the dog is a girl

I liked the kirin armor girl some dude did for that

It would be better if they had no eyes.

I read this in Wayne June’s voice.

It's obviously a gender swap mod

it's trash.
Either replace all the art or try and keep the line thickness consistent. Watching his replacements try and squeeze into the DD skeletons brings me great pain, too.

feral futa?

you can actually ask the guy to dub it
his streams where he reads something or plays Xcom were really comfy

My only problem with the mods are that they give them eyes

Attached: image.jpg (400x400, 29K)

Open them in your image editing tool of choice, and just smear half the face with a big fat brush.
It will still look like shit but if the eyes are the only things tickling your autism then you might not mind.

Attached: tavern.character (1).png (811x757, 322K)

I don't. I avoid mods because none of them look right.

Wait, that was a thing?

While her tits are pretty good, she has a nice aesthetic in general and is pretty useful once you get her to consistently crit.
She also has a huge, sexy sword.

Attached: Sitting Duchess.png (432x799, 170K)

Wouldn't that clothing be very tight and uncomfortable? I can't get into this.


They're disgusting, unrealistic trash.

>Eyes are too large
>Breasts are too big
>Skin is too smooth

In essence: Not realistic, it sucks.

Wait, he drew this?

>breasts too big
I'm sorry you're gay, user. The only problem is the eyes.

Just get out of gaming.
All of you who complain about anime, just gtfo


I ain't got nothing against big breasts. These, however, aren't realistic at all. Therefore, I can't feel any sort of attraction to them.

Large breasts exist in real life, you know

Attached: Pick up.gif (352x265, 991K)

>criticizing weeb shit
>fire emblem

Attached: 1579123054097.jpg (960x784, 74K)

Yeah, and they're disgusting in real life.

Because ShindoL made them.

ShindoL is pretty based for these, but I wish he made all the heroes to keep a consistent style within the party. I had to scavenge korean forums until I got a skin for each hero.

Imagine being you.

Omen Seeker and the author's other, less titty mods?

he raided bwl as you can see by his extra shoulder pad

Yeah. Imagine actually having body standards.


>you’re a kid now

Any chance I could get you to pack it up and throw it on mega for a random Yea Forumsnon?

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>Breasts are too big

Attached: 1577707583219.gif (700x285, 3.38M)

Wrong standards.

Anyone have the pic of the spelunky 2 mc, that's another example of fucking up aesthetic.

I do it to annoy people like yourself. I could never understand why you people give a fuck what people do with their single player game.

>Wouldn't that clothing be very tight and uncomfortable?

welcome to women's fashion

This is what your preference is like in real life.

You chose the path of pleasure instead of the path of violence, and now you're paying for it with unrealistic standards.

Attached: 71110b061286eeac2369c6b853e97bd6.jpg (500x593, 53K)

that's where they drew inspiration from

>Currently emerging into the visage of a juvenile
You had one job.

Attached: 1582743706776.gif (480x270, 3.2M)

Attached: 1545527087464.png (307x271, 49K)

Could also turn out like this 50+ year old lady

Attached: Teacher.jpg (800x1052, 129K)

My folders are a mess, but I based my collection off this.
There's some stuff in here, including patreon leaks
And the korean site I mentioned is here.
There's a man at arms skin in that forum somewhere that I'm trying to find again, since MaA skins are pretty rare.

>This is what your preference is like in real life
Is it though?

Attached: 3c313558.jpg (1280x853, 119K)

>I ain't got nothing against big breasts. These, however, aren't realistic at all.
>Gets shown that large breasts do in fact exists.
>Backpedals and says all large breasts are disgusting.
You're more of a fag than me and I suck cock. Just admit it everyone else already knows.

Attached: 1569899613346.png (828x808, 781K)

No. Asexual

Those are implants. What I just posted was the world record for natural breast size.

Good, becuase the base game is grindy as fuck without them.

Funny thing is, I consider any sort of beauty to be stupid. It's a dumb pursuit. And this is coming from a guy who's not exactly a gonk.

omg you're fucking retarded

>Festering and squalid, the nauseating amalgamation of juvenile and obscene shambles ever closer to your being, tentacles and hands intermittently forming and replacing each other

Ah, found it.
The only one I'm still missing is one for the grove tender, but I've kinda stopped playing already.

Like, I look at gore pictures with blaring metal music. That's how much of an unironic edgelord I am. I fucking embrace that shit.

>Moving the goalpost
>Strawman to the max
>Pulling facts out of your ass
Looks like it's about time to tell you to go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself.

Attached: EO5gmlWlXf.jpg (401x401, 56K)

More of a travesty than the titties to be quite honest.

Attached: Nise Crusader Edit.jpg (1200x1400, 869K)

Ok that's kinda funny but it does break the mood.

KYS you mental defective.

Attached: 1557337509699.jpg (700x445, 30K)

Not always, some modders actually bother to put in the work to make their class balanced. Doesn't happen often though.

If you consider all beauty to be stupid then why even give out your opinions? They're worthless. You're a fucking retard that should lurk more before posting stupid shit.

Attached: You_Are_Ridiculous.png (500x430, 331K)

so bait or mental illness, noted

Attached: ScreenShot_20200126192959.png (300x300, 144K)

These are 100% natural and she's in her late 30s. Stop being gay.

Attached: Ready to go.jpg (607x1080, 116K)

>only visual mods
Step aside.

>Posts evidence and an actual argument.
>"Y-Your're retarded."
>"G-Go fuck yourself"
I don't listen to people without proper punctuation or capitalization.

Coomers, get out and let us talk about why this design is shit.
I'm asexual because I don't consider romantic or sexual pursuits worthwhile. At all.

Attached: 1583168094948.png (217x190, 55K)

>Wouldn't that clothing be very tight and uncomfortable?
What better way to bring about madness

Attached: +_656cd2a3c653bd1afcbe296b4de01d78.jpg (326x278, 31K)


So what? Not wanting to fuck anyone because you hate absolutely everyone is somehow a mental illness?

Attached: our-sun-my-disgust-9752849.png (500x507, 105K)

>I don't listen to people without proper punctuation or capitalization.

Attached: 501.png (735x541, 27K)


Attached: fix.jpg (807x807, 178K)

How is making shit up considered evidence? Jesus fucking Christ. Time to man up and admit you're fucking wrong on all counts, even the ones you made up.

and here's another one from some older thread

Attached: dd mod fix.jpg (800x800, 196K)

I'm also pointing out how your arguments are literally just throwing shit.

Kinda, yeah.

>act like a retard
>get called retarded
>Y-you're grammar is off!
They have been confirmed to be all natural, yes. Her friend also has a disease that makes her breasts continuously grow.

Attached: Peace!.jpg (600x800, 166K)



Have some articles

Now that's just lazy.

>Coomers, get out and let us talk about why this design is shit.
Start a new thread then. Your astoundingly retarded comments have already derailed this one.

Attached: 1569060398435.png (495x503, 201K)

googly eyes Mod>rest of the game.

That's a horrifying sickness.

That's funny because as someone who has sex I like really ugly characters

Attached: marge.png (1280x720, 651K)

In all honesty, I'm just discussing how you're all dumb for not walking the path of violence.

Are you saying that the characters in OPs image are also obese 57-year olds?

I don't even have any taste. I just straight up hate everyone.
Well, they make people lust for bodytypes that are unattainable

>I'm just discussing how you're all dumb for not walking the path of violence
This better be fucking bait.

Attached: 1572648283048.jpg (411x418, 42K)

Wasn't the argument that women can have huge breasts in real life?

>path of violence
You dumb fucking nigger. This doesn't mean shit to anyone but you.

Attached: 1556163189602.jpg (200x200, 3K)

>bodytypes that are unattainable
I think you've already seen plenty of evidence of the opposite. Don't reply, I'm out. If you're so hell bent on staying retarded then I'm not going to bother any further.

Very cute

The cute girl meme is one of the big reasons all weebniggers need to be gassed

>walking the path of violence.

Attached: 555-come-on-now-1687205.png (500x522, 133K)

It was. Then it was about how all large breasts are disgusting, to how all people are disgusting, and how it's about "walking a path of violence". The only thing this guy is good for is getting shit on. Afterwards he should just kill himself.

I don't have a pic but the Houndmaster on that mod is the best

Attached: 1515525495841.png (890x287, 400K)

What sort of autism is this?

Attached: Eh.png (512x254, 68K)

Yeah, hating everyone generally means you have a notable mental illness. Though you sound more like a depressed 16 year old that just read some existentialist works.

>Not wanting to fuck anyone because you hate absolutely everyone is somehow a mental illness?
I don't know, but i've felt the same way since high school, used to wonder who'd I like to be with into being more comfortable living by myself with nobody else.

Attached: 1527537887432.png (105x97, 24K)

Is there a full coomer conversion mod?

Not bait. Violence is unironically better than sex, when one thinks about it.

Violence and killing
>Eternal satisfaction for victory
>You utilize it to your own ends
>Removes retards from the world
>Proper execution involves careful thinking and high amounts of complexity.
>Has prompted the rise of nations
>Games based around it are fun as hell.
>Momentary pleasure
>Makes you a slave to it.
>Worsens overpopulation
>No variation, just base instincts.
>Has literally never done anything for the nation.
>Games based around it have basically no room to grow, and are pretty much better as slideshows/videos

It's mostly because I've been patronized most of my life.

Attached: 1540305989645.png (421x521, 150K)

For me, it's having a fulfilling life and not devoting myself to the extremes of hedonism

Where's your argument?


please either seek help or commit neck rope, you have serious mental issues and I legitimately hope you don't live in a country where you could easily get ahold of a firearm

that being said, I know something broke inside my head and I would not want anyone to be like me.

Can you imagine a Dept. Heaven fungeon crawler with their anime designs and a shitload of wacky ass mechanics and probably 40 different status effects.
I'd play that.

Attached: Knights in the Nightmare.jpg (352x512, 94K)


Take the Christpill and stop being an edgelord, user.

Attached: Victory.gif (254x274, 16K)

You've been patronized your entire life because your ideas are shit and anyone listening to them knows it. You deserve to get laughed at.

Attached: 1552180634916.jpg (226x218, 24K)

I think violence is statistically better for the world than sex.

My argument is that you're literally an edgy 16 year old.

Guns are for pussies. If I'm going to hurt or kill someone, it's going to be with my bare hands.
I'm an edgelord. At least I admit it.
I'm also on the spectrum.

Violence for the sake of violence is a meaningless endeavor. Unless you are in some professional contact sport, you will end up as a failure, too low to even be ridiculed by common society.

>I'm an edgelord. At least I admit it.
That doesn't make it any better.
>I'm also on the spectrum.
We could tell.

>hurt and kill others
>Associated with nothing but negative emotions, such as sadness, anger and thirst for revenge
>get killed (be a retard that gets removed from the world)

>feels good
>make someone else feel good
>Associated with positive emotions like pleasure, happiness and love
>you won't die

Attached: 1577787688078.png (326x357, 228K)

I agree user and that's why me and every other user should remove you from the world.

Guns are used to protect even the weakest person, when used properly. No amount of bloodthirsty bravado will protect you from someone shooting you.
That is, unless you consider armor less of a weakness than guns.

>Hurt and kill others
>Negative emotions are cleansing
>Better to die than to live in this world
>False accomplishment for both parties
>Associated with sin and hedonism
>You kill thousands of potential people.

very cool darkest dungeon slash modding thread very epic

>american shadman

Guns are dishonorable. Same with swords. Bare hands is how wars should be fought

i agree

Attached: 1543674302356.jpg (500x500, 84K)

Sex between a man and his wife for the purpose of procreation is clearly the best course of action


>not sin

ok muslim

>DD thread turns into sex vs violence thread

I wish we had some fucking info on 2 already.

Attached: mr huh.gif (960x540, 124K)

Kill yourself retard

>taking pride in being an edgelord
>thinking being on the spectrum is why people hate you
Literally stop acting like an edgelord and you'll do much better in life. There is a reason why edgelords have died out, and it's because they're all insufferable. They were all too stupid to realize that they were stupid, or genuine sociopaths that couldn't reign in their retardation to function in society.
>I'm also on the spectrum.
I figured when you started talking about shit only knew about.

Attached: 1554119413268.jpg (347x426, 43K)

>Violence is unironically better than sex
how could you know, you've experienced neither?

No. If we're going to do procreation and stuff, create an artificial womb. Saves everyone the trouble

I prefer cannons myself. There is no dishonor in using superior weaponry, especially when you're enemy is dumb.

Attached: 2mfxjw.jpg (592x736, 96K)

>I'm also on the spectrum
pretty sure the entire spectrum is in you, pal

Because it's fun.

Attached: Lewdlaris.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

My dad beat me.

Attached: 1582700908603.jpg (640x642, 52K)

there is a 0.000001 chance this person hasn't unironically ran like naruto

Sounds like you deserved it you edgy little bitch. Consider taking a long walk off a short cliff.

god i wish there was a mod for this game where the girls would get bent over and fucked by all the monsters

doge was funny until reddit raped it

Attached: 1555248909694.jpg (280x280, 16K)


>My dad beat me
clearly not hard enough, you should have him rape you so there's an actual substance to your retarded claims

What's a simp?
I keep hearing that word lately.

Did that when I was a wee lad.

Your dad should have beaten you harder. Maybe you wouldn't have such retarded ideas.

Attached: 1554297676563.png (941x707, 1.2M)

It's glorious, isn't it?

Attached: 1582623062831.jpg (1172x659, 150K)

why settle

Attached: 1517959424601.jpg (1264x608, 360K)

A simp is basically a white knight


Honestly, the fact that you consider sex good is stupid. You get nothing out of it but wasted time.

The power of autism is awesome.

I just love Saint Jeanne d'Arc, Maid in Heaven.

>Not Cthulu loli

Became aware of how cringe it was after 5th grade.
And it's all because of me, bitch.

Keep seething , incel.

You know you arent forced to use them right Retard?

You can't use wasting time as an argument here when your act of posting on Yea Forums is a waste of time itself. Clearly, no one here cares about wasting their time, so why even bring it up?

literal mlp tier faggotry

What other fate mods are there?


>You get nothing out of it but wasted time.
he posted, on the traditional pakistani horticulture forum

Yeah, but I've also learned a lot about things. You learn nothing from sex.

>Any mod for any game whatsoever doesn’t match the art style of that game
>Experience physical pain


you care too much to the point where you'll get hurt, but not enough to where you'll make your own mod

Who is the mod maker?

you get exercise from sex
>I've also learned a lot about things
was any of those things useful in any way? Did any of them help you become any less of a military-grade sperg?

I get socially accepted pleasure nigger. The best your "path of violence" can get you is jail. You're too stupid to get away with a crime. I get to display dominance over others more than you. You can walk your path and not go to jail, but then you'll just be a passive aggressive bitch. I can string others along and crush their hearts if I want to. Besides I never said sex was better than violence. Don't make up arguments just to lose them.

Attached: 1570434712780.jpg (384x460, 82K)

I don't think an Abby mod exists.

there is a different Crusader skin mod that adds Jeanne and Jalter

You're actually, literally on the spectrum.

God I want Anri to come back to JAV
Having a child made her tits massive.

Fpbp and spbp

Just don't download shit mods bro.

Attached: shindol.jpg (725x618, 363K)

Yes. Made me a better writer and artist. Also gave me a better view on politics.

Wait, is this the portrait through whole dungeon? In battle? The girl walking on all four with dog dick inside her?

>give something more character and expend more effort on facial design than obscuring everything in black like a lazy mong
>nOoOoOoO tHaT's RuInInG iT
It looks better objectively despite still being cartoony bullshit. The stylistic reason why everything was obscured in shadow prior was because these whiteoids realized they couldn't draw faces with any degree of appeal and elected not to try to begin with.

Nah, if you wanted to fix the eyes keep the anime style but give them dead fish eyes or make them look tired with black rings under their eyes and for their affliction sprites give them the fucking crazed look you see in shit like Qhen They Cry where their eyes are wide with narrow pupils or some shit.

Attached: Rikas-Death.jpg (738x369, 25K)

You know, that’s a very good point.

See, in gameplay, you’re mainly upset at your characters suffering because you invested time into them. You don’t act to see them get hurt because you’ll be sry back if you lose them. But if you make them more personally appealing, then you’re not only getting sad at them suffering, but because something you view as very pretty is suffering.
This is, of course, ignoring that if you already like the designs, there’s no need for it. But if it does increase your rapport with the characters, I can see it enhancing your experience.

Non blacked out eyes are just plain wrong, though. No way around it.

Why are the fans of this game so fucking autistic. I literally saw people REEEE over a mod some artist made for himself because the characters had visible eyes.

>Also gave me a better view on politics.

Attached: ClutteredPettyGazelle-small.gif (445x250, 1.19M)

>Made me a better writer and artist
post before and after
>Also gave me a better view on politics
sure it did

That's a beautiful woman, like all women
Why are you shaming people for their big bellies and hanging tits dude?

ShindoL has some good bestiality

Lmao get out underage

I just considered what you people view women as.
Trust me, I used to be a horrible SJW before I saw the truth here

Not a problem in 1st world countries


I'm surprised he made a quad amputee doujin wasn't the result of slavery, mindbreak, ryona and snuff/gur

>I used to be a horrible SJW before I saw the truth here
same faggotry, different flavor, notice how you never stopped viewing yourself as enlightened for shaping your political views after some id-pol blog posts

>Take the Christpill
And enter what denomination?

I mean worldwide

Stellaris with mods.

There better be dolphin porn in there I swear to God

Attached: shuffler.sprite.attack_spores.png (1184x1447, 1.16M)

Modded stellaris.
Togrutas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twileks

Well this thread got shit quickly.

In an attempt to piss off both OP and the sperglord can someone point me to a proper Hmod for darkest dungeon? I'm thinking like a gameplay conversion as well as new sprites. Same over all plot but it's all sex instead of violence.

I'm a Catholic so I'm inclined to say become a Catholic, but I heavily dislike how the church has been dealing with all of the accusations.


I didn't though


>Bad word
Fuck off newfag nigger

Twilight Knight is a pretty fun class. She's got two combat skills that revolve around stress management in kind of an interesting way. First one is her basic attack which relieves some of her stress a bit. The second relieves a bit of the rest of the party's stress but also deals moderate stress to the twilight knight as well.

Attached: 1154908982_preview_twilightknightwallpaper.png (1920x1080, 962K)

coomers unironically.

also why do you care about shit that doesn't affect you?

The thing is, weebshit belongs in FE, and doesn't in DD

one of the ones where you go live in a secluded monastery and stop posting

/mlp/ is in the top 3 less Reddit forums
Prove me wrong

Oh, nice. The stress mechanic is always fun to play around with in DD


I'm going to be totally honest, I feel that I just kept saying shit because it was the only natural way to continue the conversation.


Attached: 15820894980279.jpg (899x907, 120K)

what is she based on?
heard of a bunch of mods with Twilight knights but never knew the source

I will now use your mod

Omen Seeker
I honestly thought that "Twilight Knight" was just a sort of generic cool name

Just remember. When you use lewd species packs, the game sometimes uses races from that thing while creating rng races.
So don't be surprised if you run into stuff like lewd space elf mongolians, tittymonster traders or big titted cow lady fallen empire.
Also the randomly generated primitive species also use those portraits at random.

I meant sauce for other skins?

People who were fans of early FE games have every right to criticize weeb shit since the modern games in the FE series have been ruined by weebshit.

What is the worst mod and why is the True Heir? Is it because he's a fag pushed by a tranny discord?

Long story short, I kept sperging out because I felt it would've been natural to go off of that point.


I love females and drawings of females, I wish my girlfriend was still alive.

That just makes it better

This is why you are slaves.

Attached: wizarding.jpg (400x400, 108K)

He looks like a fucking looney toons character.

I'm curious if anyone has ever made like a suicidal class? What I'm thinking is a class that emphasises self harm in exchange for being an extremely hard hitter, maybe with a sort of all or nothing skill that can potentially completely wipe the field but also puts them on death's door or even outright kills them.

Ok, but also tamper your expectations.
It's going to use every species pack the game has loaded into it, so any previous mods and pre-existing ones will also be in the rng wheel.

what mod plz

I don't feel like lack of eyes is the entirety of the artstyle and that the skins I use don't betray its other qualities. That said, I use those sorts of skins sparingly and I don't change every hero of a class to one skin because it's a "favorite" or because of sunk cost or whatever. It's a skin. I give it to one hero. They're like that. That's that. I will always be disgusted by lewd mods for every game and I do think lesser of you for it.

That just sounds like a more extreme version of flag.

Loverslab has only smaller titts version, loli can't be found

fuuuck the duchess is hot

Attached: 1574789673666.png (1115x578, 58K)

From the workshop page
>No stranger to crossovers the Twilight Knight has been seen in numerous other franchises. Hell Dorado, Wrath of Kings, Myth & Super Dungeon Explore to name a few.
No idea where exactly she originated from but it sounds like she's basically a fan character who garnered a lot of popularity

Isn't that like the Flagellant?

Fawn, sort of. She stacks bleeds on herself while ramping up her attack through very long lasting buffs.

>stormcuck's law

>Dungmer can't keep control of their land or their women

She is based on a tabletop game called Kingdom death.


I don't like those kinds of characters much desu. Like this fucking alien elf thing that appears fucking everywhere.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

>mod bethesda games for years
>not one person ever complained about modding
>one 2d indie game gets some boobies and eyes drawn in
>whole internet loses their minds
what the fuck is wrong with the future?


Now check front page of nexus for Skyrim and see how big of a shitshow it become

Imagine being this much of a faggot

Attached: 1568346594119.jpg (256x287, 17K)

I’d rather not

Why do you ruin a great art style with a shit game?

>bethesda games are literally known for their modding because the base is usually trash or at least wasted potential
>comparing that to DD

Attached: leif what.png (198x342, 87K)

last time I went about a month ago just nothing but big titty mods and people with "come fuck my waifu of the week also lol here is a long list of required mods to get this thanks for endorcement and payment to my paetron!"

I do not know the game, but I assumed it was a moddable 2d sidescroller rpg grimdark thing.
i did not know those were just fanarts

You should play it before making dumb assumptions.

I must have it aswell

Attached: 1582066276891.png (143x182, 61K)

I refuse and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

To be honest, I was kind of sperging out because I felt it was the only natural way to continue the conversation. That, and I was venting my anger issues in completely unhealthy ways

Don't be an autist, even though you're autistic.

You can mod DD tho.


Why ruin the medieval dark ages feel by adding female combatants at all?

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Niggerman mod when?


to make it playable, ie skyrim/everquest/wow

Because weebs have no standards or taste. Anime girls to idolize and jerk off to is literally all that matters to them.

You realise the game already has female combatants right?

dont forget

Attached: opco.png (2452x1910, 1.08M)

better than spergs pretending to think they know what taste is because its dark and edgy

thats the point

Whats ShindoL up to? I remember all his shit being posted often but now it disappeared nearly entirely from every board. Even /h/ doesnt post his stuff anymore.

Did he finally open a bakery?

we already have one chief

Attached: Steel driver.png (1276x720, 522K)

Does he have an ability where he works himself to death?

You're talking to lemmings that came around during the election user. It's modern Yea Forums tier autism with what they assume is what the site has always been like.

Attached: 1575874394153.png (1071x588, 716K)

>the atmosphere is great
>enemies are disturbing
I fucking love ho-
>that eng
>fucking lvl 6 cap
I'm disgusted and will never play this shit.

you give them far to much credit than they deserve

ye, play like a retard and he does more damage to himself than to the enemy

Yeah, I think I should've dropped out of this conversation instead of going on a "Violence>Sex" rant


It’s weird that this has stuff like chungus and simp on it simultaneously since the former long since stopped being used by almost everyone on the internet once the latter saw popularity.

What’s it called?
I know the one about the girl in the wheelchair and that was cute

>that eng

Is this game really good and fun? cause i think about to buy it

Fragile and Tough

Attached: (You).png (606x806, 405K)

go for it user, it's really good and the modding scene is big on this game

only on pc tho right


Lucky Yui was alright...

Sadly it is, fun fact, thanks to how the game is built even if you have a sub toaster and bloat the fucking system with mods until they weight twice the size of the actual game it runs perfectly smooth
That's how i play
or if you really want it on console go for it too

Attached: 39523986.gif (404x412, 2.89M)

Fuck no. It would be much better if literally fucking everything didn't drive your character's stress up so much.
>Party reads a piece of paper

Alright, you confinced me user. Gonna grab that shit for the pc

Attached: 823756279386.gif (386x406, 2.26M)


Sounds like me at school

>Niggerman mod
>Class permanently has the kleptomaniac quirk
>When stress reaches 100, doesn't become virtuous or afflicted, instead just chimps out meaning every turn in combat he has a chance of doing one of three thing:
>claims his reparations (in other words one random item or stack of items from your inventory disappears)
>Shame whitey, screams at his party members that they wuz oppressing his people n shit an dey is all raycis crackas. Deals heavy stress damage to all party members except the arbalest who instead relieves stress from it
>Chimp out: Unleashes his negro fury on the enemy, dealing a fuck ton of damage to every enemy on the field with a chance to stun
>Heals the party's stress slightly when he's on death's door
>Heal's the party's stress greatly when he dies

Attached: 2387592836.gif (368x432, 3.79M)

Glad i could help, if you ever get stuck or need something dont be afraid to ask on these threads

Attached: 9235789236237.gif (389x503, 2.96M)

nope, that's awful.


why does the animu mod HAVE to be sexual? weebs really are just coomers. None of you actually like anime for the animation, you just want to coom

that your work user? looks cool

unique doesn't mean good

People saying DD is shit but here I am thinking it's best turnbased combat game I've played.

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who are these assholes?

I like Blame! for the environments, but cute girls are always a plus

Attached: Beam.jpg (1455x1100, 240K)

it's a pretty good game, but stuff like the Lelev limit and the overall grind puts some pople off

Made by some gook.

Attached: 7823598237682.gif (327x474, 3.23M)

Do i need the DLC's for a good time?

I want to cum to cute girls and sasuga

>doesn't recognize warhammer 40k shit

Attached: 3789459823.gif (443x529, 3.92M)

It's based and redpilled warhammer crap

From a fairly infamous tabletop game, Kingdom Death: Monster.

It's like a 300$ co-op monster hunter nightmare horror with city-building elements. They had a kickstarter last year for a new update that got like 11 million buckaroos or something.

I respect the originals atmosphere in its own right but I get way more enjoyment out of this game by pretty much turning it into a ryona simulator
also I'm just really into big tits

I don't who this gook is but he should make a class mod

Attached: 1574947451878.gif (407x423, 2.15M)

Time to jack off again, bros
Why was it infamous? The price?

This is your brain on kum

Really depends on you
The Crimson Court is Really good and adds a new place for adventures but unless you are REALLY ready for it it will hurt like a godamn truck falling on your balls, even the game Warns you "do not use it until your second playtrogh" plus side it Unlocks the Flag character
The Color of madness is Horde mode with new Trinkets and bosses, really fun if you can hold your own
Other than that Shieldbreaker might be a bit too strong and you can get the musketeer for free

Attached: Butcher Birdn.png (1920x1080, 709K)

>weeb artstyle
>appearance mod drawn by a Japanese person
>and a fucking Fire Emblem reaction image

The anti-anime crowd's IQ continues to drop.

Attached: KILL ME.gif (245x138, 1.39M)

Attached: 23952793862.gif (366x440, 2.17M)

>visible eyes

Warhammer 40k autism, but it is pretty nice autism this time.

2big for gif

Attached: 1578490664387.webm (516x424, 1.82M)

tht looks like a nightmare to add into the game, the model would be clipping over it's mates every second

>start playing Darkest Dungeon again after a few years break
>finally try out the Crimson Court
>"Short" map
>the fucking Crocodilian
Fortunately, all of my characters survived and I got out before anything bad could happen. Later returned and killed that fuck.
How bad is the rest of the DLC?

size 2 or size 3 then
>the fucking Crocodilian

It feels like it would be a tough 2-3 size enemy

Thank God I got some lucky stuns from my Vestal during the second run.

That's the entire party.

Attached: 1575931710939.webm (415x564, 435K)

Price being high, the game being very very dense with content, and also the company itself also puts out tertiary pinup models just for funsies.

Tabletop, like videogames, is being infiltrated by tranny filth, so sexy girls are "controversial". I play the game myself, it's pretty good. Definitely something better absorbed from someone who knows what they're doing, though.

Attached: kdm.jpg (2048x2048, 518K)

You can retreat in the Crimson Court differently than you can in other missions. The mission will save your progress and you can easily leave and come back after doing a few more missions, bring back more supplies, etc, etc.

>it is possible to return to the Courtyard at any time as the game automatically saves progress should you decide to retreat. Simply return later with a fresh party and the game will return you to exactly where you last left off. Unfortunately the game counts this as a defeat, with appropriate stress gains, and one week will advance, meaning that you must be prepared for the Hamlet to be exactly as you left it should you retreat early.

Can any of you forgive me for this bullshit?

Bestal is heavensent against croc, she carried my ass through that fight as well

CC? the curse can be a good thing if you keep it to as few heroes as possible, wait until bloodlust and watch them wreck shit around, too many infected and the bodies will hit the floor soon
now dont worry beat one of the bosses and everyone gets cured, they are what sells the DLC to me

Just don't be sperg, user. Most people will forget.

Attached: 87239523637.gif (575x529, 2.71M)

I don't, though. My general feelings on everything constantly migrate to binary opposites.

Too bad the game is pure grind

You'll just do it again later. Everyone knows how the game is played at this point.

Just take your licks and move on.


Attached: hierotitan1.webm (419x519, 344K)

>Cope, seethe and have sex.
>Sex-starved weebs and incels telling other people to have sex

Shit, I thought this was Jeanne.
Only my Crusader got the curse, fortunately. Those mosquitoes are extremely annoying.
That's good to hear. The levels seem really long.

Attached: Flag waving.gif (549x598, 147K)

Attached: hierotitan2.webm (655x528, 658K)

If you cant eat it or fuck it, you kill it.

>3 knives
>not putting a 4th knife in's it mouth for maximum edge

>unique artstyle
>hurr durr let me make the lines thicker and blacker surely people will ignore I'm a fucking weeb hack

she's actually in the game as a mod, look her up

Attached: 2837592836.gif (203x536, 1.82M)

Just play radiant mode lmao

By sigmar, why aren't these characters as mods?

Darkest Dungeon? I've already downloaded the Ruler mod, if that's what you're saying. Shame there aren't any versions of GBF Jeanne.

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>That's good to hear. The levels seem really long.
They are exceptionally long, and intended to be done in shorter bursts instead of all at once, for sure.

Attached: 93486728962.gif (198x383, 1.4M)

And done.

Attached: 854356656899.gif (244x493, 1.33M)

Thanks, user. These are nice.

Her child is half-arab

DD is really fun, but I find myself getting discouraged to play it. I'll be enjoying myself for a while, but then I have to go to the next tier of dungeons and enemies suddenly start doing twice as much damage, or rng shit happens and all my dudes die. At that point I'm at square one and I just become unmotivated to play. I know that loss is part of the game, but are there any ways to play that make it less of a slog? Keep in mind, I haven't really played in 4 years.

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Hahahaklack, nice one, fellow knight!

Attached: 1502076054568.png (300x300, 4K)

yeah man, I remember when I was 8 too

/pol/tards seething

By the time enemies star being a threat you should've already have a good amount of upgrades on your Guild and Blacksmith, make sure to prioritize them over absolutely anything else, they allow you to latter improve your stagecoach, giving you the chance to pick heroes who're already level 3 (And not zero).
Depending on the difficulty you're playing, play risky or be ready to retreat with whatever loot you've acquired. Remember the godsends that are both the Antiquarian and Jesters, and most importantly: Remind yourself, that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

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she has a crab tail?

All these normalfags freaking out about an anime mod reminds me of Trump supporters freaking out about black men sleeping with white women.

Reminds me of Bernie/Hillary supporters literally crying when Trump won as well.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Ishuzoku Reviewers - 06 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_20.52.518.jpg (1280x720, 100K)


Attached: unknown-29.png (228x182, 62K)

theres a 2B mod for every game

All these normalfags freaking out about an anime mod reminds me of soccer moms in the 90s freaking out about DOOM.

Reminder Manafort is an actual cuckhold slave driver, cage and everything, and both sides quietly ignored this fact.

But for something on topic, why are there no good gameplay mods?

Go find Jesus you fag

It looks better.

I would use this mod but he didn't do all the classes so fuck it

Yep. I fucked up

>coombrain weebs having absolutely no taste
they've always been like this

Which modded classes are okay?
I don't want anything crazy overpowered.

First post best post. Low test betas cannot comprehend.

You know, 10 year olds aren't allowed to post on this website.

A lot of them aren't overpowered, but some just work Too ell with other classes without the creators knew about it

remove yourself from the gene pool

Attached: 1446067894345.png (67x163, 15K)

Not many are actually overpowered, but I feel like most of them are too gimmicky and basically do the same that vanilla heroes already do without the hassle. Feels like half of them are transforming heroes, a third inflict stress on the party, and a quarter have a unique affliction. Those were fun mechanics when only a few heroes had them, but with modded characters it's just too many.

Why do you care what other people do with their singleplayer games, you retarded faggot?

Look, I kind of went on this stupid rant because I didn't know how else to carry the conversation, okay?

The image you posted isn't helping your case.


It's just a mod. Let people with different standards have fun. You don't need to act like an SJW by trying to control what people watch and do.


DD is atmosphere with an okay game attached.

Removing that atmosphere for anime titties is kind of weird. Because then you have an "okay" anime game and there are thousands of those already.

But it's your game so do what you want user. Try not to dehydrate from wanking off.

I don't even care anymore

This, after beating Stygian I wanted to mess around with a "Mod Hell" of only modded characters. I can never get a solid game going because most modded characters are too gimmicky. On the other end some are just too boring and have 1-2 moves that you spam because they aren't balanced.


Attached: ss_e7420dce8959b1f615b531f02e0a344183858c00.1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 461K)

Yeah, but the atmosphere comes from the world, the dungeons, and the narrator, not the heroes.

This mod has no masturbation material. Grow a brain.

Did you even hear what I said? I was saying stupid shit because I couldn't carry a conversation

At least, some truth

Once you're done jerking it to an h-game, you realize there's nothing else of substance, so you close the game, uninstall it, and it fades from your memory, but what if you took something of substance, and modded anime waifus into it?

Have sex, inc- Oooooh.

Attached: 1579334976788.png (1837x1165, 666K)


You're right, OP, how could the original creators destroy their vision and do this kind of- Wait, what? It's a mod? Go fuck yourself, faggot.

>God I fucking hate weebs, I'm going to Yea Forums

Attached: 1538950910880.png (810x793, 576K)

>generic grimdark trash

>havent played since CC cane out
>recently pick game back up
>there's a new dlc
>head over to /vg/ to ask anons what changed
>/dadg/ is dead

Attached: 1581253664973.jpg (604x604, 143K)

Based and redpilled.


Attached: cumbrain.jpg (952x717, 126K)

This. WTFF! Cute le epic girls are much more original!

Attached: animepro.png (777x840, 170K)

Abomination got a big buff after CC came out

Where did the loli touch you on the doll, user?


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You hate the idea that people actually make this shit instead of investing into making good mods. Like another user said, you also can't be bothered to make your own mod. This is at least my process of thought.

Fuck you, I miss him.

I went on a stupid rant because I couldn't think of any other way to continue the conversation naturally

I can't even begin to describe how angry at myself I am for doing this shit again


keked, have a (you)

>He says while postin an Anime about interracial sexual relations.

You can run, but you'll still get Blacked whiteboy

>I like "cute" girls! (drawn)
you're still a huge faggot

>doesn't recognize warhammer fantasy shit

Because dark fantasy with women being dragged to their misery and nightmarish torture and death is hot as fuck and the dorks seething over it makes it even better.

Attached: Best Taimanin.png (302x301, 204K)

Every once in a while Yea Forums shows an unexpected level of wisdom.

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Hello, cringe department?
Yeah, again.

I wonder how many people you'll end up killing before you suicide.

Why is so much time spent modding a game with the shittest of mod managers?


god i wish she was a cube

Trannies will seethe though lmao

Odds are he'll finally get the balls to pick a fight, and his dumb ass will get laid out in a single hit. Once he's done sobbing in the hospital, he'll think "Maybe sex is the better option..."

t. 2hucel


the forbidden meme...

>Mosquito dodges everything for three rounds in a row and infects everyone with the Crimson Curse



Yeah, Jeanne is OP as fuck so far.
Still best girl.

Attached: 1539991973065.jpg (1024x768, 139K)

I'm married with children and I jerk off to this shit =^)

Are there any interesting boss mods?

>Finished sets never ever

Attached: 1416381126_preview_screen1.png (1920x722, 1.14M)


Sunward islands, The fool has a nightmare event with a boss fight and the Fawn Poor girl

>Guns are for pussies. If I'm going to hurt or kill someone, it's going to be with my bare hands
Retard detected

If you dont mind mid bosses there's Nerub on the ruins
The banshee in the weald and "Meat" on the Warrens

Attached: Rats on the walls.jpg (1920x1112, 351K)

i love the sounds of seething prudes in the morning

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First post is, once again, best post.