12 teraflop? more like just 1 flop of a console hahaha
Outfit design for female characters are crass and juvenile, and makes video game players looks bad.
What in God's name
Paneling is pretty bad here.
I don't get why people here post this. Is it in disagreement or is it just 'so ronery'?
This is a test btw. If you actually want these things she'll see you as a weak faggot and leave.
>Exclusives become illegal
>All games can be played on all consoles
>Everyone decides to use PC
>Console gaming finally dies
>MFW gaming can return back to the 90s era again
haha can you imagine?
ha...haha ha...
that only happens if you're ugly
I came into this thread for laughs and bait, not for emptiness
What video game is this?
HA ha?
Don't take advice from 4channers about life issues, user. They rarely if ever know what they're talking about. Stick to hobbies.
>Most sold games on ps4 are cod, FIFA, gta5
I’ll stick to HAVING SEX
She's right you know. Get a job if you don't have one and stop blaming the world for your problems.
If you want to be childish, that's fine. There's people out there who will treat you like a child.
>/r9k/ blackpill written by some defeatist neckbeard is true in any capacity
Not even 1% of the population is like that. Nobody is born perfect and just gets everything handed to them. You gotta put in work to get what you want. So what if you suck at talking to people? You're not the only one. You can either work towards your goal or you can sit at home doing nothing and feeling sorry for yourself.
Damn, this post makes me horny.
tl;dr but i want to take this time to say it’s okay to fantasize about wanting to be dommed and mommy’d by a woman but if you actually try and act like a pussy loser baby bitch irl you aren’t going to get ANY dom type women.
what they want is confident men they can break. that they can crush in bed. so if you want your amazon mommy gf to force herself on you, you need to be something worth breaking. nobody wants a fucking loser.
Wait...where is he?
Amateur hour's over
This desu. Never trust a female, it's only ever a shittest.
>us women
This is fetish material written by a dude with a femdom fetish.
>omg baby did you just say CUDDLES
It’s defeatist only to you you dead end incel freak
They can be boring joyless people for all I care
Why do I feel my brain expanding when I read this comic?
Ah! So that's what a female robot sounds like! The same "My poo doesn't stink!" attitude and everything.
Never understood sports games. Why play a video game version when you can do it outside and get exercise too?
You've never been around women have you? Women love sensitive and emotional guys who they can share their feelings with. I took a poetry class in community college and it's helped me with women dramatically.
Too bad that jazz won't work on me faggot. I have high self esteem. Unlike you I'm the captain of my own destiny and I'm in control.
fuck off paradoxkun
>Women love sensitive and emotional guys who they can share their feelings with.
No, that's just the general female attitude.
Amateur hour's back.
Relate able.
Yeah, they like them as emotional tampons they can talk about the guy they are actually fucking, which will not be the emotional beta.
Legbeards exist just as much as neckbeards. Bunch of chubby landwhales with an attitude as ugly as their figure.
I have to say, my girlfriend once told me to put my head into her laps and she would rub my face but it didn't do anything for me.
Then she asked me to please stop because my shaved head was hurting her naked thighs, so...
lol you sound like you have a very sad life
The inbetween is being based as fucked but also listening to them rant as you undress them.
based on what?
Leave your house once in a while incels and you would know these things.
ok tranny
If any women were to hear you say that her vagina would instantly turn as dry as the sahara desert.
Caring about being perceived as childish is the child's worry. Act like a fucking adult for once and do what you please.
I do, that's why I tell you it's bs.
I don't know what to say.
make frens!
>implying these spergs can leave the house and talk to other people, not to mention wahmen
They choose a sad and lonely life. Just leave them to their misery.
make frens!
>A woman has an opinion
Yup, that's a rapin'
You're projecting so much that you should open a multiplex.
You aren't exactly wrong here. Thing is, too many people confuse being a massive vagina and being weak in general with opening up about how you feel in an appropriate time.
Can you explain what isn't defeatist about giving up?
This comic is too high iq for me.
My walnut sized brain cannot comprehend the intent and message behind this comic.
Yeah that made me hard
Didn't come here to get hard
If you didn't care, why are you so concerned?
just say SNEED
lmao nice one
I have some. They're nice people.
Disney is racist and homophobic. But damn you if you didn't like TLJ.
>skubfags still on my board
>skubfags still won't admit skub is shit
There is obvious sexual tension but Disney doesn't want it to go too far in fear of losing money in ticket sales. RLM pointed this out in The Force Awakens review.
oof when an user projects that somebody else has, I quote, "a sad life" then it's always a cringe moment
It's pure delusion to think there's any real emotional connections in the sequel trilogy, never mind romantic ones
TLJ was a fucking mess of a movie. The plot was all over the goddamn place and it introduced characters that added nothing at all, Rose included. And on top of all that they killed off Luke motherfucking Skywalker for absolutely no fucking reason. TLJ is the reason I didn't see the most recent star wars.
kys skubfaggot
My mum tried to cuddle up to me on the lounge while I was visiting over Christmas and it made me deeply uncomfortable thanks to so many years of having almost no human touch and no intimacy with another person.
For a while I had a throw blanket rolled up that I would pet and pretend it was a pet cat, since I can't have any pets where I live.
Being socially isolated for years on end really does stuff to your head. I don't even want to be around people at all, anymore. Not family, not anyone. Even social media online is too much to handle.
Video games.
>implying we'll get to that point
>implying Sony and Nintendo won't die because of all the coronavirus shit
>implying Xbox won't die because Xbox
>I don't remember seeing it
How many red flags by libtard standards?
IDK Im scared bro.
Imagine using the worst movie in a fictional series to judge the character of others.
You need a pet at least bro, move somewhere else
How can people be this delusional and out of touch with basic reality?
>TLJ is the reason I didn't see the most recent star wars.
You did not miss out on a single thing. Even morons who loved TLJ hated it, on top of people who hated TLJ hated the new star wars.
>Being socially isolated for years on end really does stuff to your head. I don't even want to be around people at all, anymore. Not family, not anyone. Even social media online is too much to handle.
I feel the same but no matter how I look at it, I can't come to the conclusion that it's my fault. People are fucking garbage it's like they're not even trying to not be garbage.
I guess that means I'm not getting an explanation.
What's with the /s?
Dobson. Just because shippers want it, doesn't mean it's going to happen. Let it the fuck go.
Ironically, after literally ranting about how a character is a lesbian because people were "seeing" things that could be "viewed" as evidence despite the comic never stating it, he told a person who said "what if the character is asexual?", that it would to need be officially stated in the material to be true. The man is an idiot.
These are all valid criticisms though? Rose was fine as an actress though, but her script was incredibly poorly written. Also the whole thing with Holdo could have been alleviated if she'd just said at the end that they were worried about a spy. God that movie was bad.
Replace P.C with console and your on point
Found one.
shit, I forgot I wrote this lmao.
I wanted to see if women were capable of having a serious discussion on matters of gender relations and identity. to see if they're even capable of having elaborate opinions on such things. I tried my hardest to get in the mindset and give the strongest argument I could for why men are shit. It wasn't that hard, since it's what I honestly think of 99% of the male population. all in the hopes of that maybe if I'll stop being sexist if I find a single example of an elaborate opinion written by a woman
All I got was a bunch of one liner replies. I still think that women are categorically not really human, in the same sense men are. They lack something that facilitates philosophical thinking.
I want to be molested by a brown tomboy
>the belly button is located here
no ?
Episode 9 was probably the furthest thing from star wars imaginable, it didn't make the slightest effort to be more than the retarded blockbuster schlock it really was. It couldn't even pretend otherwise like TFA did, it was just a loud, shouty piece of crap.
And it takes a special kind of incompetence to be unable to write around one of your actors dying, and just replacing her with CGI
now this is quite literally a meme joke in the good sense of the word
It’s dobson
I'm willing to be there's more to the story here. Lemme guess, you went on tinder or some shit and tried to have a deep, philosophical conversation with strangers that want a quick fuck?
>so fat he can't even find his belly button
poor bear
literally no better feeling
Boys/men are never truly loved/cared for. Always just left to fend for themselves in all meaning of the phrase.
>Why is it posted
99% sure that it's loneliness.
>if you dont like the latest consumer entertainment product then you are a bad person
How did we get to this point?
Who the fuck has their belly button so far up? And who the fuck does he think he is to have the right to tell other men how to draw women?
I didn't know he made those comics as well. Not surprising though.
When partisanship is mixed with disposable entertainment strange things happen
I'll take things that did not happen for $500, alex
And I will treat them as subhuman retards because that's what they are, so it's all fair, right?
>Son of Dob
>telling people how to draw
This guy has never read Gunm, has he?
This almost makes me mad.
Please for the love of christ tell me you're just b8ing and you're not actually THAT virginal.
Yes? And we guide men towards role models who are traditionally attractive to women, it's almost as if the race's continuation depends on men and women getting together
Dunno what your point is, It was clear from the get-go that Alita was a sex doll, a strong as fuck cyber sex doll mind you. I see no problem.
You must be autistic to think this.
This is the only edit of this comic I’ve ever laughed at. It’s been what... a decade?
It couldn't have been the fact that both of them paraded themselves around as a big step for female protagonists and we as a inquisitive species wanted to discuss which one preformed better as pieces of storytelling.
>I tried my hardest to get in the mindset and give the strongest argument I could for why men are shit.
No woman thinks like that user, even diehard dykes that were assaulted by their fathers when they were 8 still have some level of tolerance to men, you're projecting too much, and it ends up being more of a fetish fuel post than anything else.
>If they don't like something, they must have no joy in their lives whatsoever
This is an actual coping mechanism and you know it.
>Women love sensitive and emotional guys who they can share their feelings with.
Women don't respect men that have feelings. Men aren't allowed to have feelings. Show 1 (ONE, singular) moment of weakness and a woman will destroy you for fun. I've seen it happen too many times.
Not a single person in this entire thread has ever had sex with a woman, yet will pretend like they're experts on women.
Didn't read the post but Peach Girl is a good shoujo manga
he's right you fucking retards, they do love a guy who can make deep thoughts and understand emotions (not be a crybaby bitch) and who is also strong
of course he does, he has to live it with women
>"So what did you think of The Last Jedi"
>"Didn't see it. Star Wars is for nerds."
Why are people trying to take advice about women from Yea Forums?
>Spock's entire character is pretty much how it's a bad thing being totally emotionless and suppress all emotions.
>refusing to go to the bathroom
what sort of projection is that
That's not how hormones work at all. That's not even how tears work. Tumblrites like this are absolutely delusional on how biology works, but they probably think biology is sexist and racist or something.
imagine thinking these shitposts are "a serious discussion on matters of gender relations and identity"
>little bitch still can't handle a bit of skub
Wait a second this isn't r9k
These threads never have these autistic tirades, what the fuck triggered this
Side note, I love how his first thought about avoiding going to the bathroom is the damage it will do on the kidneys, and not the bladder.
people have been here too long are are delusioned into thinking everything said here is right, especially if someone makes their argument long enough (at least 2 paragraphs) and has enough conviction in their writing, it's very pathetic and reminds me of people who take people like jordan peterson seriously.
Fuck off skubfag
Yea Forums is an anti-skub board
Always was
always will be
I'm not saying it was aliens...
It's prime fetish material.
By the final film they were trying to push them as some kind of trio and it was the funniest shit imaginable. Pretty much the only time they even tried was between Finn and Poe, and even that was laughably cliche and didn't involve their personalities at all. It was just "They're GUYS and FRIENDS so they must be GUYFRIENDS".
It did make it pretty funny when Rey said nobody knew her because frankly, she was right.
who the fuck cries out of anger
I don't use tinder. I'm not really interested in dating at this time either.
It's just that I felt conflicted about the fact that the only people in my life I ever respected, looked up to, or even had an interesting conversation with were men. But I still crave intimacy with women at a physical level. And I really wish there was a woman out there I could respect. But it's disheartening to know that it's most likely not the case. I resent the idea that even if I find a soul mate, I will always secretly despise her for what she is.
I really don't want to be sexist, and that's what's so frustrating about it, I genuinely want to believe that one can respect a women, but they never tend to have qualities worth respecting.
I even read philosophy written by women. All of it was either some newage shit along the lines of "love laugh live", but worded elaborately, or talking about their vaginas for 500 pages.
Exactly my point. Women aren't capable of hating something as deeply as men can, or loving something as deeply as well. Their lives are spent in monotone mediocrity, just going with the flow. It feels almost inhuman at times, how they never really have convictions, beliefs or worldviews. Only a vague agreement with some boring notions.
We've attracted the attention of robots.
Human emotion and the notion that women have different personalities that depend on the person are foreign to them.
I thought it was supposed to be arousing. Guess I misread it. I blame the internet.
should have replaced panel 3 with some over-exaggerated coomer
I don't have anyone else i can ask for advice
>That's when I realized this fight was about wanting to make sure the role model and femininity girls would aspire towards was one that was conventionally attractive to MEN
Yes? Why the fuck would it not be?
I wouldn't call her that at all. Yeah, she's a cute girl, but she's hardly a sex doll in her story. She's another person struggling to live in a Cyber Dystopia, and just happens to be in the right place for the plot to happen.
I can't even think about fapping to Gally/Alita after reading that comic.
I've been with my wife for over 40 years, Women do not see emotions as a sign of weakness, only other men do. Infact, it is only other men in this very thread who are judging other men.
>Expecting people like this to know anything beyond surface level to use their soapbox for
It's the political equivalent of the comic of the dragonborn decapitating charizard while saying a thu'um for no reason.
Can someone tell my why boomers always draw such ugly fucking people?
Big LOL!
I've been here here since 39, only neo-|v| hates skub
Can you post more Dobson please?
people who make webcomics
Uh, based?
>all these incels ITT projecting
mama mia
>All of it was either some newage shit along the lines of "love laugh live", but worded elaborately, or talking about their vaginas for 500 pages.
Because women don't have to think. They always have the safety net of leeching off some guy.
you'll know when you have experienced true homicidal rage
Have you tried changing yourself to fit the girl you like the most instead of trying to find Mrs. Right?
Yes, but I still need a new monitor to actually see it.
>been dating someone for 4 years, currently engaged
>it’s getting harder to remember those cold, lonely nights spent thinking about all the missed opportunities
>rarely play games anymore, rarely even socialize outside of work and family, haven’t seen any of my friends in over a year now
>don’t even feel like the same person anymore, but I am content and happy
What do you do when everything you’ve ever known is now foreign to you?
Take a guess.
So what makes Yea Forums' s advice valid to you? Why would you think that people here are good with women?
The issue is that some of the things said are at least partially correct.
You don't actually believe that horseshit. Nobody does.
>I took a poetry class
It's not that you did, it's that you still remain a charisma vacuum who sucks the air out the room by simply walking in. A for effort.
You look forward. You've experienced personality death so there is nothing worth while to look back to.
Retarded post written by an underage high schooler or an asperger obsessed with high school. It's genuinely so obvious to spot underage these days. Get the fuck off Yea Forums you ronery fag.
Being obssesed and hating or loving something to extremes isn't an healthy behaviour, don't try projecting your mental illness on everybody else, normal people don't do this shit, you do that because of your own issues.
you shed those tears by yawning too, so don't worry about it.
Politics and brands have replaced religion. Jesus and Buddha didn't invent wars or hatred, they were always the fallibility of man. Taking the cross off a building won't change the people inside it.
I couldn't give two shits, but the reaction to that Sony/Disney Spiderman rights shitshow terrifies me more than the far right or far left winning in some irrelevant continental backwater.
You grow as a person and develop new interests and hobbies. It sounds to me like you've grown. You should try to keep some friends, or get new ones. Have you read how to make friends and influence people? I highly suggest it to everyone in the thread. Fantastic book that's extremely useful for the autist and the everyman in social situations.
They're just emotional, so are most men, but while it's like 95% of men it's 99.99995% of women.
I found it easy to stop discussing politics and all sorts of things when I realised you simply cannot have an objective conversation about anything with anybody. You can't simply look at something and make an observation, to the vast majority of people you have to have emotional attachment to that observation. You can't simply believe based on evidence, you have to WANT to believe, you have to have emotional investment in that belief. So I no longer discuss anything substantial with anybody because they're just telling me what they want to be true, and then when I say what I think is true, whether I want it to be or not, they take it as me wanting that to be true.
The worst part is because of this the exact sort of people that made me behave like this are the people who give me the most attention due to this.
>low t
Like what, become stupider?
But you bring up an interesting point. Quite a number of women I've dated had a habit of "shit tests". "Subtly" questioning my masculinity, confidence, trust, etc. And I had to "put them in their place" with a counter display of power. It pleased them when I did so. And it made me feel dirty.
I would not attempt that cringe "power play" shit with my friends, and here's a potential "partner for life" that would expect me to play two person politics for the rest of my life.
I would recommend a pet but if you take good enough care of the thing it'll eventually break your heart as you try to keep it alive against all odds in its final days
I do. And I believe that you can change too. Everyone can. Its up to you to put in the effort to change. Stop waiting around for a savior and become the person you want to be. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
batman cries
>hurrrr everyone except me is stupid
You're on Yea Forums. You've already lost.
>not seen a Star Wars since episode 2
Personally, I see women as completely equal human beings capable of their own thoughts and feelings instead of a vague idealized idol festering in the minds of the socially stunted
What was the original?
This is all I want, and yet the risk of is too great. It's not fair, bros.
>hating or loving something to extremes isn't an healthy behaviour
It's what makes us alive and human, rather than flesh robots going about their lives, satisfying carnal desires, consuming entertainment, and sleeping. It's what compels people to write books and make art. And it's kind of sad that society is so normiefied these days that passion makes people paranoid. People are afraid of genuinely feeling something.
>become stupider
Well you're already a retard, so that's not gonna help. It sounds to me like you're seeing stuff where stuff doesn't exist, and like you're not experiencing the full spectrum of woman.
>Have you tried changing yourself to fit the girl you like the most instead of trying to find Mrs. Right?
You see, the issue with that is what he's asking for probably isn't crazy. He just want's someone he can connect with beyond "did you see the new disney movie" or other consumerist bullshit
Women are constantly testing you. It's truly questionable whether a woman can love in the same way that a man can.
>whatever Disney says, goes, don't ever question them you incels
>w-wait, Disney stop! that's not the ship I support! REEEE!
That's our Dobson!
The key is to not date a fucking psychopath, which is a lot easier than you think.
this. I wouldn't listen to people. everyone assume their life choices are relevant to everyone else, when in reality they are not. because people are endlessly arrogant. man's greatest sin really.
Knowing stonetoss it was either feminists or transsexuals and then someone must have changed it to Sony and eventually that.
Not him, but I always take Yea Forums's advice over most other people in real life too.
>So what makes Yea Forums' s advice valid to you?
Because most people are in or have been in a somewhat similar position. Mostly introverts, so you'll actually get advice from an introvert perspective. Things like what works, things that don't, etc. Contrary to popular belief, I think most of the anons in off-topic threads don't lie. And when they do, it's usually obvious enough to not listen to seriously.
He's too scared to go to public bathrooms because he gets intimidated and an erection at the same time hearing someone pee.
No clue user. I was dating a girl for 3 and a half years and one day I came home from work and she didn't wanna be with me anymore. I even had the ring bought and everything, was planning a trip to our first proper date spot to propose to her.
Later on found out through twitter she broke up with me because her friend showed her a self-help guru video on Netflix.
>Women are constantly testing you
This is some /r9k/ tier bullshit that you need to stop. They don't constantly test you, maybe on the first date to see what kind of person you are but that's not exactly the entire relationship. I know plenty of girls that can interact beyond talking about disney or some shit too. You just need to get them talking about what they like.
Lurk moar
Shoo Dobson. Go away
>Women aren't capable of hating something as deeply as men can
99.99% of women are psychopaths by your definition.
This. Men virtually never look for 'mrs right', it's women who do that. They don't accept people who 'need to change', no matter how much they ever do change. Similarly, men overwhelmingly look for 'average' women, whereas women overwhelmingly look for only the cream of the crop.
Countless peer-reviewed research can attest to that, and not just from speed-dating and okcupid data.
I think it was vegans vs bikers. He sometimes does normal comics in an attempt to reach an audience that isn't severely autistic.
Yea, his comics are so one note.
That's right goyim, close your eyes! There are no patterns to be found here.
>I always take Yea Forums's advice over most other people in real life too
The true answer is to be inbetween. Being a stoic rock when need and open when needed. Also remember most people care about themselves more then they care about anyone else.
>There's people out there who will treat you like a child.
But that’s what i want tho
That's my fetish but I can still go to the bathroom just fine.
You're gullible as fuck and put way too much trust into random virgins on Yea Forums.
No amount of lurking will make "hehe I said sneed" make sense since I wasn't there when it was born to appreciate the nuance of the meme.
>Women love sensitive and emotional guys
Well yeah, that make it super easy to manipulate them.
There is a good reason all past civilizations considered that showing your emotions as a male was a fucking stupid idea ...
You fucking moron. Just because patterns exist SOMEWHERE they don't automatically exist EVERYWHERE. You got paranoia, I suggest you lay off the internet for a few weeks.
Oh, they can be petty, cruel, and ruin someone's life without much thought. But it's not due to hatred, it's exactly the opposite. Hatred presupposes a certain level of respect. For them, it's like swatting a fly. They don't as much hate, as they deny you even the acknowledgment to be hated.
And go where?
>now it's the juice's fault
classic retard
Kids and really seething people
He seems to be pretty based desu
you've become enlightened
for anyone who doesn't know what this is
>Yea Forums lecturing anyone on women
Don't fall for it, anons.
>gaming can return back to the 90s era again
You mean when consoles were far more powerful than PC's and exclusives were more prevalent than ever?
She may be a bitch which is probably coping at something, but she’s still right in some points
You're comparing hating women to a point you don't even see them as real human beings to liking and trying your best for your trade and vocation, user, re-read my previous post.
Sneed harder fagtron
I feel like the newfags think "only a fool would take anything posted here as fact" doesn't apply to life advice.
Now I have to keep posting to not be confused with inflatobear. thanks user.
>They don't constantly test you
Hyperbole sure, but they absolutely do keep testing you after the first date. just intermittently and on the most random of bullshit.
>You just need to get them talking about what they like.
Why is it that I am the only one expected to not only start the conversation, but also carry it. How is this a sign of being capable of higher discussion when they act like a literal NPC otherwise.
It's true. I only responded because, similar to what I just said, I'm in the same boat as that user. And I'm 100% sure there are others too. We simply cannot connect to people in the outside world and they cannot connect to us. But here, it's basically brainstorming for free. Because if it wasn't here, it would only be me and my own thoughts (and look how far only my own thoughts got me)
I've done a lot more good than bad by listening to any board on Yea Forums. Obviously I don't blindly listen to ever post (as some responses may not apply or are straight troll responses) but as I said, it's an excellent brainstorm tool if I need a solution or advice on something.
>"Watch this"
>"Flatlander woman."
>Xbots also have to spend $600 on a 4k 120hz television
If you're here you've fucked up in life in some way. That's all there is to it. You can lie all you want, but you know the truth deep down. We're all pathetic here.
Just fucking go do it you faggot. You will NEVER succeed, EVER, if you don't try. You have a nonzero chance of success doing practically anything that isn't sitting on your faggot ass going abloo hoo hoo im so ronery.
The success is worth the chance of failure. And unlike a lot of things in life, finding the right girl is something you have an endless number of attempts for. Every failure is a learning experience to make success that much more attainable. Dating someone that turns out to be a selfish bitch sucks hard, but teaches you what to look out for in the future.
I have absolutely no faith in you or anyone else on this board. I think you're all gonna be alone for the rest of your lives. So go out there and prove me wrong you fucking faggots.
The funny part is that he said he loved Alita, but i guess he hates it now
>Stop waiting around for a savior and become the person you want to be
I am the person I want to be, dumbass. So is everyone else.
>A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
Life is gonna hit you like a fucking truck one day until it beats this shit out of you. Guaranteed. That shit is a product of the culture you live in, it's not based in reality.
>I believe that you can change
I'm right, you're wrong. I'm the majority, you're just yourself. Now change for me. You can't. That's how it works. Don't need to go deeper than that. It's self evident. It's actually that simple.
I don't know what that means but I guess you already know that and that's the joke.
>never getting past the "testing" phase of a relationship
>men prefer female role model that's more attractive to them
>unconventionally attractive
Someone would wonder why unconventional attraction is unconventional and not the norm.
>that Klansman
What the actual fuck.
>Batman and Sherlock Holmes
No? Spock also tries to be emotionless but never truely succeeded.
You've never even tried to connect. You just think you can't, or you only tried a few times, got frustrated, and gave up. I was in your shoes not too long ago, but I never gave up. Also some therapy helps, just having someone walk you through social interactions is immensely helpful.
the game
Wait, is this an edit? That first come is from before he started using the bear. Did he redraw it? Why?
I'm no Yea Forumsfag, but I'm pretty sure Batman cries a couple of times.
Goddamnit thats literally my biological mother. Its why she married a man who bullied me and my little brother and didnt give a shit about it.
I don't really believe anything you said desu. I don't believe boomers even post on Yea Forums.
Oh user, one day you'll walk away from all that edge and you'll finally understand.
>They don't accept people who 'need to change'
I'm honestly starting to see more and more reasons to believe that women lack the concept of the long-term. Which would explain why they overwhelmingly go for the best of the best. It's either all or nothing, right then and there with them.
I don't get it
My goodness this is pure truth
>liking and trying your best for your trade and vocation
Another thing I hate about modern society. You mention art, and they talk about jobs. You are expected to be "passionate" about your job and career. You have to internalize your source of income and treat it as your meaning of life. There's no place for being driven or passionate outside of a job. Your manager makes heartfelt speeches like some kinda fucking priest or political leader, expecting you to be "inspired" and increase productivity. It's incredibly dehumanizing.
Everybody knows that the only reason you're doing this is because you don't want to sleep on the streets, but it's some kind of taboo to NOT be emotionally invested in your company's bottomline.
At least slaves and serfs weren't expected to enjoy and vouch for their labor.
why do you willingly expose yourselves to dobson's narcissistic ramblings and his whitoid sjw savior complex anyway?
its unhealthy
Honestly my last sexual relationship taught me I know very little about women and I don't really want to learn.
This site is almost 20 years old. Its entirely possible that a 20 something in the early 00's could be a 40 something in 2020.
Don’t tell the boomers that. It’ll ruin their fantasy.
It's fun to point and laugh.
its funny
Shut the fuck up sadcat
You can clearly see the bikers you deranged faggot
Has he never heard of Gag comics?
Has he not read 'The Far Side'?
Someone post Cow Tools!
medium kek
Thanks for proving my point, dumbass.
That has nothing to do with what we're discussing, don't move goalposts, just because your mental illness and insecurities are being put in a spot here.
Women are the Jews of sexes
I'm saying that the patterns mentioned in this thread extrapolate out towards a notable portion of the population. Enough so, that you need to keep them in mind.
Actual cope.
>"faggot" censored
>I would not attempt that cringe "power play" shit with my friends
it's there, you just didn't notice/got used to it. men are just as bitchy and gossipy as women are.
>HOW ABOUT GOING TO THE CLUB TO SPEND $100+ ON DRINKS (I do enjoy drinking don't get me wrong)
>video games? you are so fucking gross
Nobody I have interacted with in real life (besides my best friend, who i conveniently met on xbox live in 2004 who i live with) can "really" understand this mindset. I can talk to them all I want but at the end of the day, our mindsets are way too different for us to understand each other on a meaningful level.
I'm not a retard, I promise. I work in an office environment and am on good terms with everyone here, but every time they talk about normalfag shit, I simply cannot comprehend them. And any time I talk about game shit, they cannot comprehend me.
>this corporate product made by the most soulless corporation is social justice
I want this meme to end
Isnt Dobson obsessed with Miraculous Ladybug these days?
You have to understand people like that.
You can't go through your life believing other people are like you, unless you want to make the wrong decisions due to imperfect information.
There is value in the son of Dob, if you care to look for it.
Have any of you ctually cried in front a woman? Your mother doesn't count.
This only furthers my resolve to quit that series.
>if a PCfag is poor they can decide to optimize games for high FPS or high graphical quality
>if a PCfag isn't poor they can do both
>meanwhile a consolefag doesn't get any choice
If i had a basedface wojak available i'd post it after adding a fedora. Alas, i do not.
obviously none of the virgins who unironically believe women like emotional/soft guys have ever shown any kind of emotion near a woman, let alone cried. Oof.
>Batman never cried
Are you fucking with me? Video games are the most popular form of entertainment in HISTORY. I know for a fact bitches love shit like the sims, fortnite, and other casual garbage. Find someone your age and they'll probably play vidya. A few bad experiences aren't representative of the entire human race.
>sidestepping the question
so? women only want to impress men. that's their lot in life.
havent heard about the ladybug but
according to the kiwis
he seems to be trying to quell some drama on facebook and tumblr about this specific event and a certain comic he's drawn thats possibly related to it
Have you?
Remember that time a tranny drew a parody of his comic so dob outed and doxed him?
>If left unchecked, chronic elevated levels of hormones can cause physical ailments and wreak havoc with your body.
Props to this comic for indirectly warning males about consuming too many onions products
>admitting to being a virgin
>why play CoD or ARMA when you can die for israel for real?
You're gonna burn all right.
The kfc
>belly button location is right under the breasts
Is Dobson a freak?
Chew you havisfaction a singlicious satisfact to snack that up?
When the whole “I may be an adult, but these children films and shows are amazing” phase of society.
This never fails to crack me up but she should be in black and white too
How was it?
Mine runs at 244
If you think this bitch is right, let me say you're part of the problem on why men such high suicide rates.
Not even Tumblr agrees with him, the fucking hate Dobson and chased him off site. This is the biggest redflag of all, a self claimed feminist is absolutely hated by Tumblr of all places.
That bitch is a dude erping as a woman, so I guess your point is right, men love to bully each other.
Oh no
Of course the fucking black one has
>40 is boomer now
that's gen x. at least get your retarded generation names correct.
how's it feel to know that even if you woo a girl, she won't really "love" you in the way men love things, but will merely be following her hormonal instincts to acquire the most suitable mate? You won't ever really feel companionship, just an irrational machine looking out for its self interest, driven by the biological needs of its sex-hole.
and if she met a prospective mate even marginally more suitable than you, she'd throw you in the trash without a second thought, slavishly following her internal algorithm
Dob should really just stick to drawing girls molesting each other. That one panel is far more entertaining than all his comics combined.
umm i thought americans called gingers white niggers
No. Never show emotion to a woman. They think they want that, but they don't. As soon as you're weak, she's gone.
>had to make an OC girl so it looks like he still have a friend
My God, how can one person attract so much internet hate
Then date men, they're not superficial at all.
Damn, they made John Romero their bitch
They really do. They're the ones obsessed with all this penis size stuff, etc. Women don't care that much.
>Was a total fucking nerd in High school.
>Everyone knew I was a huge fucking nerd.
>Da evul jocks and Chads fucking loved me.
Maybe try not being a worthless piece of shit and you wouldn't be bullied, Son of Dob.
>I know for a fact bitches love shit like the sims, fortnite, and other casual garbage.
Great, so other non-human normalfag garbage. Believe me user, I've tried. I've tried quite a bit to pretend to be enough of a normalfag to go out and socialize with normalfags and "gamers", but none of them have anything they can offer me.
But with Yea Forums, I know at least a good number of people here take the hobby seriously (like me), and thus are more likely to have a similar mindset as I do (but with different life experiences), which is exactly what I look for when I talk to people.
"Just playing vidya" doesn't cut it anymore for the reason that you said. It's become a normalfag activity so now I have to sift through all these gamers to find the real people.
Well, certainly no one would love *you*.
Instance 1:
she started using me as an emotional tampon, nothing particularly bad happened beside that.
Instance 2:
she magically started avoiding me
Instance 3:
she interpreted it as weakness and attempted to exploit it. When that didn't work she initiated a series of political maneuvers resulting in my being shitcanned (I have proof that she was the one to do so, proof that I was innocent, proof that it was done with intent, and several witnesses - this wasn't a coincidence nor was it a fuckup on my part). Those political maneuvers involved using similar weaknesses in other men (among other things, she mysteriously only started a relationship with a manager at the company after she failed to abuse me and also mysteriously was promoted to a manager position after a private meeting with the boss just hours before another dude was supposed to be promoted).
I actually like chaotic neutral's comics.
Isn't he like 160cm tall and rotund? His own bellybutton probably hangs lower than his dong and I doubt he's banging any girls much different.
Really wonder if that's true.
Speak for yourself. And since we were all females in the womb I guess that's what you'd do.
Yep. Wish i could find that comic, the edit, and his reaction.
Episode 3 is fucking kino
>They're the ones obsessed with all this penis size stuff, etc. Women don't care that much.
In case any of the other anons don't know, this poster is posting objectively wrong content on purpose for the sake of a reply. This is referred to as bait.
But they were your gfs or just random colleagues/co-workers?
>dong ding
If you don't want to be fucked you're certainly doing a good job.
Thread peaked here
>never seen a star wars movie
Random colleagues/classmates who acted as friendlies before the events.
Yes. Women need constant validation from men.
Was there ever an orginal version of this?
Personal favourite
>wasted filename
one job nigger
It's PURPLE DRANK faggot!
Based and one hundred percent true. Women don't have strong opinions, or hobbies, or interests. They're literal NPCs
>people playing casual games and having FUN?
>unacceptable, these creatures are the very definition of subhuman
This just makes me sad. I hate seeing this enthusiastic pizza bird getting mentally tortured this way
>Chased him off the site.
He came back. He makes drawn out paragraphs about subjects and pretends he's not a fucking subhuman.
Speaking of, where the fuck has B^U gone anyway? Yea Forums hasn't mentioned him in forever, even though son of dob is not forgotten.
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>crying in front of random people that aren't even your friends
Damn, user, you're dumb.
They were friends. Lrn2read.
You even nailed the exact opposite of it actually
The ONLY people I've ever heard bring up penis size as an insult or as a point of importance have been women.
my mom always hugs me so im not afraid
heh :3
reminds me of a mass meeting between students and their parents my school organized back then and at the end where kids and parents had to hug the whole place was a tear fest, me and my mom had no clue wtf was going on lmaoo[/spoilers]
All they talk about is men.
>classmates and co-workers
It doesn't matter if they are the subhuman or if I am. I'm just looking for people to be on equal footing with. I know for a fact that normalfags believe me and my type to be subhuman and that's fine, I don't care. But when our interests are so far apart, how are you supposed to have a meaningful conversation with that person? They won't "know" your worries or your thought processes just like I won't know theirs.
And your post is exactly what I'm talking about. We might both play vidya, but we are worlds apart in interests.
First day on Yea Forums, huh?
every time someone zalgotexts it makes my chrome go "WANT THAT TRANSLATED BUB"
no, you'll fuck it up and i can read it fine
>there are no firm breasts
100% american
I'm sorry to hear that you have had accidents in your life that caused your brain volume to shrink 99%, but that doesn't change the reality around you, nor the words in the posts in this thread user.
He posted this a few days ago, then a mod public banned him.
hopefully he's gone for good.
She is completely right.
t. male
and the same crowd who chased him off the site dispersed when tumblr got sanitized
how ironic
No, I'm just not on very often and forget the nuances of shitposting by the time I come back for any reasonable amount of time.
fuck, i didn't see the date. still, it applies.
Okay, that wasn't my point really, but whatever. Men are just as dishonorable, conniving and treacherous was all I was saying. I mean, if you really think women are the worst, consider the fact you came out of one and are basically a female with an extroverted vagina. Because that's all men are.
>These are all valid criticisms though?
Why put a question mark at the end of a statement? Is it to do that upspeak thing that californians do at the end of every sentence?
I knew this artist chick, who was doing art since she was a teenager or something. Been doing it for a decade.
Once she casually mentioned how she wouldn't mind giving up art forever, if it started interfering with her career. Made my skin crawl.
Imagine making art for a decade, without ever really putting any thought or importance into it. Ready to throw it away without a second thought.
Unironically how they also treat men.
I can smell the fish stench from your cunt all the way through my screen, roastie.
How is he so out of touch? Disney and JJ set up Finn and Rey from the beginning and didn't count on goy boy Rian Johnson launching a fucking 20 ton torpedo into their little interracial dingy boat. If Wattpad and are anything to go by all the girls much prefer shipping Rey with bad boy Kylo anyways.
You mean men are a straight upgrade to women. Women are like one developmental step behind.
I'd like to slice your fucking face off
And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 1/2 minutes), it turns into a Spike pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, EZGif, etc. it can show both frames immediately.
>I'm SO unique
>I'm so much better than these NPCs that only consume popular things
>I can't befriend people with such tastes
Jesus christ you're so fucking boring, please tell me you're at least a teenager or something, because being over 20 with this mentality is fucking sad.
>I know for a fact that normalfags believe me and my type to be subhuman
Except they don't. I know for a fact that normalfags literally don't give a fuck about your beliefs or hobbies as long as you put some effort into your appearance. Absolute worse case scenario when you present your hobby is someone saying that's interesting or different. You're not alone in your hobbies either. You'd be surprised at what you can find in other people once you get to know them. Best example I can give you is that Vin Diesel, macho muscle man movie stary, is a huge fan of tabletop games and fantasy nerd stuff.
Why yes, I too despise women and minorities; how could you tell?
this is so fucking stupid it actually makes me angry
Does dobby think that hormones build up in your brain like urin in your bladder and that crying releases these hormones? Crying produces even more hormones.
He should have just used "feelings" instead of trying to talk science.
samefag kill yourself
eyyyy there he is!
Hope you get a real friend one day user, and then you can cry your heart's content and open up to them without being judged.
Yo! Racecar Johnny!
That’s kind of autistic.
A hobby, even if you’re super talented at it, can be just a hobby.
So many people drop music, art, dance, and fictional reading as hobbies because other things
Also plenty of women can’t let things go, even if it’s in their best interest, like literally all the ones with a methhead or abusive boyfriend.
Garfield shouldve been fetching a crummy pail of water
Seriously. Think off the top of your head about traditionally "male" hobbies versus female hobbies. What do women have aside from I guess makeup and clothes? If you get a group of guys together they'll discuss sports, or politics, or video games, or fucking anything even vaguely interesting. Whereas if you get a group of girls together they'll just sit around speaking about fucking petty irrelevant mind-numbing drama. Obviously there are women out there who do have hobbies that are of interest to them but holy shit it feels like if you put them in a big group they'll just talk about the most boring shit imaginable
about pic related
>would you respect an ox? treat it as superior?
yes, actually. There were/are people who worship the fucking things. For the pre-industrial era human, we were as much a tool to the ox as the ox was to us. Only a modern era "humans are above animals because muh science and muh religion" dipshit would write garbage like that.
tl;dr go walk up to a wild ox and tell it how superior you are.
Does anyone have that post of Dobson complaining about his jewish gf family during christmas?
He's embarrassed by his old self-insert.
I know this exact feeling and I am the same way. I am fundamentally broken as a human being, I am just waiting for death, alone, broken and miserable.
I turn 30 next year by the way, which is totally epic and fun when you're a friendless, kissless virgin.
edit so shit it could be a falseflag
>Bellybutton located in the ribs
fuck off tranny
>Men are just as dishonorable, conniving and treacherous was all I was saying.
Can you list some common examples like the ones provided in this thread?
> I mean, if you really think women are the worst, consider the fact you came out of one and are basically a female with an extroverted vagina. Because that's all men are.
What the fuck are you even trying to say with this? Ignoring your retarded "men are women lol", Men and Women are worlds apart.
>video games
>not the most boring shit imaginable
I wanna die
Fuck you
>go walk up to a wild ox and tell it how superior you are.
the dumb shit doesn't even have the capacity to understand language, you idiot. what would it say to me?
Oh okay. I totally believe that you know a bunch of different groups of girls and what they like to talk about.
So many people in there 20’s and 30’s watch anime casually due to Netflix, Hulu, and crunchyroll. Normal, clean, well dressed people with jobs.
Anything you think of as nerdy or underground that isn’t related to a sexual fetish is normalfag now, and even if they don’t care they aren’t judgemental.
>What do women have aside from I guess makeup and clothes?
Those aren't even hobbies, you retard, you never talked with a single woman outside your blood related ones in your life, what the fuck do you know about what they talk in their spare time or not
It's OK timmy, one day you'll leave elementary school and have to come to terms with how the real world works.
Yea Forums isn't smart enough to understand this one
>casual scum invade a hobby and demand it be dumbed down for their sub-IQ stupid asses
>shame people who like to play harder games as "tryhards"
>this user tries to portray them as the victims despite being hobby-destroying parasites
Or maybe stop getting ideas of how people are in chick flicks.
Most Jocks are bros. Since you know most of the time they work with people.
Develop hobbies that aren't just playing vidya 24/7 and you'll learn to appreciate vidya more.
She is right about r9k i give her that
Yes, video games aren't the most boring shit imaginable. However, they are seen as a kids' toy and will be socially unacceptable for at least another half of a century.
>So many people drop music, art, dance, and fictional reading as hobbies because other things
After investing 10 years of effort into it? With no seeming reason? Just "I'm bored and I hope I never have to do this again lol". That's a tad disconcerting user.
>Also plenty of women can’t let things go, even if it’s in their best interest, like literally all the ones with a methhead or abusive boyfriend
Thanks for reminding us that women make awful life choices. That doesn't really change how quickly they'll drop kick something if they aren't being mentally fucked by it though.
Read the rest of the reply chain before responding.
>I know for a fact that normalfags literally don't give a fuck about your beliefs or hobbies as long as you put some effort into your appearance
Then it's a once way street. I couldn't care less what you look like, because I only care about what their hobbies are. Certain people are drawn to certain hobbies.
Will I be able to hold a 5 minute conversation with someone that doesn't fit my specifications? Yes, I don't mind keeping it going as long as you can tolerate me. Will I act normal when they invite me anywhere? Probably not, I've tried many times in the past but the social anxiety has crushed me once I arrive every time.
>just get meds bro
Destroying a personality is not fixing it.
>You'd be surprised at what you can find in other people once you get to know them
No, I wouldn't. I only meet people successfully when they are part-taking in the hobby that we both enjoy (which is why I focus so much on it). I can't just meet people out and about and say "Hey, I REALLY like this niche game" and expect them to even know what it is to make a comparison to it. And when I say niche, I don't mean niche for Yea Forums.
a = all, x = execute permission, /bin/laden = bin laden Guffaws!
Sewing, reading, croquet, gaming, jigsaw puzzles, fitness, cooking, playing an instrument, hiking, decorating
All of these are hobbies I’ve both heard from women and seen in person, not even including basic bitch shit like socializing, watching movies, drinking, etc
Will normalfags wannabe fuck off to their containment?
I think that comic is the worst he has ever done, since he clearly knows nothing about biology yet acts like he knows what he's talking about.
/pol/ ruined an already shit board culture
lol threads will never be the same
That doesn't change the fact that you don't have friends user, my only real friends are the ones I made during middle school and maintained contact till now. The people you work with and the people you studied with during uni aren't your friends, they were just people that shared similar circunstaces with you, with nothing deeper than that.
Never in my life have I seen "casual gamers" shame somebody who prefers to play more difficult games.
Not a single time.
Lol'd real good. I like your humor son. Tell ya what, if I ever start a circus, you'll be my top pick for clown #1.
>and even if they don’t care they aren’t judgemental.
Not being judgemental doesn't immediately mean they understand what I'm talking about.
I wish I could magically change genders in seconds like this.
real talk
>implying the use of the word "tryhard" wasn't started, and spammed, by these very casuals
Got that one off facebook didn't ya pal?
>tfw nobody has been able to track down girugamesh guy
Buckley somehow got his act together as a person and cartoonist and just keeps to himself working on CAD. Dobson still gets mocked because he is still the exact same person
are you 14?
I can assure you most people at this point post it to piss you off.
>Mom did this to me all the time
>She used to burst open my room's door only in the most likely moments I could be changing
>I had strange dreams where adult women would take me away and "hug" me tightly up until I entered elementary school, I secretly loved those strange dreams and aroused me a little
>Now have a huge incest fetish
Its pretty good
Didn't he also made a comic about blocking a guy on facebook because the guy used to bully him?
That was a flaw I deliberately injected into the hypothetical argument.
I unironically think that women should respect and worship women because they are reliant on us for survival, but at the same time, men should never forget that our primary purpose is to ensure the survival of women. Post industrial ethos threw a wrench into this careful balance, making "muh progress" and "muh science" an object of worship. Now men judge and expect of women what is only valuable to other men, and women seek to give up their venerable roles as a protected class to try and become more like men.
I've only ever seen "tryhard" used as an insult in games like CSGO when somebody gets butthurt because they've lost.
You're describing it as if it was some widespread empirical trend.
I post where i damn please you fucking nigger
she's not wrong.
it's hard to have a genuine guy friend that wouldnt throw you under the bus the second he smells a chance at pussy.
i have a fair amount of female friends and guys resent me because girls feel comfortable with me not being a thirsty incel and also because im a twink with an androgynous face. i just want a reliable guy friend to get drunk with and then play shogun coop campaigns with, is that too much to ask?
Well no, of course not, but it’s honestly not hard to bring people into the fold and up to speed.
Someone who has golfed for 15-30 years on a regular basis will always have more to say than someone who has played very casually for only 3. Goes the same with all hobbies.
B^U is still fucking going...? Tell me this is some edit
>a faggot
opinion discarded.
>25 years old
>no friends
>no gf (ever)
>very happy with myself
Ask me anything.
I've been thinking this for years but could never quite put it into words, that's amazing.
user that post was bait. OP even entered the thread to explain it was bait.
Yeah, this is basically the reason that girls want gay friends so much.
>tfw no gf
That's 80% of jewish kids at some point
find someone fat and nerdy and has that "im tired of it all" look on their face.
I didn't say meds you fucking retard. Therapy isn't meds. Its you and a doctor talking about your mental state and them giving you suggestions on how to improve. For example I used to have absolutely no idea how to hold a conversation. But then I went to a shrink and now I can reasonably talk to people. And you really should try to put effort into your appearance. Wear some nice clothes, shave, shower daily, etc... And you really would be surprised at what other people are interested in. For your niche game example, you could explain it to them. Conversations aren't had by just saying "I LIKE THING, DO YOU LIKE THING?" and then stopping when they don't know what you're talking about. People are a lot smarter than you give them credit for.
Also shameless plug for this book. You, and probably everyone you've ever met, needs to read this book. I don't care how you read it, whether you buy it, pirate it, or read it at the library, just fucking read it. Its truly life changing in so many ways. There have been college classes taught with this book and many of my profs suggest it to their students. Even if you think its bullshit, just give it a try.
Nope, that's today's comic.
It's funny when I see people demanding more women into various areas like computer science, etc. as though there is a perfect 50/50 balance that can be achieved. So idealistic.
Clansmen are most well known for hating gamer girls, don't you know.
Who's the artist?
how long can you keep up the lie?
If you can make conversation and can shoot the shit I can play some coop campaigns with you, bonus being im taken so I’m not thirsty for any pussy
Different people find happiness in different things, having a gf, working out, etc.. is nothing but a meme. Not saying it doesn't work for some people but holy shit they are almost the quintessential argument from retards to find happiness. Do you at least have a job?
Define "Normal"
A male wrote this.
wait, Bob Chipman joined the KKK?
i know it's preaching to the choir but i hate this retard so fucking much.
Ask any female: it's the dudes that broadcast loudly how "woke" they are and how much they respect women that are FAR FAR FAR scarier than the normies who "objectify" them. It's the classic "nice-guy" syndrome.
It's one thing to be a little bitch, that's whatever. But he's a hypocrite and that shit drives me bonkers.
It was more like "ironic sincerity".
I do think most men are trash. I honestly prefer casual female company to casual male company.
It's just that the people I truly respected have only been men, and it's sad to know I'll never have a gf because I'll never meet a woman whom I won't be bored with within a week of interaction.
It's not a lie
Boring desk job, but pays well enough
This kill the wannabe nomalfag.
what in fuck
I've read that book. It felt like insidious psy-ops to make weak people accept being "mr nice guy" doormats, and find solace in "niceness".
Because the really successful people I've known have always been aggressive, predatory assholes. And I don't really blame them, that's how you win.
I would date her
Tried to kill myself today, but I failed and now I have marks on my neck.
I need to get a gun
>Its cock suckers like this that call other people fascists.
I take great pride in knowing that I could pull Bob Chipman apart very easily and there is not a thing he could do to stop me.