May is best

what games are popular in fly-over states and other irrelevant places?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>may is best
They're all shit. Never put your dick in trailer trash.

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>My first crush and the reason I like yanderes
>"May best"

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Otherwise people like you are born?

The Kankers are all yandere

what is with Yea Forums's borderline obssessive fixation with this fucking show spawning hundreds of RP threads revolving a fake MMO? it had a good ending but that's it, it was always discount Ren & Stimpy

Why does Yea Forums simultaneously bash Yea Forums but also have by far the most Yea Forums-related off-topic threads on this entire fucking site? You faggots are just squirming to talk about children's cartoons at any opportunity.

>discount Ren and Stimpy

Don't bring up that MMO shit ever again. I'm so fucking glad people stopped pretending it was a thing. Holy fuck was it retarded. Perhaps worse than Wojakposters

When does Yea Forums bash Yea Forums these days? I see alot of /vp/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums bashing but not a lot about Yea Forums

>Comparing the work of Jon Friskdakiddiez to a man who actually stuck with his show for the entire run

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Yea Forums is now a tumblr colony, while Yea Forums us more /pol/-leaning.

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Ok but I still dont see Yea Forums mention Yea Forums a lot and I'm here like 10 hours a day

It's more like Yea Forums is a tumblr colony while Yea Forums is a reddit colony

> it was always discount Ren & Stimpy
except it ran during a later time period, had a different audience, and had arguably better animation.
Also the MMO thing was funny for awhile.

marie was the least trailer trash, double d got lucky.

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The only people I've seen obsess over the Kankers are total weirdos with bad fetishes. I used to love this show but now I get real nervous when I see these girls posted anywhere.

They gave the blue-haired one bedroom eyes for some fucking reason and the whole things fell to pieces and porn from there.

>for some fucking reason
Pretty sure it's because they wanted her to look mildly sinister. Not because they were in the market to make boys want to imagine fuckable trailer trash.

I mean I didn't see anything that should have given rise to making porn of Gadget from Rescue Rangers. But well...

You should know by now Yea Forums is populated by weirdos. Don't let it get to you.

For the last time, California, you're not relevant.

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The only thing weird about wanting to fuck a Kanker is that theyre like 13

It's not Yea Forums I'm worried about.

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Ed Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Ed-Ventures

>Ed Edd n Eddy
The show is Canadian, you fuck

Canada is just snowy California

Lee's the best
not vidya

>that image where Marie hits the wall so hard and fast
I guess UAE and KoF if I recall correctly
People enjoy Yea Forums content, but don't want to go onto that board for various reasons
Same with Yea Forums on Yea Forums.
Or Yea Forums on Yea Forums
or /h/ on Yea Forums

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What, you mean this?

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How will user possibly recover?

May is objectively the worst

Depends on just how much you like bunnyfus
And it takes a serious redhead fetish to like Lee

Not sure why you replied to say the same thing.

>discount Ren & Stimpy
Red and Stimpy is discount Ren and Stimpy

Look up Brothers Grunt

>best girl becomes disgusting
This artist is seething as fuck.

Marie = May >>> Lee

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They're the dark triad/femdom. Lee is Machiavellian, she manipulates everything and then strikes. I see her as a Lion type. Perfect match for someone like Eddy. Marie is a narcissist. She knows she is hot and if she wants you she will manipulate you to convince you you want her. I see her a spider type. Perfect match for someone like double d who is more reserved and will only do something he is sure of. May is a psychopath. She is dumb as a rock but violent. She can't manipulate people but she will use violence to get her way. She's sort of like a bear or something. No grace or anything she'll just beat the shit out of you.

Any r34 that doesnt perfectly replicate the original character design and artstyle is worthless trash

>#7 and #8 May
>#6 and #7 Marie

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Nah, they were cooming.

I thought psychopaths were smart as a rule

Excellent taste, my friend.

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I’m sensing a bias

The last image in each progression is based off of how they looked in a deleted scene from that episode where you see the cul-de-sac as old men, the artist was just trying to figure out how they got there.

May ages like fucking wine

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Oh, that makes total sense then.

Nazz > Marie > May > Lee > Sarah

No, you're thinking of sociopaths. They're cold and detached but still pick up on all the social cues and are good at reading minds. psychopaths are just idiots who have no sense of morality and will freely beat the shit out of people. Psychopaths are the ones that just rape a random woman violently because they're horny. Sociopaths are the ones that methodically mass murder and cover their tracks perfectly because they find it fun or something. psychopaths are like cavemen basically.

t. shovel chin

That's how she looks in the episode whetr everyone turns old

What did you say,dork?


What did they mean by this

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I said your bike is gay.

Me on the left.

I'm surprised no one bashes /tg/.

Me on the right.

God, I wish I was double d

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Me watching this gif

Only in Warhammer threads

>may is best
The fuck she is. Glitched as shit and every time I run into a May main I always end up getting my scam ruined by some Ed who gets the pebble shoe status effect. Fuck May.

My nigga. Fuck her too.

Leechads, where we at?

Cant bash someone with the same based taste

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i thought the plug-in was the gag then i realized the clipboard in his lap is covering his boner

Dude, don't even try reasoning with these morons. I tried telling them that their mediocre little show wasn't worth the daily threads, but they will do all kinds of amazing mental gymnastics to justify their presence here.

When you back them in the corner, they just rely on the tried and true "Why do you even care?!"

attempt suicide as soon as possible

>Marie gets fat
>Lee starts showing her eyes
>May ends up the best of all of them
Fuck how could something so well drawn be so wrong

>dissing EEE
Shit taste. Get your underaged faggot ass out of this thread and chew cyanide while you're at it.

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But I was alive and the target demographic when it originally aired. It was always that boring show that they played in between good shows. Worse than bad, it was mediocre.

Wanna know who the real underage is?

>Be 30
>Grew up with plenty of goth friends
>Most of the goth chicks who were 10s in HS are now morbidly obese land whales with the personality of a plank of wood.
My fat ass included

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My semen

Then you got filtered and need to come up with better bait.
>user posts shit opinion
>another user comes to his defense over some bants being spewn
Why the fuck are you here on this site if the regular discourse around here is "edgy" to you?

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>muh diverse restaurants and nightclubs

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I ask myself the same thing when i see most furry porn.

wasnt there a scene where she gets fat?

She used to be fat in a flashback episode

At 34, the older i get, the shittier girls seem to be. Makes me wish i was a dumbass that got married and started a family out of high school. At least i would have had a chance to get a good one.

No fucking way so I'm not insane, post the sauce

>PC mag
>80% of the readers are consolefags

Yeah, filtered by LOUD NOISES and falling down.

>Makes me wish i was a dumbass that got married and started a family out of high school. At least i would have had a chance to get a good one.

>laughs in Al Bundy

It's the episode where everyone keeps flashing back to things that happened in the past.

>LOUD NOISES and falling down.
Oh so youre just retarded, okay then

You know. maybe they should do a time skip E3 mini series.

Yes, actually. Everything they do is loud and slapstick.

>Everybody complaining about Marie
Yeah, this is 100% accurate. Every cute goth/emo/scene girl from HS ended up becoming a fat single mom.

Hey for as many problems as the Bundys have, I think they are unironically one of the best TV families, up there with like the Addams Family of all people.

>Every cute goth/emo/scene girl from HS ended up becoming a fat single mom.

My mom is one of those moms

I mean, im getting to a point where my only three options are crazy cat ladies that couldnt get a guy to marry them into their 30s, single moms that have 3 kids from 2 different guys, and college girls looking for a sugar daddy to pay for all their shit. Genuinely good girls my age are married with 3 kids by now.

>Cartoon violence with unique sound effects is just loud slapstick
Confirmed to be retarded, gotchaaa

When the writing is lame, then yes, that's all it is.
I mean look, I'm not saying they didn't slip in an occasional good joke here and there. But for the most part, the writing was weak as shit, only held together with lolsorandum moments of slapstick and loud noises. EEE kids are akin to youtubepoop kids. Might very well be the same audience.

>tfw raised lower class and will always love a girl with a gap tooth, a plump tum, fluffy hair, and a willingness to debate the effectiveness of 00 buck vs #4 buck for a home invasion self defense scenario
>tfw they don't actually exist and are actually all just meth heads in abusive relationships

Does it kill anyone else's self esteem to know crack addicts can get girlfriends and you cant?

>tfw gf looks like May

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post ass

That certainly isn't true at all, to any extent.