




Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I would buy this game if they actually had the trouble to insert wholesome characters instead of these bionicle-esque things.

It's free to play retard

>it's just a quake clone but 10x as ugly
Who the fuck asked for this

eggbots are cute

fuc whatever

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so how dead is this game

as dead as q live

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>walk on ground slowmotion shooter
hmm looks very intersssss-------............ zzzzzzzzzzzz

room temperature iq

looks so fucking soulless

Imagine quack with bionicles tho

Why do these shills keep making these cringe threads

clicking eggs is fun

remember how CS was basically Quake but dumbed down in every way? yeah now add overwatch abilities

>why do people keep talking about new videogames on the videogame board

The game is good, and people should play it.

>overwatch clone, of which was already a clone of TF2

>cartoon graphics
>overwatch clone
>cartoon graphics
>overwatch clone
>cartoon graphics
>overwatch clone
>cartoon graphics
>overwatch clone

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I'm sorry you never got to play an arena shooter user.

I can't believe Loadout was an overwatch clone.

I got to play actual GOOD arena shooters, like q2/3/live

no you didn't

okay zoomer

nice larp

stop bumping your own thread.


Game is fun so far.

I find it kind of hard to hit with the rail in this game though compared to quake. Also the long TTK gets a bit old, but it doesn't seem like it's going to be the default mode.

Also, I rebound RG to R and lost my grenade ability. Anyone know how to rebind it?


re-bind it to a new key

After playing through the weekend I must agree that the game might actually be a good modern replacement for the ql.
Movement and mouse input are on point, the settings are deep. The maps and graphics aren't as bad as I thought they are and a map editor that is already available is a big deal. Everything else is already polished enough for the game to be playable and they will hopefully fix the bugs.
That said, I don't see any potential auditory growth - there will be the same 1-2k boomers playing who play ql/qc plus some newfags who will just get rekt and lose the interest.

Imagine wanting Overwatch over making your own WW2 fighter plane death bot with decals. I cant imagine having shit taste like this.

stop shilling

The hope is that some big zoom celeb will stream the game when it launches and it will have SBMM as well as casual modes where it doesn't really matter if an individual doesn't do so great as well as a proper movement/weapon (situational uses) tutorial. Right now I kinda feel bad in wipeout towards ppl who can't even strafe jump let alone aim.

>a free game

Grenade ability is not in the bind settings.

Unless I'm a retard. Let me recheck.

it's one of the weebl binds

instakill 5v5 is the most fun I've had in a shooter in a long time.

user power/weeble grenade or something

there are 2 that you gotta bind, 1 heal 1 utility

Even if the game was already perfect and had all of the promised content it still wouldn't be popular.
With Overwatch dying, Counter-Strike being at its highest right now and with riot game shit on the horizon there is no space left for the arena shooters to become mainstream.
Big zoom streamer might get it some attention but I really don't see a mass appeal in a game where the skill floor is so high. I am not trying to make an elitist statement but realistically arena fps is drastically different from any of the current shooter-games and you need a very specific set of skills to play well against even mediocre quake players.

It is Use Item / Left Weeble

Thanks boyos.


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>buying a free-to-play game
>dissing Bionicle

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Afps won't be mainstream, but something where players of all skill levels can enjoy should be the goal. Intuitive tutorial and SBMM can help with that a lot. The game doesn't even start once you start to learn how to move around, I have 500hrs+ in quake and I still mess up my rocket jumps at least 30% of the time kek, but it feels so satisfying to nail a rocket jump and save you from getting fragged by 3+ guys rushing you. QC still doesn't have a proper tutorial and it's just insane to expect the modern zoom gamer to alt tab and go watch a youtube tutorial before opening a game.

Thank you good user you a good user.

ctf duel and defrag will be added in the coming weeks

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Did yames mention anything about tutorials?
>ctf duel and defrag will be added

i thought the beta was weekends only?

they left the files in

>they left the files in


Reminder that every DOAbotical thread is 90% shills self replying and gets deleted with the hour as a result, then they reset their IP and the dance happens all over again.

Say anything bad about it and watch them spaz out with autistic fervour. They have to keep pushing these threads because they can't get any traction on their beloved Reddit since they can't just anonymously self post.

It's all very depressing, you'd think by doing it they'd realise how dead their game was and move on with their lives.

What the hell, this gave me goldeneye vibes for a second, but then you die within one or two bullets. Fucking boring as hell.

announcer files, matchmaking gamemodes images, map thumbnails, etc
it's literally all there
do you want source for that too?

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Isn't hit detection fucked?

AFPS could be a success but it requires a real visionary to do something new. QC felt amazing but its new ideas were shit, Diabotical feels weak, cheap and has no new ideas at all.

It will rise, maybe, but sure as shit this game won't be it.

When is it out?
I wanted to try it but got no key

full release in like 3-4 months I think

>QC felt amazing

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>QC felt amazing
never did

They extended it until Tuesday night.

i wish Yea Forums had thread IDs so we could see how much samefag shilling goes on.

Not gonna lie. I know it is in beta but the game feels awful to play. Is it like I am always ice-skating with not too much control of the bot and rockets feel like shit. What is the point of having a rocket doing 8 to 25 damage with the blast?

The grenade launcher is probably the worst one I ever used in my life and the rest of the weapons and the spherical bots make it really hard to hit

Was Quake really like this?

Goom moot probably receives some money to let this kind of shit run rampant.

>Was Quake really like this?
no. no it was not

games where you have no ground accel are awful

>with not too much control
how to detect a shitter

Also I played a few 1v1 and it only shows how bad the entire structure and map design is. Rockets only 1v1 feels like the first guy that hits will always win because both players start flying. Only good weapon is the sniper.

Yeah. Instead of having instant reaction the bot takes half a second to go to any direction


i literally just got my key... and you can only play on weekends? wtf? why send it to me after the weekend? retards

fuckin BASED

thanks user

You can play until tomorrow night.

Snagged 'em from a stream, enjoy


Just uninstalled

not recommended 0/10

I still há e a code if anyone wants it.

It is legit not very good at movement and the entire game has tons of annoying shit. Having to hit 3 entire Rockets into an enemy in a one versus one sucks. And the arenas are way too small.

Just play UT4

You already meme'd yourself into EGS, might as well grab the good free Arena Shooter

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Lol @ all the zoomers seething about the rocket launcher. This isn't Team Fortress 2. Quake never had a huge blast radius.

I'm just glad I don't have to play Warfork anymore

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Post your egg-bots.

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How many days will this survive after launch? My money is on it dropping to 10% of it launch base in a week.

10% of what?

looks like shit


>This isn't Team Fortress 2
It is a real shame indeed. At least it had decent rocket and grenade launchers.

Just won a 1v1 match and had to hit the other guy directly 3 times in the face + 1 blast to kill him most of the time. That's some fucking dogshit rocket launcher. I also hate the damage indicator, hitting him 3 times and showing that did 100 damage without actually hitting him for a 100 is shitty as fuck.

Every weapon so far is trash for exception of the sniper / rail gun

nobody else has bothered designing your shitty testicle creatures James. let it go you ugly weird cunt.

honestly quake champions is way better than this shit.

They're literally self posting on a mongolian falconry board and spamming keys to try and get people to play their game.


>self posting
this isn't reddit, Juan

right because it's unthinkable some user who signed up with 5 email addresses wouldn't post a spare key
must deny anyone likes game
I might cry if people have fun

Plasma still feels too strong even after they nerfed the close range dmg. Shotgun too. When's duel

uninstalled already. i get it's beta, but when you can evn get weapon switching right, and guns firing on their own, no thanks.

Installing this gay ass boomer game because of sudden urge to play arena shooter

>really all I want is to design my own egg but no beta key

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dead game



nice projecting faggot

Nice insides. Keep us updated.

i'm sitting on around 25-30 beta keys, not giving any away so this game dies lmao

You can have one of mine.

Diabotical sucks ass tough.


I want the user that you originally replied. I was just helping out to understand what he was saying to you.

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lmao based

Egg models is bad, but least its not anime shit.
also ads outside of scopes is retarded and the biggest mistake shooters fell into expect sprint of course.

Thank you fren!

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Fuck you, Bionicles are the most kino childhood toy and I'll fucking slap your shit in if you say otherwise.
If they were legit bionicles I'd buy it for double the price, mind you.

thats a very man-baby epic reddit response

>1 minute respawn time
guess ill go fuck myself then lmao

when were u when afps was save?

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Nice buzzwords.

>egg that you can actually "customize" is bad
t. golden weapon and flaming wings is good customization

>25 keys
Trying to imagine your boner right now

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Is it possible to make spurdo sparde?

keep pretending faggot

I'd rather anime at least you can fap to it

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>wholesome characters
>complaining about bionicle-esque things
Translation: I wish this game had ugly women and black people so I could make hourly shitpost threads about it.

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TF2/Tribes mods waiting room

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lul ive got like 7 keys from these threads and i dont even like the game i just keep making accounts and not playing

i cant even hit the bots in the practice range without standing still and missing 3 times first...how the fuck do i get good????

the map editor is really good

you sound like you're either 80 years old or you have no coordination and shouldn't be playing shooters. If you can't hit the bots standing still you're never going to be able to play AFPs games, don't waste your time.

gonna be dead on arrival, just plays like quake but with a shitty art style, shame because 2gd was great back in the day.

Click the robots idiot.


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These threads and Doom threads are proof that Yea Forums is overflowing with zoomers who pretend they're older than they really are.

Damn, the anti-diabotical shill must have run out of his meds

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This game might have died as fast as Lawbreakers or Battleborn

based retard keeping the thread alive

What are the chances of James giving me a shill code

>never got a key
[email protected]
Spare a key for a poor net urchin?

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these threads weren't lying
my record on arena 1v1 is 0-23
on wipeout 5v5 im 17-25
i suck cocks at afps, ive no idea what most of the mechanics are but fuck me the guns feel so fucking satisfying to shoot, it's running at 300 fps constant and the entier thing is just ultra responsive. fucking hell, apex is a pile of hot turd compared to this.
any info on when will they end the closed beta period?

I think there's like 2-3 more closed weekends

the current weekend will end in 9 hours or so and the next couple weeks will have different modes

Why do these games fail with zoomers? Never played an AFPS before but it's a lot of fun.

the games are hard and require learning a new type of playstyle

last closed beta weekend ends March 22nd

It's a gameplay loop thing. People want to spend 80% of their game looting/lasthitting instead of actually playing. The variance helps bolster addiction I think

this game could be popular with zoomers since it has CA and is free but it won't, zoomers are all about grafix and don't like eggs.

>zoomers are all about grafix and don't like eggs.
every single person complaining about eggs are boomers tho. never heard any complain that didn't also compare it to quake.

Acquiring skill and the slow mastery of a game was always what I found appealing when I played fighting games. Seems zoomer like rng shit.

they dont like games where the only incentive to play is fun gameplay

i keep forgetting that there's a "dodge" ability and don't even know if it's that useful

how do i stop being a wrist aimlet

I mainly use it to take sharp turns/180s when strafejumping

>game queues taking over 10 minutes
its dead already isn't it bros

>250k sign-ups for closed beta
yeah i'm thinking afps is back bros

50k of them are me trying to robin hood some codes for the lads

I have a spare beta key if anyone wants it. Will email it to whoever guesses my favourite anime, hint is that it centres around a cafe.
Claw grip, clear desk and huge mousepad

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tokyo ghoulj

is the order a rabbit

just give it to whoever posts their email first

Yeah, good job
And okay

Just got my key bross!!!!!!

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They don't like games that they can't just immediately be "good" at. They don't want to go through the trouble of actually improving, they just want to shit on people with minimal effort.

I too loved Cosmic Break

Whoa the Chinese made a bootleg of quake? That's hilarious!

I just want to thank the kike who made this thread. I can't believe there's a Chinese bootleg of Quake. It made me laugh a lot.

there is literally a "MADE IN CHINA" sticker you can apply to your bot

was kind of excited for this game until I found out it was an epic games store exclusive
why james, why.....