Who else here excited now that it's finally coming to Steam? Borderlands 1 & 2 are unironically some of my favorite games, and I'm hyped as hell after waiting for the exclusivity deal to end. Tell me who to play as, I've avoided as much about the game as possible to keep it all fresh when I first play it. My previous favorite characters were Lilith, Maya, and Zer0.
>inb4 "you're retarded for liking games I don't like"
>inb4 bitching about the story and jokes being shit, despite Borderlands always having shit writing
Late Ass Borderlands 3 Hype
You're retarded for liking games I don't like
is this bullshit still not cracked?
You're gonna make me cry user. I even put the inb4. Th-that means you're not suppose to say it!
Yea Forums in a nutshell
Is it there even a point in playing these games single player? I'm playing Borderlands 1 currently, it's okayish, but I don't get the hype it got, am I missing something?
Is cracked, but only up to October, so no Dlc or Vault hunter buffs
imagine actually being this obsessed with a digital toy store. Kill yourself.
Shooting is better than in BL2 but story sucks ass. Especially because you still can't skip cutscenes. Like wtf Randy Bobandy, I wanted to replay with another character but I don't want to watch all that crap.
You could've just played it on Microsoft Game Store for $1 when it first game out. You're an idiot.
Imagine not having any principles. Fuck Epic and fuck China.
im excited for mayhem 2.0
some of the modifiers are big head mode and floor is lava
going to be playing BL2 with a friend soon, anything i should know?
Its really boring and the vault hunters are dull as shit
Played through once as fl4k and havent touched it ever since
Bosses and a few named enemies will respawn if you leave then re-enter the game, and often have higher chances to drop legendary gear, so you can continually boot back to the main menu then load in to farm decent gear/xp off bosses. Also, go get the community patch, along with a couple other mods to adjust world drops to be more common(making chests actually matter) and maybe a mod to rebalance Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode if you two end up playing to end game.
1 was neat for the time and 2 is excellent bro-op game
Same mission structure, same random loot with incremental progress, same boring class abilities with a new coat of paint, same bullet spongy enemies. Why do people like this again?
>supporting devs/publishers that cuck you
lmao you faggots
As long as I can romp through single player for the taste that's good enough.
get the bee shield and the lady fist. it will make true vault hunter and ultimate vault hunter mode super easy
Borderlands has a lot of problems, but the series is relatively unique. As far as I'm aware, there aren't any other games that really blend fps gameplay with rpg skills, bosses, and Diablo style loot. Only other lootershooters that come to mind are Destiny and Division, but those are entirely different in how they execute and implement concepts, to the point that other than them all being an fps and having weapon drops they share nothing else in common.
>Who else here excited now that it's finally coming to Steam?
No fucking one here, it was shit and it burned itself with the EGS already, so devs will do the usual drill of releasing a gazillion dlcs until the project becomes profitable.
The game is written by Anthony Burch and every single line of dialogue is horrible. It is perfectly alright to just mute dialogue and run from quest marker to quest marker, you will not miss a single thing.
You can skip cutscenes after last month parch
>fastest selling Borderlands game so far
>nobody cares
I unironically like most of Handsome Jack's dialogue, though you can still just mute the game then watch compilations on youtube.
Gun play is good, but the story is bad tho.
Story is badass*
>6 new posts
>2 new IPs
kys shill-kun
Why does everyone say this like anyone gives a fuck about any of the Borderlands game's stories? Did anyone buy 3 expecting good writing?
>y-you can only post once
How about you come and kill me yourself
Please send me your address so I can give you the sweet release that you so crave (no longer working for borderlands)
For some reason I thought the titanfall character was smaller. She looks normal human size.
Apparently people did since Tales had good writing. They are retarded though
not badass
If you have to keep bumping your own thread, it's clear that nobody here has any interest in your game. Please advertise on reddit instead.
It's more fun to advertise on 4chin
Go back to your subreddit you waste of fucking oxygen. You reek of söy
Holy hell, just checked out via youtube whether my old boomer machine could handle the game. It can, on the rock bottom settings. Thank you eight year old graphic card.
t.steamcuck seething
kill yourself
Had fun playing it on the PS4 stopped playing before the first dlc dropped looking forward to playing it on pc
We have a badass over here.
>Borderlands 1 & 2 are unironically some of my favorite games
You need to fuck off back 2 Reddit
On sale sometime. Not paying full price for that now.
Sorry I don't like what ever shitty jrpgs and other jap shit you play
It's fine playing singleplayer. I went through the entire game alone and never felt like it was unbalanced. Works fine.
That explains alot! Hated the characters, specially the "bad guys" and wanted to go back to bl2 instead. Should have spent the money on DLC's for that one instead.
Why was Timothy in the Space Casino in the first place? It was clear at the end of TPS Tim wanted nothing to do with Handsome Jack, seems weird he would end up there
the only way to enjoy Borderlands solo is to cheat and double your skill points per level so you actually get so skills that aren't just
>+2% reload speed
Randy this is getting pitiful
Stop posting this thread, your family are worried about your wellbeing
He had to look like Jack for 20 years and had a bomb implanted on him or some shit according to his contract, so tough luck trying to get away from him after he went crazy
Say you bought this on EGS, can you transfer it to Steam?
Is that whole thing with Denuvo having a constant 2 MB per second upload thing both real and still in the EGS version?
Please answer bros
Your saves? Yeah, sure
Your game? No
Yeah but in TPS he was still under jacks control. He was taken to the casino and when jack died stranded there along with anyone else who showed up. Plus he was trying to figure out a way to get control of the whole station. The real problem is that Tim would have facerolled that entire facility especially post TOS
Canonically all vault hunters were there, not just Timmy. Gameplay strength doesn't translate to real power.