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Game is already in 20 euro dollar bins. Fucking trash.

Sweet, gonna play it when it comes.

Nobody gives a shit about FedEx Simulator
The snoy seethe that lasted several months when the PC announcement was made was hilarious but it's mostly burned out by now, since most of them played it and realized it was an overhyped piece of shit and so, stopped caring

4k60fps comfy kino incoming. Turn on your AC boys

This, nobody cares about this gay movie. The new seethe cow is the Horizon Zero Dawn port.

denuvo confirmed, poorfags btfo yet again

>postman hiking simulator at 60 FPS
>more Hideo Kojima batshit insanity
It's gonna be campy.

PC-only pigs will care about this, they always overhype the scraps that are given to them.

Godammit when are they putting Bloodbourne or all the other interesting PS4 exclusives on steam. They're porting all the boring ass games, like this and Horizon Zero Dawn.

There are no interesting Sony games, bloodborne is a snoozefest. I regret ever buying a ps4.


Should’ve released on PC first, consoletard ADD doesn’t allow them to enjoy slower, more advanced games


OY VEY! This game is extremely anti-semitic!

Attached: its another holocaust.jpg (664x613, 82K)

won't even pirate it

Why? The uncut version is already available on youtube.

Hilarious how consoles once used to swim in exclusives. Now they are literally early access machines. You pay full price + online p2p tax to play a half digested sub-30 fps sub-low graphics version of the game to get it a few months earlier. Incredible fall.

You do get to brag about 'dude we played first' despite the fact that ports only liven up discussion of the game again and you just look like a drunk pissing his pants while trying to shittalk.

i hope mods make it fun

Reminder that Yea Forums shat all over this game but now will consider it good, proving once again that mustards are just jealous when they can’t have a game

Not to mention that most people buy the majority of games and barely even touch them if at all. It's all about being "in" the OMG HYPE phase manufactured by shills paid with multimillionaire marketing campaigns. When the actual final version of the game comes out on PC you'll take a much more reasonable approach to it instead of falling for zoomer bait hype marketing.

Shit game but pc version means SFMs of face scanned models. Coomers win again.

>Sapiens to Ludens
Would mean 'from Thinker to Gamer'.
Is that guy a genius?

Attached: hm.jpg (1848x1411, 675K)

Half of it is probably just baiting the Sonyboys.

WTF its the best game of all time now.