Why does Troy Baker get so much hate around here?
Why does Troy Baker get so much hate around here?
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Only ever does the one voice, but that can be put to the voice directors more than anything.
There's also the fact that he's one of those faggots who insisted they deserve to be paid more than they already are.
I can't help but associate him with Bioshock Infinite, and I despise that fucking game. Not to mention he's quite prolific and doesn't have much range outside of 'gruff white dude.'
>no range
I suppose he's just misused, and the problem more so lies in an industry that only cares for marketability.
He's Nolan North except he wants a bigger salary. He can affect a voice, but is only ever hired to do "that one voice".
He is everywhere, but he does a great job everytime, has a range too and sometimes his face is used aswell. Liked him in Death Stranding recently. Thats really the only problem with him, guy is just too popular and most of the time they get him to be Troy Baker, not someone else.
Because he sold out for easy money, supported the team from Silent Hill 2 to get gutted out of royalties and generally is an inconsequential egotist who thinks he's amazing?
But at the same time he refused like three times to do the Joker in Arkham Origins because of the respect he had for Mark Hamill. Hamill gave him his blessing for the role. Also someone would have done Silent Hill 2 if Troy didn't do it, you would always have someone to blame for it.
What kind of self respecting man still leaches his hair?
Loved him as Yuri
>get a character named after you
>Troy Baker gets the role
Can you imagine how wimpy Yuri would sound if Yuri Lowenthal voiced him? Thank fuck
>Get a character named after you
>Nolan North gets the role
Because we already have his upgraded version.
>Doesn't have much range outside of 'gruff white dude'
I liked his 'funny bleached-skinned dude' voice.
Yea Forums hates him for the same reason Yea Forums hates Stephen Colbert. He started in anime/animation and refuses to come back. In the case of Baker, he literally does kids cartoon shows, but he's being paid big money to do it.
fuckers here clearly haven't played Road to Hill 30.
Baker is friends with him and brings him onto projects as a safety net. It's like an actor only agreeing to do movies if a specific stunt double is involved.
He’s not good and is clearly just a socialite
>Why does Troy Baker get so much hate around here?
i dislike him because despite being part of a union he still managed to scab
I doubt Yea Forums gives a crap about dubbed anime.
Based Mercer.
You mean Kevin James in every Adam Sandler movie for about a decade?
I don't particularly hate him, but I hate that same voice he does, where he's basically forcing his own persona into the video game.
But he did do Naruto a few years back. He even had two roles in it.
Except he actually did sleaze those people out of royalties. Hamill giving his blessing for one role is one thing, Baker scumming a good ten or so people out of actually deserved money is another thing.
Baker has demonstrated dozens of times he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. Even defending his sell out choices "its not about the money" when it is the first question he always gets asked.
>Discount version lol
Me: Can we have Troy Baker?
Mom: We have Troy Baker at home
Troy Baker at home:
What's wrong with that? In Japan, VAs are the highest paid of them all in the anime/vidya industry, even moreso than directors and leads
Yea Forums only likes a few dubs
How come dubs usually sounds terrible, while non-dubs can be pretty great? Like the VA of Tales from the Borderlands was top notch
They also get a lot more work, are profesionally trained, and are actively marketed as a person rather than just picked out of a line-up.
Japan's melodrama is also often a lot more demanding on one's voice, and they're expected to participate in or attend events or help produce bonus materials after the main job is done.
People who think a voice actor's merit is in how many funny voices they hear of him. In truth, he's one of the few truly great voice actors to get cast consistently. However, they are right that he's a little too prominent. Casting directors are just so cliquey that they'll lazily call up whatever decent talent they've worked with before.
Actors recording by themselves often without proper context, reading scripts that could have used a few more revisions, making noises that don't sound natural to English speakers, with lazy directors who often don't ask for more takes despite an actor insisting they should keep trying. I remember first hearing Baker in Tales of Vesperia, and despite a few readings where I was sure nobody told him the questions Yuri was asking were rhetorical, I was constantly thinking this dude sounded way too natural to be doing JRPG dubs.
holy fucking shit go back to where you came from
It's because the animation of them speaking has to remain unedited. So the voice actor and editors have to try their best to time the translated dialogue to the lip flapping which will result in stilted acting
dubs are typically recorded individually so there's very little in the way of naturally sounding rapport. It sounds like what it is: a conversation between different people recording their lines and reactions in a vacuum days apart from each other.
Yea Forums doesn't give a fuck about dubs, you're thinking of low IQ weebs on Yea Forums.
Get out redditor
cause he was the next "Nolan North is in everything" that companies go to when they want to leech from a big roles he did (Joel from TLOU was obviously his heavy hitter).
He has that great standard male voice, modulates voice perfectly and has a great range that companies haven't used enough, aside from cases like the Joker.
He seems like a very good professional that respects and bonds with his peers and I can understand why companies would love to work with him.
Just like Chris Sabat, he's a talentless faggot
Sabat is fucking terrible, and only has a career because people got used to his Vegeta/Piccolo/Yamcha when they were kids.
please return to black twitter
Most voice actors are overrated as shit, though.
He's a Hollywood wannabe faggot who promoted the idea that Persona 4's Kanji is gay and does his best to court the worst of the industry because he's like a poor Shia Lebuffet
Admittedly he's a good actor, but uses the same voice for 90% of what he does. Also went on the huge REEEE strike about being paid more. They talked about some fair shit like 8 hour days doing shit like screaming or animal noises is brutal to the voice and can cause rips, permanently reduce range, that sorta thing. Instead of being like "could we get shorter days on vocally intense sessions to reduce chance of injury" they went "lolgibmunny" which showed their hand
epic meme dude have some gold and fuck off
he's overused that's all
He did a good Joker tbf to him. I forgot he was Pagan Min. Fuck, Min was such a great villain. So much fun.
>Min was such a great villain
But he was the hero?
Yeah but Nolan North doesn't sound the same in everything he does.
>Yea Forums doesn't like voice actor
>doesn't know why, but has to answer why they don't like him
>reflect for 4 minutes
>can't come up with anything
>read somewhere that he has no range
>post that he has to range
>even though he actually has range
>get called out on it
>break out into a coldsweat
>thumbs tap phone erratically, desperately try to come up with something
>leave Yea Forums
>leave forever
Every american VA thread.
>Illiterate nigger has to come up with fantasies because he cannot understand reality
>Literally the first post ITT goes against his fantasy, but he's too stupid to understand
>we're important to video game development! We deserve more pay!
>video game publishers ignore them and start hiring amateurs from youtube who are just happy to be there, let alone collect a paycheck.
How's that union working out for you, faggots?
Both of them voice one of my favorite vidya characters
>w-why doesn't he just keep getting paid below minimun wage because we want him to?
all Dragon Ball dub apologists are running off nostalgia. the cast is hot garbage and a lot of them are horrible people to boot.
Hello, Troy.
>SE: hey, want to reprise your role as this character?
>professional VA: only if you pay me exorbitant amounts of money. otherwise, no.
>SE: ok
>SE: hey, youtuber thot, want to voice this character?
>youtuber thot: OMG I'D LOVE TO
God the whole Silent Hill 2 HD thing was a complete clusterfuck.
>No one loves Silent Hill 2 as much as I do.
>Why bring back the original VAs? Everyone (by everyone I mean me) knows they were terrible.
>no argument
Fuck off back to youtube
You had an argument worth rebutting? All I see is you playing cock like jazz.
I'm just trying to demonstrate how utterly replaceable "professional" vidya voice actors are. They try to unionize so what do the money holders do? Go to youtube to hire amateurs.
I'd argue they should get paid more, in the logic that if more professional and higher grade overused VAs get paid to their skill and fame level they'd be filtered down to only specific roles giving lesser VAs and newblood the chance to gain experience and roles. So they'd get less work letting their "vocal cords relax" while getting paid more to even it out.
Similar to how Marvel brought in a lot of lesser or no name actors so they'd pay them a lot less giving them a chance to have breakout careers without stacking the cast with A listers. If they got paid more and they tried to monopolize the VA roles with restrictions then they're just greedy fucks.
Because the Japanese version sounds terrible and forced as well
They usually record the voices first and then animate. With dubs they have the animation first and then do the voices.
>hating the japanese dub of Borderlands
"range" in voice acting is dumb.
Rockstar's method of hiring an actor who sounds right for the role with their regular voice always works better than hiring Liam Obrien to do an accent
No vocal range outside of living in Mark Hamill's shadow as Joker
Fucking everywhere in western games
Being the lead in shit like Bioshock: Infinite and The Last of Us doesn't help.
Japanese animation actually records voices after animation even for original audio. It's just that the actors actually have others to play off of, and directors who work with the writers and take their time to get the best takes.
Hey, I liked Liam O'Brien's hilarious attempt at a british accent in Guilty Gear!
I don't mind him but I'm sick of hearing him in everything. Also his Saints Row performances are completely phoned in.
Adding to this, his bitching about not being paid enough to play pretend even less than live actors made me realize VA's are totally unnecessary for good games.
I don't understand, the original voices are in SH2HD, so I don't see why they wouldn't get royalties
>Interviewer: what words of advice would you give to aspiring voice-actors and fans?
>Troy Baker: wait for me and Nolan to retire.
this guy is a primadonna asshole
based fuck union fags go to your local theater and get an actor from there he ll do a better job than most of these fags for much less
Just like the game itself then.
Someone wrote that joke for him, he read it off a teleprompter.
He was joking. It was a joke.
And it touches upon the truth. They're in way too many fucking games.
Obviously a joke
Not wrong. Especially in the case of the latter two which are what featured him.
Rockstar's voice actors are good but I never care for any of their characters. They're all assholes. Also getting hired to do a Rockstar game is a one off, you're never getting hired by them again.
>Actors recording by themselves often without proper context
What's the deal with this anyway? I hear a lot of voice actors don't even know what they're working on or only get the lines without knowing the context. I recently checked out Dragalia Lost and there's a scene where the MC gets knocked back with the text being "Arrrgh!" but the guy doing the voice acting reads the line as if he's swinging a sword, not being hit.
I also heard that the person who voiced Tama in World of Final Fantasy didn't even know what game she was working on or the context of her lines.
I think sometimes the animations aren't ready yet so they just get the script, or they don't want anyone to see what it looks like so nobody has a clue what is going on.
Some VAs will often just get a picture of the character and a vague discription of their personality and come up with a voice based on that information alone.
This can lead to hilarity, like Mami's dub VA in Madoka only just realising her character's death scene right as she's recording it.
If the story director knows what he's doing, then he's there providing direction and context
That's really unfortunate and very unprofessional of the localization team. Yet it's the actor who end up getting the most heat for that stuff.
Overused, same performance almost every time.
>is in everything ever
Troy is talented but he's a bit pretentious.
I'd rather get the guy that can do 80% of his talent for about 20% of his price.
I think in that particular case it was intentional in that they wanted to get a more genuine reaction of shock from the actress in the recording booth.
Still, many times the lack of information of who a character is and the context of the situation they're in can often be a detriment to a performance. This often results in a VA falling back on their stock hero/villain/wacky sidekick voice which makes their performances between different games/shows/movies pretty much interchangable.
I'd say he's more economical.
>I'd rather get the guy that can do 80% of his talent for about 20% of his price.
Hey, Matt Mercer has a name!
Matt is more handsome.
>Especially in the case of the latter two
This implies you think 2 was at least a bit phoned in
get off this board, faggot
This is fucking cuck mentality.
Obviously when you have a skill that people want to utilize you bargain for the greatest payoff for your time.
You're not considering the fact that you'd NEVER be able to convince a studio to give shorter days. That results in less productivity, which no company will ever allow if they're sane. What you're suggesting they demand was genuinely never an option.
They already get paid more than the people who actually build the game, you stupid fucking cock. A process which takes for more time and effort than emoting into a microphone until your director is happy.
And then some of these shitheels turn around and DEMAND to be paid more, as if they aren't already considered rockstars in the industry despite having such a cushy gig where all they have to do is put on their most handsome voice and not crane over a keyboard or drawing tablet for hundreds of hours.
The guy thinks he's a fucking "actor" when all he does is voice video game characters. He's like a white Hideo Kojima in voice acting.
Professional voice actors actually study their craft for years. What you're talking about is Youtubers, that get hired even though they haven't done anything.
>implying this is not acting
I honestly don't hear the difference between their voices and wonder why people keep paying top dollar for Troy when this guy's cheaper.
I'm serious, tell me the difference between their voices.
Having Troy adds value to your game.
That's not acting.
Until I see this dude in an actual movie, he's just pretentious because Druckmann was probably high on his own farts and believes he's making some kind of movie.
Movies aren't acting, you fucking plebe. Until I see them on a theater stage they haven't earned the right to be called an actor.
Does ANYONE ever buy a game because Troy Baker is in it?
this desu
If you can't convincingly emote to an entire theatre from your appointed spot on stage, you're a hack
I'm sure Hideo Kojima does
I haven't seen anyone talk about him for at least a year on here, but go off king
Overexpose is a very real thing that can hurt quality because it can fuck up someone's impression of a character
I can't unsee/hear Patrick Seitz as the american Tomokazu Sugita and I don't know why.
Are you projecting user
Does making yourself sandwich make you a chef? If you run track or play basketball with friends, are you an athlete? Until he's on-screen as himself with the ability to emote and control his body language for every scene for a character he is portraying he is NOT an actor.
Every English voice actor is a leftist scumbag, I hate them all equally.
>when this guy's cheaper
Is he still cheaper? At this point I'd say Mercer is more famous than Troy. He definitely was budget Troy before though, like with Kanji.
>Does making yourself sandwich make you a chef?
However, if I'm making someone else a sandwich and they pay me for making them a sandwich then does that make me a chef?
Even if the price for him has increased, he's certainly still below Troy. Mercer still does anime and doesn't do much AAA games nor a lot of roles outside of anime and games.
Troy actually got in trouble for shitting on trans people and left Twitter for a while.
Matt Mercer's primary vocation is professional facepalmer.
No, it doesn't. Anyone can be an asshole and charge someone for a sandwich they made, but can you make multiple kinds of dishes, with some being complicated, and knowing the proper ingredients, and make them at designated pace at whatever business you're working at?
Like a few weeks. I wouldn't call that "awhile".
How soon we forget
>focuses on the food analogy
what a goddamn retard you are
One of the reasons I can't stand The Last of Us is that it's yet another game with him as the main character, wooooow.
At least he actually uses his range in TLoU. I was surprised to know he voiced Joel.
Did he? What did he say?
He tweeted
>"Brett Michaels looks like Mickey Rourke tried to become Caitlyn Jenner."
Something about we needed another Hitler for them. I can't believe he still has a job after that.
>Anyone can be an asshole and charge someone for a sandwich they made, but can you make multiple kinds of dishes, with some being complicated, and knowing the proper ingredients, and make them at designated pace at whatever business you're working at?
No I can't.
Turns out there's a difference in skill between being a guy who just makes sandwiches and someone who has 5 Michelin stars. However, both can put down 'chef' on their resume, the same way a person who appears in one episode of a soap opera and an oscar-winner can both call themselves 'actors'.
You assume 'actor' means that they pass a basic threshold of skill. However, all an 'actor' is is someone who is paid to act and can make enough money at it for it to sutain themselves financially. Naturally, if you're not good at your craft then your opportunites to sustain yourself will be limited, but then again you'd be surprised at the amount of people willing to eat terrible sandwiches if you market them properly.
You'd think he would have gotten the memo from the user calling him out on calling movie stars actors when they aren't even theater actors
>it's not acting because it isn't a movie production
Are you seriously this fucking stupid?
Movie actors and theater actors are closer in the spectrum than voice acting and mo-capping.
>user: actually chinks who work for pennies an hour are based
Are you? Voicing a character is not the same as being the character.
Go play Legacy of Kain
So you have no respect towards people like Andy Serkis?
There is just acting.
I watched his playthrough of The Last of Us on his RetroReplay channel and holy shit the guy is a douche. Even the other LOU cast members he brought on as guests were more tolerable and Nolan North was the biggest Chad in the room and based as fuck for being so nice to Troy. If it wasn't for Troy's abilities the dude would be nobody.
Yeah, but you can't blur the line between using your voice for a character and using yourself for a character in different mediums.
Most actors never become their characters, it's just an illusion that you as the viewer get.
Nolan comes off as a massive boomer to me.
But Troy definitely thinks he's a big deal.
Many VAs physically emote while recording to add real physicality behind their words.
Voice acting often takes more imagination than acting on set. Watch Mark Hamill record his Joker and tell me he's not acting
Yeah... ACTING.
Not the same as acting wen you have to emote your face and body on a screen.
Hamil is an actual actor, though.
>Hamil is an actual actor, though.
So? That's not what we're talking about. We're discussing if voice acting is real acting. Like I said before, play the Legacy of Kain series and tell me that voice acting isn't real acting. It's not just reading a script
Man I like Troy.
He signed my copy of Catherine
Voice acting is a FORM of acting, it's not comparable to the kind in a movie. That's the core of the argument here.
Not if you ask Hamill. I'd take his word over yours
But in some of the games Troy also does the performance capture.
>not acting
Well, I retract my statements on him, than. He isn't good, but he did act in films and that makes him an actor.
They're not the same.
That's not genuine acting. I believe we already went over what that is comparable to.
Why is Troy dressed like somebody's mom?
If film has CGI in it, does it make the actor not an actor?
Too good for non AAA. Traitor.
>They're not the same.
Is that what your argument is now? They're obviously not the same, but you said that that invalidated voice acting as real acting. But then again, with mocap nowadays, it pretty much is the same shit
You're still emoting and using body language. I few cases of CGI doesn't change. It's different from a video game where a majority is somebody playing a rigged, created character.
You're the one trying to put them in the same pot when they're not. It's a type of acting, but not in the same sect as general acting.
>caring about troy baker at all
>not playing games specifically for Laura
I buy all of Lauras games day one.
You're the one who said that voice acting isn't acting, that's what I'm contesting here
The Vesperia debacle was all on Scamco. Fuck off.
>It's different from a video game where a majority is somebody playing a rigged, created character.
What do you mean?
Vesperia is just game
It's not basic acting, just a form. But it shouldn't be associated with the other like it being a voice actor automatically makes you a basic actor.
I liked him as Batman.
I really don't understand
He was good as the Joke Man, despite Arkham Origins' kind of weak script.
Vesperia is just one game*. He has been a traitor for most of the 2010's.
>Move around for a few cutscenes and QTEs.
>Character molded over, any hiccups are covered up by devs.
>Do some voices.
Not the same as being in an actual movie.
He was alright, but Mark Hamill has made that iteration of the character his own, so it doesn't feel like Joker when someone imitates it
Baker said he'd have done Vesperia's remaster but Bando didn't ask him/purposefully didn't choose him
The argument is clear. I can't help you if you're not following it.
Would you say the same of Gollum in Lord of the Rings? Or does that not count because the end result was part of a movie?
You are being a nigger right now. Don't be a nigger.
Probably because he's fucking expensive. He's not gonna say he wants millions for every line.
It's not really clear, because you start out by saying the voice acting isn't real acting, but now you're saying it's a form of acting
What's the point in asking when he's famously been too good for anime games after TLOU.
I mean it's not his fault for becoming popular, it's like most VAs nowadays
It's a form, but you can't, for all intents and purposes, call them an "actor" like they played in a movie. You don't just simply call a voice actor an actor because there is a sheer difference.
He came back as Vincent for the Catherine remake/remaster, and that's an anime game.
I don’t like him because of his samevoice. Whenever I feel like I can hear my Saints Row character talking, that’s when I have to stop paying attention to Troy’s voiceover. Kinda feel the same with Laura Bailey.
VA's are just failed actors.
I'm sure most of their va bduget went to him.
Then I assume most of their budget went to the rest of the cast as well, as all of them came back.
They could have been bigger.
I hope more devs go with Brittish actors. You can get people that star in movies, series like GoT and also does more niche games and without the inflated ego's of Murrican voice actors.
why not?
>British "actors".
Is this guy enough of an actor for you? He is according to SE.
And he still does anime roles. He voiced the MC in Baki the Grappler recently. Vesperia was really just Bandai being ridiculously cheap fucks.
Lurk more.
VA in Japan and the West are not the same thing. It's like a play on Broadway and one at a school auditorium in Skokie, Illinois.
>holy shit the guy is a douche.
Say what you want about critical role but the end of their first broadcast where they start shitting on troy for his scarf fetish and being too cool for d&d will forever be based as fuck
Shit i forgot they replaced him because of his personal beliefs or some shit. Yikes @ trannies.
Same level of talent, but with a much less punchable face
because it's painfully obvious that he's eternally seething because he's not Nolan North, who is clearly a better VA but also better person than him. when's the last time Troy-hard Baker ever showed up in some random AA game as "additional voices" for enemy mooks or some shit, just because he's a talented bro with incredible range? fucking never, because he's Troy Fucking Baker. his character's arc in Death Stranding basically sums up how I feel about him perfectly
Matt has wider range when he's not just Troy Lite/McCree.