Consoles advertise SSD in 2020 as something special

>consoles advertise SSD in 2020 as something special
Welcome to 2010 consolebois

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Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 thanks for the betatesting pc faggots

Thanks for beta testing pcfaggots

Thanks for beta testing pcfaggots

i-it's next gen SSD you just don't get it
million tefaflops blabhlabhalhbalabh

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>mfw spending only $550 on a 1tb 2000gb/s SSD on my PS5 compared to $700 for a 1000mb/s SSD at 240gb on my $2000 PC

>consoles STILL cant do 1080p@60fps

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Has there been any games designed for SSD in mind? You PC fats should be thanking us since developers now are going to design games for SSD

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Sata III runs at 6000 mb/s and I have a 240gb ssd that I got for 30 bucks. My NVME drive was 60 bucks, though? I have another one that was 90, but that's in a workstation that needs longevity.

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Reminder that the base PS5 is only going to be able to fit 3 games at once on it.

I just bought a 500gb for $60.

In many games that have crucial tips during load screens you never have time to read them if you've installed the game on an SSD. Now devs need to implement some other way to do this.

your mom was designed for some good Solid State Dicking

How many terraflops is that ssd?

This was the case with 7200 hard drives as well.

Wheres your face. Also ssds travel at the speed of the cable. Sata is at 6gb/s plus I just bought a 1tb for like 175$ 3 months ago. But of course youre a consoletarf

Help a pleb out, isn't it bad to constantly be installing / uninstalling games from your SSD? Wont console users brick their SSD in no time? Or was this only an issue with first generation SSD cards and now that problem is virtually non-existent?

>Also ssds travel at the speed of the cable
This made me chuckle

Outside of the cheapest, dirtiest chinese SSD the NAND cells have in built wear levelling. Hell anandantech's test done a few years ago had drives reaching the petabyte range of writes before they started to fail. You can't going to be writing that much data for a long, long time.

it's not that they cant do 60fps, they choose not to most the time because anything over 30 is just wasteful

If you genuinely believe that see an optician, a rabbi and a therapist in that order.

i dont think an optician is going to fix the law that you can do twice as much in a 1/30th of a second vs 1/60th of a second

The Pro of that has actually worse access times than the Evo Plus so do yourself a favor and get the cheaper one. Since the speed on both is already good enough.

The SSD has 12 teraflops you fucking retard

how much blast processing can it do

When I got the Pro it was cheaper and the fastest NVME drive available, but it was also the one with the highest rated lifespan which is why I got it in the first place. The Evo Plus is now a thing, and you should get that for gayming, but it wasn't a thing when I built that PC. The Pro is 3500mb/s.

Nice bait. Also, this was in 2017.

Attached: meanwhile in 2017.jpg (312x479, 54K)

Imagine not having a life so badly that you need to compare your PC hardware to obviously underpowered consoles?

consoles still can’t into anisotropic filtering

seethe cope dilate

Yeah dude evidently I am very angry about this, you are absolutely right. I don't even own any consoles and I play on PC, but nice assumption there. I was merely pointing out the fact that console wars and hardware wars are pathetic and shows that you don't really have much outside interests in life.

So if you went to go see a movie in theaters and they came out with a power point presentation.. you'd be okay with that.

fucking cope harder faggot

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>doesn't make any sense

was meant for

>you can do twice as much in a 1/30th of a second vs 1/60th of a second
Christ I knew you were retarded but this is Yea Forums or Yea Forums tier retardation.

I can't wait for people to get their hands on them only to find out that used the cheapest chink SSDs imaginable that are barely faster than an HDD.

>what are rendering budgets
geeee, whose the retard here?

Even the worst SSD is at least 15 times better than HDD
Sure they only improved their 1 minute loading into 13 seconds but its better than nothing

That's nothing, what's hilarious is that Microsoft was trying to act like they invented brand new technology for the new Xbox that was basically a SDD/HDD Hybrid drive and they've been around for years. Then Sony on the other hand was boasting how they'll compensate for low amounts of RAM by using an M.2 SSD for virtual RAM when page files (even on SSDs) are NOWHERE near as fast as physical RAM.

But still their target consumer base ate this up and believed them. I don't care for Nintendo but at least they don't bullshit you about what you're getting to my knowledge.

It's nvme not just a regular ssd. They have only been around for 2 years or so.

Still you as 30fps is still a fucking crime and designers should budget their alloted rendering resources accordingly to prioritise the high(er) framerate over additional particle effects than bog a scene down.

>just make the game 60fps
>who cares if it's a static wasteland with nothing going on
>who cares if the game is linear, whack a mole, COD gameplay
>gameplay is nothing more than controller response time
>environments, physics, a.i, destruction...these things got nothing to do with gameplay, right?
Retards think you can just put shadows to low and reduce particles...AND BAM YOUR GAME IS 60FPS. Fuck everything else that makes a game good, it's all worth it if you can shave off 35ms of response time.

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Given you just described modern console gaming you;d think at least actually getting the 60fps would be worth the tradeoff but no, you get 30fps and all of your mentioned downsides.

But consoles struggle with the lowest graphics settings and 30 fps


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I ran tests on my 5 or 6 year old ssd and its still rating like its almost new and I use it daily. It also survived a huge fall in a laptop and is in its 3rd computer. But, its a Samsung and they're fucking built.

Bruh I hope you are playing. Shit's been commercially available since like 2012. NVMe is not new.

The difference between sata ssd and nvme ssd is negligible for gaming and even boot time.

RDR2, Horizon, Death Stranding aren't "static wastelands with nothing going on." Those environments are far more complex and interesting than anything in MGS5, and things actually happen in them.
The only console settings that meets pc low equivalents are lod settings that is going to be barely noticeable anyway. A tree pops in a higher quality asset 5-10 feet further away on max vs low...woopty fucking doo. No one cares. Everything else that matters(lighting, shadows, post-processing..) is still generally medium to high at least. And textures are always max pc settings.
>Also, if you play games on'd want consoles targeting 30 frames.
You can still get the benefits of a game designed around 30, while brute forcing your way with more powerful hardware to higher frames.

Sata 3 is about 550mb/s. NVME is capping at 2000-3000 for mostly all people because of pcie bus limitations. Consoles will be around 1500.

It's not JUST SSD, it's its position on the motherboard. For PC we have nvme which is right on the PCIE rail but the PS5's version is something new designed specifically for the PS5. It's pretty much the same thing but uses a new kind of SSD.

I remember when this bait worked. Back in 2010 on facebook.
Now the only people replying are other console people pretending to be pc people "falling for it"

>>Now the only people replying are other console people pretending to be pc people "falling for it"
So consoleniggers falseflagging?

>you should thank us for no long holding games back

And what was holding PC exclusives back huh? They were made only for PC yet not designed for SSD

PC and Console Warriors have always been falseflagging. PC muster race acts like snob faggots and whores, console warriors are loyalist shills to their corporate overlord of choice. It’s just the get more obnoxious every year

The level of ignorance in this thread is through the goddamn roof. That's like suggesting someone would start designing cars based on the gas tank.

there are games that benefit greatly from SSDs on PC, have been for a while
how would you make a game "designed for SSD"

if it weren't for console faggots, the only thing you pc niggers would have to play is indie hipster trash and counter strike.

>PC muster race acts like snob faggots and whores
When has this ever been the case? Sounds like this dirty peasant is truly butt-sore.

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shitposting aside I'm glad we're getting such a big shunt forward in console hardware. Now hopefully things like graphics and AI/physics will follow so games might get better across the board. And for everyone going on and on about SSD, the new consoles are probably going to have made to order NVME on the newer PCIe 4.0 standard which is why they're going to be as fast and as cheap as they're supposed to be.

Star Citizen

I know for a fact that games like Skyrim with a bunch of mods HEAVILY benefits from SSD as opposed to HDD. And games across the board load far faster off even a SATA SSD.

Since 1993.

This is one of the worst posts I've ever read on here, holy fucking shit, congrats user.

I've never seen someone fight so vehemently for a lower FPS and try to say it's a good thing. Consoles only exist for 2 reasons. The exclusives on those platforms that make the console worth buying, and for people too poor to afford an even moderate gaming PC.

i hear this a lot but no one ever picks anything apart or counter argues anything i say. Or when they do and i prove them wrong they just call me retard again.

>not acting like snobs
>have freak outs anytime something isn’t 60 fps when the actual problem is the lack of optimization and utter carelessness in releasing titles unfinished
>be whores
>be the cancer killing vidya by supporting DRM with Denuvo
>be the cancer killing vidya by supporting Steam and Epic games
>be the cancer killing vidya by encouraging companies poorly unoptimized game by letting them take up RAM and Hard Drives completely bloated
Kill consolekeks, kill PC niggers. Burn it all to the ground and let it crash. We need a do over

Learn the difference between being designed for something and benefiting from something

Sonegros doesnt own computers, laptops or never touched one, all they have is the Iphone bought by their parents to shitpost in here

ufff youre definietly not good at computers. true master race representative

here's what your 60 frames gets you.

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Thats like 2 more then base switch.

Amazing every word you just said is wrong. True master race.

Looks like a good tradeoff to me as you aren't meant to be looking at the floor in the middle of a firefight.

I feel bad for consolefags
either you settle for shit fps or shit graphics, meantime people are hitting triple digit fps on higher resolutions and better settings than consoles

Bro go watch a digital foundry video.. Most multiplatform games absolutely DO NOT have the highest texture settings.

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t. phonegamer faggot

>hot-swappable 2TB nvme SSDs (Evo 970s)
Unless consoles have this, they're pretty dated.

The Master Race has already moved onto NVMes

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>haha I can't believe I spent 4x the cost of a console for this majestic differences lol

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I can run this game at 100fps in 4k on my pc with higher graphics settings than ps4 or xbox.

consoles are good for exclusives, for everything else there's pc.

Nah, zoomboomer who misses the PS2 and Xbox shovelware from middle grade studios instead of only TRIPLE A or Indie to put my thoughts into perspective

not included in picture: 30 fps with framerate drops and terrible LOD
also controller aim in an FPS

I think consoles exist so there are at least a bit of money in gaming industry so that it doesnt just burn and die.

You do realise NVMe means pretty fucking nothing for gaming and the PS5 ssd is miles better right? i mean right? right? youre like master race right? youre supposed to know at least something about computers.

>this meme again
I'm gonna laugh at you fags when the next CoD is 200gb and you need to buy sony's proprietary storage at a premium and the kicker will be that it won't even be faster than the fastest SSDs.

>NVMe is not new

Ya but the speeds they are doing now are.

my man. I agree with you on all accounts @pcconsole war. bring back the good times.

Youre so retarded you actually use CoD filesize as an argument on fucking Yea Forums like look around you mongoloid fag? does this site look like it brings about many people who care about CoD? Thats how retarded you are. For gaming NVMes mean fucking nothing. what fucking meme? get educated... anmd what the fuck do you mean? Standard of PC gamers is shitty 250 gig from WD or worse. not even 20% of users go for 500gigs and you retards are stupid enough not to check if your board even supports it. ive seen dozens upon dozens NVMes installed into sata m2 slots. guess what mustards dont even notice becouse as you can see in this thread even those meme retards with 2k computers cant into technology at all.

Looks like I hit a nerve, I'm looking forward to your disappointment when the ps5 launches

Not especially - few of the controllers are capable of saturating pcie4 and it is highly unlikely the ps5 will ship with a drive and controller capable of such throughput.

> For gaming NVMes mean fucking nothing
Cause and effect, If the typical player has only access to spinning rust asset streaming is tuned to that limitation (see: why you can't go super fast in GTA V). If the baseline shifts to needing (or at least, being designed for) the speeds nvme is capable of it can matter.

We have a shit load of games to sort through at least


i'm currently doing a ps1 run on Xebra emulator, done like 30 roms, enjoying GT2 right now
but im not into emulation that much, is there any good PS2 emu? Was actually thinking of buying some brazil mint PS2 to ship to EU and ace GT4 on it

With all that superior performance you'd figure PC only fags would have more time to play games instead of shitting on Console only fags. Anyone with half a brain knows PC is going to have better performance and has it as a main platform with one or 2 side consoles for exclusives. IDORT master race.

>can't post more than once a minute
>posted again in 55 seconds

you're retarded user

Was that supposed to be a roast of some kind?

because you're also here.. i don't really know what you're getting at.

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>implying most PC gamers aren't playing games on mechanical HDDs with 7 year old CPUs and GPUs

I'm on break at work unlike most of you. Cant exactly lug a PC around with me on the job.

I don't know what those fags are waiting for, you can get a 1tb SSD for $100, my PCs have more SSDs than HDDs now

Potato mashing works surprisingly well.

I'd say its more along the lines of the PC only crowd spend more time flexing spec than actually playing games when everyone knows that already why keep spouting the obvious?

Fucking niiiice, lemme drop you PCSX2
I wouldn’t recommend original hardware simply because of faggot scalpers overcharging for games

>since developers now are going to design games for SSD
Oh fuck, developers always find a way to fuck up just bad enough that the average gamer finds it still tolerable. We're gonna go to HDD loading speeds on SSDs aren't we?

sony will have overpriced, proprietary SSDs I guarantee it

They're advertising consoles being able to utilize ssd's properly, not ssd's being new tech, even the ps4 is better off with a 7200rpm hard drive than a ssd.

No, devs can't design a game that takes an SSD as minimum spec.

Reality is consoles push the envelop in a time were everything is expected to run on Xbox/PlayStation.

PC+Switch masterace. Other Consoles have been shit since the ps4. Also please ignore the blue eating PlayStation players, fellow Kings, they aregetting the worse experince

Not an issue for people in countries with unlimited broadband.

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>Has there been any games designed for SSD in mind?
No, but there are some games with such atrocious load times you'd be an idiot for not running them off an SSD. This is what's going to become more commonplace for gaming this coming generation.

>You do realise NVMe means pretty fucking nothing for gaming
You mean download speeds, file transfers and read/write access don't mean anything? Oh, right.

The PS5 SSD is "better"? Go ahead and tell us how. If it's a SATAIII disk, explain how the 1/5th speed is better than nvme. Or tell us how Sony created a proprietary nvme SSD faster than Samsung's flagship disk.


thanks bro, I'll look into that
crack, sip, let the good times roll


user I mostly play obscure weebshit, I really don't need a €1500 PC.

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This. Even my SATA II SSD from 2008 still does a better job than any HDD even if lacks DRAM and it's only about twice as fast in terms of maximum read speed because SSDs don't have to spin up and find the data physically. Anyone who says you might as well be using an HDD when they look at cheap SSDs has no idea what they're talking about.

SSDs in 2010 were expensive, unreliable and small capacity.

I'm happy that consolefags get to experience ssd's. I remember how fucking happy I was once my pc booted to desktop in 15 seconds.

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Hardly anyone had a SSD in 2010

Poverty is a bitch isn't it

>even the ps4 is better off with a 7200rpm hard drive than a ssd.

It was obviously facetious.

fine by me, 60 FPS should be standard and I don't care how they do it, they can cut down on effects and boost FPS since 30 feels awful, I have RS:Siege on Xbone since I play with a friend and terrorist hunt is 30 FPS while PvP is 60, even he who only plays on console noticed and remarked about how bad it felt.

I don't think you understand. It's all about the screenshots & 30fps youtube trailers. Publishers don't give a shit about your after-purchase experience. Targeting 60fps on console is 'wasteful' in the sense that it could take months of development time to optimize and impact the quality of the screenshots/videos meant to sell the game. Pitching 60fps+ to a publisher is hard, many execs don't even know what that means or only see it as a big expense.

yes and? I spent my money because I want to play at 60FPS not because I wanted the best graphics, my PC is a office PC off ebay with a graphics card tossed in it and it runs better than my Xbone on nearly everything, now my graphics card is dead but this thing was a total of 160$, and it has outlasted my first Xbone.

>only pretending to be retarded
When did we start letting these people think that’s okay

Why stick to 30fps then? Games of old ran slower than that and getting back even more rendering time can enable even moar pretty on screen effects.

Wait was ps4 hdds still?

>12 year old game

Attached: FO3 XB1.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

>13 year old game

Attached: ME1.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

>1 yr old game

Attached: controlps4.png (1920x1080, 753K)

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Damnit, not another censoring scene to protect youthful eyes from fat tiddy anime girls

Ummm sweetie you know they're going to be faster than a PCIe 4.0 NVMe right?

they're already potentially 10x faster than your fastest regular SATA SSD's

enjoy your ports that take 4 minutes to load when next gen comes about, poorfag

I don't think I've dropped below 70 for that game on my computer.

Man you must be thick.

I bought 1gb nvme with 2gb speed for 70$ and i couldn't be happier. Paying extra for samsung sticker is literally retarded.

The prevalance of 30 fps gameplay trailers is exactly the reason why 30 fps is the norm now. In the 90s something like 15 fps was fine for publishers because people bought games based on magazine and box art screenshots.

If they could still get away with a lower framerate they would do it.

I’ll have you know I am of an average weight and my hips and chest are of an average ratio to a waist

get a ps2 with hdloader. pcsx2 sucks on the level of pj64 with no mupen to be better

Attached: gtav comp.png (1920x1080, 2.28M)

you think consoletards understand what their specs mean? all they hear is POWERFUL TERRAFLOPS MEANS MY BRAND-CULT IS STRONGER THAN THE ENEMY BRAND-CULT

I never had an issue with loading games off my PC onto my PS2 it is pretty great.

Nobody had SSD in 2010, Linus. In fact I just bought my first one this year.

Probably locked to ~20 for a reason. sometimes unlocking the framerate breaks shitty timing code tied to framerate (AI, physics, weapon reloading and shit). Developers don't want to deal with it or don't have the funding to deal with it.

Bethesda games and their shitty engine ties the FPS to the game speed.

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Finna buy a 1TB before corona-chan jacks the prices, what should I get

Nope. It's locked at 30.

I've never seen a 7th-gen+ console game locked at 20, especially a shooter.

smells of cope


Heatsink on M.2

Yay or nay?

> Use's Linus Quote
ok zoomer

So how do know Linus said that?

>zoom zoom

When hard drive space increased, what did devs do? Stopped compressing anything, to save time and money, resulting in 100GB+ games that previously would have been 10GB.
Guess what they will do with SSDs? Stop putting effort into optimizing loading times in order to save themselves time and money.

Because (sadly) i have zoomer friends
> zoom zoom zoooooooooooooooooooooooooom

No inherent downside to using one.

You basically have to double up on data (increasing file sizes) because both blu ray and mechanical drives are sloooooow. Theoretically with a proper pcie4 nvme drive and a decently clocked zen 2 cpu you could do on the fly decompression pretty damn well as you;d have the throughput to make it viable. That means you can get your 30gb game back (gotta keep uncompressed audio yo).

What's the incentive for publishers to bother with compression when they can just force users to uninstall the competition?

I have never, not once, seen a "crucial" loading screen tip.

you both sound like redditors trying to fit in. Con fucking grats.

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I played nearly all of Darksiders 3 before a loading screen tip told me I could run my clicking down the left stick.

There is always a hard limit to how big you can go - particularly with lol data caps that a lot of the US has. Either compress the game so people can actually download it or compress it to fit on a blu ray and be crippled by the read speeds.

No one asked you fucking slope skulled invalid

>lower enemy/npc count
>worse animations
>smaller battles
>smaller environments
>more linearity
yea, real good trade off

Wow an insult that you actually had to think out, congrats. Almost like you had to avoid your freudian like brain to stop parroting shit you see on here to save face.

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congrats user, I can appreciate insults that aren't just the normally copy pasted, cope, seethe, dilate, etc.

>"almost like you had to avoid your freudian like brain to stop parroting shit you see on here to save face"

>also calls people on Yea Forums redditors

Im on a third world budget and got this for my first SSD
how did I do?

Attached: image.png (1024x715, 1003K)

I'll take it as a complement, user.

thanks for your approval.

Solid/10. Not going to set any crystaldiskmark records but there is nothing wrong with it.

not sure about the first guy but I did mean it as a complement.

>anandantech's test done a few years ago
since the transition to tlc and qlc nand has gotten much less durable

PC can't into exclusives and their indies are always teraflops.

Ok, you come across as a sheep. Is that more apt?

All SSDs have a shelf life, they can only be written to a certain number of times. If they put good drives in with good controllers and file management, it won't be an issue, because they should last as long as a good HD.
So as long as they don't cheap out on the SSDs, it should be a non-issue.

>reaching the petabyte range of writes before they started to fail
Isn't really that much. With the size of the games + limited storage we can expect a very high number of writes in a short period for the avg consumer

>he thinks it will be 1tb not 500gb for the base model

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Depends on how big it is, and what you paid for it. The 250-500gig ones are fine for that form factor and SATA. Anything more than that, I can't see paying for in 2020 and M.2 existing, and I'd look at Samsung for larger capacity drives.

That's because you're an waste of time user

We should honestly expect the PS5 prices to be even higher than anything else known before (because of all the shit going on with corona-chan, memory prices spiking out of control...)

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>One day the PC will have an actual game library that isn't just early access, indi shit and battle royales

When that day comes, welcome to the 1980s PC bros.

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B-b-but the 13 guadzillion memory rendering chip processors!! 240fps 8k!!

You can pretty much run any game under the sun from every single console ever made with emulation, while your latest console can barely run... the games developed for it? If we're talking about "the ability to run games and the library", consoles will never reach the point PC is at right now