
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't seem any of them did any wrong to begin with?

He made out with a dog

That's really cute

There's a small Japanese man in that suit


Uh oh is she drunk again?
If so, the man should be in prison for no less than 12 years.

>being attracted to dogs
white people are disgusting

Attached: Its too late.png (671x507, 571K)

Aww. That's a cute issabelle cosplay.

why are white people like this? like holy fucking shit

Pretty sure she works there.

Attached: Isabelle_.webm (720x720, 2.25M)



Attached: 1551445329372.jpg (720x840, 38K)

how much do they pay the dude to dance like this

That's Isabelle from the Animal Crossing games

Attached: Screenshot_20190621-001341~2.png (1109x1109, 903K)

the guy posted about it on Yea Forums, he said some fat girl started screaming at him, but that was it. did it become a bigger controversy later on twitter or something?

The fuck are you talking about?

>Bill Trinen kicks down the door to the bedroom, a shotgun in hand, a scowl on his face and a murderous glint in his eye

I saw it on Reddit

give me a quick rundown on this one

Imagine being such a fucking manlet the only position open to you is playing Isabelle

Anthro girls are for human cock. It's pretty simple.

it was a kiss on the forehead, compared to people who allow their dogs to lick their faces, its tame as fuck.

he is living the dream, he is doing it for free.

how he see with that costume?

I'm choosing to believe this is one of those Pakistani immigrants Nintendo hired
He couldn't, that's why he bumped into the dude

>faggot kisses the fucking costume

Attached: 1581130724552.jpg (680x810, 46K)

i thought that was a consensus, what's controversial about it?

Like you wouldn't

he's doing something you can only dream of doing

The guy, for filming things like a woman.


Attached: isabelle.png (2446x2240, 1.25M)

it's cringe!

Attached: 1578185425523.png (727x688, 523K)

Fucking anthro girls as a human is disgusting.
fucking human girls as an Anthro(not the fucking furry shit, like real anthro stuff like a minotaur or something good like that) is kino

this. Literally hurt watching

I bet this walking cringefest posts on Yea Forums. You fags should just finally kys.

Is a werewolf furry? I've had people claim it is but the idea of a normal dude suddenly changing to a monster and raping a chick is a hot fantasy.

>(not the fucking furry shit, like real anthro stuff like a minotaur or something good like that) is kino
you're a special kind of retarded and i can appreciate that, honestly
at least you're not a brain dead hmofa fag, you stand out

Its definitely near impossible to see. I tried giving Isabelle a high five at PAX but she totally couldn't see. They also need to be guided around by one of the helpers when moving around.

Is there a hole in the costume so I can fuck her?

>Is a werewolf furry
no, but it is an anthro.
anthro =/= furry

>anthro =/= furry
ok, i fucked this one.
it will be more like:
an anthro is not always a furry, but a furry is always an anthro.

What exactly is the big fucking deal here?


Leftists always need something to complain about and nothing major has happened to piss them off recently so they gonna start grasping at straws.

>rent free

Isabelle is cheating on Bill Trinen

man I wish sunibee still drew pokesmut

Do Nintendo fans really act like this in public?

Probably a man in that costume...

Definitely a man in that costume

Attached: 1580068396427s.jpg (154x178, 5K)

it's cringe because the guy is hideous, if he was a chad i don't think i would've cringed this much

Idk about hideous maybe like a 6/10
At least he isn't fat

sóylent redditors being sóylent redditors

You forgot to mention that women live life on easy mode. And also that the genetic lottery isn't fair.

God you're a faggot

is that your way of calling me a /r9k/dditor? because i don't subscribe to that kind of gay shit

>You wil never bump into a tall guy and have him kiss your forehead before sending you on your way

Attached: 1515999223550.jpg (364x349, 63K)

you say that but being a girl means you have to live with a weeks worth of being uncomfortable every month and making sure your blood pad doesnt slip when it starts leaking.
its like being a werewolf but instead of turning into a monster on the full moon you do it for a week and you have to hold your frustration back to not snap on somebody that doesnt deserve it.

thats sssonic2 and he still does

And no one wanting you after you turn 22

That’s the real Isabelle you retard

not true, no body wanted me after I turned 19

Where's her tumbler of whiskey?

Fucking based

Attached: 1537044365234.jpg (400x400, 39K)

Nothing wrong with this.

If you showered more often and played more doom people would want you more

Attached: IMG_20200302_150103.jpg (1536x2048, 460K)

How are people sexually attracted to a dog in a sweater vest?

Attached: 1538550030224.jpg (500x447, 55K)

>I cant wait to become an astronaut!
>Bitch we in a yellow dog

She cute

No it's a football

Thumbnail looks like he got hit by a massive yellow fist.

Janitor strikes back

I know it's sssonic2 but I prefer sunibee

Cringe either way.

every three days isnt good enough huh?

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Attached: isabelle-net.webm (846x480, 2.95M)

Imagine being the dude in that costume, expecting to get to fondle some little girls. Instead you just get kissed and hugged by some sweaty nerds and fat girls.

Attached: found the mimikyu.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Pretty sure the person in the Isabelle costume was a dude

Makes the guy in the OP look like GigaChad

So this is the animal crossing series' target fanbase...

Higher quality

Attached: The Great Debate.webm (360x672, 1.56M)

>Got a job at a game expo assisting the costume characters a few years back.
>agencies usually hire short, fit women who are strong enough to wear all that shit
>Pretty sweet job as its 10- 15 minutes on the show floor then 30 minutes break, repeat all day.
>The women (or men sometimes) in the costume are usually in their underwear or at least mini tank tops and shorts.
>They are ALWAYS fully drenched with sweat after their showtimes.
> Had to help them dress and undress from the costume so there was a lot of body contact with sweaty female skin.

For a kissless virgin pervert, this job was great.

Attached: 1581538150310.webm (640x640, 1.82M)

wtf is going on here

This isnt acting, the guy in the suit was genuinely terrified

he will get destroyed by twitter (formerly tumblr) AC roasties. he desecrated a sacred icon to them


>guy 1 runs to escort deflating pikachu out of the way
>guy 2 rushes to hump guy 1
Lol, wut?

Cute pupper.

Person was passing out in the suit. Guy rushes up to help. Other guy thought it was an attack.

the suit started to deflate so the guy rushed to get him off stage. Not sure why he was in such a panic tho

Guy 1 runs in to help deflating pikachu otherwise the guy inside could suffocate.
Guy 2 is security who thought guy 1 was a fan running it to hug the pikachu. he stops when he realises whats going on

I'm not going to browse the rest of the thread, I already know this cringe worthy moment is going to be defended to death because Yea Forums can't grasp the concept of beating a dead horse.
Anyways, I'm gonna close this tab.

Back to containment, subhuman:

Same way they think little girls are attractive.

Attached: seek medical care.png (499x192, 15K)

he is ugly

and sonics

t. fucks dogs

If you don't find little girls attractive then you're a faget.

Dogfuckers are firmly in your camp, freak.

Why are Nintendo fans such degenerates.

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Imagine how sweaty she must me after spending all day inside that suit.

>unironic pedophile calling out people for degeneracy

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I don’t know, haha...

Attached: 9006D1BF-163A-4422-A775-1C04F35D8677.jpg (655x1024, 67K)

nah, cute things are cute.

Attached: 1566209810524.webm (640x640, 1.75M)

He's not hot but he's average at worst, be realistic

But cute is just a synonym for attractive.

Attached: F92F35EA-088C-476B-8E2F-8971192E37FD.jpg (1478x877, 241K)

It is one synonym of cute, but clearly not the intended one here.

attractive doesn't mean sexually attractive.
People are drawn to beauty.

Without circulation, those suits can kill you. Deflation means that air is going out and not in. Person in the suit was probably about to lose consciousness.

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I like the cut of this guy's jib

>may cause distress or negatively affect health, job, or relationships
Looks like I'm fine, then.

Attached: 1420861393562.gif (314x240, 363K)

Most people that find babies cute don't want to fuck them.


>Pay is lower than men
>Still molested/badmouthed in public, "provocative" outfit or not
>"Oh, but they have it so easy"
At least i won the XY side of genetics, dodged a bullet faster than any bait here
>Inb4 but it was bait, you moron


Attached: 1556828959100.jpg (1000x1000, 442K)



what is it about isabelle and wanting to polish her asshole with your tongue

Nah, but this is.

Attached: 39BD5E01-8C74-4A59-822B-DE7B03663572.png (745x719, 137K)

literally who?

Try playing video games for once.

She must be a child to be that short. Pretty scummy of that incel in the OP tbf.

Why are there so many gay black furries?

Isn't it often women in these costumes thanks to their proximity to children?

Attached: 1521431044711.png (750x650, 64K)

Yes it was weird, but I have an explanation for this that I hope will be satisfactory. As you can see I was mostly looking at my phone, so it didn't occur to me that she was dizzy and probably didn't know where she was going. I thought she was just trying to interact with me like a mascot costume person at a sporting event. In my experience they usually get a little mad if you don't interact back, so I normally give them a hug. I tried to give her a hug, as you can see by my arm at the end of the video, but I realized that if I gave her a hug I could very likely rip the head clean off. I panicked at this realization and opted for a forehead kiss instead. It absolutely was not planned.

I'd also like to point out that this all happened over the course of about half a second, I had no idea she was walking towards me until I turned my head. The Nintendo employee with her didn't seem very upset at me and kinda laughed, she was the person saying "You're precious, alright let's- watch out, watch out, aww" in the video, which I'd like to emphasize I couldn't hear because conventions are very loud. They both went the way they were going after this video, so I don't think they took offense.

I feel like I'm on trial here but yeah that's what happened. I wouldn't want to make someone uncomfortable on purpose, whenever I took a picture with anyone else at the convention I asked and then asked if I could be in the picture and so on, and there was no kissing anywhere else I assure you, but this all happened faster than I could really think about it.


I really hope this becomes a pasta for anytime anyone does something inappropriate on video

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Shit taste

>Some fat girl started screaming at him
Oh I see how this went viral, dumb landwhale bitch had to blog about it as she sucked down on a big cup of sugar concoction from Starbucks to recover from the sight of sexual harassment. Of course knowing about the Isabelle pasta makes this hilarious

Yes... old women.

Attached: o0502058014317413968.jpg (502x580, 130K)


cannot unsee

>all the newfags replying to this

ugly people, know your limits

Attached: 1495130681627.jpg (633x651, 25K)

What the hell is this image supposed to convey?


Attached: 1572733164312.png (512x384, 285K)

The Isabella suits stay ON during sex

The freak kissing a suit

>ricky berwick
What a chad

I have literally never heard of this event

Who was in wrong here?

Sound pretty gud to me user.

Because it happened on Reddit.

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>pika’s eyes
Hot hot oh we got it

hey i remember you from a thread some days ago

Pikachu is prone to have costume mishaps.

Thank god it wasn't a white woman, or this would get you banned in about 5 seconds due what happens next

Awkward belittlement.

Man Ricky sure went from being in his room to kidnapping dogs

you will never get to have a threesome with thicc pikachu and isabelle

Attached: sadwallace.gif (336x256, 401K)

pretty much
and an old, ugly one

Not necesarily
When something or someone is too cute, it isn't sexually attractive at all.

>there was no kissing anywhere else I assure you

Sounds like some line Trump would say after a tape leak or something

a white girl would be fucking dogs
not dressing up as them

I kiss my dog on the forehead all the time user, in public even! uwu

Link to the subreddit? I want to laugh


>the tail even wags

Thank you, redditor.

based redditor

Be sure to give me some nice Reddit gold

Chadditor to the rescue.

Attached: Zion anime.jpg (2000x972, 604K)

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This is some justinRPG tier autism.

Attached: explain.png (648x670, 107K)

For you

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sunibee was really good when he didnt make soemthign gross on purpose

>telling your interviewer you like anime knowing full well they're going to release this information to the world
Astronomically based.

There's nothing wrong here. A bit out of the ordinary, but I wouldn't punish him.

How do they get the tail to move like that in the costume?

small motor

Anal probe



Of course it's Ian
This kid really can't stay out of the news

Cute :3

Can I get a quick rundown?

>there was no kissing anywhere else I assure you

Attached: 1582512516797.png (327x316, 165K)

That's cute
Literally nothing wrong here

Attached: 1559032302975.png (578x878, 307K)

>You will never talk/act/be as strange as Ian Mazgelis

Attached: tenor.gif (220x238, 34K)

That is rape and rape is the wrong

I wish rape wasn't illegal like just let people have fun dammit

Attached: 1582192670057.png (1165x2290, 574K)

>no kissing anywhere else

Attached: pooweehaha.jpg (272x272, 83K)

I want to pet Isabelle's ears, like I pet my dogs ears. I never met a dog that doesn't like my ear rubs. They always lean into it and make happy noises, real cute.

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yes, your point?

Attached: zd0aroau9sc31.png (640x640, 155K)

This is accurate

>justinRPG tier autism
Extraordinarily accurate.

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>This kid really can't stay out of the news
w-what has he done before this?...

Attached: 1581374551846.png (608x673, 460K)

... And that's a good thing

Yea Forums only likes flat chested, big assed girls

>Woman fucks dog
>It's okay

>Man kisses dog


white people let their dogs fucking tongue punch them all the time

man Dunkey has really fallen far these days, huh

It's sad that he has to dress up as a dog to fund his gf's prostitute addiction

i always seriously wonder what the people who make these kinds of images hope to accomplish
as if pointing out one thing is not like other thing is somehow going to shame someone into stopping

it clearly make's people seethe
that's good enough

lmao user I hope that wasn't a cope. That guy is a legit 0


Attached: Just.jpg (600x800, 63K)

i mean it gets (you)s sure but you really gotta stretch the replies that got into seethe territory to believe that

average pigskin normies french kisses their dogs regularly. What's this dude's act in comparison?

Isn't Bill like 5'3" too

kek nice worldview incel.
>get beaten every day
>make less money
>get raped
>don't have to say anything meaningful
>stupid af in most countries
>all they can offer is to spread their legs
maybe in the west where they can shout rape and even there they are just 2nd rate humans. Get fucking real incel.

The Virgin dog kisser vs the Chad dog catcher

>there was no kissing anywhere else I assure you

Attached: 1558653150515.jpg (640x478, 30K)

should've lifted off the head and stuck his tongue down the dudes throat

The thumbnail makes it look like the cameraman’s one second away from getting clocked in the face with Isabelle’s fist.

Japan is the only country as autistic as Germany.

According to his comment he could feel it coming off so this was almost an even stranger video

obese people do not deserve basic human rights

>Thicc with glasses


Attached: 1BC957F432DC4F58AB4C02CFF162A43B.jpg (3024x4032, 1.37M)

Attached: tkcls29p.png (894x720, 311K)

>some people here unironically believe in the wagegap

Sorry Bill, your wife traded in for a younger autistic weirdo


Attached: 0F243878-26B3-4740-A556-1EF04032CA92.jpg (1607x773, 469K)

so it was rape?

Imagine you were in an isabelle suit and this guy kisses your forehead
What the fuck do you do?


get on all fours and start presenting

Be happy that the thick foam suit covers my bulge

Attached: 1529805351589.gif (254x306, 306K)

Call security and get him escorted out of the convention entirely.

Put me in the screencap

Attached: 1579278214660.png (1123x1715, 1.51M)

Nerve gas

ask for a bonus tip from the guy

More videos of Isabelle mascot?

No need to explain anything. You made it further with a woman that 95%of the people on Yea Forums. Hold your head up with pride.

If I had to work in one of those suits for a day and had a bit of freedom I would bust the hardest moves and style on everyone around me

Why is this webm 54 seconds?

Attached: 1581904666.thingirl_isabelle_mit_eadmunde_cyninge_colour.jpg (928x1280, 218K)

It's copy pasted from people autisming at him on Reddit

I want to cum inside Isabelle's fat and heavy butt

Attached: 1582777522773.png (1889x3184, 1.66M)

LARPers deserve the rope

>talking shit about rickey

dude is a meme master on a level you will never achieve

There's plenty up on Youtube.

His Twitter is the same as his Reddit name, you can hear the Nintendo attendee freaking out that Isabelle is about to crash into him in it

attractive =! sexually attractive
I mean for pete's sake, it uses a cute child as an example.

muh dik

make a thing out of it and try to get famous

remove the head and reveal my fat bald bastard face.
I want to see the horror in his eyes

A REDDITOR!!! Then he is my sworn enemy and I hope he caught the canine parvo.

Would you smooch Isabelle?

redditors are fucking annoying
maybe if you didn't love that site you'd realize that

Please don't tell me some retards actually attacked this guy on Twitter or something.

Attached: 1583183402556.png (407x652, 256K)

His Twitter was really quiet it was a Reddit thing

bros I kinda want to fap now
what do I do?

Attached: 1580541861784.png (240x320, 31K)

heckin based

I'm more interested in someone else

Attached: Sable_WW.png (559x645, 251K)

not fap

I think if you tried to hug a human-sized hedgehog, you would get impaled.

Only degenerates fap to off model. I keep my waifus real.

but your waifu is not real

Hedgehogs are easy to hold if you do it the right way, if she doesn't see you as a threat it shouldn't be a problem.

Brother, waifus are the only real thing in this world.

She only has quills on her head, the rest of her body is smooth

Isabelle is cringe

Just don't do it doggie or sitting chair and you'd be fine.

>Only degenerates fap

I wonder if the people inside the costumes get offers to be fucked while in them.

I wonder if he's had sex

I remember I took my sister's kids to six flags one day during halloween season.
I really like daffy duck so i told my nephew to take me a pic with, I said thanks and walked away but Daffy took my arm and wouldn't let go. I felt the delicate touch of a woman but it might have been a small gay man too.

Regardless i got a boner.

i will never understand the obsession over a fucking dog in animal crossing of all games

Attached: 1581966309353.png (372x334, 217K)

Feels like there's a joke im missing here, based on replies, it looks like i missed an event this is referring to

fap like chad

White people fuck dogs.

>Why is this webm 54 seconds?
cosmic horror is huge.

Nintendo doesn't either, New Horizon's doesn't have Isabelle steal the spotlight atleast which is good


I love her

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>the most famous furry is a gay black dude

Hey, at least we don't literally suck shit from cows' assholes.

who the fuck cares except retarded nintendweeb memetards

fucking shut up

Isabelles virgin fortune cookie.

Include me in the screencap

Attached: 751.jpg (1080x720, 59K)

cute legs

I've never played the newer games, but I think she's a cute dog

cope harder furcel

Bill fills that cookie up every night though

Fuck man, I love Ricky, he's actually funny.

People are actually upset over this? I thought it was just a shit post.

Based as fuck Zion

People on Reddit were mad and Ian wrote an essay about why he gave a toy dog a forehead kiss because the man can't take a piss without writing a thirteen page paper


That image. It reminds me of something I saw more than a decade ago that I wish I had forgotten.

Thanks, boss

Attached: 20180629_151500.png (720x394, 206K)

does anybody else despise all the sexual fanart? I can't stand it, she doesn't deserve that.

I'm sorry, she's just too cute bros.

Attached: 1492001251494.jpg (600x676, 148K)

everything about this is so fucking funny

Attached: pikachu.png (300x165, 33K)

When I read the 2nd half of that, I knew the rythm, and heard Tom Hanks singing it, but I didn't know what it was from.
It's amazing that this was enough to stir up a memory that I didn't care for that I hadn't seen since it came out.

did you really have to bring up dunkey here? for fucks sake just fuck off back to dunkey and complain somewhere else

I love the Pikachu's that see the commotion and try to figure out what is going on

>get to use the Super Shotgun AND stare at Isabelle's ass

Attached: 1543599090673.gif (300x290, 429K)

>Yes it was weird, but I have an explanation for this that I hope will be satisfactory. As you can see I was mostly looking at my phone, so it didn't occur to me that she was dizzy and probably didn't know where she was going. I thought she was just trying to interact with me like a mascot costume person at a sporting event. In my experience they usually get a little mad if you don't interact back, so I normally give them a hug. I tried to give her a hug, as you can see by my arm at the end of the video, but I realized that if I gave her a hug I could very likely rip the head clean off. I panicked at this realization and opted for a forehead kiss instead. It absolutely was not planned.
>I'd also like to point out that this all happened over the course of about half a second, I had no idea she was walking towards me until I turned my head. The Nintendo employee with her didn't seem very upset at me and kinda laughed, she was the person saying "You're precious, alright let's- watch out, watch out, aww" in the video, which I'd like to emphasize I couldn't hear because conventions are very loud. They both went the way they were going after this video, so I don't think they took offense.
>I feel like I'm on trial here but yeah that's what happened. I wouldn't want to make someone uncomfortable on purpose, whenever I took a picture with anyone else at the convention I asked and then asked if I could be in the picture and so on, and there was no kissing anywhere else I assure you, but this all happened faster than I could really think about it.
Blessed and based

I want to hold hands with Isabelle!

what's the source for this again

fap through someone else by proxy


That comic got me into unbirthing.

Attached: rena's licence.png (1674x550, 723K)


well whoptee fucking doo to you user. you fucking casual

Attached: EQnyKzyUEAA2nQ8.png (927x1200, 41K)

happiness for your daughter



Lol she has gross fingers

That unholy smile only reminds me of that British lad holding Adventure Time in his hand

That is a weird looking cat

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>His fucking back

Bro what the fuck

Meh I’d let it lick the peanut butter off my ball sack

ok, meme consoomer


Attached: DgE6dFjXUAARmKs.jpg (1200x1040, 60K)

Yes user, a cartoon version of an everyday thing tends to be cuter

>Interspecies reviewers get cancelled while this exists

Fuck Funimation

cry inside the suit, as it has been the only sign of affection i had recieved in months if not years.

Feel my heart flutter and consider the day a success later that night uwu

Imagine being an official sub cuck.

>this entry was written by someone with an apartment fetish

Surprisingly nice thread

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Sauce on articles/Tweets about this? If what happened in this webm is the entire "controversy" I find it hard to believe a single person cared.
It just seems like a reaction by some awkward nerd dude who didn't know how to react when the person in the costume started pushing up against him. I can't picture even the most fervent feminist caring about this without proof.

A sweat soaked japanese man

if you recall her with the pokeball you got 2 pokemon inside it?

memes are gay

Reminder that Isabelle is for Bill Trinen and nobody else

Attached: 457457.jpg (1110x664, 76K)

Why do white girls fuck their dogs? Every girl I see on tinder with a sizable pupper I can help but think to myself YOU JUST KNOW

a 0 would be a non-white

Attached: Leo Backflips.webm (720x404, 2.78M)

>in a country full of horny japanese women
>decides to chase a man in a dog cartoon costume
White niggas are all fucked up


Attached: Polly GTFO.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

according to most woman it goes like this:
chad whites>>>chad mutts/latinos>>>regular whites>>>regular mutts/latinos>>>chad niggers>>>regular niggers>>>chad asians>>>regular asians

It's confirmed it was some androgynous boy in that suit. He makes other suits too pic related it's him

Is this super recent?

yeah but who is zion's waifu
this is important


Could I even notice being kissed on the forehead inside the fucking suit tho?

punch yourself in the dick for daring to coom

It happened at PAX East so it was yesterday

>Implying an asshole isn't an asshole.
As long as the suit doesn't come off. It's Isabelle's asshole and I'd tear it up.

Attached: 1581966985240.jpg (1376x774, 183K)

man this guy has more confidence than me and it's putting me on the edge of spiraling. i've barely even left my apartment for the past year and this cripple is out in public having the time of his life

You don't have to talk like your chimpanzee pets you know, user

Attached: 1582563959533.jpg (320x220, 21K)

Is not confidence is a very powerful mix of autism, retardation and memes.

PAX East is in America though?

Its wel known, its cute and its a nintendo character. Thats enough reason for furfags to get obssessed with any character. See also: pokemon

Is this actually you?

Does that subreddit not allow lewd isabelle posting?

>pic related

Attached: dfa.jpg (715x735, 36K)

>Majority of Entrepreneurs, Surgeon, Pilots are men. Thus result in men getting higher salary in average
Wage gap is literally just men getting paid more for their merit not women getting paid less for biological reason. Noone in their right mind would convert your salary to 95% of the base value because you’re a women

>That isabelle butt
Still sexualized

>Do something stupid
>Upload video about it for the whole world to see
I will never understand this.
This is like Logan Paul going to Japan, making an absolute massive racist asshole of himself there, and then getting banned from entering the country for the rest of his life.

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Nothing, I probably gonna be able to see shit from that costume let alone be aware that i’m getting kissed by the guy I accidentally bumped into

This is Massachusetts no one there looks nice

demand headpat in a deeper voice

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It's probably not Ian but he made the comment yesterday

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This guy is at least more endearing

Butt plug

>and there was no kissing anywhere else I assure you

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this is what aborted fetuses grow up to be

Yeah. What he did was, like, split-second reactionary thing. Not deliberately running around screaming his head off like a retard and pulling his pants down in the middle of everyone.

user if you want Ian to kiss you I'm sure he'll at least hear you out

dont act like you wouldn't still smash if they kept the suit on no furtho


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nice try Harvey Weinstein, but nobody believes your story

pikachu got timbos on his toes

Actually kinda surprised Yea Forums managed to control themselves in an Isabelle thread

>did he really just start singing?

Team Rocket is getting bold

oh wtf, the purple one looks exactly like my mom

and despite their sand people and constant natural disasters problems they are top 1°st world countries, maybe autism isnt as bad as we think.

fuck isabelle and FUCK lottie

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i just dropped in to say that claude is best villager

Wrong as fuck.
Apollo is best villager

I'm trying to!

Bill is a fucking weirdo

Enjoy it while you can

Attached: Flick.png (404x551, 213K)

He wouldn't have settled for a forehead kiss I'll tell you that

based failed abortion man

I will now buy your game
I want to hold hands with gay punk lizard

Enjoying the trio of blown out queers who replied to this. Good chuckle. Just imagine their horrific visages.

that's a girl retards

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Fun fact: costumes and fictional characters don't have feelings and can't be sexually assaulted



I still dont know if I should be concerned or laughing. What if the lead pikachu is suffering some extreme epileptic fit or like their pace maker reacted to the outfit inflator or mane what if that dude just wanted to hug pikachu really bad?


nigga where the fuck the isabelle porn at?


Attached: 9F31C1FC-6A26-42B7-A3EF-FE54DA517F57.jpg (1549x1375, 877K)

Based. Why even bother fapping to a particular character when they've been replaced with a generic titty monster


sounds greekish

It's cute also grow some balls. If you were a chad about it and just told them "I got to kiss my waifu, deal with it", it would dry up.

Pro-tip: When you look for something, add the tag "order:favcount" to sort by number of favorites instead of upload date. It generally separates the wheat from the chaff.

Nice thread guys, what's up?

Attached: bill.jpg (1280x720, 39K)


What is Bill up to these days anyway? Haven't seen him in a Direct in a while. Did he leave with Reggie or what?

Those fucking dogs NEVER STOP BARKING FUCK.

Why does Bill always look like he's desperately holding back the urge to go ballistic and slaughter people remorselessly?

where would you get a suit like this, asking for a friend haha

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Because they are literally manchildren who shit themselves and cheer/cry at every Nintendo announcement

butthurt straightfag, lmao
we're getting terabytes of twink lizard porn and you're getting nothing

This, when will straightfags ever learn?

Surely not, Who would subject themselves to unpaid labor like that?

>It's confirmed

Sure, women.

Attached: kig.jpg (1023x682, 157K)

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>pic related it's him
what picture?

Attached: death by jpeg.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

mald harder

Don't open this, it's super dangerous for her.
Seriously, if you do, you're responsible.

Attached: LILL' MAC BACK WITH A BRAND NEW TRACK.png (720x792, 305K)

If they hire anything like disney do it, that likely a woman under there. Mostly because they fit into the small suits easier. It's a game I play with myself when I'm there to guess which characters are women underneath. It's amusing watching 4 out of 7 of the dwarves walk with a waggle.
Not that I'm hoping. That's just how it's typically done. It could still be a guy underneath.
Only her forearms are visible, she's otherwise bound by the head from the elbows up.
>He makes other suits too
That's a Japanese con, and they ship that costume to every event. I guarantee no single person made that costume. It's a multiman job.

post your mom

Masquerade violation

Wish I had a beard like that.


slightly cringe but not enough to warrant the level of attention going to it. i highly doubt that any party involved there cared about it.

Faggots on Yea Forums are just jealous they couldn't kiss the suit on the forehead. They don't even have the courage to do so.
Video was cute.

Ricky is an attention whoring faggot. Regardless of his condition, which I have sympathy for, he's a genuinely unfunny cunt who relies on "absurdist" humor that really isn't all that absurd. He's just a crippled MelonPan. Which I'm sure you also likely deem as "buhbuhbuhbuhbuh based!" you underage b&

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based but cringe pic

>430 replies
>nobody's posted this

Attached: Pax Gigachad.png (1048x1460, 2.37M)

That's just confidence with extra steps

shut the fuck up

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He kissed the wrong Isabelle

Honestly. Like I feel pity which borders on condescension for people born with disabilities but Ricky content is just him debasing himself and acting gross for attention.

>no hover hands
Absolute chad

>that Isabelle
c u t e

>for posing with cosplayers

I know most of you are kissless but come on, dudes


rent free

She looks like she's twelve

Attached: 0dd79cefee35921a40a06dcf747fec7db5629e36e7d48114cc01b5f7f15095e9_1.jpg (320x206, 12K)

Wearing a cool jacket with a nice haircut and cute glasses with a good smile and being able to approach a dozen pretty girls in a few hours does not make someone a Chad!

Attached: e7b8ab0cfd.png (976x601, 854K)

I use this and set it bookmarked, check it every once in a while Order:score date:today date:yesterday

>Kingdom Hearts
>Animal Crossing
>Dragon Ball
>Resident Evil
The autism kisser has some pretty good taste

Attached: baseddepartment.jpg (410x598, 40K)

>cute means I want to fuck it

pinchis gringos locos

>still seething

Attached: keke.png (295x321, 139K)

Why wasn't there an Ankha mascot

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Yeah but you're a splacoom pedoag who can't do/have any of the things you enumerated.

If I had to chose, I'd rather be him than you desu

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Put me in this screen cap I want in so bad

Attached: E248D76C-5571-4499-86F6-BC1D2C228382.jpg (465x346, 37K)

He apparently watched Naruto a lot with his mom.

>All this sexualization
Do you think someone wants to fuck a cat when they kiss its forehead

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Is she even in New Horizons

Yeah I agree. Any time I see him on twitter, he comes off as seeking for attention. Every fucking time.

she's too mean :^(

>Why would anyone on Yea Forums ever create something to mock people with? It's really confusing me.

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You probably deserve it

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>TimeRed and Agito in the midst of the moe fuckers
Now that's kinda based right there, I don't know about you

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I hope this is actually the guy in the video and not just some shitposter pretending to be him, because this is fucking gold

It's not him posting it but he said it yesterday

I wish I was kissing Isabelle right now.


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I'm just glad there's a guy with a weird body for once that doesn't give hokey motivation speeches and instead shit posts and does intentionally odd stuff to mess with people.


>there was no kissing anywhere else I assure you
I simply don't believe this

>dog rapist makes a half-assed apology.
Alright Twitter, do your thing.

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think of it like this. If, like Feminists claimed, women made 73 cents for every dollars men made, given equivalent work, why would anyone ever hire a man if you could hire an "equal" female for 27% savings?

Because it ignores a billion factors, and is bullshit.

It's not an apology lol

Talking about the dude, not the mascot.

Yea Forums gets more discussion out of autists than vidya

god i wish that were me

I'm not into lolis or anything similar, but how are people dumb enough to think lolicon is the same as being a pedophile? It IS a drawing.
Yea Forums

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The guy or the Isabelle?

dude spoiler that shit!
I have a dog in the house and this is too lewd!

your mom is a magical girl, don't talk to your cat or you could get your memory erase.


dog girl with actual tail.



This is 100% going to show up in a bunch of people's bottle messages in New Horizons

>people here acting like reddit was having some freakout and it was a major controversy
>reddit thread is actually very tame
every time


I have questions.

Exactly. That's why Twitter needs to do its thang gurl!

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Ive fapped to more than enough chubby gay porn to know that no fat guy would be big enough to cause any bleeding.

Furfag crossing everybody

Furfags do not explain themselves

No it was deflating.

the left can't meme

theres like 2.

most furfags are white

>Cartoons have rights too, you know!
>But only the cartoons I like, when you like it it's misogyny

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What if I'm a Steven Universe fan who thinks all three are bullshit and hates censorship in general

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congrats, you're the minority.
most people think drawings have rights.

>Yea Forums doesn't wear female fursuits
what's wrong with this board?

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dog rapists never get hunted down by twitter, in fact, they worship them and follow them blindly when they deflect to dudes spanking it to lines of ink on a piece of paper

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ricky might be the most unfunny man in the entire world

yeah. and?

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Did we seriously reach the bump limit just because Ian Mazgelis kissed Isabelle

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ah fuck im gonna coom

Disgusting. Not even close to comparing to the cuteness of Tom.

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>But all this is MERE coincidence

Attached: lolichads_vs_twitter_kid_diddlers.jpg (1232x1128, 357K)

Someone really has to put together a gigabyte size image of all the times this exact thing has happened

I dunno man when my bf kisses my forehead it usually ends up in some pretty serious ass fucking

Fapping to lolis is a lot healthier than fapping to actual, real child porn, but it doesn't make you any less of a degenerate pedophile.

>t. degenerate pedophile

I don't think anyone denies that really. The debate is over whether or not it's worse, and you're on the correct side of that debate.

actually the debate is whether it's even bad to begin with
because, yknow, it's a drawing. it's always been peak irony for the country with some of the highest rape and molestation rates on Earth to be bitching and moaning about the drawings coming out of the country with some of the lowest

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It comes with the territory of having a lot of black people. White Americans don't rape that often

I wonder what Isabelle's hair smells like